Chip 2003 September
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Text File
70 lines
103 UxTheme
115 Type symbol cannot be defined twice=%1
122 Expected left bracket for section name
123 The name '%1' is not an enum value of '%2'
124 Boolean value ('true' or 'false') expected
129 Unknown section name: %1
130 Expected double colon
131 Missing name in section header
132 Enum not defined: %1 (in themes.inc)
133 Missing part name in section header
134 Missing state name in section header
135 Right paren expected after state name
136 End of section header expected
137 Enum value name expected
138 Integer expected
139 Bool value expected
140 Bad color value
141 Bad margins value
146 Illegal size value
147 Illegal RECT value
148 Unrecognized Size Units: %1
149 Left bracket expected
150 System color ID expected: %1
151 Right bracket expected
152 End of line expected
153 Unknown system color ID
154 Not a valid sysfont ID
155 System font ID expected
156 Unknown system font ID
157 Unrecognized font flag: %1
158 Property name expected
159 Equals sign expected
160 Must be a Primitive, enum, or type: %1
161 Extra text following property value: %1
162 Color Scheme Name expected
163 This property not allowed in a [ColorScheme.xxx] section
164 Globals section must come before any other class sections
165 Expected '.SchemeName'
166 Property 'CharSet' must be specified before first 'Font'
167 Property 'CharSet' can only be specified in the [globals] section
168 Section not allowed in themes.ini: %1
169 Section not allowed in a classdata file: %1
170 Property not allowed in size section: %1
171 Size section name expected
172 File section name expected
173 Can not open image file: %1
174 Theme exceeds maximum allowed size
176 The [SysMetrics] section must come before any other class sections
177 Parts not defined for class: %1
178 States not defined for class: %1
197 Not allowed in [sysmetrics] section
205 Part or State already defined
207 Internal parsing error
209 Value name expected: %1
210 Unknown value name: %1
211 Value part specified twice: %1
213 Number expected: %1
214 Number out of range
215 Unknown State: %1
223 Color expected
233 Illegal localizable property/value pair (missing '=' or '@')
234 Illegal substitution symbol
2000 Message Box
2001 Active Window
2002 Inactive Window
2003 OK
2004 Window Text
2005 WindowMetrics