10016 Do you want to write this CD-RW with:\n'Yes' - CD-text and variable pause,\n'No' - with possibility to edit later.
10017 Are you really want to:\n Keep %u track(s),\n Remove %u track(s),\n Add %u track(s)\nfrom this CD\nSimulation and speed determination are impossible in this case.
10018 Impossible to erase CD and write it's track back
10019 File already exists. Press:\n'Yes' - to overwrite this file;\n'No' - to skip this file;\n'Cancel' - to stop recording.
10020 Internal error!
10021 Initialization...
10022 Internal error: Init is missing!
10023 Read error in media file!
10024 Unexpected exception in the input plugin media item!
10025 Unexpected file format!
10026 Unsupported audio format!
10027 Write error to media file!\n
10028 Illegal file name: %s.\n\nShorten 'Artist/Title' information or turn off file name conversion.
10029 Can't write to the same file!\nPlease change name of the target file.
10030 Save to playlist
10031 Other software currently accesses one or more recorders.\nPlease eject these CDs and try again.
10032 Can't open audio file!
10033 Can't convert CD-ROM drive letter to ASPI information.\nDigital reading is impossible.
10034 Can't open CD-ROM device.
10035 Internal MCI error.
10036 This track does not contain audio data.
10037 No medium in the drive.
10038 CR-ROM is not ready.
10039 Wrong track name.
10041 This medium is not a CD.
10042 Impossible to copy on-the-fly from source device to itself.
10043 Impossible to copy on-the-fly with this speed.\nMaximum speed of reading device (%dx) less than recording speed (%dx)
10044 Accessing the internet server...
10045 Cannot open the local CD database (cause: probably incorrect database\npath settings or corrupt database)\nPlease check the preference options.
10046 Sorry, the internet CD database does not contain any information about this CD!
10047 Checking server sites...
10048 Do you want to create a new database?
10049 Finished.
10050 Sorry, some kind of network error was encountered!\nDo you want to try accessing the Internet later?\n(You can change the Internet settings under Preferences->CD Database)
10051 Receiving track information for CD %d...
10052 Sending CD parameters...
10053 Nero CD Database found. Do you want to use this database?
10054 Recording from Line-In to CD is not supported.
10055 Not supported
10056 Your audio files will be modified by the equalizer or a DSP plug-in during recording to CD.\nWe strongly recommend you use 1x recording in this case.\nPress:\n'Yes' - turn off equalizer and DSP plug-in,\n'No' - use current settings at your own risk,\n'Cancel' - abort operation.
10057 Supported
10058 Max speed
10059 %dx (%d kB/s)
10060 You are using a demo version, which will be running until %s.
10061 Your demo version has expired!
10062 Please personalize your copy of %s. Enter your name, company, and the serial number of your copy.
10078 Do you really want to delete the '%s' profile?
10079 Do you really want to overwrite the '%s' profile?
10080 This CD-RW is not empty.\nDo you want to erase it?\nThe Full Erase time is %d min. %02d sec.\nThe Quick Erase time is %d min. %02d sec.
10081 Erasing disk
10082 Erase entire CD-RW
10083 Erase last tracks on CD-RW
10084 Quickly erase entire CD-RW
10085 Erase TOC
10086 Erasing tracks
10087 Enable last track erase on CD-RW audio disc
10088 Unclose last session
10089 Internal error: Can't start new thread!
10090 Can't erase track(s)
10091 Can't register messages
10092 Unable to start a new compilation.
10093 Unable to start a new Playlist Manager.
10094 Communication error.
10095 Communication error. Timeout.
10096 Communication thread is busy. Please try again.
10097 Internal error: no source for ISO compilation
10098 The application detects a very low level of GDI resources in your system.\nOnly %d%% of GDI currently available.\nPlease, close some applications.\nOtherwise the application could be unstable!\nDo you want to close application?
