My name is Carlos Buchiza, Retired Colonel and ADC (Military Assistant) to UNITA Leader,Jonas Savimbi(DECEASED); Angola's Jonas Savimbi, legendary guerrilla leader of UNITA (the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), who was killed by communist MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) forces in combat Feb. 2002 . please see some Angola and Diamond related websites:-<br>
In addition to my official job, I was also in charge of the consolidated budget and personal finances of the late leader; these include Gifts, anonymous donations from individuals and Countries;Also revenues from Crude Oil sales and Diamond/Precious Stones etc.<br>
When UNITA fortunes and conditions began to deteriorate rapidly, I took the precaution of converting ALL MONIES and liquid ASSETS INTO CUT DIAMONDS. The estimated Value of the Diamonds which have full GIA (Gemmological Institute of America) certification is USD75 million. ( calculated at current average market price of USD2,500.00 per carat). Graded from GIA scale D to M ;Emerald, Heart, Marquise, Oval, Pear, Princess, Radiant and Triangle (Trillion) shapes; The Diamonds are in small carats which are very easy to broker...<br>
Unfortunately for me, after Jonas Savimbi's death, my personal safety and life came under threat by Government Security Agents, who promptly seized my International Passport, and froze my Bank Accounts. But my diamond cache worth about USD75 million( current street value) has been in a secret hiding place, and safe! I believe the time is now ripe to remove the diamonds to safety abroad, and I need your help and assistance. I have consequently arranged to ship out the consignment of Diamonds through a Shipping company in my Country, and I need a willing partner to "Receive" the Consignment on my behalf. The consignment will be shipped to you as "CONSIGNEE" and you will collect the consignment on my behalf and keep in safe custody. At this stage, You may wish to contact a Diamond Vendor in your area to purchase the diamonds...If you agree to help me, then your share will be 30% in diamonds or USD22.5 million minimum net, after the diamonds are sold. There is no risk in this venture; and because the Diamonds are fully certified, you will not be breaking your Country's or international law! The Consignment will arrive your end by Air cargo, and fully insured...<br>
If you are interested, please send me immediately the following information:<br>
(1) Your complete name<br>
(2) Your Full address ( this will be the consignee address through which you will receive the Diamond cargo consignment)<br>
(3) Your Telephone and Fax numbers<br>
(4) Your email Address ( In case you reply by fax) Please feel free to call me anytime on my satellite telephone ++871 762 127 825 for more details/clarifications.<br>
Upon receipt of the above information, I will arrange the shipment of the Diamond consignment to you; and advise you accordingly. I am looking forward to doing business with you; Please note that though, I obtained your email address through a random search of the internet, I appeal to you to observe the highest level of confidentiality even if you decline to help me!<br>
