70 {Welcome to ReBirth 2.0.\rSince this is the first time you run ReBirth 2.0, we will now perform a Benchmark Test to see how well your computer performs. If you don't want to perform this test right now you may click Cancel and run the test at a later time.\r\rPress "Run Test" to start.}
71 {Running the Benchmark Test may take several minutes.\rPlease refrain from running other applications in the background while performing the Benchmark Test.\r\rPress "Run Test" to start.}
72 {The Benchmark Test has been completed.\r\rThe score for this computer is %d ReBirthMarks, well above the minimum requirements for running ReBirth 2.0!}
73 {The Benchmark Test has been completed.\r\rThe score for this computer is %d ReBirthMarks, enough for running ReBirth 2.0!}
74 {The Benchmark Test has been completed.\r\rThe score for this computer is %d ReBirthMarks. Unfortunately, this means that this computer is too slow to run ReBirth 2.0. A score of at least %d is required.}
75 {Close}
21 {About ReBirth RB-338...}
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14 {Resize Application Window to Documents}
15 {Cascade}
{{Workaround for a missing string in smuggler}
999 {Make sure we can have string index 0-999 instead of 0-99}