512 NeroAPI.DLL was not loaded! You need to fill in "NeroFilesPath" property.
513 NeroAPI was not initialized or was unsuccessfully initialized! Make sure that all relevant properties are filled in. Check "LastError" property for possible errors.
514 Error obtaining the list of available devices! See "LastError" property for more information.
515 There was an error while openning the device! See "LastError" property for more information.
516 There was an error ejecting or loading the device! See "LastError" property for more information.
517 Could not obtain the time needed for erasing CDRW because CDRW was not inserted!
518 Your CD recorder does not support erasing a CDRW.
519 There was an error spawning a worker thread! This is usually due to low system resources.
520 An asynchronous operation is in progress! You can't have two operations at the same time.
521 There was an error while obtaining CD info! Probable cause is absence of a CD.
522 The limit of the maximum number of video items has been reached! You can't add more video items into this collection.
523 Item already belongs to some collection!
524 The length of filename is too big! Maximum is 255 characters.
525 The type of the video item is not supported.
526 An asynchronous operation is in progress and this property cannot be modified until it is finished!
527 The limit of the maximum number of relative index block positions has been reached! You can't add more block positions into this collection.
528 The limit of the maximum number of audio tracks has been reached! You can't add more audio tracks into this collection.
529 The object is locked until asynchronous operation is done!
530 The type of the audio track not supported.
531 The type of the freestyle track not supported.
532 The limit of the maximum number of freestyle tracks has been reached! You can't add more freestyle tracks into this collection.
533 The type of the source for a freestyle track is not supported.
534 Inserted media is not rewritable.
535 Supplied parameter is of incorrect type!
536 Internal Nero error occured!
537 Error gettings availiable speeds from Nero!
538 Nero has already been initialized! You can't change this data once Nero is initialized!