373 \nPlay List\nPlay List\nPlay List Sets (*.SET)\n.SET\nPlayList.Document\nPlay List Document
374 You have deselected ports in use by control surface(s). These surfaces will now be assigned to port "none".
1646 Indicates size of snap.\nSnap granularity
1647 Sets smallest note size to use in translation from MIDI data.\nDisplay Resolution
1648 Changes note duration for inserted notes.\nNote duration
1649 Indicates pitch and time at mouse location.\nNote info
1650 Hidden audio beyond slip edit points will be discarded. Continue?
2145 Display the control surface properties\nProperties
16384 \nThis file already exists.\n\nReplace it?
16385 Cannot clone events to a non-empty track.
16386 This Demo version cannot Save or Print. To order visit http://www.cakewalk.com.
16387 Number must be %d..%d.
16388 Number must be %u..%u.
16389 Not a valid pitch.
16390 Please try again.
16391 DeglitchAmt
16392 DeglitchPitch
16393 DeglitchVelocity
16394 Invalid value.
16395 Required tempo exceeds available range.
16396 System Exclusive bank is too large to edit as text
16397 System Exclusive messages must start with 'F0'
16398 System Exclusive messages must end with 'F7'
16399 Please use a number.
16400 Incomplete sysx message. Discarding received data.
16401 Append to existing bytes? (Answer 'No' to replace).
16402 Dump Request Macro needs your input
16403 Channel/Unit Number:
16404 Patch/Voice/Config Number:
16405 You cannot do that during playback or recording.
16406 This file contains System Exclusive data. Do you want to send it to your MIDI gear now?\nIf you are unsure, click Cancel.\n\nYou can disable this warning from Tools | Global Options...
16407 Problem sending System Exclusive bank
16408 Cannot allocate new track
16409 Clear all key function assignments?
16410 From must be less than Thru.\nPlease try again.
16411 Out of memory
16412 There was a problem reading or writing the file.
16413 General error
16414 Not a Cakewalk format file
16415 Not a MIDI File
16416 Not a MIDI File Format 0 or 1 file
16417 Cannot find or open file
16418 Not a binary System Exclusive file
16419 Cannot read file
16420 Cannot write file -- disk may be full
16421 S&les
16422 This groove is too large to be stored in the groove file format you have chosen. Please choose the Cakewalk format instead.
16423 Duration and velocity cannot be stored in the selected file format. Choose the Cakewalk format to save this information.
16424 Replace existing groove?
16425 Delete groove?
16426 < Clipboard >
16427 Do Not Change
16428 Quantize to Resolution
16429 Move to Nearest
16430 Scale Time
16431 The file '%s' was created by a newer version of Cakewalk. Overwrite file in older format?
16432 Groove files that were created by beta versions of Cakewalk will be updated.
16433 Cannot modify file '%s' (might be read-only)
16434 Locked markers will be moved to reflect your new SMPTE offset.
16435 .bun
16436 Do you wish to use %s as the wavedata directory?
16437 The events were placed on the Clipboard. Next, you can choose Process | Groove Quantize or Edit | Paste to make use of them.
16438 You are about to reset the AudioX hardware to its default state. All your unsaved modifications will be lost. Do you really want to do this?
16439 The events were placed on the Clipboard. Next, you can choose Process | Groove Quantize or Edit | Paste to make use of them.
16440 Value out of range. Using %1
16441 Fixed
16442 Floating
16443 Standard
16444 View
16445 Transport
16446 Sync
16447 Select
16448 Markers
16449 Loop / Auto Shuttle
16450 Record
16451 Tempo
16452 Position
16453 Ctrl
16454 Shift
16455 Alt
16456 Home
16457 End
16458 Left
16459 Right
16460 Up
16461 Down
16462 PgUp
16463 PgDn
16464 -- CAL Script --
16465 -- Play List set --
16466 -- StudioWare panel --
16467 To create a new StudioWare panel, a project window must be active.\nThe panel will be associated with that project.
16468 To open a StudioWare panel, a project window must be active.\n The panel will be associated with that project.
16469 Current
16470 Next
16471 \nLoop Start
16472 \nLoop End
16473 \nCurrent Marker
16474 \nPunch In Time
16475 \nPunch Out Time
16476 \nFrom
16477 \nThru
16478 \nTempo
16479 \nMeter/Key
16480 MIDI Channel
16481 TAB fret numbers
16482 Guitar - Standard
16483 Rosewood [Low Res]
16484 Maple [Low Res]
16485 Ebony [Low Res]
16486 Bass - Standard
16487 Guitar - Eb
16488 Guitar - Drop D
16489 DeglitchUseDuration
16490 Guitar - Open C
16491 Guitar - Open Cm
16492 Guitar - Open D
16493 Guitar - Open Dm
16494 Guitar - Open Dsus4
16495 Guitar - Open E
16496 Send A&ll
16497 Re&ceive
16498 &Name
16499 &Auto
16500 Out&put
16501 &Edit Bytes
16502 &Delete
16503 L&oad Bank
16504 Sa&ve Bank
16505 &Add
16506 &Delete
16507 Confir&m
16508 &Change
16509 &Add
16510 &Delete
16511 &Change
16512 &On
16513 &Add
16514 &Delete
16515 Dela&y
16516 &Next
16517 &Clear List
16518 &Load Set...
16519 &Save Set...
16520 &Full Path
16521 Whole
16522 Half
16523 Quarter
16524 Eighth
16525 Eighth Triplet
16526 Sixteenth
16527 Sixteenth Triplet
16528 32nd
16529 32nd Triplet
16530 Half Triplet
16531 Quarter Triplet
16532 Measure
16533 .rmi
16534 Drag and Drop Options
16535 Reset: Sending Note Off Messages...
16536 Reset: Wheels, Pedals, Controllers...
16537 Reset Button
16538 The Staff view cannot handle meters that are longer than 16 quarter notes
16539 At this rastral size, %d staves cannot fit on a page. Try fewer staves, smaller rastral size, or portrait orientation.
16540 Measure %u is too wide to fit on a line. Try smaller rastral size or landscape orientation.
16541 Insert Event
16542 Delete Event
16543 Draw Tempos
16544 The Staff view will not work properly unless you enable TrueType fonts. Please do this using Windows Control Panel. Open the Fonts icon, and press the TrueType button.
16545 Cannot create the Staff view musical symbol font.
16546 Cannot add the Staff view musical symbol font.
16547 Drag Move
16548 Drag Copy
16549 Insert Track
16550 Delete Track
16551 Insert Measures
16552 MIDI Effects
16553 Audio Effects
16554 Last file 1
16555 Last file 2
16556 Last file 3
16557 Last file 4
16558 <no function assigned>
16559 --- Standard Buttons ---
16560 OK
16561 Cancel
16562 Yes
16563 No
16564 --- Menu Commands ----
16565 --- CAL Program Files ---
16566 n/a
16567 Ctrl+%c
16568 Ctrl+F%d
16569 F%d
16570 Shift+F%d
16571 Normal
16572 Controller 32
16573 Controller 0
16574 Patch 100..
16575 Manage Audio Effects
16576 Manage MIDI Effects
16577 Unlink Clips
16578 Insert Video
16579 Delete Video
16580 The clipboard Audio format does not match the current Project format (Sample Rate or Bit Depth).
16581 Close
16582 Disk space [%c]: %dMB (%d%%)
16583 Staff
16584 Exceeded max # of staves (%d)
16585 Rosewood [High Res]
16586 Maple [High Res]
16587 CAL file is too large
16588 Record
16589 /STOP/
16590 <untitled>.CAL
16591 New
16592 Open...
16593 Save
16594 Save As...
16595 Run
16596 Delete Measures
16597 Can accept only one file at a time.
16598 MAPI.DLL cannot be loaded. Check your Mail installation.
16599 Cannot find the README.RTF file.
16600 Unknown error trying to open README.RTF.
16601 Cannot play wave file
16602 Not a wave file
16603 **Bad wave data!
