1414 Could not initialize DirectX.\nNVKeystone requires the installation of\nDirectX version 8.0 or greater.
1424 Could not render 3D environment.\nMake sure you are running 16 or 32 bit color depth.\nExiting NVKeystone.
1425 Not enough video memory for NVKeystone.\nPlease switch to a lower resolution or color bit depth.
1426 NVKeystone could not find any hardware-accelerated Direct3D devices.
1427 \n\nNVKeystone will now exit.
1428 NVKeystone could not find any compatible Direct3D devices.
1429 NVKeystone cannot run in a desktop\nwindow with the current display settings.\nPlease change your desktop settings to a\n16- or 32-bit display mode and re-run NVKeystone.
1430 NVKeystone requires functionality that is\nnot available on your Direct3D hardware accelerator.
1431 Your Direct3D hardware accelerator cannot\nrender into a window with the current\ndesktop display settings.
1432 NVKeystone requires functionality that is\nnot available on your Direct3D hardware\naccelerator with the current desktop display\nsettings.
1433 NVKeystone could not reset the Direct3D device.
1434 A D3D object has a non-zero reference\ncount (meaning things were not properly\ncleaned up).
1436 Not enough video memory for NVKeystone.\nPlease switch to a lower resolution or color bit depth.
1437 General NVKeystone application error.
4120 The hot key "
4121 " has been used by the system. Please use other key combination.
4122 " has been used by nView. Please use other key combination.
4123 Hot key stroke error
4124 Enter the hot key by pressing a key combination in the "Hot key stroke" field.
4125 The profile "
4126 " is locked. You cannot save to this profile.
4128 (locked)
4129 (modified)
4137 Bitmap files, JPEG files
4138 Icon files
4140 Center
4141 Tile
4142 Stretch
4146 An Active Desktop wallpaper is defined for desktop %s. Since Active Desktop is not enabled, this wallpaper will be disabled.
4147 nView Desktop Wallpaper Error
4153 This wallpaper (%s) can only be used if Active Desktop is enabled. Please enable Active Desktop before choosing this wallpaper.
4214 My Presentation Profile
4215 Default Presentation Profile
4220 Default Docked Profile
4221 My Docked Profile
4222 Default Undocked Profile
4223 My Undocked Profile
4224 Default Write Profile
4225 My Write Profile
4226 Editing Profile:
4227 Done Editing Profile
4392 Toggle NVKeystone Mode
4393 Show nView options menu
4395 Show slides on monitor
4432 Collapse to title bar
4433 Restore
4434 Show nView options menu
4444 Transparency and the magnifying style zoom window\nare disabled while running in 256 color mode on any\nscreen or while running a Direct3D, OpenGL or hardware overlay application.
4449 Individual Settings for
4451 means enable for this app.
4452 means disable for this app.
4453 means use global settings.
4454 Active
4455 Last
4459 This tab contains information about the nView Desktop Manager. The Setup Wizard can also be accessed from this tab.
4460 A Profile contains a record of all nView display settings for easy software setup. Users can either select a Profile from the list below or create their own custom Profile.
4461 Allows control of window and dialog box placement when using multiple monitors.
4462 Enables users to create up to 32 unique desktops.
4463 Provides dynamic zoom functionality on the desktop. Also enables full screen video playback via the Video Mirroring Control button.
4464 Tools to improve nView functionality for mobile and desktop users.
4465 Provides special windows effects that users can apply to their applications.
4466 Allows customization of the nView user interface.
4467 Allows users to control nView settings on a per application basis.
4468 Hot keys lets users perform various actions with shortcut keys or key combinations.
4469 You have loaded a locked profile - settings cannot be changed.
4470 Internet Explorer(tm) has been extended by nView. To use the extension, choose the monitor you wish to open links on from the nview extension menu. Performing a ctrl-left-click or a double-right-click will then open selected hyperlinks on that monitor.\n
4471 PowerPoint(tm) has been extended by nView. To use the extension, choose the monitor you wish to display slide shows on from the nview extension menu. Slide shows will then be displayed on that monitor.\n
4472 Transparency is temporarily disabled because an application which uses DirectX or 3D hardware features is currently running.\n
4473 Transparency is not supported when one of your screens is set to 256 colors.\n
4474 The profile you are attempting to load is an unsupported format
4475 Profile Load Error
4476 Show Zoom Window
4477 Hide Zoom Window
4478 Locked profile
4479 The current profile "
4490 " is locked. You can not change any settings in a locked profile.\nPlease load an unlocked profile if you want to change settings in a locked profile.
