<a name="999212"> </a>Tile shapes have two categories of control: Dimensions and Randomness. Use the Settings menu to choose which category you want to change.
<h3 id="999221" class="Heading2">
<a name="999221"> </a>Dimensions
<p id="1001045" class="Body">
<a name="1001045"> </a>The Dimensions sliders let you control the basic size of the tiles and grout spacing.
<a name="1001105"> </a><i>The Dimensions: Length slider controls the length of the tiles. Top=4.1, bottom=24.2.
<h3 id="999255" class="Heading2">
<a name="999255"> </a>Pressure
<p id="999256" class="Body">
<a name="999256"> </a>Tile width depends on stylus pressure. The Pressure slider allows you to control the width variance under differently weighted strokes.
<p id="1005372" class="Body">
<a name="1005372"> </a>With the Pressure slider set at zero, a light stroke produces narrow tiles and a heavier stroke creates wider tiles.
<p id="1005375" class="Body">
<a name="1005375"> </a>Increasing the Pressure slider increases the effect of pressure on the width of the tiles. By increasing the Pressure setting, you can prevent the creation of narrow tiles in response to a light stroke. Setting Pressure to 100% creates uniformly wide tiles, regardless of the pressure.
<a name="1001133"> </a><i>The Dimensions: Grout slider controls the spacing between tiles. Top=0%, bottom=15%.
<h3 id="999279" class="Heading2">
<a name="999279"> </a>Randomness
<p id="999280" class="Body">
<a name="999280"> </a>The Randomness sliders allow you to control the uniformity of the tile shapes. Increasing randomness makes the shapes more erratic-each different from the last.
<p id="999281" class="Body">
<a name="999281"> </a>For example, if the Length dimension is 10 pixels, a Length randomness of 25% creates tiles that are randomly given a length from the range of 7.5 to 12.5 pixels.
<h3 id="999283" class="Heading2">
<a name="999283"> </a>Width Randomness
<p id="1001162" class="Body">
<a name="1001162"> </a>Increasing Width randomness allows the width to vary by the set percentage.
<a name="999306"> </a>With Cut randomness set to 0, the edges of the tile are created perpendicularly to the stroke. Increasing Cut randomness allows the angle of the tile ends to vary.