16604 Only one track is selected for Event List view.
16605 Sysx Bank Output
16606 Sysx Bank Name
16607 Delete sysx bank?
16608 Treble
16609 Bass
16610 Treble/Bass
16611 Alto
16612 Tenor
16613 Octave-treble
16614 Percussion
16615 Determining Staves
16616 &Layout...
16617 Res
16618 &Fill
16619 Tri&m
16620 Please click on the first of a series of tied noteheads
16621 Not enough notes for each syllable
16622 Tempo Ratio
16623 Value:
16624 Modify Event
16625 Modify Lyrics
16626 8va Bass
16627 Untitled -- %d
16628 Ebony [High Res]
16629 Sysx Send
16630 Sending bank %d, %lu bytes sent (total %lu).
16702 No event found matching your search criteria. Try from the beginning?
16703 CAL view
16704 \n ;-- Start of recording --\n
16705 ;-- End of recording --\n
16706 Normal^*.cwp^Template^*.cwt^Cakewalk Bundle^*.cwb^MIDI Format 0^*.mid;*.mff^MIDI Format 1^*.mid;*.mff^RIFF MIDI Format 0^*.rmi^RIFF MIDI Format 1^*.rmi^
16707 (Untitled)
16708 Archive
16709 Manual Mute: %s Auto Mute: %s
16710 Normal^*.cwp^Template^*.cwt^Cakewalk Bundle^*.cwb^MIDI Format 0^*.mid;*.mff^MIDI Format 1^*.mid;*.mff^RIFF MIDI Format 0^*.rmi^RIFF MIDI Format 1^*.rmi
16711 Copyright ⌐ %d by
16712 All Cakewalk^*.cwp;*.wrk;*.mid;*.mff;*.rmi;*.cwb;*.bun;*.set;*.CakewalkStudioWare^Cakewalk Project^*.cwp;*.wrk^Cakewalk Template^*.cwt;*.tpl^Cakewalk Bundle^*.cwb;*.bun^MIDI File^*.mid;*.mff^RIFF MIDI File^*.rmi^Play List^*.set^StudioWare^*.CakewalkStudioWare
16774 No event matching your search criteria was found.
16775 Current pitch cannot be played on this string.
16776 <untitled>.SET
16777 Wait %d seconds
16778 .cwp
16779 .mid
16780 N/A
16781 - Console
16782 Aux Buses
16783 (wait %d sec.)
16784 (wait for keypress)
16785 ----- End -----
16786 .mff
16787 READY
16788 Loading
16790 (wait %d sec.)
16791 (wait for keypress)
16792 ----- End -----
16793 Start next song
16794 Source
16795 Cannot save file
16796 Cannot load file.
16797 All Audio^*.wav;*.asf;*.wm;*.wma;*.wmv;*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.au;*.snd^Wave (*.wav)^*.wav^Apple AIFF (*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff)^*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff^MPEG (*.mp2;*.mp3;*.mpg;*.mpeg)^*.mp2;*.mp3;*.mpg;*.mpeg^Windows Media (*.asf;*.wm;*.wma;*.wmv)^*.asf;*.wm;*.wma;*.wmv^Next/Sun (*.au;*.snd)^*.au;*.snd^All Files (*.*)^*.*
16798 wav
16799 &Play
16800 Mono
16801 Stereo
16803 Syntax error
16804 Divide by zero
16805 Wrong number of arguments
16806 Unknown procedure
16807 Unknown variable
16808 Attempt to change constant
16809 Out of memory
16810 Expected closing quote
16811 Expression too complex
16812 Types do not match
16813 Variable redefined
16814 Evaluation stack overflow
16815 Code stack overflow
16816 Value out of range
16817 Valid only in (forEachEvent), or, body expression
16818 Not valid in (forEachEvent), or, body expression
16819 Program called (error):
16820 Miscellaneous error
16821 Mismatched parentheses
16822 'undef' of undefined variable
16823 Program called (exit)
16824 User pressed Cancel
16825 Cannot open include file
16826 Command is disabled on the menu
16827 Cannot load Dynamic Link Library
16828 Proc does not exist in Dynamic Link Library
16829 Select Some
16830 Search
16831 Replace
16832 Event Filter - %s
16833 - AudioX Console view
16834 Note that is on
16835 Cannot find or start the Virtual Piano, VPIANO.EXE.
16836 Lyric
16837 MCIcmd
16838 Audio
16839 Draw Audio Volume
16840 No steady beat could be found in the audio data.
16841 &Stop
16842 Warning: This command will clear the clipboard and the 'Undo' history, and cannot be undone later.\n\nWould you still like to proceed?
16843 Scanning tracks
16844 Exponential Fade In
16845 Exponential Fade Out
16846 Linear Fade In
16847 Linear Fade Out
16848 Inverse Exponential Fade In
16849 Inverse Exponential Fade Out
16850 At Time (Sample):
16851 At Time (Meas:Beat:Tick):
16852 At Time (Hr:Mn:Sc:Fr):
16853 Exprsn
16854 Hairpin
16855 Chord
16856 Crescendo
16857 Decrescendo
16858 Cannot read file
16859 Bad data in file: Missing F0 or F7
16860 Cannot open file
16861 Cannot write file
16862 <Audio>
16863 <MIDI>
16864 &Meas:Beat:Tick
16865 Crossfade
16866 Linear Crossfade
16867 Exponential Crossfade
16868 Inverse Exponential Crossfade
16869 Split Clips
16870 Combine Clips
16871 Clip properties
16872 This file is unreadable by Cakewalk. Unless it was created by a different application, you may wish restore it from a backup copy before proceeding with Clean Audio Disk. Press Help for more information.\n\n
16873 \nRecord Mode
16874 Video For Windows (*.avi)^*.avi^MPEG Video (*.mpg)^*.mpg;*.mpeg^QuickTime Video (*.mov)^*.mov^All Files (*.*)^*.*
16875 Events
16876 Events from inactive Clips
16877 You cannot save this file with the same name as another open sequence.\nChoose a different name, or close the other sequence before saving.
16878 Audio Clip Background
16879 Events
16880 Samples
16881 Change Meter/Key
16882 Add Marker
16883 Change Marker
16884 Unable to write output file. The audio disk may be full.
16885 Unable to import wave file. The audio disk may be full.
16886 Unable to import wave file. The file's audio format is incompatible with the current project.
16887 Unable to save entire recording. The audio disk may be full.
16888 Unable to write output file. The audio disk may be full.
16889 Unable to import wave file. The audio disk may be full.
16890 Unable to save entire recording. The audio disk may be full.
16891 No audio is selected, so your command has not been carried out.
16892 Insert Bank/Patch
16893 %d files found.
16894 Selection in the ruler selects events of all types, not just the events this view can display.
16895 Change Tempo
16896 Warning
16897 Modifying or duplicating copyrighted materials may violate the rights of the copyright holder. Are you sure you want to modify the copyright notice?
16899 Zoom Out Vertical
16900 Zoom In Vertical
16901 Zoom Out Time
16902 Zoom In Time
16903 Pick Track
16904 Select [T]
16905 Draw [D]
16906 Erase [E]
16907 Scrub Tool [B]
16908 Snap to Grid [N]. Click on/off; shift-click to change settings.
16909 BIGMAG
16910 SMLMAG
16912 Split Tool [C]
16913 FORTE
16915 PED
16916 LOCK
16918 &1NOTE01
16919 &2NOTE02
16920 &4NOTE04
16921 &8NOTE08
16922 &6NOTE16
16923 &3NOTE32
16924 &.NOTEDT
16925 &TTRIPLET3
16926 Line Draw [L]
16927 Arial
16928 <none>
16929 MIDI Input/Output Activity
16930 Split Tool [C]
16931 X = %s, Y = %ld%%
16932 X = %s
16933 Y = %ld%%
16934 The application was unable to set the current clock source to your last selection. The input may not be correctly configured.
