ocr: Batch Process X Source Files (7 file(s) selected) The script "Lost in Space" will be run on all the selected files. CISoundsISFXVAlicansh Thumb Piano.wav Add Files... CISoundslSPXaplane Pass By.wav CISounds1SPXVAnVH Hits.wav Hemove C:iSoundsiSFXNBellree-Up.way CwSounds1SFXXBirdJapanese Quail.wav C:1Sounds1SFXXBird-Loon.way C:iSoundsSFX1BUS ull-up.wav Destination Folder CNMusic Browse... Output Filename Lemplate mp3 Output Format MPEG 3 [FhGl(.mp3] Format Options Click Scan List' to get options list. Click Change Uptions' to view options for this sample type setting. Change Options. Scan List H ...