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- ; ativsnxx.INF -- This file installs ativsnxx.sys
- ;
- ;*** Created 6/6/97 (Creation Date)
- ; Copyright 2002, ATI Technologies Inc.
- [Version]
- CatalogFile=ati9xwdm.cat
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- Class=MEDIA
- ClassGUID={4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Provider=%AtiTech%
- LayoutFile=LAYOUT.INF, layout1.inf, layout2.inf
- DriverVer=06/23/2003,
- ; F i l e c o p y i n g s e c t i o n s (where the files go to).
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1="ATI Drivers Release CD",,1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- ativsnxx.sys=1
- [DestinationDirs]
- ATITVAudio.CopyDrivers=10,system32\drivers ; eg. \windows\system32\drivers
- [Manufacturer]
- ; =================== Generic ==================================
- [ATI]
- %ATITVAudio.DeviceDesc%=ATITVAudio.Device,DISPLAY\ATITVAudio27
- %ATITVAudio.DeviceDesc%=ATITVAudio.Device,DISPLAY\ATITVAudio28
- [ATITVAudio.Device]
- Include = ks.inf
- Needs = KS.Registration
- AddReg = ATITVAudio.addreg
- CopyFiles= ATITVAudio.CopyDrivers
- KnownFiles= ATITVAudio.KnownFiles
- [ATITVAudio.AddReg]
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
- HKR,,NTMPDriver,,ativsnxx.sys
- HKR,,PageOutWhenUnopened,3,01
- HKR,,DebugLevel,3,0
- [ATITVAudio.CopyDrivers]
- ativsnxx.sys
- [ATITVAudio.KnownFiles]
- ativsnxx.sys=safe
- ; =================== ATITVAudio ==================================
- [ATITVAudio.Device.Interfaces]
- AddInterface={a799a802-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4},"GLOBAL",TVAudio,
- [TVAudio]
- AddReg=TVAudio.AddReg
- HKR,,FriendlyName,,%ATITVAudio.TVAudio%
- [TVAudio.AddReg]
- HKR,,CLSID,,{71F96462-78F3-11d0-A18C-00A0C9118956}
- [Strings]
- AtiTech="ATI Technologies Inc."
- captureClassName="Sound, video and game controllers"
- ATITVAudio.DeviceDesc="ATI WDM TV Audio"
- ATITVAudio.TVAudio="ATI TV Audio"
- REG_DWORD=0x00010001