16935 All audio data files have been kept in %s, with your previous Cakewalk sequencer. To prevent data loss please DO NOT manually DELETE this directory.
16936 Audio Event '%s' - SONAR
16937 '%s' has changed. Would you like to reload it?
16938 %s\Tool copy %d of %s.wav
16939 Cannot create temporary file
16940 Cannot create process
16941 This file was created by a pre-release version of Cakewalk and has a bad 'file-creation date'.\n\n If you now Save the file again, it will be corrected.
16942 Pick Tracks (T)
16943 MS Sans Serif
16944 Created %s\nAudio Data Directory: %s
16945 Shift-JIS
16946 Modifying or duplicating copyrighted materials may violate the rights of the copyright holder. Are you sure you want to save this song?
16947 Measure
16948 Value:
16949 Video For Windows^*.avi
16950 avi
16951 \nCount In
16952 Metronome
16953 Beat
16954 MP3 Encoding can only be performed on projects that are set to a sample rate of 32, 44.1, or 48 KHz, with a bit depth of 8 or 16 bits per sample.
16955 Default Codec
16956 Tempo
16957 Dynamics
16958 #
16959 b
16960 Unable to export audio because an error occurred during file encoding.\nThe selected output format may not be compatible with this encoder.
16961 Mixdown Export File Could Not Be Used for Format Conversion.
16962 Use this Select tool to select and move single or multiple events.
16963 Use this Scrub tool to drag horizontally over time to hear notes.
16964 Use this Draw tool to add, delete, and move individual events (event type buttons to the right).
16965 Use this Erase tool to erase events.
16966 Enter input note duration
16967 The Draw tool will now work on note events of this size.
16968 The Draw tool will now work on lyric events.
16969 The Draw tool will now work on chord events.
16970 The Draw tool will now work on expression events.
16971 The Draw tool will now work on hairpin events.
16972 The Draw tool will now work on pedal events.
16973 Guitar
16974 Enter fret number
16975 Delete chord list "%s"?
16976 Delete this chord "%s" from chord list "%s"?
16977 Chord Library Files (*.liw)^*.liw
16978 Chord Import
16979 %ld samples
16980 Cannot play more than %d audio tracks.\n\nPlease mute another audio track first.
16981 Snap
16982 Chord Fret Number
16983 Unexpected end of file
16984 missing one or more closing parentheses
16985 Add Tempo
16986 Modify Tempo
16987 Note Duration
16988 Delete Marker
16989 &Locked
16990 SysxData
16991 RPN
16992 NRPN
16993 .CakewalkWindowLayout
16994 New Global Layout
16995 Replace existing layout? : "%s"
16996 Stretch Audio
16997 Title:
16998 Subtitle:
16999 Instructions:
17000 Author:
17001 Copyright:
17002 Keywords:
17003 File Stats...
17004 &Hr:Mn:Sc:Fr
17005 Marker view -- "%s" -- Page %d
17006 Slide locked markers too?
17007 Rename Existing Layout
17008 New Name:
17009 Groove^*.grv
17010 Tom 10 of 10
17011 Hi-hat Foot, Tom 8 of 8, 9 of 9, 9 of 10
17012 Bass 2
17013 Bass
17014 Tom 4 of 4, 5 of 5, 6 of 6, 7 of 7, 7 of 8, 8 of 9, 8 of 10
17015 Tom 1 of 1, 2 of 2, 3 of 3, 3 of 4, 4 of 5, 5 of 6, 6 of 7, 6 of 8, 7 of 9, 7 of 10
17016 Tom 4 of 6, 5 of 7, 5 of 8, 6 of 9, 6 of 10
17017 Snare
17018 Ride 2, Tom 2 of 3, 2 of 4, 3 of 5, 3 of 6, 4 of 7, 4 of 8, 5 of 9, 5 of 10
17019 Cowbell, Hi-hat 2 Hand, Tom 1 of 2, 1 of 3, 1 of 4, 2 of 5, 2 of 6, 3 of 7, 3 of 8, 4 of 9, 4 of 10
17020 Ride 1, Tom 1 of 5, 1 of 6, 2 of 7, 2 of 8, 3 of 9, 3 of 10
17021 Hi-hat Hand (circle(d) indicates open), Tom 1 of 7, 1 of 8, 2 of 9, 2 of 10
17022 Crash 1, Tom 1 of 9, 1 of 10
17023 Crash 2
17024 Crash 3
17025 Crash 4
17026 additional cymbal
17027 additional cymbal
17028 Clear all percussion key assignments for this track?
17029 Percussion Notation Key
17030 Locked markers must shift to reflect your new SMPTE offset: markers cannot preceed start time.
17031 Open Groove File
17032 grv
17033 --- Global Layout Files ---
17034 You must type a hexadecimal number or letter ('A' through 'F')
17035 System Exclusive messages cannot contain data bytes that are greater than 127 (7Fh)
17036 System Exclusive messages must start with an F0
17037 System Exclusive messages must end with an F7
17038 Each SysxData event can contain only one System Exclusive message (F0 <data bytes> F7)
17039 .CakewalkStudioWare
17040 Name:
17041 --- StudioWare Files ---
17042 Delete Layout? : "%s"
17043 Invalid name: "%s".\nA name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
17044 Cannot create file: "%s"
17045 No pulses were found in the selected audio. The Clipboard has not been changed.
17046 This filter does not support the current audio format. It may require a different number of channels (e.g., stereo instead of mono) or a different sample rate.
17047 An invalid parameter was given to this command.
17048 An unknown error occurred during processing, possibly caused by an invalid parameter.
17049 %s Error [0x%08lX]\n
17050 The following files will be created by this command:\n%s\n%s\nDo you wish to proceed?
17051 Overwrite existing file "%s"?
17052 \nFiles shown preceeded by (!) already exist and will be overwritten!\n
17053 Real Audio Encoding can only be performed on projects that are set to a sample rate of 44.1K or less with a bit depth of 8 or 16 bits per sample.
17054 Please delete events containing missing audio before attempting to save as a bundle.
17055 Properties
17056 Guitar - Open Em
17057 Guitar - Open Gm
17058 Guitar - Open F
17059 Guitar - Open G
17060 Bass - Drop D
17061 Bass - 5 String
17062 Bass - 6 String
17063 Custom
17064 Insert
17065 You have masked the active track. Please unmask the track or choose another track to be active.
17066 Please select a track first.
17067 No notes to export!
17068 Invalid Folder for %s: "%s".\nBrowse for a valid folder?
17069 DeglitchFmt
17070 Cannot delete file: "%s"
17071 This beta version has expired.\nPlease destroy it, according to the terms of your Beta Test Site Agreement.\n\nThank you.
17072 Data Directory
17073 Waveform Pictures
17074 Changes will not take effect until the next time you start the program. To make them take effect now, please choose Exit from the File menu, then start the program again.
17075 Arial
17076 SMPTE/MTC timecode detected!\n\nSwitch clock source to SMPTE/MTC and start playback?
17077 Automation
17078 Track View Background
17079 Trim
17080 Vel+
17081 Track Pan
17082 Aux %d Send Pan
17083 L Vol
17084 R Vol
17085 Velocity Trim = %d
17086 Volume Trim = %.1f dB
17087 Aux %d Send Level
17088 File created from pre-release software - cannot be read
17089 All
17090 Mix
17091 FX
17092 I/O
17093 Audio
17094 Fx
17095 Automation Record
17097 Snd
17098 Minimize Strip
17099 Your changes will not take effect until the next time you run Cakewalk.
17100 Audio Device
17101 The requested tempo change is too extreme to allow audio to be stretched. All audio has been left at its original length.
