It is with full of hope that I write to seek your help in the context below.<br>
I am Mrs Sandra Ige the wife of the former Nigerian Attorney General and minister of justice late Chief Bola Ige whose sudden death occurred on the 23rd of December 2001.<br>
Having gotten your particulars from the family=92s library,I have no doubt your capacity and good will to assist me in receiving into your custody(for safety)the sum of US$25 Million willed and deposited in my favour by my late husband.<br>
This money has been currently kept in a trust Deposit Account with a Finance &Security Co.outside Nigeria. Only the Managing Director has the knowledge of this deposit,which is my Husband=92s close Associate. As it is legally required,the administration of my late husband property is under the authority of the family Lawyer named (BARR DANLAD I. USMAN).<br>
However,the Government has on assumption of office setup a panel of inquiry to probe the financial activities of my late husband with a decision to freeze all his assets respectively.The investigative teams have submitted their report,presently some cash and assets have been frozen and seized.<br>
Fortunately, our family lawyer had secretly protected the=93Personal will=94 of my husband from notice of the investigators and have strictly advised that the willed money be urgently moved into an Overseas Account of trusted Foreign family friend without delay, for security reasons.<br>
The Government had earlier placed foreign travel embargo on all our family members and seizes all known local and international outfits of Business Empire.The situation has been so terrible that we are virtually living on the assistance of well wishes.In view of this plight therefore,I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this call so to save my children and me from a hopeless future.<br>
I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort in this regard with 15% of the fund when finally received in your local bank account.The Attorney have perfected arrangement for complete dislodgment of this money within a week of the receipt of your response through email.<br>
They have equally guaranteed 100% risk-free and smooth transfer.Please,all contacts must be made through my lawyer via this E-mail,contact the lawyer as soon as you receive this message for more information.( 5% FOR REEMBUREMENT OF EXPENSES THAT WILL BE INCURED DURING THE PROCESS OF TRANSFER OF TH FUNDS).<br>
I look forward to your quick response. May God bless you.<br>
<a name="poznamka"></a><b>Poznßmka redaktora:</b><br><br><div align="justify" class="notice"><i>Voln² p°eklad informacφ o postupech podvodnφk∙ a rady, jak se nenechat napßlit.<br>
P°elo╛eno ze serveru <a href= target=_blank><b>N.A.S.P.A</b></a>:<br>
- PotΘ, co se gang s ob∞tφ ·sp∞╣n∞ zkontaktuje, po╛aduje informace o bankovnφm ·Φtu, aby mohl provΘst transakci.V nßsledujφcφm kroku zaΦnou podvodnφci po╛adovat nutnΘ dokumenty, kterΘ ob∞╗ nem∙╛e poskytnout, nap°φklad: v²pis z Obchodnφho rejst°φku v NigΘrii, obchodnφ certifikßty, da≥ovΘ formulß°e a mnoho jin²ch. Ob∞╗ je pak odkazovßna na fale╣nΘ prßvnφky, vlßdnφ ·°ednφky a bankovnφ mana╛ery, kte°φ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu sprßvnφch poplatk∙. Kdy╛ je zaplacen jeden poplatek, podvodnφcφ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu dal╣φch poplatk∙. To v╣e trvß tak dlouho, dokud je ob∞╗ ochotna a schopna platit. V tΘto fßzi se podvodnφci n∞kdy chovajφ hrub∞ a╛ agresivn∞.<br>
- KoneΦn² v²sledek je ten, ╛e ob∞╗ zaplatφ v╣echny "poplatky" a p°evod se z n∞jakΘho d∙vodu nakonec neuskuteΦnφ. <br>
- V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech se stalo, ╛e zloΦinci ╛ßdali ob∞╗ o podvodnou nßv╣t∞vu (bez platnΘho vφza) Nigerie nebo jinΘ zem∞ k dokonΦenφ transakce.<br>
Pokud ob∞╗ opravdu p°iletφ, setkß se zde s fale╣n²mi nebo se zkorumpovan²mi ·°ednφky. Postupn∞ se zaΦnou se objevovat dal╣φ problΘmy a pro jejich vy°φzenφ je pot°eba uhradit dal╣φ poplatky.<br>
Pokud se ob∞ti sna╛φ z obchodu vycouvat, zaΦnou b²t vydφrßny pro nezßkonou nßv╣t∞vu p°φslu╣nΘ zem∞. V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech byly dokonce neochotnΘ ob∞ti zavra╛d∞nΘ. <br>
<b>Jak zφskali moji adresu a proΦ si m∞ vybrali pro podvod?</b><br>
Nevybrali vßs. Oni stßle prohledßvajφ Internet kv∙li kontaktu mo╛n²ch ob∞tφ. Kontaktujφ nßhodnΘ e-mailovΘ adresy, zφskßvajφ kontakty z r∙zn²ch chat∙, datov²ch slu╛eb, kupujφ ilegßln∞ zφskanΘ spamovΘ seznamy, prohledßvajφ diskuznφ skupiny, v²v∞sky, reklamy apod.<br>
<b>ProΦ je nebezpeΦnΘ odpovφdßt na tyto dopisy?</b><br>
Ka╛dß odpov∞∩ nebo reakce potvrdφ funkΦnost va╣φ adresy, co╛ p°itahuje pozornost pochybn²ch ╛ivl∙. To nenφ dobrΘ ani kdy╛ pochßzφ z cizφ zem∞. Jsou i p°φpady, kdy podvodnφci pou╛ily detaily ze zßhlavφ dopis∙-odpov∞dφ a toto vyu╛ily k nov²m podvod∙m.<br>
<b>Ji╛ jsem odpov∞d∞l na dopis a poskytnul osobnφ a finanΦnφ informace. Poru╣il jsem zßkon?</b><br>
Poskytovßnφ va╣ich osobnφch a finanΦnφch informacφ nenφ zloΦin. Jestli╛e jste v╣ak poskytnul fotokopii va╣eho pasu nebo °idiΦskΘho pr∙kazu, mohou b²t zhotoveny jejich pad∞lky a n∞kdo m∙╛e pou╛φvat va╣i identitu p°i n∞jakΘ nekalΘ Φinnosti.<br>
<b>Je mo╛nΘ, aby mi do╣el podvodn² e-mail z jinΘ zem∞ ne╛ je Nigerie?</b><br>
Na Internetu je mo╛nΘ z°φdit r∙znΘ bezplatnΘ - freemailovΘ ·Φty, kterΘ mohou b²t zneu╛ity.<br>
<b>Jak moc se tyto dopisy ╣φ°φ na Internetu?</b><br>
Toto je jeden z mnoha druh∙ podvodn²ch dopis∙. Gangy se stßvajφ d∙mysln∞j╣φ a vym²╣lφ novΘ podvody. Sbφrka pen∞z na ╣kolu pro chudΘ d∞ti, cestovnφ kancelß°e okradenΘ o lφstky a mnoho dal╣φch zp∙sob∙. ZloΦinci se takΘ zam∞°ujφ na charity, nßbo╛enskΘ organizace, prßvnickΘ firmy, realitnφ maklΘ°e, doktory a podobn∞.</i></div><br><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">