Chip 2003 July
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Plastic Blue Media Skin (sample) by Blight
// First line must be the description... don't put any comments before it.
// This file is file is a semi-tutorial on how to create Zoom Player skins.
// It shows you the exact structure used to create the default media skin.
// It is only a sample file and is not required for Zoom Player to operate.
// Constants:
// <WinWidth> - Width in Pixels of Window
// <WinHeight> - Height in Pixels of Window
// <WinHalfWidth> - Width in Pixels of Window divided by 2 (useful for screen-centering)
// <WinHalfHeight> - Height in Pixels of Window divided by 2 (useful for screen-centering)
// <VidWidth> - Width in Pixels of Video Area
// <VidHeight> - Height in Pixels of Video Area
// <ARWidth> - Width in Pixels of Video Area with Aspect Ratio Adjustment
// <ARHeight> - Height in Pixels of Video Area with Aspect Ratio Adjustment
// <FileName> - Name of Currently loaded file (full path)
// <FileTitle> - Name of Currently loaded file (file name+extension)
// <FileBase> - Name of Currently loaded file (file name only, no extension or path)
// <cBarWidth> - Width in Pixels of Control Bar after deducting the space used by the buttons
// <cBarHeight> - Height in Pixels of Control Bar
// <cBarHalfWidth> - Width in Pixels of Control Bar after deducting the space used by the buttons divided by 2
// <cBarHalfHeight> - Height in Pixels of Control Bar divided by 3
// <ovColor> - Overlay Color RGB (can be used for transparency with the Control Bar)
// <Time> - Current Time Display
// <TimeRemain> - Time Remaining
// <Duration> - Total Duration of playing content
// <DVDChapter> - Current DVD Chapter
// <DVDTitle> - Current DVD Title
// Vars:
// SkinFileName - Name of non-compressed (8bit/24bit) BMP image that contains all the skin graphics
// iWinWidth - Initial Window Width
// iWinHeight - Initial Window Height
// iVidWidth - Initial Video Width
// iVidHeight - Initial Video Height
// iVidLeft - Initial Video Position in pixels from left position of Window
// iVidTop - Initial Video Position in pixels from top position of Window
// iMinWidth - Minimum Video Width (It's recommended keep the minimum Width/Height to a 4:3 aspect ratio)
// iMinHeight - Minimum Video Height
// iTransColor - Hex RGB Value of the color used for Window Transparency
// VolLeft - Left Position of Volume bar witin window
// VolTop - Top Position of Volume bar witin window
// RateLeft - Left Position of Rate bar witin window
// RateTop - Top Position of Rate bar witin window
// tLineWidth - TimeLine Width
// tLineHeight - TimeLine Height
// tLineLeft - TimeLine position in pixels from left position of Window
// tLineTop - TimeLine position in pixels from top position of Window
// tLineColor - TimeLine Color (Hex RGB Value, like on web pages. Not required if a bitmap is set using TimeLineFG)
// tLineFontSize - TimeLine Font Size
// tLineFontYOfs - TimeLine Font Y-Offset in pixels (can be negative value)
// tLineFontFace - TimeLine Font Name
// tLineFontColor - TimeLine Font Color
// tLineFontStyle - Bold and Italic, example : tLineFontStyle = (Bold|Italic), To disable style use (None) as value.
// cBarFontSize - Control Bar Font Size
// cBarFontYOfs - Control Bar Font Y-Offset in pixels (can be negative value)
// cBarFontFace - Control Bar Font Name
// cBarFontColor - Control Bar Font Color
// cBarFontStyle - Bold and Italic, example : CBarFontStyle = (Bold|Italic), To disable style use (None) as value.
// cBarButWidth - Control Bar Button Width (must be set before any buttons are added to the control bar)
// cBarButHeight - Control Bar Button Height (same as width, but also sets the height of the control bar)
// cBarTLColor - Control Bar TimeLine Color (Not required if a bitmap is set using TimeLineCBarFG)
// cBarTLWidth - Width of the Control Bar time line
// cBarTLHeight - Height of the Control Bar time line
// cBarTLLeft - Control Bar TimeLine position in pixels from left position of Control Bar
// cBarTLTop - Control Bar TimeLine position in pixels from top position of Control Bar
// Functions:
// CopyBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY)
// - Copy a bitmap from the skin image to the user interface.
// CopyStretchedBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,SrcWidth,SrcHeight,DestX,DestY,SrcWidth,SrcHeight)
// - Copy a bitmap from the skin image to the user interface stretching it to fit the specified rectangle.
// This function is rather CPU intensive.
// CopyTransBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,RGBColor)
// - Copy a Color Keyed transparent bitmap from the skin image to the user interface.
// The color specified by the RGBColor is considered transparent and won't be copied
// This function can be CPU intensive if used extensively.
// CopyMaskedBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY)
// - Copy an Alpha Masked bitmap from the skin image to the user interface.
// An Alpha mask is a gray representation of the image where black means no
// copying to be done and white means full copying. Any gray value in between
// determines what percentage to mix between the background and foreground bitmaps.
// The Alpha mask must the aligned to the right of the source image and match it's size.
// This function can be CPU intensive if used extensively.
// TileBitmapV(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,FillHeight)
// - Tile bitmap vertically to fill a specific number of pixels.
// TileBitmapH(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,FillWidth)
// - Tile bitmap horizontally to fill a specific number of pixels.
// TileBitmapA(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,FillWidth,FillHeight)
// - Tile bitmap to fill an area of specific number of pixels.
// FillRect(DestX,DestY,Width,Height,RGBColor)
// - Fill a rectangle with a specific Hex RGB color
// (000000=Black, FF0000=Red, 00FF00=Green, 0000FF=Blue, FFFFFF=White, exactly like in HTML).
// GradientRectH(DestX,DestY,Width,Height,RGBColor1,RGBColor2)
// - Fill a rectangle with a horizontal gradient from RGBColor1 to RGBColor2
// Doing gradient fills may be CPU intensive.
// GradientRectV(DestX,DestY,Width,Height,RGBColor1,RGBColor2)
// - Fill a rectangle with a vertical gradient from RGBColor1 to RGBColor2
// Doing gradient fills may be CPU intensive.
// TimeLineBG(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// - Bitmap positioning used for the User Interface TimeLine background, height must be the same as tLineHeight.
// TimeLineFG(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// - Bitmap positioning used for the User Interface TimeLine foreground, height must be the same as tLineHeight.
// Using this function enables the Time Line (makes it visible) on the main user interface.
// Using this function means that a bitmap will be used instead of a color for the action portion of the timeline.
// TimeLineActive(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,XOffset,YOffset)
// - This is an optional function if bitmapped TimeLine is used. It allows you to specify a bitmap to be drawn
// at the currently active timeline position. SrcX, SrcY and Width are pretty self explanetory. The XOffset
// and YOffset allows you to specify how many pixels to move the bitmap to the right and down (by default the
// bitmap is drawn at the top of the timeline and to the left of the currently active position (taking into
// account the width of the bitmap).
// TimeLineStart(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// - Specify a start bitmap for the timeline, the bitmap height should match the timeline bitmap height and like
// with buttons, it should actually be comprised of two bitmaps drawn next to each other (on the right) of the
// active and inactive timeline states (highlighted/non-highlighted). The width specified is only of the first
// image, the inactive image on the right should be the same width and height.
// TimeLineEnd(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// - Same as TimeLineStart, but for the end (right side) of the timeline.
// VolumeData(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height)
// - Bitmap positioning used for the User Interface Volume Bar,
// Using this function enables the Volume Bar (makes it visible).
// This function has been replaced by "VolumeExData" and only listed for backward compatibility.
// VolumeExData(SrcX=Value,SrcY=Value,Width=Value,Height=Value,Images=Value,Vertical=True/False)
// - Parameters:
// SrcX : X-Offset from source image to the location Bitmap data.
// SrcY : Y-Offset from source image to the location Bitmap data.
// Width : Width of a Single Volume Image.
// Height : Width of a Single Volume Image.
// Images : Number of Volume Images, Image are expected to be drawn aligned to the bottom of each image.
// Vertical : Can be either "True" or "False", determines how the volume reacts to a user click (horizontally or vertically).
// The Parameter order isn't important, just that the values are being passed. The Vertical
// parameter is optional, by default the volume bar is horizontal.
// Example:
// VolumeExData(SrcX=208,SrcY=0,Width=42,Height=14,Images=12,Vertical=False)
// RateData(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height)
// - Bitmap positioning used for the User Interface Rate Bar,
// make sure you have 7 images drawn for the various volume
// levels, as seen in the defaultskin.bmp file.