17102 <product not installed!>
17103 Snap to Zero-Crossing [Z]
17104 Loo&p at End
17105 Restore Strip Size
17106 Error creating audio mixdown file.
17107 RIFF Wave^*.wav^Broadcast Wave^*.wav^Real Audio^*.rm^Windows Media Advanced Streaming Format^*.wma^MP3^*.mp3
17108 SONAR is not properly installed. Please reinstall it using your original CD.
17109 Cannot find or start the Virtual Piano, VPIANO32.EXE.
17110 \StringFileInfo\040904e4\FileDescription
17111 RealAudio DLL's did not initialize properly.\nCheck installation for PNC3250.dll.
17112 Encoding %.128s...
17113 RealAudio Settings
17114 Choose a least one target.
17115 Invalid device.
17116 The SoundFont device is in use by another application.
17117 Invalid pathname.
17118 Invalid bank number.
17119 Not enough memory.
17120 Not enough system memory.
17121 Not enough SoundFont memory to load the SoundFonts.
17122 Undefined SoundFont error.
17123 Loading SoundFonts and patch names from %s...
17124 SoundFont File
17125 SoundFont Locations
17126 List:
17127 .rts
17128 .ra
17129 http://www.cakewalk.com
17130 For SoundFonts support, you need a newer version of SFMAN32.DLL
17131 Split selected audio events
17132 CAL Files (.CAL)
17133 Groove Files (.GRV)
17134 StudioWare
17135 Window Layouts
17136 Play Lists (.SET)
17137 Sysx Files (.SYX)
17138 Wave Files (.WAV)
17139 Project Files (.CWP,.CWB,.WRK,.MID,.BUN)
17140 Sequencer engine is already open.
17141 Audio extension DLL cannot be found.
17142 Bad audio extension DLL.
17143 Audio engine is out of memory.
17144 Audio hardware failed to initalize.
17145 Unknown error in sequencer DLL.
17146 Out of memory.
17147 Some external audio files could not be found. Missing audio data has been replaced with silence.
17148 This project contains some looped tracks which could not be completely expanded.
17149 Warning: Cakewalk has removed references in this file to real-time effect(s) not present on your system. Overwriting this file will result in the permanent loss of these effects.
17150 Problem reading scrap data from Windows clipboard.
17151 You are about to paste a large amount of audio data.\nThis may take a VERY long time to complete!
17152 Markers
17153 Bitmap^*.BMP;*.DIB
17154 Wallpaper Bitmap
17155 Commands
17156 &Advanced
17157 Cannot undo this later. Proceed anyway?
17158 &Undo
17159 Ctrl+Z
17160 &Redo
17161 Ctrl+A
17162 Project Options
17163 Track Name
17164 Name:
17165 Track Key+
17166 Amount:
17167 Track Vel+
17168 Amount:
17169 Track Time+
17170 Amount:
17171 Track Channel
17172 Channel:
17173 Track Bank
17174 Bank:
17175 Track Patch
17176 Patch:
17177 Track Volume
17178 Volume:
17179 Track Pan
17180 Pan:
17181 Cannot open MASTER.INS. No instrument definitions will be available.
17182 &Design
17183 Panel
17184 Panel - %s%c
17185 Stop
17186 &Audition
17187 Save
17188 Delete
17189 Overwrite existing preset?
17190 No Audio to Mix-down!
17191 Go
17192 To Time:
17193 Velocity
17194 Channel %d
17195 Draw Velocities
17196 Draw Controllers
17197 Erase Controllers
17198 Recording
17199 Splitting tracks....
17200 Take %d
17201 Count in
17202 Overwrite Recording
17203 Chasing to
17204 Auto Punch
17205 Zapped loop record take
17206 Template files (.CWT,.TPL)
17207 Sample Rate:
17208 Bit Depth:
17209 has changed. Save?
17210 Waiting for MIDI Sync
17211 Waiting for 24 FPS timecode
17212 Waiting for 25 FPS timecode
17213 Waiting for 30 FPS timecode
17214 Waiting for 30 FPS drop frame timecode
17215 Press <Esc> to cancel: %s
17216 Step Record
17217 Cancel
17218 Step Size:
17219 Duration:
17220 Cut
17221 Delete
17222 Global Options
17223 Audio &Effects
17225 Markers
17226 Audio
17227 Tempo
17228 Sysx
17229 Meter/Key
17230 Console
17231 Overwrite
17232 Track %d %s
17233 Sound On Sound
17234 Multiple tracks
17235 Event List
17236 Lyrics
17237 Track %d
17238 Big Time
17239 Controllers
17240 Piano Roll
17241 Percussion Line
17242 Snapshot
17243 Record widget movements as events in tracks
17244 Update widget values to follow events in tracks and MIDI input
17245 Save this panel as a View Layout
17246 Design mode
17247 Snap to Grid [N]. Click on/off; shift-click to change settings.
17248 Select, move, and size widgets
17249 Insert a Cluster widget (contains other widgets)
17250 Insert a Button widget
17251 Insert a Knob widget
17252 Insert a Slider widget
17253 Insert an LED widget
17254 Insert a Meter widget
17255 Insert a Text/Numeric widget
17256 Insert an Image widget
17258 None of the selected audio events overlap, crossfade not done.
17259 <untitled>
17260 Undo
17261 Redo
17262 Track names
17263 Measure numbers
17264 Lyric text
17265 Expression text
17266 Chord text
17267 Triplet numbers
17268 Presets:
17269 Chorus (default Ch. 1)
17270 Reverb (default Ch. 1)
17271 Open a Piano Roll view to edit automation data.
17331 Mono CFX plug-ins within effects loops have been replaced by their updated stereo versions. Preset information has been lost.
17332 Updating the patches on your sound card...
17333 Not enough memory on your sound card to hold all the patches used in this song
17334 Allowed number of audio effects exceeded.\n\nPlease remove one first.
17335 Audio limit exceeded: muting extra tracks.\n\nCannot play more than %d audio tracks.
17336 To order, please visit www.cakewalk.com, or call 1-888-CAKEWALK or (617) 423-9004.
17337 &MIDI Effects
17339 Loop Points
17340 Punch Points
17341 Auto Punch
17342 Video
17343 Lasso
17344 Manage Effects
17345 Audio View Samples
17346 Solo: %s
17347 Record: %s
17348 %s - File Info
17349 [Armed] -
17350 Splitting clips
17351 Video Files (.AVI, .MPG, .MOV)
17352 Video Properties
17353 Replace currently loaded video clip?
17354 PCM
17355 No Video
17356 Multiple clips
17357 Trim-in must be less than Trim-out to be valid
17358 Unable to import video - Unrecognized file format or invalid file.
17359 Snap Offset Markers
17360 Panel """"%s"""" has been customized! Closing the view will discard it from this workfile.
17361 Autosave Copy of
17362 &Delete
17363 External video files could not be found. Missing video has been replaced by null video.
17364 Unable to export video. The disk may be full or an error may have occurred while processing.\nIf you are using compression, a selected compressor may be incompatible.
17435 Windows Media encoding can only be performed on projects that are set to a sample rate of 48K or less with a bit depth of 8 or 16 bits per sample.
17436 Aux %d Master Send Balance
17437 A value of %ld for 'Beats in Clip' is out of range. The valid range is ( %d - %d ).
17438 The value for 'Beats in Clip' causes the 'Original BPM' to be out of range.
17439 This large clip will be made memory-resident. Do you wish to proceed?
17440 The value for 'Beats in Clip' is out of range. The valid range is ( %d - %d ).
17441 The selected file is read-only. Please select a different file name or clear this file's read-only attribute before proceeding.
17442 The value for 'Original BPM' is out of range. The valid range is ( %5.1f - %5.1f ).
17443 No Slicing:
17444 Quarter Notes:
17445 Trans Detect 0%:
17446 Trans Detect 100%:
17447 Whole Notes:
17448 Half Notes:
17449 Eighth Notes:
17450 16th Notes:
17451 32nd Notes:
17452 64th Notes:
17453 Trans Detect %d%%:
17454 Clip Properties
17455 %d error(s) were encountered during the current session.\nThese have been logged to the file %s.