4491 Create a new desktop...
4493 The icon file "
4494 " is in unknown format. Please use other icons.
4495 Bad Icon File
4497 The image file "
4498 " is in unknown format. Please select Bitmap (.bmp) or JPEG (.jpg) files.
4499 Bad image File
4503 nView Transparency
4504 An application which uses 3D or video overlay is active. Transparency will be disabled until the application is closed.
4505 The application which was using 3D or video overlay has closed. Transparency support is now enabled again.
4507 Application
4508 Class
4509 has individual settings
4510 has no individual settings
4511 all nView functions enabled
4512 all nView functions disabled
4513 some nView functions disabled
4514 nView - Add Application for Individual Management
4515 Select the application which you wish to add to the individual application management list.
4516 nView has detected that dragging transparent windows larger than %d by %d pixels may be sluggish on your system. Do you wish to disable transparency while dragging windows larger than this?
4517 nView Transparent Drag Performance
4518 An application just started which needs to run in a mode which NVKeystone is not compatible with. Disabling NVKeystone.
4519 NVKeystone is not compatible with Rotate. Disabling NVKeystone.
4520 nView - Application Add Error
4521 The file selected is not an application. It will not be added to the application list.
4522 The application selected is already listed in the individual settings list.
4523 The application selected cannot be individually managed by nView.
4524 The Window Class selected is already listed in the individual settings list.
4525 The Window Class selected cannot be individually managed by nView.
4547 Fixed frame
4548 Show Fixed Frame
4549 Auto-move Zoom Window
4550 Display Calibration Screen
4551 Adjust your display to maximize image quality now. If your display has an Auto-Adjust feature, run it now.
4552 When done adjusting, press any key to exit.
4553 nView Display Mode
4554 DualView
4555 Standard
4556 Card %d
4557 Output %d
4558 NVIDIA nView Wizard
4559 The mode selected will require a reboot of your machine. Your machine will be rebooted when you click the Finish button on the last wizard step.
4560 Zoom Window
4561 All rights reserved
4578 nView allows you to set up custom window management settings per application on your machine. These settings include window relocation options, dialog options and launch settings.
4579 To enable a Window or Dialog setting for the application, check the box with a black checkmark. To disable, uncheck the box. To use the global setting, check the box with a gray or 'block' check.
4580 Launch settings control the state of the application when it is started. By default, the setting is off. To force a setting to be on at launch, select the 'On' option. To have a window setting 'remembered' when you close the application and then restored when the app is launch again, select 'Last Setting'.
4581 To launch an application on a specific desktop, select the desktop from the dropdown menu or else select 'Active' to have apps launch on the currently active desktop.
4582 nView supports three different multi-display modes under Windows 2000. 'DualView' mode treats every monitor as a separate device by Windows. 'Span' mode treats multiple monitors as a single large desktop. 'Clone' mode displays the same image on both monitors.
4583 These settings can be changed at any time from the Display Properties Control Panel and the nView Display Mode tab. Switching between 'DualView' and either 'Span' or 'Clone' modes requires a reboot. Switching between 'Clone' and 'Span' does not.
4584 This advanced feature allows specific nView functions to be disabled per application or Window Class. nView may also be totally disabled for an application. Note that disabling a function overrides all other settings.
4585 If you disable nView functions per application, then only that application will have its functions disabled. If a Window Class has nView functions disabled, then any window from any application which uses this class will have the selected functions disabled.
4586 It is recommended that nView functions be disabled only if a particular application or Window Class is being incorrectly managed by nView. Note that functions disabled by nView will be saved and restored by Profile Save/Load.