<a name="poznamka"></a><b>Poznßmka redaktora:</b><br><br><div align="justify" class="notice"><i>Voln² p°eklad informacφ o postupech podvodnφk∙ a rady, jak se nenechat napßlit.<br>
P°elo╛eno ze serveru <a href= target=_blank><b>N.A.S.P.A</b></a>:<br>
- PotΘ, co se gang s ob∞tφ ·sp∞╣n∞ zkontaktuje, po╛aduje informace o bankovnφm ·Φtu, aby mohl provΘst transakci.V nßsledujφcφm kroku zaΦnou podvodnφci po╛adovat nutnΘ dokumenty, kterΘ ob∞╗ nem∙╛e poskytnout, nap°φklad: v²pis z Obchodnφho rejst°φku v NigΘrii, obchodnφ certifikßty, da≥ovΘ formulß°e a mnoho jin²ch. Ob∞╗ je pak odkazovßna na fale╣nΘ prßvnφky, vlßdnφ ·°ednφky a bankovnφ mana╛ery, kte°φ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu sprßvnφch poplatk∙. Kdy╛ je zaplacen jeden poplatek, podvodnφcφ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu dal╣φch poplatk∙. To v╣e trvß tak dlouho, dokud je ob∞╗ ochotna a schopna platit. V tΘto fßzi se podvodnφci n∞kdy chovajφ hrub∞ a╛ agresivn∞.<br>
- KoneΦn² v²sledek je ten, ╛e ob∞╗ zaplatφ v╣echny "poplatky" a p°evod se z n∞jakΘho d∙vodu nakonec neuskuteΦnφ. <br>
- V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech se stalo, ╛e zloΦinci ╛ßdali ob∞╗ o podvodnou nßv╣t∞vu (bez platnΘho vφza) Nigerie nebo jinΘ zem∞ k dokonΦenφ transakce.<br>
Pokud ob∞╗ opravdu p°iletφ, setkß se zde s fale╣n²mi nebo se zkorumpovan²mi ·°ednφky. Postupn∞ se zaΦnou se objevovat dal╣φ problΘmy a pro jejich vy°φzenφ je pot°eba uhradit dal╣φ poplatky.<br>
Pokud se ob∞ti sna╛φ z obchodu vycouvat, zaΦnou b²t vydφrßny pro nezßkonou nßv╣t∞vu p°φslu╣nΘ zem∞. V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech byly dokonce neochotnΘ ob∞ti zavra╛d∞nΘ. <br>
<b>Jak zφskali moji adresu a proΦ si m∞ vybrali pro podvod?</b><br>
Nevybrali vßs. Oni stßle prohledßvajφ Internet kv∙li kontaktu mo╛n²ch ob∞tφ. Kontaktujφ nßhodnΘ e-mailovΘ adresy, zφskßvajφ kontakty z r∙zn²ch chat∙, datov²ch slu╛eb, kupujφ ilegßln∞ zφskanΘ spamovΘ seznamy, prohledßvajφ diskuznφ skupiny, v²v∞sky, reklamy apod.<br>
<b>ProΦ je nebezpeΦnΘ odpovφdßt na tyto dopisy?</b><br>
Ka╛dß odpov∞∩ nebo reakce potvrdφ funkΦnost va╣φ adresy, co╛ p°itahuje pozornost pochybn²ch ╛ivl∙. To nenφ dobrΘ ani kdy╛ pochßzφ z cizφ zem∞. Jsou i p°φpady, kdy podvodnφci pou╛ily detaily ze zßhlavφ dopis∙-odpov∞dφ a toto vyu╛ily k nov²m podvod∙m.<br>
<b>Ji╛ jsem odpov∞d∞l na dopis a poskytnul osobnφ a finanΦnφ informace. Poru╣il jsem zßkon?</b><br>
Poskytovßnφ va╣ich osobnφch a finanΦnφch informacφ nenφ zloΦin. Jestli╛e jste v╣ak poskytnul fotokopii va╣eho pasu nebo °idiΦskΘho pr∙kazu, mohou b²t zhotoveny jejich pad∞lky a n∞kdo m∙╛e pou╛φvat va╣i identitu p°i n∞jakΘ nekalΘ Φinnosti.<br>
<b>Je mo╛nΘ, aby mi do╣el podvodn² e-mail z jinΘ zem∞ ne╛ je Nigerie?</b><br>
Na Internetu je mo╛nΘ z°φdit r∙znΘ bezplatnΘ - freemailovΘ ·Φty, kterΘ mohou b²t zneu╛ity.<br>
<b>Jak moc se tyto dopisy ╣φ°φ na Internetu?</b><br>
Toto je jeden z mnoha druh∙ podvodn²ch dopis∙. Gangy se stßvajφ d∙mysln∞j╣φ a vym²╣lφ novΘ podvody. Sbφrka pen∞z na ╣kolu pro chudΘ d∞ti, cestovnφ kancelß°e okradenΘ o lφstky a mnoho dal╣φch zp∙sob∙. ZloΦinci se takΘ zam∞°ujφ na charity, nßbo╛enskΘ organizace, prßvnickΘ firmy, realitnφ maklΘ°e, doktory a podobn∞.<br>