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- EasiMp3 Management Tool v2.90 by Tom Deloford 15/05/2003
- ******************************************************************
- Introduction:
- This is a 100% free utility for playing mp3s/cds and
- managing large (or small) collections of mp3s. It has loads of
- really usefull features which make it the best way to manage
- and play mp3s:
- 1) Mp3/CD player with CDDB support
- 2) Sorts mp3s into Artists,Albums,Genres.
- 3) Automatic playlists creation and management.
- 4) Powerful search facility (search by song,artist,album,genre,folder)
- 5) Creation of webpages and websites based on mp3s.
- 6) Renaming of files acording to their ID3 tag information.
- 7) Creation of id3 tags based on mp3 filename.
- 8) An Mp3 Dj which creates playlists based on criteria (multiple criterias).
- 9) Bookmarks support.
- 10) Mp3 Scheduler (Alarm clock!).
- 11) Supports lyrics, album covers, ID3v1, ID3v2, FIF tags.
- 12) Highly customisable display, including minimal player mode.
- 13) Totally drag/drop compatible, real easY to quickly build playlists.
- 14) Handy system tray control.
- 15) ID3 Tagging by reading filename.
- 16) Automatic searching for songs lyrics (using www.azlyrics.com)
- Installation:
- You must have installed the microsoft java virtual machine
- which may be included with this package, msjavx86.exe or downloaded
- from http://www.deloford.com
- Run the installation file and follow the instructions.
- Help:
- There is no help at the moment.
- The program should be fairly easy to pick up.
- The program is based on drag drop, so you can drag
- songs/folders/playlists onto the playlist on the right. To add mp3s to the library
- songs/folders can be dragged onto the library tree (leftside). You can also change/set
- properties of mp3s by dropping on the Library tree, for example if you drag an mp3
- onto an artist in the Library tree it will set the artist of the mp3 accordingly.
- Make sure you have scanned your music directory this will make the program faster since
- it saves the id3 tag info in the library.
- When you set up a library try out the watch feature. Right click on any folder
- and select "Watch this folder", this means that any new mp3s placed in this folder
- will automatically be added to the library which is handy if you download songs often.
- Album covers really make a difference (to me anyway) when using this program
- especially when making a webpage, so visit www.amazon.com to
- get them for free, and azlyrics.com for guess what, lyrics!
- Known Bugs and Troubleshooting:
- Version 2.7+ does not support previous databases (2.69 or earlier), you must rescan the
- music folder. sorry.
- Sorting by numerical values is not as expected, e.g sorting size,time,bitrate,year is
- infact still done alphabetically so 110 comes before 12.
- Certain mp3s will not play, usually old mp3s that have corrupted id3 tags. Try repairing the
- tag by right clicking on the song and selecting "edit tag" then click repair tag, if this
- still doesnt work use the external player option under preferences.
- No sound out when playing certain mp3s, the media player doesnt play certain mp3s,
- I believe this is because the id3tag format is unsynced which Microsoft Media Player
- doesnt always play correctly, Solution: either scroll to begining of the song using the
- tracker (this seems to fix it strangely?) or use external player, (also try repairing tag).
- On some windows98 systems it has been reported that the toolbars dont refresh properly
- after being moved around.
- The volume will reset to default every time the music changes. Use windows volume control.
- Some displays, e.g. all artists or albums, wont "remember" column changes.
- WFC bugs
- Very rarely when starting a message may appear "class format exception". This is a bug in
- wfc and a system restart will resolve this, it could be that windows/msjava has run out of memory.
- When the program starts an empty window appears. This appears to be a bug with wfc forms,
- when a form loads in a minimszed state (i.e when windows starts) the application may not
- correctly fire a paint event. This causes the form to not be displayed correctly,
- a restart of the application normally fixes this.
- The CDDB suppot and CD player is a recent addition and is still under development,
- it therefore may behave strangely!
- Please tell me of any other bugs you find.
- About MS Java / Legal:
- This software is still freeware, of course.
- You may only distribute the installation executable, in its original and entire form.
- This was written using MS Java extensions known as wfc (windows foundation classes)
- yes its all java!. Sun have unfortunately won their legal battle with MS and it means
- that this program may not run on future MS os/Service Packs sometime 2005.
- Thats why its free. AS long as you dont install any service packs this will
- continue to run for ever.
- In the extremely unlikely event that some damage is caused to you or your computer
- I am not responsible for any damages, blah,blah,blah.
- Thanks to the developers of id3lib and in particular John Adcock for the original
- development of the id3 com object.
- Tom Deloford
- tom@deloford.com