Chip 2003 November
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412 lines
// Open a search window either with the default browser or with IE
function openSearchWindow(url)
openNamedSearchWindow(url, getReuseBrowserWindowMode() ? DQSD_BROWSER_WINDOW_NAME : "_blank");
// Open a search window in an existing frame
function openNamedSearchWindow(url, name)
if (useExternalBrowser && DQSDLauncher)
else if (typeof windowOpenFeatures != "undefined") {
window.open(url, name, windowOpenFeatures);
} else {
window.open(url, name);
// direct shellexecute
function openDocument(path)
if (DQSDLauncher)
var params = path.match(/^(("[^"]*")|\S*)\s*(.*)/);
if (params)
DQSDLauncher.OpenDocument(params[1], params[3]);
var submitcount = 0;
// Submit a form either with the default browser or with IE
function submitForm(form, dontChangeTarget)
var oldtarget;
var newtarget;
//allow the Override
if ( !dontChangeTarget )
// Here's a safeguard for forgetting to put a target in the FORM
if ( (getReuseBrowserWindowMode() == 0) || !form.attributes["target"].nodeValue || (form.attributes["target"].nodeValue && form.attributes["target"].nodeValue == '') )
form.attributes["target"].nodeValue = '_blank';
// Reuse a single window if the user wants to and the target is _blank
// Don't override targets with any other name because some searches may want
// their own window.
oldtarget = form.attributes["target"].nodeValue;
newtarget = oldtarget;
if ((getReuseBrowserWindowMode() > 0) && oldtarget && (oldtarget == '_blank'))
// 1=same window always; 2=new window for each search type
newtarget = ((getReuseBrowserWindowMode() == 1) ? DQSD_BROWSER_WINDOW_NAME : (DQSD_BROWSER_WINDOW_NAME + '_' + form.name));
newtarget = DQSD_BROWSER_WINDOW_NAME + "_" + submitcount;
submitcount = submitcount + 1;
form.attributes["target"].nodeValue = newtarget;
if (useExternalBrowser && DQSDLauncher)
if (newtarget && pagetemplate)
var w = null;
if (typeof windowOpenFeatures != "undefined") {
w = window.open(url, name, windowOpenFeatures);
} else {
w = window.open(url, name);
if (typeof form.onsubmit == "function") {
} else {
if (oldtarget)
form.attributes["target"].nodeValue = oldtarget;
// Used by the calendar and the menu (or anything that uses IE window.createPopup method), which cannot call
// the stylesheet directly.
function convertStylesToInline()
var stylestring = new String();
for (var j = 0; j < document.styleSheets.length; j++)
var intermediateString = '';
var rules = document.styleSheets[j].rules;
var rulesLength = rules.length;
for (var i = 0; i < rulesLength; i++)
intermediateString += rules[i].selectorText + ' {' + rules[i].style.cssText + '}'
stylestring += intermediateString;
function protocolHandled(url)
if (!ensureLauncher())
return true; // what else can we do except assume the protocol is handled?
var results = url.match(/(\w+):/);
if (!results)
return false; // not a valid url
var handler = DQSDLauncher.GetProtocolHandler(results[1]);
catch (e)
return false;
return true;
// isURL
// Takes a string as a parameter and determines if it is a http URL (using either http or https protocol)
// If the string is not a URL, then it attempts to detect obvious dns names, and if so, it prepends http://
// to the string. In either of the above to cases, the final string is returned, otherwise, 'false' is
// returned.
function isURL(t)
// detect strings that look like URLs or filenames
prot = new RegExp("^(http://|https://|ftp://)([\\-a-z0-9]+\\.)*[\\-a-z0-9]+" +
"|^[a-z]:($|\\\\)" +
"|^\\\\\\\\[a-z0-9]+($|\\\\($|[a-z0-9]+($|\\\\)))", "i");
if (prot.exec(t))
return t;
// detect strings that look like DNS names
dns = new RegExp("^www\.([\\-a-z0-9]+\\.)+[\\-a-z0-9]+(/\\S*)?$" +
"|^([\\-a-z0-9]+\\.)+(com|net|org|edu|gov|mil|[a-z]{2})(/\\S*)?$", "i");
if (dns.exec(t))
t = "http://" + t;
return t;
return false;
// Used to parse standard switches (/foo or /foo:bar). Takes the following parameters:
// q - string from the search function
// expectedSwitches - list or array of the expected switch values
// expandSwitches - optional parameter used to determine if the switch shortcuts should be expanded (i.e. /f becomes /foo)
// Function returns an object with three properties
// q - the input string with the switches removed
// switches - array of objects with these two properties:
// name: expanded name of the matched switch (i.e. foo as in /foo:bar)
// value: value of switch (i.e. bar as in /foo:bar)
// switch_val - associative array with the switch name as the key with the switch value as the value. (i.e. switch_val["foo"] = "bar" as in /foo:bar)
function parseArgs(q, expectedSwitches, expandSwitches)
// In case the caller does not pass in a value
if (typeof expandSwitches == 'undefined')
expandSwitches = 1;
// In case the caller uses a delimited (;,<space>) string
if (typeof expectedSwitches[0] == 'undefined')
expectedSwitches = expectedSwitches.split( /[,;/\s]/ );
var switches = [];
var switch_val = [];
// Split the query to allow for easy looping.
var args_array = q.split(' ');
// Regular expression that defines switches
var re_switch = /\/(([-.\w]+)(?::?(\S*)))\s*/;
var re_res_args;
var re_res_switch;
// Loop through the q array and see if any of the q's look like switches
for (var i = 0; i < args_array.length; i++)
// If a q looks like a switch, loop through the switch array and see if any of the switches match.
