<a name="999932"> </a>The Well controls determine how a brush conveys its medium (color) to the paper. The Resaturation, Bleed, and Dryout controls work together to determine how much color a brush has at the start and finish of a stroke.
<h3 id="999944" class="Heading2">
<a name="999944"> </a>Brush Loading
<p id="999946" class="Body">
<a name="999946"> </a>Brush Loading affects how dab-based brushes interact with underlying pixels. When Brush Loading is active, brushes can literally "pick up" existing colors, hair by hair. This capability offers truer color interaction, astounding color-variations smearing, and better cloning results.
<p id="999948" class="Body">
<a name="999948"> </a>When Brush Loading is not active, brushes interact with previously applied colors by sampling underlying pixels, then loading the brush with one new color-the average of those that were sampled.
<p id="1017910" class="Body">
<a name="1017910"> </a>When you're using Brush Loading, it's best to use a very low spacing setting. For more information about spacing controls, see <a href="10-Brushes10.html#1017770">"Setting Spacing Controls"</a>.
<h3 id="999949" class="Heading2">
<a name="999949"> </a>Resaturation
<p id="999951" class="Body">
<a name="999951"> </a>Resaturation controls the amount that color is replenished in a stroke. If the Resaturation slider is at zero, the brush does not get any color. When Resaturation is below 10% (and Bleed is less), a brush stroke fades in gently. When Resaturation is at zero and Bleed is set high, an airbrush can move underlying colors, as when using just the airbrush hose to blow paint around on the canvas.
<a name="1004327"> </a><i>The Resaturation slider controls the amount of color replenished in the stroke. Top=25%, bottom=100%.
<h5 id="999961" class="ToDoHead">
<a name="999961"> </a>To set resaturation
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="1"><a name="1017920"> </a>On the Stroke Designer page of the Brush Creator, click Well.</li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="2"><a name="999972"> </a>Move the Resaturation slider left to reduce the amount of color replenished in a stroke. Move it right to increase the amount of color.</li>
<h3 id="999973" class="Heading2">
<a name="999973"> </a>Bleed
<p id="999975" class="Body">
<a name="999975"> </a>The Bleed slider controls how much the brush colors smear underlying colors-including the paper color.
<p id="1004341" class="Body">
<a name="1004341"> </a>When Bleed is higher than resaturation, more color bleeds than covers, so the stroke will never reach full Opacity.
<a name="1004355"> </a><i>The Bleed slider controls the amount of underlying color mixed in with the selected color. Top=55%, bottom=1%.
<h5 id="1004351" class="ToDoHead">
<a name="1004351"> </a>To set color bleed
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="1"><a name="1017930"> </a>On the Stroke Designer page of the Brush Creator, click Well.</li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="2"><a name="999988"> </a>Move the Bleed slider left to reduce the amount of interaction with underlying pixels. Move it right to increase interaction.</li>
<h3 id="999989" class="Heading2">
<a name="999989"> </a>Dryout
<p id="999991" class="Body">
<a name="999991"> </a>The Dryout control determines how quickly a brush runs out of medium. Dryout is measured in pixels. Moving the slider to the left makes a brush's reservoir empty more quickly. This can lead to brush strokes that fade out gently. If the Dryout control is set high, the brush never runs out of color.
<p id="999992" class="Body">
<a name="999992"> </a>Dryout works in conjunction with Bleed, so Bleed must be above zero to take advantage of Dryout. You can modulate the Dryout effect by changing the Bleed setting.
<a name="1004369"> </a><i>The Dryout slider controls how fast the brush runs out of medium. Top=724, bottom=22026.
<h5 id="1000005" class="ToDoHead">
<a name="1000005"> </a>To set brush dryout
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="1"><a name="1017935"> </a>On the Stroke Designer page of the Brush Creator, click Well.</li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="2"><a name="1000008"> </a>Move the Dryout slider left to shorten the distance the brush can move before it dries out. Move it right to lengthen the distance.</li>