// Using this function enables the Rate Bar (makes it visible).
// ResizeBox(XOfs,YOfs,Width,Height,CursorType)
// - If you have transparent skin where the edges of the window are transparent,
// you may want to define a "ResizeBox". When the mouse moves over the
// ResizeBox designated area, the cursor will change to a resize cursor and
// allow the forum to be resized from that position.
// The Values of CursorType can be:
// 0 - Bottom Right Corner
// 1 - Bottom Left Corner
// 2 - Top Right Corner
// 3 - Top Left Corner
// Example:
// ResizeBox(<WinWidth>-40,<WinHeight>-40,10,10,0)
// DrawText(DestX,DestY,FontName,FontSize,FontColorRGB,FontStyle,Text,Case)
// - This function has been replaced with "DrawExText", see below.
// This function doesn't support dynamic constants properly, so make sure you use "DrawExText".
// - Draw text anywhere on the user interface.
// The FontStyle has the same format as the tLineFontStyle.
// The Case entry can have the following values:
// 0 - Text unchanged
// 1 - Text converted to lowercase
// 2 - Text converted to uppercase
// 3 - First letter of text converted to uppercase, rest lowercase.
// DrawExText(DestX=Value,DestY=Value,Width=Value,Height=Value,Align=Value,Case=Value,WordWrap=Value
// ,FontName=Value,FontSize=Value,FontColor=Value,FontStyle=Value,Text=Value)
// - Parameters:
// DestX : Destination X-Offset on the Skin.
// DestY : Destination Y-Offset on the Skin.
// Width : Maximum Width of Text (used for clipping).
// Height : Maximum Height of Text (used for clipping).
// Align : Text Alignment, values can be "Left, Center or Right" (Default "Left").
// Case : Uppercase/Lowercase Structure, values can be "None,Lower,Upper,UpFirst" (Default "None").
// WordWrap : Value can be True or False, if True and the text doesn't fit the width, it is word wrapped (Default "False").
// FontName : The Name of the Font, i.e. Arial, Times New Romand, etc...
// FontSize : Size of Font (approximate height in pixels).
// FontColor : RGB value indicating the Font Color.
// FontStyle : Bold, Italic, Both or None, if both then separated by "|" (i.e. "Bold|Italic") (Default "None").
// Text : String that should be displayed, can including dynamic content by using Constants (see above).
// - This function allows you to draw text anywhere on the user interface. The Text content is
// updated every time the user interface is resized and once per second (while not in fullscreen).
// This allows you to draw dynamic text such as Time, DVD Chapter, etc...
// Example:
// DrawExText(DestX=5,DestY=5,Width=<WinWidth>-10,Height=20,Align=Center,Case=UpFirst,FontName=Arial,FontSize=11,FontColor=FFFFFF,FontStyle=Bold,Text=<FileName>)
// CreateButton(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,Function,Hint,Transparent)
// - This function has been replaced with "CreateExButton", see below.
// - Creates a button with a function assigned with the function setting,
// possible function values are:
// 000 - fnPlay - Play / Pause
// 001 - fnPause - Pause
// 002 - fnStop - Stop
// 003 - fnStopToFirst - Stop to First Track
// 004 - fnNextChapter - Go to Next Chapter (Internal or OGM in Media mode and DVD Bookmark in DVD mode)
// 005 - fnPrevChapter - Go to Previous Chapter (Internal or OGM or OGM in Media mode and DVD Bookmark in DVD mode)
// 006 - fnNextTrack - Go to Next Track