re_res_args = args_array[i].match(re_switch);
if (re_res_args)
for (var j = 0; j < expectedSwitches.length && !re_res_switch; j++)
var expect_regex = new RegExp(
'^(' + re_res_args[2].replace('.', '\\.') +
')' + (expandSwitches ? '' : '$'), 'i');
re_res_switch = expectedSwitches[j].match(expect_regex);
// If there is a match, adjust the args_array, and save the values.
if (re_res_switch)
switch_val[expectedSwitches[j]] = re_res_args[3];
switches.push( {name:expectedSwitches[j].toLowerCase(), value:re_res_args[3]} );
args_array.splice(i, 1);
re_res_switch = "";
q = args_array.join(' ');
return { q:q, switches:switches, switch_val:switch_val };
* parseArgsEx is similar to parseArgs except that
* it isn't split on spaces but instead the /
* This means that args.q will be the value before the
* first slash and the parameter value is everything after
* the arg name until the next slash. Also the arg name
* and value are separated by a space not a : like parseArgs.
* This will also allow you to have spaces in the argument value
* as well.
* [Brent Beardsley - 10/31/2002]
function parseArgsEx(q, expectedSwitches, expandSwitches)
// In case the caller does not pass in a value
if (typeof expandSwitches == 'undefined')
expandSwitches = 1;
// In case the caller uses a delimited (;,<space>) string
if (typeof expectedSwitches[0] == 'undefined')
expectedSwitches = expectedSwitches.split( /[,;/\s]/ );
var switches = [];
var switch_val = [];
var args_array = q.split('/');
for (var i=0; i < args_array.length; i++)
var one_arg = trimWhitespace(args_array[i]);
if (one_arg == "")
var argRegExp = /(\S+)(\s+(.*))?/g;
var reResult = argRegExp.exec(one_arg);
if (reResult == null || reResult[1] == "")
var argName = reResult[1];
var argValue = trimWhitespace(reResult[2]);
var re_res_switch;
for (var j = 0; j < expectedSwitches.length && !re_res_switch; j++)
var expect_regex = new RegExp(
'^(' + argName.replace('.', '\\.') +
')' + (expandSwitches ? '' : '$'), 'i');
re_res_switch = expectedSwitches[j].match(expect_regex);
// If there is a match, adjust the args_array, and save the values.
if (re_res_switch)
argName = expectedSwitches[j];
switch_val[argName] = argValue;
switches.push( {name:argName.toLowerCase(), value:argValue} );
re_res_switch = "";
if (q.match(/^\s*\//))
// if it starts with a slash there are no non-switch values
q = "";
// only the part before the first slash is returned in args.q
var firstSlash = q.indexOf('/');
if (firstSlash != -1)
q = q.substring(0, firstSlash);
q = trimWhitespace(q);
return { q:q, switches:switches, switch_val:switch_val };
function trimWhitespace( s )
return s.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
// nullArgs (Neel Doshi - 04/09/2002)
// Many functions will open the <link> url when the query is null or the description if the query is "?". This function automates this process.
// func - string name of the function
// q - string from the search function
// The function returns false if the query was not null or "?" and true otherwise
function nullArgs(func, q)
if (q == "")
if (searches[func].link)
return true;
if (q == "?" || q == "")
if (searches[func].desc)
if ((typeof qsfind) == 'function')
// If QSFind exists use that to display the help
var qsarg = func + " /function";
// Otherwise use an alert box
var search_desc = searches[func].desc;
// convery <br> tags to newlines
var re = new RegExp("(<br)( )?(\/>)", "g");
search_desc = search_desc.replace(re, "\n");
// Replace tabs and multiple spaces in the description with one space
var re = new RegExp("((\\t)|( ))+", "g");
search_desc = search_desc.replace(re, " ");
// Replace newline space with nothing
var re = new RegExp("\n( )", "g");
search_desc = search_desc.replace(re, "");
// Remove any more HTML tags
var re = new RegExp("<(\/)?\\w+( )?[\\w\"\=\ ]*(\/)?>", "g");
var search_desc = search_desc.replace(re, "");
return true;
return false;
function getReuseBrowserWindowMode()
return reuseBrowserWindowModeOverride;
function displayPopupMessage( msg, headHTML )
var dqsdMessagePopup = window.createPopup();
var windowW = 350;
var dqsdMessagePopup = window.createPopup();
var dqsdMessagePopupBody = dqsdMessagePopup.document.body;
var dqsdMessageBodyCode = "<html><head>" + (typeof headHTML == 'undefined' ? '' : headHTML ) + "</head><body>";
dqsdMessageBodyCode += "<table id=qstable border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 width=100% height=100%>";
dqsdMessageBodyCode += "<tr><td valign=top><style>" + convertStylesToInline() + "</style>";
dqsdMessageBodyCode += "<tr><td valign=top style='text-align: center' class=helpboxDescriptions>" + msg;
dqsdMessageBodyCode += "</tr></td></table></body></html>";
dqsdMessagePopupBody.innerHTML = dqsdMessageBodyCode;
dqsdMessagePopup.document.body.style.border="outset 2px";
// Temporatily show the popup to determine the proper final
// height for the popup.
dqsdMessagePopup.show(0, 0, windowW, 0);
var windowH = dqsdMessagePopupBody.scrollHeight + 6;
// Put a cap on the popup height
windowH = windowH > window.screen.height-100 ? window.screen.height-100 : windowH;
dqsdMessagePopup.show((buttonalign == "left" ? 0 : document.body.clientWidth - windowW), -windowH, windowW, windowH, document.body);
function setSearchWindowText(text, autoselect)
document.deff.q.value = text;
if (typeof autoselect != "undefined" && autoselect == true) {