ocr: ?X Design Mode: EditHTMLTemplate directly(Require: V Reset Defaults HTMLTemplate for' Window Type: Main <IDOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-1/U3C//DTD HTML 3.4 <html> Cut from the TIML - topic template <head> title><tTOPIC TITLEt></title> of Help & Manual's help file. <meta hame-"generator" content""help 6 <meta name=-"keywords" content="cTOPIC a This is a style sheet that creates <style type-"text/cs3"> the non-scrolling section in the #nsr I HTML HELP file. padding: 6px 6px Opx 6px; border-Dottom: none; background: <TOPIC HEADER BGCOLOR*>; vertical-align: copi z-index: 2: