104 We will now perform a series of tests that will determine the DMA settings of your Windows audio hardware.\n\n
105 Would you like to continue?
106 Detected: %s\n\nWould you like to use the standard settings for this device?\n\nChoose YES to use the standard settings (recommended).\nChoose NO to override the standard settings.
107 Audio hardware has been successfully profiled.
108 We will now perform a series of tests that will determine the optimal data transfer rate for your hard disk.\n\n
109 Microsoft Audio Compression Manager (MSACM) is missing or invalid. It may be installed from your setup disks by clicking on the 'Drivers' icon in the Control Panel.
110 Disk Profiler
111 An error occurred while profiling audio hardware.\n\n
112 If you experience synchronization problems between digital audio and MIDI, please contact Cakewalk technical support.
113 Auto-detect has been aborted.\nCurrent settings have been restored.
114 --- None ---
115 We must now perform a series of tests to determine the timing characteristics of your Windows audio hardware.\n\n
116 To ensure the best possible synchronization between MIDI and digital audio, we recommend that you allow us to perform
117 these tests now. However, you may also perform them at a later time by choosing Options | Audio Options...\n\n
118 Would you like your hardware to be tested now?
119 Take%ld/%u
120 %ld Hz
121 %d: %s
122 %d: %s
123 However, some sample rates are not supported by your hardware.
124 Mixing down audio
125 &Queue Time (ms):
126 &Queue Buffers:
127 Audio Configuration
128 &Playback Wave Device:
129 &Record Wave Device:
130 Percent (%)
131 Track%d.Vol
132 Track%d.Pan
133 Aux%dRet.Vol
134 Aux%dRet.Balance
135 Aux%dSend%d.Vol
136 Aux%dSend%d.Pan
137 Aux%dMaster.Vol
138 Aux%dMaster.Balance
139 Main%dVol.L
140 Main%dVol.R
141 Track Volume
142 Track Pan
143 Send Volume
144 Send Pan
145 Return Volume
146 Return Balance
147 Send Volume
148 Send Balance
149 Aux %d
151 Audio Engine
152 Main Volume
153 Data Directory
154 Take Vault
155 |16|18|20|22|24
156 The default sample rate and bit depth is not supported by one or more sound cards. The default has been reset to 44.1kHz and 16 bits per sample.
157 The default sample rate and bit depth is not supported by one or more sound cards. All audio ports have been disabled.
158 |16|24
159 One or more sound cards do not support stereo. The default audio format has been set to mono.
160 Waveform Pictures
161 Incorrect version of VcakeD driver. Please reinstall Cakewalk from its original media.
162 Audio initialization error
163 Drive %c: at %d KB/block
164 Unable to create temporary file. 128MB of free disk space is required to perform this analysis.
165 Unable to repopen temporary file..
166 File seek error.
167 File read error.
168 An error occurred.
169 %s does not exist.\nWould you like to create it?
170 Effective latency at %dkHz/stereo:
171 MainMixer%d.Track%d
172 AuxMixer%d
173 Track%d.Aux%d
174 MainMixer%d
175 Vol
176 Pan
177 Mute
178 Balance
180 Send Vol
181 Send Pan
182 Return Vol
183 Return Pan
184 Gain
185 Pan
186 Bool
187 Wave Profiler (WDM Kernel Streaming)
188 Wave Profiler (16 Bit Wave API)
189 Wave Profiler (32 Bit Wave API)
190 On
191 Off
192 Wave Profiler (ASIO)
193 The default audio format is not compatible with one or more sound cards. It has been reset to %d Hz (%d bit), as suggested by the driver.
27001 Twelve Tone Systems digital audio server
27002 Processing audio data
27003 Loading audio data
27004 Loading stereo audio data
27005 Writing compacted audio (mono)
27006 Writing compacted audio (stereo)
27007 Changes will not take effect until the next time you start Cakewalk. To make them take effect now, please choose Exit from the File menu, then start Cakewalk again.
27008 Audio Settings
27010 Bass
27011 Drums
27012 Guitar - Acoustic
27013 Guitar - Lead or Distorted
27014 Guitar - Tight Rhythm
27015 Piano
27016 Saxophone
27017 Brass Instrument
27018 Vocal
27019 Generic
27020 Ensemble
27021 Woodwind Instrument
27022 Unknown
27023 + FX, Left
27024 + FX, Right
27025 + FX, Mono
27026 <Unstretchable>
27027 Exception code: %08lX (%s)\n\nModule:
27028 \nAddress: %08lX (%04lX:%08lX)\n\n
27029 Cakewalk may be unstable as a result of this error. To prevent further damage, please save your work into a different file and restart Cakewalk.\n\n
27030 Access Violation
27031 Invalid Page Fault
27032 No Memory Fault
27033 Illegal Instruction Fault
27034 Noncontinuable Fault
27035 Invalid Disposition
27036 Array Bounds Exceeded
27037 Floating Point Denormal Operand
27038 Floating Point Divide By Zero
27039 Floating Point Inexact Result
27040 Invalid Floating Point Operation
27041 Floating Point Overflow
27042 Floating Point Stack Check
27043 Floating Point Underflow
27044 Integer Divide By zero
27045 Integer Overflow
27046 Priveledged Instruction Fault
27047 Stack Overflow
27048 Control+C Exit
27049 Unknown
27050 Choose OK to stop processing now, allowing unsaved work to be saved.\nChoose CANCEL to continue processing despite the error.\n
27051 Importing audio stream
27052 Exporting to AVI
27053 Find Missing Audio File
27055 Please delete events containing missing audio before attempting to save as a bundle.
27056 The file you have chosen differs in name from the original. Please locate the proper file.
27057 Locate Wavedata Directory
27058 Preparing waveform display
27059 Updating audio events
27060 Copy file to project wave directory?
27061 %s to '%s' Failed! File will be used in-place.
27062 %s does not exist.\nWould you like to create it?