var DAYS_OF_WEEK = 7; // "constant" for number of days in a week
var DAYS_OF_MONTH = 31; // "constant" for number of days in a month
var CAL_DAY_START = 1; // "constant" to indicate which date starts a month (usually people like it to be 1. day of the month)
var WEEK_START_DAY = weekStartDay; // "constant" to indicate a day which starts a week -- 1=Sun, 2=Mon, .. ; weekStartDay is declared in preferences.js
var Calendar = new Date(); //stores the date the user is looking at
var Today = new Date(); // stores the date marked as today
var popcal = null;
var bNeverBuilt = true;
var inlineStyles = new String();
function showcal()
if (!dopopup || !cal)
return true;
if (popcal == null)
popcal = window.createPopup();
popcal.document.body.innerHTML = buildcal();
else if (Today.getDate() != (new Date()).getDate())