17456 \*.CWT
17457 .cwt
17458 .cwb
17459 .wrk
17460 .cwp
17461 Windows-Media Dynamic-Load-Library failed to load.
17462 MS Sans Serif
17463 Envelope Exists
17464 Param Armed
17466 An envelope already exists for the specified message type.
17467 SONAR 2.1 Beta Release - Confidential
17468 &Arm Parameter
17470 &Arm All Parameters
17471 &Disarm All Parameters
17472 Reassign: %s
17473 Orphaned
17474 To: %s Parameter...
17475 Any existing clip automation will be lost. Would you still like to proceed?
17476 Show/Hide All Meters
17477 The name specified is not a valid name for a project.
17478 Meter Options
17479 Set crossfade curves
17480 Set fade curve
17481 Crossfade Clips
17482 Enable/Disable Automatic Crossfades [X]
17483 To save your project without losing digital audio data, save it as a Normal (.CWP) or Cakewalk Bundle (.CWB) file.
17484 The path specified is not a valid pathname.
17485 Folder creation failed: '%s'
17486 Project Files...
17487 In Note
17488 Out Note
17489 In Chan
17490 Out Port
17491 Chn.
17492 Vel Scale
17493 BSM
17494 Port / Channel
17495 File Name
17496 Path
17497 Status
17498 File Size
17499 %lu KB
17500 %1.1f MB
17501 Global
17502 Local
17503 External
17504 Missing
17505 Unknown
17506 Copying...
17507 <Unsaved>
17508 Synth Rack
17509 Please select a valid DXi synth.
17510 This project uses one or more Drum Maps, which cannot be stored in a Standard MIDI (.MID or .RMI) file.\n\nIf you save your project in this format, the Drum Map and its settings will not be saved. Are you certain you wish to continue?
17511 To save your project without losing the Drum Map(s), save it as a Normal (.CWP) or Cakewalk Bundle (.CWB) file.
17512 Beat Rules
17513 Confirmation
17514 Moving files is potentially dangerous: other projects sharing these files may not be able to locate their data.\n\nPress OK to continue.\nPress CANCEL to choose another option
17515 Invalid path: %s
17516 Backup
17517 Project audio files have been backed up to:\n%s
17518 Cannot consolidate audio. The folder:\n%s\nis not empty.
17519 The project contains no audio to consolidate.
17520 \nThis File already exists.\n\nPlease choose a different Project Name.
17521 Control Surfaces
17522 DXi is Connected
17523 DXi is Disconnected
17524 Patch point: Track Source
17525 Patch point: FX Bin
17526 Plug-in name
17527 Preset
17528 Mute: On
17529 Mute: Off
17530 Solo: On
17531 Solo: Off
17532 Insert DXi Options
17533 Import Audio
17534 No Patterns Found
17535 The From time must be less than or equal to Thru.
17536 (No Presets)
17537 Default Preset
17538 Ctrl+Shift+F%d
17539 Ctrl+Alt+F%d
17540 You cannot create a new project with the same name as another open sequence.\nPlease choose a different name, or close the other sequence.
17541 The specified folder is read-only: '%s'.\nPlease choose a different folder.
17542 Failed to insert DXi.\nThe DXi may not be properly installed.
17543 Groove Audio
17544 Consolidate Audio will collect all project audio and place a copy of each wave file into:\n'%s'
17545 This folder is not empty: '%s'\nIf you continue, any existing files will be replaced by a fresh copy of each wave file from the current project.
17546 Drum Map Manager Help
17547 One or more Drum Maps have been changed. All changes will be lost unless you save the project or save the drum map(s) as a preset. Are you sure you want to quit?
17548 A corrupt audio region was detected and padded with silence.
17549 MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS (http://www.iis.fhg.de/amm) and THOMSON Multimedia.
17550 ReWire by Propellerhead, (c) Propellerhead Software AB. ReWire and Propellerhead are trademarks of Propellerhead Software AB.
17557 Normal^*.cwp^Template^*.cwt^Cakewalk Bundle^*.cwb^MIDI Format 0^*.mid;*.mff^MIDI Format 1^*.mid;*.mff^RIFF MIDI Format 0^*.rmi^RIFF MIDI Format 1^*.rmi
17558 OMF Version 1^*.omf^OMF Version 2^*.omf
17559 Export OMF
17560 %d/%d (Using: %d)
17561 %d (Using: %d)
17562 %d (Using: %d)
17563 Track %d
17564 %s [Overlap]
17565 %s [Interleave]
17566 Big Transport
18002 Transmit MMC\nTransmit MMC
18003 Choose a console control
18004 Choose a Cakewalk operation
18005 Toggle between a detailed and smaller view
18006 Tracks controlled by StudioMix
18007 Open StudioMix view\nOpen StudioMix view
18008 Move StudioMix 1 right
18009 Move StudioMix 1 left
18010 Move StudioMix 8 right
18011 Move StudioMix 8 left
18012 Move StudioMix mains 1 right
18013 Move StudioMix mains 1 left
18014 Main Track controlled by StudioMix
18016 Level
18017 Pan
18018 Chorus
18019 Reverb
18020 Aux pan return
18021 Aux pan send
18022 Aux return
18023 Aux send
18024 Aux enable
18025 Arm
18026 Solo
18027 Mute
18028 Write Fader
18029 Aux pre/post
18030 Now time
18031 Coarse
18032 Medium
18033 Fine
18034 Master aux return
18035 Master aux send
18036 None
18037 Balance
18038 Export Audio
18040 The gearing of the rotary controls
18041 Variable controlled by the shuttle wheel
18042 Variable controlled by the jog wheel
18043 The MIDI output to which StudioMix is attached
18044 Export
18045 A sound is already mapped to that Input Note! Do you want to replace this Map Entry?
18046 Default
18048 StudioMix Active Tracks
18051 Frame
18052 Jog Resolution
18053 Collaps&e
18054 &Expand
18055 Linear
18056 Exponential
18057 All Cakewalk^*.cwp;*.wrk;*.mid;*.mff;*.rmi;*.cwb;*.bun;*.CakewalkStudioWare^Cakewalk Project^*.cwp;*.wrk^Cakewalk Template^*.cwt;*.tpl^Cakewalk Bundle^*.cwb;*.bun^MIDI File^*.mid;*.mff^RIFF MIDI File^*.rmi^StudioWare^*.CakewalkStudioWare
18058 You must open at least one Cakewalk project.\nActivate one of the project's windows, then activate this CAL view and press the Run button.
18059 Clear undo history?
18060 Playback State
18061 .stp
18062 .sgp
18063 .kar
18064 Browse Patches
18065 &dB
18066 &Percentage
18067 Sample Values
18068 Wave Data Directory
18069 Are you sure you want to reset the AudioX Console Controls?
18070 AudioX Console Automation Data
18071 Effects
18072 Export to Stereo File(s)
18073 Export to Separate Left and Right Files
18074 Export to Mono File(s)
18075 Output:
18076 Available tempo range is 8 to 250 BPM. The result of this command exceeds the available tempo range. Make necessary adjustments and try again.
18077 Tempo Change
18078 This project contains digital audio data, which cannot be stored in a Standard MIDI (.MID or .RMI) file.\n\nIf you save your project in this format, the digital audio data will not be saved. Are you certain you wish to continue?
18079 All Channels
18080 Tracks 1, 11, 21...
18081 Tracks 2, 12, 22...
18082 Tracks 3, 13, 23...
18083 Tracks 4, 14, 24...
18084 Tracks 5, 15, 25...
18085 Tracks 6, 16, 26...
18086 Tracks 7, 17, 27...
18087 Tracks 8, 18, 28...
18088 Tracks 9, 19, 29...
18089 Tracks 10, 20, 30...
18090 %s does not exist.\nWould you like to create it?
