<li class="Bulleted"><a href="18-Mosaics6.html#999394">Render Tiles into Mask</a></li><br/>
<li class="Bulleted"><a href="18-Mosaics6.html#999431">Starting with a Triangle</a></li><br/>
<li class="Bulleted"><a href="18-Mosaics6.html#999445">Respecting the Edge of an Image</a></li><br/>
<li class="Bulleted"><a href="18-Mosaics6.html#999461">Stroke Selections and Fill Selection</a></li><br/>
<h2 id="1004287" class="Heading1">
<a name="1004287"> </a>Mosaic Commands
<p id="1001330" class="Body">
<a name="1001330"> </a>Once you have created a mosaic, you can use several powerful mosaic features to improve your image.
<h3 id="999356" class="Heading2">
<a name="999356"> </a>Reset Mosaic
<p id="999357" class="Body">
<a name="999357"> </a>This command removes all tiles from the document. Corel Painter clears the canvas, leaving only the grout color.
<p id="999361" class="Body">
<a name="999361"> </a>If you want to remove tiles selectively, use the Remove Tile tool discussed in <a href="18-Mosaics3.html#1008451">"Applying and Removing Tiles"</a>.
<h3 id="999375" class="Heading2">
<a name="999375"> </a>Re-Render Mosaic
<p id="999376" class="Body">
<a name="999376"> </a>This command re-creates the mosaic from the grout color and the tile object information. Re-rendering first fills the image with the grout color and then re-renders the mosaic tiles at the resolution of the document. You can use this command to change the resolution of the tiles, after you change the resolution of your document.
<h5 id="999377" class="ToDoHead">
<a name="999377"> </a>To re-render tiles
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="1"><a name="999378"> </a>Open an image that is the size you want.</li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="2"><a name="999379"> </a>Create a mosaic, and click Done to exit the Make Mosaic dialog box. </li>
<a name="999381"> </a>In the dialog box, disable the Constrain File Size option and set the resolution to a higher value.
<p id="999385" class="ToDoBody">
<a name="999385"> </a>When Corel Painter finishes resizing, you'll notice the tiles have blurred. You can correct this problem by re-rendering the mosaic.
<a name="1001344"> </a><i>Use Surface Texture to create a look of 3Dátiles.
<p id="999406" class="Body">
<a name="999406"> </a>With the tiles in a channel, you can load the mosaic pattern as a selection or you can invert the channel to use the grout as a selection. This can be particularly interesting when working with a tessellated mosaic.
<h5 id="999408" class="ToDoHead">
<a name="999408"> </a>To give the mosaic tiles a three-dimensional look
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="1"><a name="999409"> </a>After creating the mosaic, choose Render Tiles into Mask from the Options pop-up menu. </li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="2"><a name="999410"> </a>Click Done to exit the Make Mosaic dialog box. </li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="4"><a name="999413"> </a>In the Apply Surface Texture dialog box, choose Mosaic Mask from the Using pop-up menu.</li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="5"><a name="1006056"> </a>Change the Amount and Softness sliders to achieve the level of relief you want.</li>
<p id="1006057" class="ToDoBody">
<a name="1006057"> </a>In most cases, you'll want the Picture slider at 100%. For more information on surface texture options, refer to <a href="15-Effects9.html#999878">"Apply Surface Texture"</a>.
<p id="999429" class="ToDoBody">
<a name="999429"> </a>Because Corel Painter uses the tile shapes (from the channel), the resulting surface texture gives the tiles an excellent 3D appearance.
<h3 id="999431" class="Heading2">
<a name="999431"> </a>Starting with a Triangle
<p id="999432" class="Body">
<a name="999432"> </a>When the Start with Triangle command is enabled, Corel Painter creates a triangle as the first tile in each stroke. This is particularly useful when filling a "V" shaped space with tiles.
<a name="1001358"> </a><i>Start with Triangle makes a perfect wedge in the "v."
<h3 id="999445" class="Heading2">
<a name="999445"> </a>Respecting the Edge of an Image
<p id="999446" class="Body">
<a name="999446"> </a>When the Respect Edge of Image command is enabled, Corel Painter maintains a grout line at the perimeter of the image. Tiles you create at the edge of the image do not violate the grout line.
<a name="1001372"> </a><i>Respect Edge of Image ensures the tiles you create at the edge will not violate the groutáline. In this example, the white tiles respect the edge, while the black tiles do not.
<h3 id="999461" class="Heading2">
<a name="999461"> </a>Stroke Selections and Fill Selection
<p id="999464" class="Body">
<a name="999464"> </a>The Stroke Selections and Fill Selection commands are provided for applying mosaic tiles to selections.
<p id="999465" class="Body">
<a name="999465"> </a>The Mosaic selections features work only with path-based selections. You might need to use the Transform Selection command to convert a channel-based selection to a path-based selection. For more information, refer to <a href="12-Selections3.html#998976">"About Selection Types"</a>.
<p id="999469" class="Body">
<a name="999469"> </a>Stroking and filling a selection makes sense only when you change a parameter between operations; for example, if you change the tile color or dimensions. If you are planning to use the stroke and fill features, remember to apply the stroke before you apply the fill.
<h5 id="999470" class="ToDoHead">
<a name="999470"> </a>To create a mosaic in a selection
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="1"><a name="999471"> </a>Set up the area you want to tile as an active selection. </li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="4"><a name="999474"> </a>Choose the color for the tile and the grout.</li>
<li class="SmartList1" value="5"><a name="999475"> </a>Use the Options pop-up menu to select the command you want: </li>
<li class="Bulleted2"><a name="1010471"> </a>Stroke Selections creates one row of tiles along each selection path.</li>
<li class="Bulleted2"><a name="999485"> </a>Fill Selection applies multiple rows of tiles, working in from the path until the selected area is filled with tiles.</li>
<ol type="1">
<li class="SmartList1" value="6"><a name="999494"> </a>Click Done to exit the Make Mosaic dialog box.</li>
<li class="SmartList1"><a name="1008716"> </a>In some cases, Corel Painter might not put a tile in every space. You can fill openings by choosing the Apply Tiles tool and putting them in yourself.</li>
<li class="SmartList1"><a name="1006597"> </a>If you don't like the way Corel Painter filled an area, you can use the Remove Tiles tool to clear it. Then you can re-apply tiles by hand.</li>