10099 Please enter a name
10100 Out of memory!
10101 Out of memory!
10102 Impossible to change plugin directory. Some plugins are busy.
10103 Skin loading error!
10104 Internal error: can't create synchronization objects. Process terminated!
10105 Photoplate
10106 Stars
10107 Horizontal jalousie
10108 Vertical jalousie
10109 Compass
10110 Clock-face
10111 Close
10112 %1d sec
10113 %2d frames/sec
10114 Hz
10115 kBit/s
10116 %dMB
10117 Mono
10118 Range: %2d dB
10119 Stereo
10120 Format: CD audio\nSampleRate: %d Hz\nChannels: %d\nBitPerSample: %d\n
10121 Audio track
10122 Format: Internet stream
10123 %d:%02d:%02d.%03d
10124 Original 'Artist' or 'Title' was changed by user or read from playlist/CD database.
10125 Can't initialize input plugin
10126 Input plugin reading error
10127 Unexpected error in input plugin
10128 Audio source plugin error:\n
10129 Internal error: Can't stop some threads!\nPlease close the application and re-start
10130 Can't open input audio device!
10131 Can't read from input audio device!
10132 Input device overload!\nYour PC is probably too slow for real time encoding at this bitrate.
10133 Open Error:\n\nURL: %s\nMsg: %s
10134 RTSP protocol is not supported.
10135 Can't load Stream.Dll\nIf you are using Windows 95, check that Windows Socket 2 Update is installed
10136 Pre-buffering data
10137 URL: %s\nTime out.\n
10138 URL: %s\n%s\n
10139 Unable to access a track from the compilation.
10140 Some files are unsupported. They have been selected and can easily be removed from your playlist.\nContinue burning only supported files?
10141 The playlist is empty.\nThere is nothing to record.
10143 No supported files in playlist.
10144 Selected files have a format that cannot be converted to the Audio CD quality format.
10149 CD Database
10150 Cover Editor
10151 DSP plug-ins
10152 File types
10153 General plug-ins
10154 General
10155 Input devices
10156 Language support
10157 Plugin extentions
10158 Plugin name
10159 Version
10160 Output devices
10161 Input plugins
10162 Media plugins
10163 Output plugins
10164 Skins
10165 Visualization
10166 Visualization plug-ins
10167 %d Hz, %s, %d bit
10168 Wave Mapper
10169 (none)
10170 Log saving error
10171 Version %s\n
10172 Internal MCI error.
10173 Can't initialize MP3 decoding library
10174 Internal error!
10175 Internal error:Init is missing!
10176 Bad scan of mp3 file. The file is probably corrupted.\nRecording impossible!
10177 Lost sync within the MP3 stream. Bad MP3 file?
10178 Read error in MP3 file!
10179 Audio CD burning error:
10180 Application has detected that the following audio properties are not\nsupported by your recorder in the current write mode and need\nto be modified:\n
10181 Application can change the audio track settings for you to fit the\ncapabilities of your recorder. This might cause some audio\nproperties to be lost. Do you want Nero to change the track\nsettings for you?\n
10182 Auto Insert Notification is now OFF. You should restart Windows.\n
10183 - Copy protection bit not supported\n
10184 Error creating 'Waiting for CD' dialog
10185 Not enought space for image recording.
10186 - CD specification allows only 2-3 Seconds pause for the first track\n
10187 - Additional index positions not supported\n
10188 Fatal internal problem.
10189 No tracks given.
10190 Sorry, this compilation contains too much data to fit on the CD\nwith respect to the normal CD capacity. Do you want to try\noverburn writing at your own risk (this might cause read\nerrors at the end of the CD or might even damage your recorder)?\n\nNote: It is also possible, that SCSI/Atapi errors occur at the end\nof the simulation or burning. Even in this case there is a certain\nchance, that the CD is readable.\n\n
10191 - Pause length between the tracks not supported\n
10192 Please restart Windows now.\n
10193 Application detected some modifications of your PC system configuration\nand needs to modify some settings. Please restart your PC to make\nthe changes become effective.\nYes - Restart\nNo - Continue at your own risk\n
10194 - ISRC codes not supported\n
10195 CR-ROM is not ready.
10196 Digital audio extraction error:\n
10197 Data CD burning error:
10198 Device not present
10199 \nDo you want to save the log file?
10200 Can't receive information about CD
10201 Can't receive information about device
10202 Can't read information about this track.
10203 This track is not an audio track
10204 The Nero API DLLs cannot be found.
10205 Speed %3.1f x
10206 Track not found
10207 Nero Cover Designer cannot be found.\nIf you are using a demo-version of NeroMIX, you need to install Nero - Burning ROM or Nero Express first.\nOr you need to download NeroMIX which includes the Nero Cover Designer from www.nero.com.