4587 NVKeystone Adjustment
4588 Drag corners with mouse
4589 Use arrow keys for fine adjust
4590 OK
4591 - done adjusting
4592 Cancel
4593 - cancel changes
4594 Reset
4595 - clear adjustments
4596 Options
4597 - edit options
4603 Switch to next display device
4604 Toggle clone mode
4605 This Hot key is not supported when multiple displays are active.
4606 ToggleOutput
4607 ToggleClone
4630 This action will switch NVKeystone between active, adjust and off modes.
4631 This action will move your display output to the next display device.
4632 This action will toggle clone mode on or off.
4633 Allow taskbar to span multiple monitors
4634 Limit taskbar to a single monitor
4635 Center dialog boxes on application's window
4636 nView status indicator for window
4637 nView individual settings indicator
4638 This application is using individual settings.
4639 Make nView caption bar buttons transparent
4640 This hotkey is only operational if you have more than one monitor and you are in clone or single monitor mode.
4642 Magnifying glass
4644 NVIDIA nView Individual Application Help
4645 Centered on cursor
4647 Help
4648 Disable nView Functions
4681 NviewDebugHotkey
4683 Active Desktop wallpaper(s) are defined for one or more desktops.\n%s\n\nSince Active Desktop is not enabled, the wallpaper(s) will not be visible. To display the wallpaper(s), enable Active Desktop.
4684 An Active Desktop wallpaper is defined for desktop %s. Since Active Desktop is not enabled, this wallpaper will not be visible. Please enable Active Desktop to display this wallpaper.
4685 PerformanceDataDump
4811 Per Monitor
4812 Standard
4813 Monitor %s wallpaper.
4815 Desktop Wallpaper:
4816 Desktop Wallpaper for monitor %s:
4817 No applications on this desktop.
4819 Would you like to enable Active Desktop?
4820 ColorAction
4823 Show Color Keyed window
4824 The selected application has closed.
4825 The selected application is loading.
4850 This action will toggle the color keyed window to be maximized on the current desktop
4851 Color Key Warning
4852 All current enabled colors are being used by individual application settings. Colors will not be automatically assigned until there are free colors.
4853 Open windows are using this color. Pressing OK will disable the color and will cause these windows to lose their color key.
4854 An application is set up to use the disabled color %d through individual settings. This application will now open without a color key.
4855 Color Key %d
4856 nView Critical Error
4857 nView experienced a critical error. It is strongly recommended that you save all open documents and then log off and back on (or else restart your system).
4858 Color Key
4865 You must log off to disable and unload nView Desktop Manager from memory when the Desktop Explorer shell extension is enabled.\n\nClick OK to log off or Cancel to only disable Desktop Manager, which remains in memory until you log off.
4866 NVTaskSwitch
4867 Show nView task switcher
4868 This action will allow you to change the nView task switcher hot key (the default is Alt-Tab).
4869 nView has detected that %s is a 16-bit application. Many 16-bit applications are incompatible with nView Desktop Management and can crash when running Windows 98 or Windows Me. NVIDIA recommends disabling nView Desktop Manager if you run 16-bit applications.
4870 Click Yes below to unload nView Desktop Manager from memory. Close and relaunch %s after Desktop Manager has unloaded; Desktop Manager restarts when you log on again.
4871 To permanently disable Desktop Manager, use the nView Desktop Manager control panel. Do you want to unload Desktop Manager?
4872 Digital Vibrance:
4873 NVMax
4874 NVMax/Restore window
4875 This action will toggle an nView max/restore function for the current window
4876 NVCollapse
4877 Collapse/Restore window
4878 This action will toggle an nView collapse/restore function for the current window.
4879 The nView task switcher action requires "Alt" to be in the key combination.
4890 The nView task switcher is not enabled. Would you like to enable the nView task switcher?
4893 Unable to disable video overlay. Please close all applications that are using the video device and try again.
4895 TogglePower
4896 Filename
4897 Description
4898 Version
4899 Show Gridlines
4900 Frame Window
4901 Desktop Manager hook library
4902 Shell namespace library
4903 Desktop Manager Properties Panel
4904 nView Desktop Manager Configuration Wizard
4905 Control Panel Icon Program
4906 Internet Browser Program
4907 When checked, turns off hardware overlay so video playback windows can be skewed by NVKeystone.
4908 When checked, NVKeystone unloads itself from memory after 30 seconds of inactivity.
4909 When checked, antialiasing filtering is performed on the NVKeystone image.
4910 Select the display you want Keystone to skew.
4911 When checked, one mouse click selects a drag point, a second mouse click releases.
4912 You can set up a hot key to change NVKeystone modes.
4913 When checked, NVKeystone displays gridlines on the NVKeystone Adjustment Screen.
4927 The desktop %s
4928 exists in the desktop list. You need to remove the desktop in order to rename other desktops to this name.
4929 Rename desktop warning
4930 exists in the desktop list. You need to remove the desktop in order to add the desktop with this name.
4931 The profile %s
4932 exists in the profile list. You need to remove the profile in order to add the profile with this name.