18091 Your previous wave data directory:\n%s\ncould not be migrated because it specifies an invalid path
18092 Reset and Cancel
18093 Select Font [Ctrl-F]
18094 Hyphenate [Ctrl-H]
18095 You are about to insert Audio into a MIDI track.\nContinue?
18096 Warning: AVI files created using the 'default' video codec may not correctly load under Windows if the source video was MPEG.\n\nDo you wish to select a different video codec?
18097 Number of allowed MIDI effects has been exceeded.\n\nRemove one and try again.
18098 Problem patching effect.
18099 Show/Hide Track
18100 Enable/Disable Track Editing
18101 Apply MIDI Effects
18102 Apply Audio Effects
18103 Audio&X Console
18104 Problems occurred communicating with AudioX device.
18105 MBT %d:%d:%d : MIDI Note #%d out of range (pitch = %s)\n\n
18149 Unable to set the sample rate of %s to the project's sample rate. Please configure the mixer manually.
18150 AudioX Driver Error
18151 Unable to initialize the AudioX system identified by the CLSID %s. Please verify that the driver has been installed.
18152 |16|18|20|22|24
18153 %d: %s
18154 %d: %s
18155 &Playback Wave Device:
18156 &Record Wave Device:
18157 %ld Hz
18158 Roland U-8
18159 Track View Pan Control / Envelope Color
18160 --- None ---
18161 |16|24
18162 Effective latency at %dkHz/stereo:
18163 Shape
18164 Jump
18165 Linear
18166 Slow
18167 Fast
18168 Sine
18169 %.2f-%.2f
18170 Console
18171 Tracks
18172 AudioX Console
18173 Video
18174 Big Time
18175 Lyrics
18176 Markers
18177 Piano Roll
18178 Event List
18179 Staff View
18180 Audio
18181 Meter/Key
18182 Tempo
18183 Sysx
18184 StudioWare
18185 Effects Properties
18186 Vol Fader
18187 Pan Knob
18188 Mute Button
18189 MIDI Chorus Fader
18190 MIDI Reverb Fader
18191 Balance Knob
18192 &Zoom Factor
18193 Aux Return Vol Fader
18194 Aux Return Pan Fader
18195 Aux Send Vol Fader
18196 Aux Send Balance Fader
18197 Console Track Strip %d
18198 Console Main Strip %d
18199 Console Aux Strip %d
18200 Solo Button
18202 D&Xi Synth
18203 &Enable Floating
18204 &Disable Floating
18205 Disable Control
18206 Project Location
18207 Project Audio
18208 Synth Rack
18209 Control Surface Properties
18210 Add new Control Surface
18211 Delete Selected Surface
18212 Set Port Assignments for Selected Control Surface
18213 Time
18214 Duration
18215 In
18216 Out
18217 A %d
18218 Stereo (Auto Selected)
18219 Mono (Auto Selected)
18220 Phase: Normal
18221 Phase: Inverted
18222 Aux %d Enabled
18223 Aux Bus %d
18224 &Remove Control
18225 Insert Audio Track
18226 Insert MIDI Track
18227 Envelope Tool [E]
18228 Select All Tracks [Ctrl+A]
18229 Select All
18230 &Clip
18231 &MIDI...
18232 Snap To Grid [N]
18233 Zoom Tool [Z]
18234 Unmapped( %d )
18235 Insert DXi Synth Tracks
18236 Clear All
18237 &Create Track Envelope
18238 Track View Control Border
18239 Aux %d Disabled
18240 Aux %d Pre Fader
18241 Aux %d Post Fader
18242 Chr
18243 Rev
18244 &Lock Contents
18245 CPU: %02d%%
18246 CPU: Warning
18247 Disk: %02d%%
18248 Disk: Warning
18250 MUTE
18251 SOLO
18252 ARM
18253 Stereo (Manual Selection)
18254 Mono (Manual Selection)
18255 Channel
18256 Velocity
18257 Volume (default Ch. 1)
18258 Pan (default Ch. 1)
18259 Controller %d - Ch. %d
18260 RPN %d - Ch. %d
18261 NRPN %d - Ch. %d
18262 Wheel - Ch. %d
18263 Main Volume
18264 Main Balance
18265 %d%% L
18266 %d%% R
18267 0% C
18268 On
18269 Off
18270 Track View Trim Control Color
18271 Track View Aux Send 1,9 Control / Envelope Color
18272 Track View Aux Send 2, 10 Control / Envelope Color
18273 Track View Aux Send 3, 11 Control / Envelope Color
18274 Track View Aux Send 4, 12 Control / Envelope Color
18275 Track View Aux Send 5, 13 Control / Envelope Color
18276 Track View Aux Send 6, 14 Control / Envelope Color
18277 Track View Aux Send 7, 15 Control / Envelope Color
18278 Track View Aux Send 8, 16 Control / Envelope Color
18279 Track View Aux Pan 1,9 Control / Envelope Color
18280 Track View Aux Pan 2, 10 Control / Envelope Color
18281 Track View Aux Pan 3, 11 Control / Envelope Color
18282 Track View Aux Pan 4, 12 Control / Envelope Color
18283 Track View Aux Pan 5, 13 Control / Envelope Color
18284 Track View Aux Pan 6, 14 Control / Envelope Color
18285 Track View Aux Pan 7, 15 Control / Envelope Color
18286 Track View Aux Pan 8, 16 Control / Envelope Color
18287 Track View Mute Envelope Color
18288 Active Track Color
18289 Selected Track Color
18290 Choose which tracks should be shown or hidden. [M]
18291 &Show Track Envelopes
18292 Loop Construction
18293 Groove-Clip Properties
18294 Loop Construction
18295 Crop clip
18296 Change Clip Fade Times
18297 Aftertouch - Ch. %d
18298 Samples
18299 Frames
18300 Seconds
18301 Bounce to Clip(s)
18302 Bounce MIDI to Clip(s)
18303 Add Slice Marker
18304 Erase Slice Marker
18305 Enable Slice Marker
18306 Disable Slice Marker
18307 Move Slice Marker
18308 Default Auto Markers
18309 Basic Slices
18310 Transient Detection
18311 Clip Looping
18312 Clip Transposing
18313 Clip Stretching
18314 Create Envelope
18315 Delete Node
18316 Add Node
18317 Track View MIDI Chorus Control / Envelope Color
18318 Track View MIDI Reverb Control / Envelope Color
18319 AUTO
18320 Overwrite
18321 Touch
18322 Auto Punch
18323 \nAutomation Record Mode
18324 Choose which envelopes should be shown or hidden
18325 Beats In Clip:
18326 Orig. BPM:
18327 Root Note:
18328 Pitch:
18329 Fine Pitch (cents):
18330 Basic Slices:
18331 Transient Detection:
18332 Show Clip Envelopes
18333 Create Clip Envelopes
18334 Show Bus Envelopes
18335 Create Bus Envelopes
18336 Audio Stopped
18337 Audio Running
18338 Run Audio
18339 Stop Audio
18340 Default Groove-Clip Pitch
18341 Aux %d
18342 Show/Hide Envelope
18343 M:B:T
18344 Show/Hide Clip Envelope
18345 Samples
18346 H:M:S:F
18347 Seconds
18348 Aux Send Master
18349 Aux Send Master Balance
18350 Aux Return Master
18351 Aux Return Master Balance
18352 Warning: One or more plug-ins failed to load/save its preset information.
18353 Snd
18354 Rtn
18355 Warning: The selection contains one or more Groove Clips that do not support this feature.
18356 Design
18357 All Cakewalk^*.cwp;*.wrk;*.mid;*.mff;*.rmi;*.cwb;*.bun^Cakewalk Project^*.cwp;*.wrk^Cakewalk Template^*.cwt;*.tpl^Cakewalk Bundle^*.cwb;*.bun^MIDI File^*.mid;*.mff^RIFF MIDI File^*.rmi
18358 Warning: Cakewalk has removed references in this file to real-time audio effect(s). The number of audio effects in the file exceeds the maximum allowed in SONAR.