// 007 - fnPrevTrack - Go to Previous Track
// 008 - fnNextFrame - Frame Step Forward
// 009 - fnPrevFrame - Frame Step Backward
// 010 - fnNextVid - Play Next Video in current directory
// 011 - fnPrevVid - Play Previous Video in current directory
// 012 - fnSkipForward - Skip forward a specified number of seconds
// 013 - fnSkipBackward - Skip backward a specified number of seconds
// 014 - fnJumpForward - Jump forward a specified number of seconds
// 015 - fnJumpBackward - Jump backward a specified number of seconds
// 016 - fnSeekForward - Seek forward a specified number of seconds
// 017 - fnSeekBackward - Seek backward a specified number of seconds
// 018 - fnFastForward - Play in Fast Forward
// 019 - fnRewind - Rewind Playback (only in DVD mode)
// 020 - fnSlowMotion - Play in Slow Motion
// 021 - fnHalfFF - Half Fast forward speed
// 022 - fnHalfSM - Half Slow Motion speed
// 023 - fnVolUp - Increase Volume
// 024 - fnVolDown - Decrease Volume
// 025 - fnMute - Mute Volume (ON/OFF)
// 026 - fnABRepeat - Start, Stop and Cancel AB-Repeat
// 027 - fnPlayEndCycle - Cycle through the "On Play Complete" values
// 028 - fnZoomAxis - Toggles the Zoom Axis (used with Zoom-In / Zoom-Out)
// 029 - fnZoomIn - Zoom into video (enlarge video area)
// 030 - fnZoomOut - Zoom out of video (shrink video area)
// 031 - fnZoomInWidth - Stretch the video width
// 032 - fnZoomOutWidth - Shrink the video width
// 033 - fnZoomInHeight - Stretch the video height
// 034 - fnZoomOutHeight - Shrink the video height
// 035 - fnZoom - Zoom Mode
// 036 - fnFullScreen - Fullscreen Mode
// 037 - fnFitSource - Resize video to the original source size
// 038 - fnMax - Maximize video/window to fullscreen
// 039 - fnMinimize - Minimize Player
// 040 - fnARCycle - Cycle through Aspect Ratio settings
// 041 - fnRevARCycle - Reverse Cycle through Aspect Ratio settings
// 042 - fnBar - Control Bar Show / Hide
// 043 - fnOSD - On Screen Display Toggle (ON/OFF)
// 044 - fnOpen - Open File
// 045 - fnOpenDir - Open Directory
// 046 - fnInfo - Playback Information Dialog
// 047 - fnOptions - Options Dialog
// 048 - fnPresets - Presets Dialog
// 049 - fnPlayList - PlayList Dialog
// 050 - fnChapter - Chapter / Bookmark Editor Dialog
// 051 - fnSkin - Skin Selector
// 052 - fnKeyHelp - Opens the Keyboard Hotkey Dialog
// 053 - fnExit - Exit application
// 054 - fnAddChapter - Add Current Position to Chapter Editor
// 055 - fnSaveChapter - Save Chapter List
// 056 - fnDVDMode - Switch between the Media and DVD Modes
// 057 - fnDVDRootMenu - Go to the DVD's Root Menu
// 058 - fnDVDTitleMenu - Go to the DVD's Title Menu
// 059 - fnDVDSubMenu - Go to the DVD's Subtitle Menu
// 060 - fnDVDAudioMenu - Go to the DVD's Audio Menu
// 061 - fnDVDAngleMenu - Go to the DVD's Angle Menu
// 062 - fnDVDChapterMenu - Go to the DVD's Chapter Menu
// 063 - fnDVDMenuLeft - Move left on a DVD Menu
// 064 - fnDVDMenuRight - Move right on a DVD Menu
// 065 - fnDVDMenuUp - Move up on a DVD Menu
// 066 - fnDVDMenuDown - Move down on a DVD Menu
// 067 - fnDVDMenuSelect - Activate selected Menu item
// 068 - fnDVDCC - Closed Captions ON/OFF
// 069 - fnDVDAngle - Cycle through DVD Angles or OGG Video Tracks when in Media mode.
// 070 - fnDVDSub - Cycle through DVD Subtitles or VobSub/OGG Subtitle Tracks when in Media mode.