4933 Add profile warning
4934 Add desktop warning
4935 NVKeystone Power Warning
4936 Desktop Explorer
4942 HiddenRun
4944 NVDesktop is a user interface extension which brings 3D effects to your windows desktop.
4945 These 3D features include shadowing and lighting effects to create a true depth perspective for windows on your desktop, advanced shadowing features, 3D zoom effects, and a host of animation effects used with Windows and nView actions.
4946 NVDesktop can be turned on and off at any time with a mouse click and offers full customization for advanced users.
4948 NVDesktop is currently in a 'preview' state. While all efforts have been made to make NVDesktop as reliable and compatible as possible, applications may exist which have compatibility problems with NVDesktop.
4949 Please report these issues to NVIDIA Corporation. It is recommended that NVDesktop NOT be used with other skinning programs.
4950 When NVDesktop is enabled, your desktop will run slightly slower.
4951 Installing NVDesktop does not turn NVDesktop on - it simply installs the files to allow NVDesktop to be turned on.
4952 NVDesktop will be uninstalled with your NVIDIA Display Drivers. NVDesktop is only activated if enabled.
4954 The current span mode resolution is too high for NVKeystone to support. Keystone cannot support screen dimensions greater than 2048. Please switch to a lower resolution before enabling NVKeystone.
4955 Windows Color Keying
4956 Color Keying is not currently enabled. Would you like to enable Color Keying?
4957 RotateCustom
4958 The display has been programmed by the user to a non-standard viewing mode\nand cannot be rotated without rebooting the system. Would you like to reboot now?
4959 ZOrder
4960 Toggle window Z-order
4961 Toggles the window under the cursor between top and bottom
7000 Select a Theme
7019 NVDesktop
7020 Activate
7021 Options...
7022 Themes
7023 ToggleCursorZoom
7024 Toggle cursor zoom
7025 This action will toggle cursor zoom on or off.
7026 This feature requires NVDesktop to be active.
7027 Would you like to activate NVDesktop now?
7028 Would you like to install NVDesktop now?
7030 NVDesktop
7031 Are you sure you wish to uninstall NVDesktop?
7032 Uninstalling NVDesktop requires that you reboot your machine. Click OK to reboot now.
7033 This feature requires NVDesktop to be deactivated.
7034 Would you like to deactivate NVDesktop now?
7035 This feature requires NVKeytsone to be deactivated.
7036 Would you like to deactivate NVKeystone now?
7037 Uninstallation of NVDesktop failed!
7038 There was an error loading NVDesktop. Please reinstall and try again.
7040 Your new NVDesktop settings have been applied. Click OK to keep the settings or Cancel to revert to your prior settings.
7041 Please Wait
7042 Move Windows To
7043 Rotate
7044 RotateMonitor
8269 Thumbnails
8270 Disabled
8271 Wallpaper
8272 Screenshot
8273 Geometry
8274 Small
8275 Medium
8276 Default
8277 Large
8278 Name
8279 Desktop
8280 Applications
8281 Application
8282 Location
8283 Thumbnail mode selection.
8284 Disables thumbnails and displays the desktop or application icon.
8285 Displays the desktop Wallpaper or the application icon.
8286 Displays a screenshot of the desktop.
8287 Displays shaded windows to represent application positions.
8288 You are attempting to load a non-NT4 profile display mode on an NT4 system!\n\n\Ignoring display mode information.
8289 Warning - You are attempting to load an NT4 display mode which requires your system to be in Multiview mode.\n\nPlease change to Multiview mode before loading this profile's display mode.
8290 Warning - You are attempting to load an NT4 display mode which requires your system to be in Span mode.\n\nPlease change to Span mode before loading this profile's display mode.
8291 You are attempting to load an NT4 Multiview profile display mode on a non-NT4 system!\n\n\Ignoring display mode information.
8292 You cannot load an NVDeploy file which has both Span/Clone modes and Dualview modes on W2K!\n\nIgnoring display mode information.
8293 Warning - You are attempting to load a W2K display mode which requires your system to be in Dualview mode.\n\nPlease change to Dualview mode before loading this profile's display mode.
8294 Warning - You are attempting to load a W2K display mode which requires Dualview mode to be disabled.\n\nPlease turn off Dualview mode before loading this profile's display mode.
8295 Warning - The display mode contained within the profile will not be applied until you restart your system.