18359 Warning: Cakewalk has removed references in this file to real-time MIDI effect(s). The number of MIDI effects in the file exceeds the maximum allowed in SONAR.
18360 Unable to patch %s. The error reported was:\n\n
18361 .set
18362 .cal
18363 Cakewalk Playlists (*.set) are not supported in this application.
18364 Cakewalk CAL Scripts (*.cal) are not supported in this application.
18365 Cakewalk StudioWare Panels (*.CakewalkStudioWare) not supported in this application.
18366 Modify Snap Offset
18367 Projects: %s
18368 Could not launch Web browser.
18369 Waves: %s
18370 \n\nIt is likely that this effect is incompatible with SONAR. Would you like to remove %s from all menus in the future?
18371 Clip Gain Envelope
18372 Clip Pan Envelope
18373 Clip Velocity Envelope
18374 Modify Event Start Time
18375 Modify Event Pitch
18376 Modify Event Velocity
18377 Modify Event Duration
18378 Modify Event Channel
18379 Pitch
18380 &Show Bus Envelopes
18381 Pattern Files (*.MID)
18382 .mid
18383 Pattern Velocity
18384 Velocity:
18385 Insert Pattern
18386 Note Duration
18387 Drum Map Files (*.MAP)
18388 .map
18389 (Drum Map)
18390 V Scale
18391 Drum Map Manager...
18392 You are about to load a map preset into a map which has been altered. Are you sure you want to do this?
18393 Settings For %s
18394 You are about to delete a map which has been Altered. Are you sure you want to do this?
18399 The file you have chosen differs in name from the original.\n\nIf you are certain that you want to use this file choose OK\nOtherwise choose Cancel to select a different file.
18400 Move File
18401 Copy File
18402 %s to '%s' Failed! File will be used in-place.
18430 Warning: One or more plug-ins failed to instantiate during save.
18431 Use Default
18432 WDM/KS
18433 MME (32-Bit)
18434 MME (16-Bit)
18435 ASIO
18436 ASIO Interface Technology by Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH.\nASIO is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH.
18437 ASIO Panel...
26701 Gain (dB)
26702 16 Freq (Hz)
26703 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
26708 %3d%% done
26712 7 Flats (C-Flat)
26713 6 Flats (G-Flat)
26714 5 Flats (D-Flat)
26715 4 Flats (A-Flat)
26716 3 Flats (E-Flat)
26717 2 Flats (B-Flat)
26718 1 Flat (F)
26719 C
26720 1 Sharp (G)
26721 2 Sharps (D)
26722 3 Sharps (A)
26723 4 Sharps (E)
26724 5 Sharps (B)
26725 6 Sharps (F-Sharp)
26726 7 Sharps (C-Sharp)
26727 DirectShow 5.1 is not installed on this computer. Audio plug-ins may not work, and many other audio functions may be unavailable.
26728 MS Sans Serif
26729 Arial
26730 <Now>
26731 <Beginning>
26732 <End>
26733 <From>
26734 <Thru>
26735 <Punch In>
26736 <Punch Out>
26737 <Loop Start>
26738 <Loop End>
26739 Symbol
26740 Times New Roman
26741 Mono (Auto Selected)
26742 Stereo (Auto Selected)
26743 Mono (Manual Selection)
26744 Stereo (Manual Selection)
26747 Cannot find the TipOfTheDay.txt file.
26748 The TipOfTheDay.txt file is corrupt.
26749 Did you know...
26754 <blank>
26755 <new>
26760 0.
26761 dB
26762 -INF
26763 &Group
26764 Ungroup
26765 Remote Control...
26772 Group %s Properties
26774 Arial
26775 Please enter a value from %s through %s
26800 First Reserved String
26801 Virtual main buses utilized by project(%d) exceed current setting(%d).\n
26802 Auxiliary buses utilized by project(%d) exceed current setting(%d).\n
26803 File created from pre-release software - cannot be read.\nVersion: %s
26804 Please increase the configured number of buses in Options|Audio|General, and re-start prior to loading this file.
26805 Converting data to %d PPQ
26806 WDM audio drivers have been detected on your system. Communication with them will be done using a "kernel streaming" interface that provides very low latency.\n\nNote: Legacy non-WDM drivers do not support kernel streaming, so by default these drivers will not be available. To make them available, please choose Options | Audio | Advanced, and check the "Always Use MME Interface" option.
26807 Converting older format data
26808 Updating slice markers
26809 Virtual mains buses utilized by project(%d) exceed maximum allowed(%d).\n
26810 Auxiliary buses utilized by project(%d) exceed maximum allowed(%d).\n
26811 To open this file it must be re-configured and saved with a Cakewalk product that supports the required number of buses. It should be re-configured to limits compatible with this product.
26812 Saving project...
26813 Opening project...
26814 Output %d
26815 -INF
26816 dB
26817 Importing OMF
26818 Exporting OMF
26819 %s OMF Audio
26820 Track
26821 Aux
26822 Main
26823 Synth Rack
28001 An Instrument with that name already exists.
28002 A Name List with that title already exists.
28003 Normal
28004 Controller 32
28005 Controller 0
28006 Patch 100..
28007 Delete Instrument?
28008 Instrument is being used by one or more port/channels!\n\nDelete anyway?
28009 Close
28010 Delete Name List?
28011 Names are being used by one or more Instruments!\n\nDelete anyway?
28012 Add Name List
28013 Title:
28014 Add Instrument Definition
28015 Import Instrument Definitions
28016 Export Instrument Definition
28017 Import Instrument Definitions
28018 Instrument Files (*.ins)^*.ins
28019 Instrument Files (*.ins)^*.ins
28020 File does not contain any instrument definitions
28021 Delete Del
28022 Expand Right
28023 Expand All
28024 Collapse Left
28025 Collapse All
28026 Instruments
28027 Instrument
28028 Patch Names for Banks
28029 Patch Names for New Bank
28030 Note Names for Patches
28031 Note Names for New Patch
28032 Patch Names
28033 Patch Names List
28034 Note Names
28035 Note Names List
28036 Controller Names
28037 Controller Names List
28038 RPN Names
28039 RPN Names List
28040 NRPN Names
28041 NRPN Names List
28042 Name List
28043 Name
28044 Bank Select Methods
28045 <type new name>
28046 Export...
28047 Controller Names =
28048 RPN Names =
28049 NRPN Names =
28050 Bank Select Method =
28051 Add Patch Names
28052 Bank Number:
28053 Drums
28054 Add Note Names
28055 Patch Number:
28056 <type new title>
28057 Patch
28058 Note
28059 Controller
28060 RPN
28061 NRPN
28062 Edit... F2
28063 Name
28064 New %s Ins
28065 Add %s Shift+Ins
28066 Base the name list '%s' on no other list
28067 Base the name list '%s' on the name list '%s'
29017 Starting Pan Value (-1 for none, 64 for center):
29018 has changed. Save it?