// 071 - fnAudioTrack - Cycle through Media or DVD Audio Tracks
// 072 - fnStayOnTop - Stay On Top (ON / OFF)
// 073 - fnMPEG4 - MPEG4/DivX/Video Decoder Dialog (if filter is in use)
// 074 - fnSub - Opens the VobSub dialog (if filter is in use)
// 075 - fnAudioFilter - TFM/DeDynamic Audio Filter Dialog (if filter is in use)
// 076 - fnIncRate - Increase Play rate
// 077 - fnDecRate - Decrease Play rate
// 078 - fnPrevFilterFile - Previous Manual Filter File
// 079 - fnNextFilterFile - Next Manual Filter File
// 080 - fnSaveDF - Save Definition File for the currently open media
// 081 - fnFrameCapture - Frame capture (filter must be manually enabled)
// 082 - fnPattern - Cycle Pattern Modes
// 083 - fnEject - Eject the selected drive (ZIP,JAZ,Sparq, SyJet, etc. plus any CD-Roms)
// 084 - fnOverlayControl - Show/Hide Overlay Color Control Interface
// 085 - fnOverlayApply - Apply the Overlay Color Controls (same as button in options)
// 086 - fnOverlayReset - Reset the Overlay Color Controls back to their default settings
// 087 - fnIncBrightness - Increase Overlay Brightness
// 088 - fnDecBrightness - Decrease Overlay Brightness
// 089 - fnIncContrast - Increase Overlay Contrast
// 090 - fnDecContrast - Decrease Overlay Contrast
// 091 - fnIncGamma - Increase Overlay Gamma
// 092 - fnDecGamma - Decrease Overlay Gamma
// 093 - fnIncHue - Increase Overlay Hue
// 094 - fnDecHue - Decrease Overlay Hue
// 095 - fnIncSaturation - Increase Overlay Saturation
// 096 - fnDecSaturation - Decrease Overlay Saturation
// 097 - fnUnpause - Unpause the video (Discrete Play)
// 098 - fnAddALBookmark - Add DVD Auto-Load Bookmark (DVD Only)
// 099 - fnSeekToStart - Seek to start of Video
// 100 - fnAudioDecoder - Pop the property dialog of filters with "Audio Decoder" in their titles
// 101 - fnDVDMenuPrev - Return from DVD Sub-Menu. If on Top Menu then Resume playback.
// 102 - fnChapterNav - Show/Hide the Chapter/Bookmark Navigator dialog
// 103 - fnPlayListNav - Show/Hide the Play List Navigator dialog
// 104 - fnFileNav - Show/Hide the File Navigator dialog
// 105 - fnBlankingNav - Show/Hide the Blanking Navigator dialog
// 106 - fnBlankingPreset - Show/Hide the Blanking Presets dialog
// 107 - fnBlanking - Show/Hide the Video Blanking
// 108 - fnRandomPlay - Turns Random (shuffle) Play ON/OFF
// 109 - fnResizeNav - Show/Hide the Resize Navigator dialog
// 110 - fnDisableDVDSub - Disable DVD Subtitle in DVD mode or VobSub/OGG Subtitles in Media mode
// 111 - fnPresetCycle - Cycle through Video Position Presets
// 112 - fnRevPresetCycle - Reverse Cycle through Video Position Presets
// 113 - fnBlankCycle - Cycle through Blanking Position Presets
// 114 - fnRevBlankCycle - Reverse Cycle through Blanking Position Presets
// 115 - fnDVDPlayStart - Play DVD bypassing Auto-Bookmark loading features
// 116 - fnNextArrowFunc - Next Active Arrow Control function
// 117 - fnPrevArrowFunc - Previous Active Arrow Control function
// 118 - fnAutoARToggle - Enable/Disable Automatic DVD Aspect Ratio
// 119 - fnFrameZeroALBM - Attempt setting a DVD Auto-Load bookmark at frame zero (DVD Only)
// 120 - fnPauseAtEOF - Pause Playback at end of currently playing file (Media Only)
// 121 - fnSceneCut - Show/Hide the Scene Cut Editor
// 122 - fnGoTo - Show/Hide the GoTo Timeline dialog
// 123 - fnGoToNav - Show/Hide the GoTo Timeline Navigator interface
// 124 - fnMWFuncNav - Show/Hide the Mouse Wheel Function Navigator interface
// 125 - fnLoop - Switch between Do Nothing and Auto Reply on Play Complete
// The numbers to the left of the function names can be used with a remote control device
// to relay the command to zoom player. The message number is "32817", the value to the
// left should be assigned to the WParam as the function you want to execute and the LParam
// should be set to "0". For more information on message control see the "default.key" file.
// When specifying the source, you need to make sure that the button "up" image
// is at the specified location, and the button "down" image, is directly to it's
// right (no spacing), and of course, it must be the same width and height.
// The Hint setting is what pop-up hint will show when the mouse is over the
// button for a few seconds. The setting is optional but must be entered if you plan
// to use the transparency setting.
// The transparent RGB value determines if a certain color in the button image is to
// be considered transparent. Transparency makes for non-rectangular buttons. The Button Up
// image is used to generate the transparent area. This setting is optional.
