US IS ABOUT TO DICTATE A WAR - US CHYSTß VßLKU<font class="smalltitle"><b>k.</b></font><br><br>Ze dne: 28.03.2003 v 16:53<br><br>-----P∙vodnφ zprßva-----
Od: Alyson Chadwick []
Odeslßno: 22. ledna 2003 19:52
Komu: XXX
P°edm∞t: RE: petition
Thank you for your e-mail letter inquiring about a petition in support of peace. The UN is NOT involved in soliciting or collecting such petitions. We would suggest that since it is member governments of the UN who will decide on whatever action occurs in various situations, citizens should contact their own government.
Member states of the United Nations decide on the policies and programs of the organization. Citizens wishing to express their views or concerns on any issue, such as international peace and security should consider addressing their views first to the officials of their own government. The General Assembly is the main deliberative body of the UN, where all member states have one vote, and where issues relating to peace and security, admission of new Members and budgetary measures are decided by a two-third's vote. The Security Council with 5 permanent and ten rotating member states has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and has the power to make decisions binding on all members of the organization. Security Council Decisions on major issues require nine votes, including the concurring votes of all the permanent members: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. The 10 other current members of the Security Council are: Bulgaria, Cameroon, Germany, Guinea, Mexico, Pakistan, Mexico, Spain, Chile, and Syria.
Your inquiry and interest in the work of the United Nations are appreciated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via this e-mail address or by calling 202-454-2108.
Thank you,
Alyson Chadwick
-----Original Message-----
From: XXX
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 3:42 AM
To: Susan Kinsley
Subject: petition
Dear Madam,
I have just recieved following mail. Please could you give me some info
<br><b><a href="">Lucie Trnavskß</a></b><br><br>Ze dne: 29.01.2003 v 13:12<br><br>P°ipojuji se k protest∙m proti vßleΦnΘmu °e╣enφ situace v Irßku! Jsem zßsadn∞ proti jakΘmukoli u╛itφ zbrojnφ sφly, a╗ u╛ ze strany G.Bushe nebo S.Husajna!!! Copak jsme se jako lidstvo nepouΦili z chyb minul²ch??? Ps: pokud jde americkΘmu prezidentovi o ropu, a╗ si ji laskav∞ zaplatφ, pen∞z mß jist∞ dost...<br><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
<br><div align="center"><a href="index.php3_action=detail&id=133">>>> Zp∞t k popisu HOAXu: <b>US is about to dictate a war - US chystß vßlku >>></b></a></div>