10208 Can't open output audio device!
10209 Can't write to audio device!
10210 Playlist loading error!
10211 Unable to display properties as no tracks are selected.
10212 Playlist saving error!
10213 Plug-in configuration error!
10214 The \n%s\n plug-in performed an illegal operation. We strongly recommend not to use this plug-in in the future.
10215 Plug-in loading error!
10216 Do you want to save playlist manager information to ID3 tag of MP3 files?
10217 Scanning your drives, please wait...
10218 The Windows burning engine (IMAPI) is being used.\nPlease wait and try again
10219 API initialisation failed.
10220 OK
10221 Simulate
10222 Speed Test
10223 Write
10224 Windows sockets initialization failed.\nInternet radio cannot be used.
10225 Create '%s' audio files
10226 Making an image file with your TDK recorder in one drive copying mode is faster if your source drive cannot support 12x audio extraction
10227 Making an image file with your VeloCD in one drive copying mode is faster if your source drive cannot support 12x audio extraction
10228 Did you know...
10229 Add file(s) to playlist
10230 Digit CD
10231 Audio CD
10232 File
10233 Data CD
10234 Line In
10235 Line Out
10236 Load Playlist
10237 .MP3
10239 Open file(s)
10240 Open image file
10241 Preferences
10242 Save image file
10243 Save log
10244 Save output file as
10245 Save Playlist
10246 .VQF
10247 .WAV
10248 Audio CD recording
10249 Data CD recording
10250 Writing from Line-In
10251 About...
10252 CD Copy
10253 Open files
10254 Equalizer
10255 Skip back
10256 Skip forward
10257 Source. Click right mouse button for menu
10258 Midi
10259 Minimize
10260 Mute sound
10261 Quit. Click right mouse button for menu
10262 Destination. Click right mouse button for menu
10263 Pause
10264 Play
10265 Display playlist
10266 Add to playlist
10267 Clear playlist
10268 Cover Editor
10269 Start external playlist manager.
10270 Load playlist
10271 Track info
10272 Remove from playlist
10273 Save playlist
10274 Preferences
10275 Shuffle playlist
10276 Record
10277 Repeat mode
10278 Track back
10279 Track forward
10280 Stop
10281 Visualization
10282 Increase volume
10283 Decrease volume
10284 Source
10285 Destination
10286 Add new profile
10287 Close equalizer
10288 Delete selected profile
10289 Toggle equalizer off/on
10290 Double click on item for setup
10291 EQ Band slider. Use right mouse button for 'follow-the-leader' mode.
10292 Main volume slider
10293 Click right mouse button to display playlist menu
10294 Track selection slider
10295 Jump to %u track: %s
10296 Toggle WindowShade mode
10297 Seeking slider
10298 Volume slider
10299 Version %s.
10300 %s (Build %s)
10301 Sorry, rewriteable medium types cannot be used to burn in Audio Master mode. Please insert a recordable medium.
10302 %s\n\nMedium required for the compilation: %s\nMedium type in the recorder: %s
10303 Please, insert CD
10305 Do you wish to save your current playlist?
10306 Burn
10307 You need to add files to your playlist first. Just drag & drop any music file into the playlist window.
10308 Record via my sound card
10309 Use tracks from my playlist
10310 Compilation closed.
10311 Please create your compilation!
10312 Compilation is ready!
10313 Record an Audio CD
10314 Copy a CD
10315 Record a CD-ROM
10316 Record
10317 An Audio CD plays back on standard CD/DVD players. Please note that most CD players cannot read CD-RW discs.
10318 To make a 1:1 backup of your CD, click on 'next' to select your source and destination drives.
10319 Records your data or MP3 files on an ISO CD-ROM that can be read back by all CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives and recorders. Standard CD/DVD players cannot read data CDs unless explicitly stated by the manufacturer.
10320 Please connect your audio source to the line input of your sound card using the appropriate cables. To change the quality of the recording, please click on the 'options' button.
10321 To select individual tracks from your playlist, please uncheck the box below.
10322 The help file cannot be opened: %1!s!
10323 This serial number is already present in the system
10324 This serial number is not suitable for this application