// CreateExButton(Type=Value,SrcX=Value,SrcY=Value,Width=Value,Height=Value,HoverX=Value,HoverY=Value,
// AlphaX=Value,AlphaY=Value,DestX=Value,DestY=Value,Function=Value,FunctionParam=Value,
// StringParam=Value,TransColor=Value,Hint=Value)
// - Parameters:
// Type : Type of Button (see below) (Default = "Normal")
// SrcX : X-Offset from source image to the location Bitmap data, Button Up graphics with Button Down aligned on the right.
// SrcY : Y-Offset from source image to the location Bitmap data
// HoverX : X-Offset from source image to the location of the Hover (mouse-over) Bitmap (also enables Hover Bitmap)
// HoverY : Y-Offset from source image to the location of the Hover (mouse-over) Bitmap
// AlphaX : X-Offset from source image to the location of the Alpha (Alpha Masking) Bitmap (also enables Alpha Masking)
// AlphaY : Y-Offset from source image to the location of the Alpha (Alpha Masking) Bitmap
// Width : Width of Button
// Height : Height of Button
// DestX : Destination X-Offset on the Skin
// DestY : Destination Y-Offset on the Skin
// Function : Either "fn" function (list above) or "ex" function (see default.key file) depending on "type" parameter.
// FunctionParam : Used in combination with "ex" functions to pass a parameter to the function.
// StringParam : A string parameter passed to certain button types.
// TransColor : A color-keyed transparent button, an RGB value indicating the transparent colorkey.
// Hint : A string containing the pop-up description of the button.
// - This function replaces the standard "CreateButton" function in newer skin. Instead of entering
// parameters in a specific order, you can use any order but the value tag must be used, for example:
// CreateExButton(Type=Normal,Function=fnMax,Hint=Maximize Window,SrcX=20,SrcY=10,DestX=100,DestY=<WinWidth>-100,Width=25,Height=25,TransColor=FF00FF)
// As you can see, the order of the other parameters isn't important. Furthermore, not all parameters
// are needed, some parameters have different requirements depending on the button "Type" and some
// (like Hint and AlphaX/Y) are optional altogether.
// Here are the possible values of the "Type" parameter:
// "Normal" - Standard Button, accepts usual "fn" functions (see list above).
// "Filter" - Instead of calling a function, this button opens a filter's property dialog.
// The filter name is passed in the "StringParam" value and can contain multiple
// sub-strings so that you could open different filters with one button (such as
// all Video Decoders). Example "StringParam=DIVX|XVID|MPEG4".
// "Extended" - Extended buttons are similar to the normal buttons with the exception that they
// use the Extended functions (see default.key file for a list). In addition to
// the "Function" value, you must also supply the "FunctionParam" value so that it
// could be passed on to the Function. For example, when "Function=exSetAR", setting
// "FunctionParam=1" will set the Aspect Ratio mode to "Source Aspect Ratio".
// Note, Alpha blending by default is disabled, if you enable Alpha blended buttons by using the "AlphaX"
// parameter, you should make sure that the button is listed toward the end of the skin file after the
// background it should be blended against has already been drawn! Another thing is that Alpha Blending
// only works against the background and not against other buttons. Using Alpha Blended icons is quite CPU
// intensive when the skin is drawn/resized.
// See "brownish.skn" and "brownishdvd.skn" files for multiple examples of this function. Using this
// function is slightly faster loading than "CreateButton".
// AddBarButton(SrcX,SrcY,Function,Hint)
// - Unlike the CreateButton function, this button adds optional buttons to the Control Bar.
// Every button you add can be turned ON/OFF by the user through the Bar Button options dialog.
// However, only buttons you skinned are accessible to the user. Due to this, I request that
// at the very least skin the control bar buttons used by this sample skin.
// The function parameter can contain the same values as specified in the CreateButton function.
// - The Hint Value is optional, not entering a paramater means that there isn't a hint.
// The following commands perform the exact function as the above, but apply to the Control Bar.
// CopyCBarBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY)
// CopyCBarStretchedBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,SrcWidth,SrcHeight,DestX,DestY,SrcWidth,SrcHeight)
// CopyCBarTransBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,RGBColor)
// CopyCBarMaskedBitmap(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY)
// TileCBarBitmapV(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,FillHeight)
// TileCBarBitmapH(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,FillWidth)
// TileCBarBitmapA(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,DestX,DestY,FillWidth,FillHeight)
// FillCBarRect(DestX,DestY,Width,Height,RGBColor)
// TimeLineCBarBG(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// TimeLineCBarFG(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// TimeLineCBarActive(SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height,XOffset,YOffset)
// TimeLineCBarStart(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// TimeLineCBarEnd(SrcX,SrcY,Width)
// Comments:
// All the dynamic settings and functions can accept SIMPLE 2 item math. Basically you
// can do addition and subtraction, nothing else. This is only used so you can position
// items relative to the window size.
