In the middle of 2000 the name SuperVisors was changed into the Team Mukippe.
We are currently looking for good computer graphic artist.
Our keyboards were helpfull in creating the following applications:
*FileMaster* - Advanced File Manager designed specially for Windows 2000. First release January 2001. Current version 1.70
*DPS* - disk packer system allowing to create images of floppies. Released January 2000.
*Backupator* - easy to use backuping system. First release May 2000. Current version 1.3A
*Differential* - application for finding differences in folders and putting the different files into the another folder. Support for librariers, crc's, etc. Released June 2000.
Expect more from Team Mukippe in 2002 !
All our products are free.
Team Mukippe does not take any responsibility for possible damage of
any software or hardware (including any files and directories) on Your
computer that where caused by using Team Mukippe applications. All
applications have been tested carefully, and written to always behave
normally espacially when abnormal situation occurs.
All applications are written in C++ for Microsoft Windows.