29019 No event matching your search criteria was found.
29020 Cannot clone events to a non-empty track.
29021 Minutes Between Auto Saves (0 for none):
29022 Track Name:
29023 Number must be %d..%d.
29024 Number must be %u..%u.
29025 Not a valid pitch.
29026 Please try again.
29028 Compiling StudioWare...
29030 Invalid value.
29037 7 Flats (C-Flat)
29038 6 Flats (G-Flat)
29039 5 Flats (D-Flat)
29040 4 Flats (A-Flat)
29041 3 Flats (E-Flat)
29042 2 Flats (B-Flat)
29043 1 Flat (F)
29044 C
29045 1 Sharp (G)
29046 2 Sharps (D)
29047 3 Sharps (A)
29048 4 Sharps (E)
29049 5 Sharps (B)
29050 6 Sharps (F-Sharp)
29051 7 Sharps (C-Sharp)
29053 &Undo
29054 Ctrl+Z
29055 &Redo
29056 Ctrl+A
29057 <start>
29061 Clear the entire Undo History?
29062 <Now>
29063 <From>
29064 <Thru>
29065 <Beginning>
29066 <End>
29067 MS Sans Serif
29068 MS Serif
29069 OK
29070 Cancel
29071 Help
29072 -none-
29073 OK
29074 Cancel
29075 &Ignore
29076 &Retry
29077 &Abort
29078 &Help
29079 &Yes
29080 &No
29081 Error
29082 MS Sans Serif
29083 <blank>
29084 Yes to &All
29085 N&o to All
29086 <none>
29087 Cancel
29088 MS Sans Serif
29089 Replace existing layout? : "%s"
29090 &Design
29091 Design mode
29092 SNAPTO&n
29093 Snap to grid
29094 Show color palette in Design mode
29095 Select, move, and size widgets
29096 Note
29097 Controller
29098 Patch Change
29099 Pitch Wheel
29100 Key Aftertouch
29101 Channel Aftertouch
29102 RPN
29103 NRPN
29104 Sysx Bank
29105 Sysx Data
29106 MCI Command
29107 Wave Audio
29108 Key:
29109 Velocity:
29110 Number:
29111 Value:
29112 Bank:
29113 Patch:
29114 Amount:
29115 Key:
29116 Pressure:
29117 Pressure:
29118 Number:
29119 Value:
29120 Number:
29121 Value:
29122 Bank:
29123 Data:
29124 Command:
29125 File:
29126 Binding
29127 Verb:
29128 CAL Program
29129 Program:
29130 Small Fonts
29131 <none>
29133 Widget Bitmap
29134 Bitmap^*.BMP;*.DIB
29135 SELECT&s
29136 .CakewalkStudioWare
29137 --- StudioWare Files ---
29138 Sa&ve...
29139 Save this panel as Studioware
29140 Insert a Cluster widget (contains other widgets)
29141 Insert a Button widget
29142 Insert a Knob widget
29143 Insert a Slider widget
29144 Insert an LED widget
29145 Insert a Meter widget
29146 Insert a Text/Numeric widget
29147 Insert an Image widget
29148 <same as above>
29149 Delete Layout? : "%s"
29150 Track Parameter
29151 Parameter:
29152 Value:
29153 Mute
29154 Archive
29155 Solo
29156 Arm
29157 Port
29158 Channel
29159 Volume
29160 Pan
29161 Time+
29162 Key+
29163 Vel+
29164 Track:
29165 Port:
29166 Panel
29167 Invalid name: "%s"
29168 Panel
29169 Panel - %s%c
29170 <untitled>
29171 Cannot create file: "%s"
29172 Error
29173 The Kind of Action you have chosen requires a track assignment.
29174 Track number must be in the range 1...256!
29175 Port number must be in the range %d...%d!
29176 Track %d
29177 Mute
29178 Track%dMute
29179 Arm
29180 Chorus
29181 Track%dArm
29182 Track%dChorus
29183 Send
29184 Reverb
29185 Track%dSend
29186 Track%dReverb
29187 Pan
29188 Track%dPan
29189 Volume
29190 Track%dVolume
29191 Return
29192 RetPan
29193 RetVolume
29194 Panel "%s" has been customized! Closing the view will discard it from this workfile.
29195 &Properties...
29196 &Group
29197 &Radio Group
29198 Bring to &Top
29199 Send to Botto&m
29200 &Appearance...
29201 Foreground &Bitmap...
29202 Foreground &Color...
29203 Background B&itmap...
29204 Background C&olor...
29205 Delete Del
29206 All Panel Aliases
29207 Out of memory!
29208 Illegal character in expression!
29209 A required parameter is missing!
29210 Missing TRUE clause in conditional
29211 Missing ':' in conditional
29212 Missing FALSE clause in conditional
29213 Assignment not allowed here!
29214 Missing operator between values. (Spaces aren't allowed in alias names!)
29215 Comparison is missing right operand!
29216 Operator is missing right operand
29217 Operator is missing its operand
29218 Expression required inside parenthesis
29219 Closing parenthesis expected
29220 Illegal operator in expression!
29221 Couldn't create variable
29222 Cluster
29223 Button
29224 Knob
29225 Slider
29226 Led
29227 Meter
29228 Text
29229 Image
29230 Cu&t Ctrl+X
29231 &Copy Ctrl+C
29232 &Paste Ctrl+V
29233 &Undo Ctrl+Z
29234 &Redo Ctrl+A
29235 &History
29236 This Demo version allows only five minutes of Use mode or up to fifteen minutes of Design mode per Panel view. This Panel view will now close. To order, call toll-free (888)-CAKEWALK.
29237 Initial value must be between the Min and Max range values!
29239 Insert new Widget
29240 Delete Widget(s)
29241 Cut Selected Widget(s)
29242 Paste Widget(s)
29243 Drag-Move Widget(s)
29244 Drag-Copy Widget(s)
29245 Drag-Size Widget(s)
29246 Edit Widget Properties
29247 Set Foreground Bitmap
29248 Set Background Bitmap
29249 Set Foreground Color
29250 Set Background Color
29251 Group Widgets
29252 Radio Group Widgets
29253 Bring Widget(s) to Top
29254 Send Widget(s) to Bottom
29255 From must be less than Thru.\nPlease try again.
29256 You must type a hexadecimal number or letter ('A' through 'F')
29257 System Exclusive messages cannot contain data bytes that are greater than 127 (7Fh)
29258 System Exclusive messages must start with an F0
29259 System Exclusive messages must end with an F7
29260 Each SysxData event can contain only one System Exclusive message (F0 <data bytes> F7)
29261 Keystroke(s)
29262 Keys to send:
29263 Custom OEM Action
29264 Action:
32771 Play only the current track\nSolo
32772 Cancel solo mode\nUn-Solo
32774 Tempo Ratio 1\nTempo Ratio 1; shift-click to change
32775 Tempo Ratio 2\nTempo Ratio 2; shift-click to change
32776 Tempo Ratio 3\nTempo Ratio 3; shift-click to change
32777 Create or load window layouts\nWindow layouts
32778 Display Track properties\nTrack Properties
32779 Show/Hide Main and Aux bus Meters\nShow/Hide Main and Aux bus Meters
32785 Delete selected tracks\nDelete Track
32786 Split clips\nSplit clips
32787 Combine clips\nCombine clips
32788 Drag & Drop Options\nDrag and Drop Options
32789 Display clip properties\nClip Properties
32790 Unlink clips\nUnlink clips
32791 Track Options\nTrack Options
32792 Select all clips linked to this one\nSelect All Siblings
32796 Record\nRecord [R]
32797 Play\nPlay [Spacebar]
32798 Rewind\nRewind [W]
32799 Stop\nStop [Spacebar]
32800 Delete the selected items\nAudio Delete
32801 Open a new Event List view\nEvent List view
32802 Open a new Audio view\nAudio view
32803 Open a new Piano Roll view\nPiano Roll view
32804 Show controls for Aux send 1
32805 Show controls for Aux send 2
32806 Show controls for Aux send 3
32807 Show controls for Aux send 4
32808 Hide all aux send controls
32809 Open the console view.\nConsole view
32810 Select\nSelect [S]
32811 Split Tool [C]
32812 Scrub\nScrub [B]
32813 Erase\nErase [E]
32814 Draw\nDraw [D]
32815 Draw Line\nDraw Line [L]
32816 Snap to Grid\nSnap to Grid [N]. Right-click to change settings.
32817 Snap to digital audio zero crossing\nSnap to Zero Crossing [X]