Chip 2003 November
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393 lines
// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
function SearchBlank_Object()
function Search_Object()
this.mSearchWords = new SearchBlank_Object();
this.mNewSearchWords = new Array();
this.mCurrentBookIndex = -1;
this.mResults = new Array();
this.fSearchBook = Search_SearchBook;
this.fIncrementCurBookIndex = Search_IncrementCurBookIndex;
this.fAddResults = Search_AddResults;
this.fSearchBody = Search_SearchBody;
this.fSearchSubmitted = Search_SearchSubmitted;
this.fPerformSearch = Search_PerformSearch;
this.fGenerateStyles = Search_GenerateStyles;
this.fDisplayResults = Search_DisplayResults;
this.fDisplaySearchForm = Search_DisplaySearchForm;
this.fJumpTo = Search_JumpTo;
function Search_SearchBook(ParamSearchFunc)
var SearchWord;
var Results = null;
var MatchedWord = null;
for (SearchWord in this.mSearchWords)
Results = ParamSearchFunc(SearchWord);
if (Results != null)
this.fAddResults(SearchWord, Results);
if (this.mSearchWords[SearchWord] != null)
this.mSearchWords[SearchWord] = true;
function Search_IncrementCurBookIndex()
// Increment CurrentBookIndex
if (this.mCurrentBookIndex != -1)
if (this.mCurrentBookIndex < WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBookList.length)
else // We're done!
this.mCurrentBookIndex = -1;
function Search_AddResults(ParamWord,
// Make certain we've got a book selected
if ((this.mCurrentBookIndex >= 0) &&
(ParamHREFs != null) &&
(ParamHREFs.length > 0))
var BookResults;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
// Get books containing this word
BookResults = this.mResults[this.mCurrentBookIndex];
if (BookResults == null)
BookResults = new Array();
this.mResults[this.mCurrentBookIndex] = BookResults;
// Add all entries from ParamHREFs
for (MaxIndex = ParamHREFs.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
BookResults[BookResults.length - 1] = ParamHREFs[Index];
else // Remove entries which don't appear in ParamHREFs
var TestHREFs = new Array();
var NewBookResults = new Array();
// Put ParamHREFs into an associative array for easy checking
for (MaxIndex = ParamHREFs.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
TestHREFs[ParamHREFs[Index]] = true;
// Remove entries from BookResults that aren't in TestHREFs
for (MaxIndex = BookResults.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
if (TestHREFs[BookResults[Index]])
NewBookResults[NewBookResults.length - 1] = BookResults[Index];
// Update results entry
this.mResults[this.mCurrentBookIndex] = NewBookResults;
function Search_SearchBody()
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/search3s.js\"></script>");
function Search_SearchSubmitted()
// Check for new search words
if (WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.forms[0] != null)
var SearchString;
// Stuff new search words into mNewSearchWords array
SearchString = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.forms[0].SearchWords.value;
if ((SearchString != null) &&
(SearchString.length > 0))
var SearchStringArray;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
// Copy over search words
SearchStringArray = SearchString.split(" ");
this.mNewSearchWords.length = 0;
for (MaxIndex = SearchStringArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
// Need to eliminate zero length words
if (SearchStringArray[Index].length > 0)
// Convert them to lowercase before adding them
this.mNewSearchWords[this.mNewSearchWords.length - 1] = SearchStringArray[Index].toLowerCase();
return true;
function Search_PerformSearch()
if (this.mNewSearchWords.length > 0)
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
var CurrentBook;
var MaxCount;
var Count;
// Reset search results
this.mResults = new Array();
this.mResults.length = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBookList.length;
// Reset search words
this.mSearchWords = new SearchBlank_Object();
for (MaxIndex = this.mNewSearchWords.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
this.mSearchWords[this.mNewSearchWords[Index]] = false; // Indicates whether they have been found
this.mNewSearchWords.length = 0;
// Search all books for matches
// Reset this.mCurrentBookIndex to 0
this.mCurrentBookIndex = 0;
for (MaxIndex = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBookList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
CurrentBook = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBookList[Index];
for (MaxCount = CurrentBook.mSearchFileCount, Count = 0 ; Count < MaxCount ; Count++)
// Include search script
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBaseURL + CurrentBook.mBookDir + "wwhdata/js/search" + Count + ".js\"></script>");
// Search file
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/search1s.js\"></script>");
// Increment this.mCurrentBookIndex
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/search2s.js\"></script>");
function Search_GenerateStyles()
var ChildLevel;
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<style type=\"text/css\">");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" <!--");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" a { text-decoration: none ;");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" color: " + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Anchor Color"] + " }");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" p { margin-top: 1pt ;");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-family: " + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Font Family"] + " ;");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-size: " + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Font Size"] + " }");
for (ChildLevel = 1 ; ChildLevel < 2 ; ChildLevel++)
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" p.l" + ChildLevel + " { margin-left: " + (WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Search Indent"] * ChildLevel) + "pt }");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" -->");
function Search_DisplayResults()
var bSearchWordsExist;
var SearchWord;
// Check to see if results exist
bSearchWordsExist = false;
for (SearchWord in this.mSearchWords)
bSearchWordsExist = true;
// Display results or prompt user to enter search words
if (bSearchWordsExist == false)
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<h3>" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Search EnterSearch"] + "</h3>");
var bInvalidResults;
var MaxIndex;
var Index;
bInvalidResults = false;
for (SearchWord in this.mSearchWords)
if (this.mSearchWords[SearchWord] != true)
bInvalidResults = true;
// Check to see if entries exist for each book
if ( ! bInvalidResults)
bInvalidResults = true;
for (MaxIndex = this.mResults.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
if ((this.mResults[Index] != null) &&
(this.mResults[Index].length > 0))
bInvalidResults = false;
if (bInvalidResults)
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<h3>" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Search NoMatch"] + "</h3>");
var BookResults;
var bNeedSpacer = false;
var MaxHREFIndex;
var HREFIndex;
var Title;
for (MaxIndex = this.mResults.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
BookResults = this.mResults[Index];
if (BookResults != null)
// Put spacers between books
if (bNeedSpacer)
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p> </p>");
bNeedSpacer = true;
// Display book title
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p><nobr><b>" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBookList[Index].mBookTitle + "</b></nobr></p>");
for (MaxHREFIndex = BookResults.length, HREFIndex = 0 ; HREFIndex < MaxHREFIndex ; HREFIndex++)
// Translate HREF to file title
Title = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.fHREFToTitle(Index, BookResults[HREFIndex]);
if (Title.length == 0)
Title = BookResults[HREFIndex];
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p class=l1><nobr><a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mSearch.fJumpTo(" + Index + ", '" + BookResults[HREFIndex] + "');\">" + Title + "</a></nobr></p>");
function Search_DisplaySearchForm()
var SearchWord;
var SearchWordsString;
// Get search words
SearchWordsString = "";
for (SearchWord in this.mSearchWords)
if (SearchWordsString.length > 0)
SearchWordsString += " ";
SearchWordsString += SearchWord;
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<form onSubmit=\"WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mSearch.fSearchSubmitted();\">");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<input type=\"text\" name=\"SearchWords\" size=20 value=\"" + SearchWordsString + "\">");
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mMessages["Search Search"] + "\">");
function Search_JumpTo(ParamBookIndex,
var JumpToHREF = "";
JumpToHREF += WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBaseURL;
JumpToHREF += WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBookList[ParamBookIndex].mBookDir;
JumpToHREF += ParamHREF;
WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.location.href = JumpToHREF;