Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | trade name | window OCR: Kaspersk. Anti -Virus Scanner File Scan Tools Help KA(IZR(KYB Standard Y Tento pocitac Actions in case virus detection Disketa 3,5 palce [A:] Ask user DISK Report only Objects DISK DISK Rename Disinfect object New [F: Delete object Jednotka DVD-RW [w:] Scan local removable drives Options Jednotka Flashpoint [X:] CD-ROM [Y:] Scan Scan files local Ihard f following types Jednotka CD-RW Z All infectable By mask Customize Exclude ysea nq Scan sectors Scan memory Scan MS Outlook Express eiee bases Statistic Scan StartUp objects Y Scan compound files of the following types Enable code analyser Expert Anti-virus bases are pdeddd Known viruses 71 405 Kaspersky irus IEIKY Jednotk Flashpoin hard ysew sector daee sases Experl papedd