// Make sure you set all variables, otherwise when switching skins, some data will
// remain from the older skin.
// Double check for Typos and corruct structure (as shown in the sample below), when
// loading the skin, not a lot of error checking is performed, and you can easily
// cause the player to crash!
// Base Information used when loading the skin:
SkinFileName = (plasticblue.bmp)
// Initial settings:
iWinWidth = (397)
iWinHeight = (327)
iVidWidth = (352)
iVidHeight = (264)
iVidLeft = (6)
iVidTop = (6)
iMinWidth = (210)
iMinHeight = (158)
//tLineColor = (008000) <- this isn't required since we're using a bitmap instead
tLineFontSize = (10)
tLineFontYOfs = (-1)
tLineFontFace = (Tahoma)
tLineFontColor = (FFFFFF)
tLineFontStyle = (Bold)
cBarFontSize = (10)
cBarFontYOfs = (0)
cBarFontFace = (Tahoma)
cBarFontColor = (FFFFFF)
cBarFontStyle = (Bold)
cBarButWidth = (20)
cBarButHeight = (20)
//cBarTLColor = (008000) <- this isn't required since we're using a bitmap instead
// Dynamic settings (items with window-size relative positioning):
tLineWidth = (<WinWidth>-134)
tLineHeight = (12)
tLineLeft = (6)
tLineTop = (<WinHeight>-51)
VolLeft = (<WinWidth>-81)
VolTop = (<WinHeight>-53)
RateLeft = (<WinWidth>-125)
RateTop = (<WinHeight>-53)
cBarTLWidth = (<cBarWidth>-6)
cBarTLHeight = (14)
cBarTLLeft = (3)
cBarTLTop = (3)
// TimeLine background and foreground source bitmap position
// Control Bar TimeLine background source bitmap position
// Top Left Control Bar Corner
// Top Right Control Bar Corner
// Bottom Left Control Bar Corner
// Bottom Right Control Bar Corner
// Top Control Bar Bar
// Bottom Control Bar Bar
// Left Control Bar Bar
// Right Control Bar Bar
// Control Bar Button queue,
// buttons will appear in the order they are added (left to right)
// Any button in this list can be manually hidden by the user
// User Interface Buttons
CreateButton(49,23,23,23,8,<WinHeight>-31,fnPlay,Play / Pause Video)
CreateButton(49,46,23,23,33,<WinHeight>-31,fnPause,Pause Video)
CreateButton(95,0,23,23,58,<WinHeight>-31,fnStop,Stop Playback)
CreateButton(95,23,23,23,87,<WinHeight>-31,fnZoom,Go into Zoom Mode)
CreateButton(95,46,23,23,112,<WinHeight>-31,fnFullScreen,Switch to Fullscreen)
CreateButton(141,0,23,23,137,<WinHeight>-31,fnOpen,Open a file)
CreateButton(141,23,23,23,162,<WinHeight>-31,fnBar,Show / Hide Control Bar)
CreateButton(141,46,23,23,191,<WinHeight>-31,fnMinimize,Minimize Window)
CreateButton(49,0,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,8,fnExit,Exit Program)
CreateButton(187,0,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,53,fnPlayList,Open Play List)
CreateButton(187,23,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,78,fnChapter,Open Chapter Editor)
CreateButton(187,46,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,103,fnPresets,Open Preset Dialog)
CreateButton(187,69,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,128,fnSkin,Skin Selector)
CreateButton(187,92,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,157,fnOptions,Open Options Dialog)
// Example of transparent button (disabled since we don't use it)
//CreateButton(141,46,23,23,<WinWidth>-31,<WinHeight>-64,fnMinimize,Minimize Window,5A8EC6)
// Top Left corner
// Top Right corner
// Bottom Left corner
// Bottom Right Corner
// Video Area
// Left bar
// Right-Inner bar
// Right bar
// Top Bar
// TimeLine upper bar
// TimeLine lower bar
// TimeLine rate divider
// Bottom Bar
// Lower Button Background
// Right Button Background