11012 The mode is set to 3 by the client, 4 by the server and 5 for a boradcast.
11020 Time of last server time update
11030 Client time when update was requested
11040 Server time when server received request
11050 Server time when server returned request
11060 Client time after receiving update
11070 Network time lag in milliseconds
11071 Difference between client and server time in milliseconds
11072 Client time adjusted for local Timezone
11073 Error output control
11100 List of NTP servers. To add a host, type its name and click the Add button. To change its settings select the host and click Edit.
11101 Don't open the Properties dialog when getting time.
11102 Don't set the time, just report the value returned by the server.
11103 Sync time on startup, if Wait for dialup is set, this setting is ignored.
11104 Closes Automachron after setting the time. This option can be turned off by holding down the Ctrl key when Automachron starts.
11105 Cycle through the list of available hosts and sync to each.
11106 Log results to file.
11107 Add an icon to the Windows system tray.
11108 Add or Edit the currently selected host in the Hosts list.
11109 Delete the currently selected host.
11110 Wait for a dialup connection before checking for time. Use this option only if you use Dialup Networking to connect to the internet.
11111 Add or remove a startup shortcut for Automachron in the Start Menu/Programs/Startup folder
11112 Set the Automachron dialog box to be ontop of all other windows.
11113 Show the details section of the dialog box.
11114 Log verbosely.
11115 Click this button to force a time sync. This overrides the Wait for Dialup Connection option. If Sync all Hosts is selected all listed hosts are contacted, otherwise only the currently selected host is synced.
11117 Synchronise time after every X seconds have passed. If Wait for Dialup Connection is set this option is ignored until a dialup connection is made.
11119 Accept NTP broadcasts. An NTP server running in multicast mode must exist on your LAN to act as a broadcast client.
11200 The IP address of the NTP server.
11201 The port number of the NTP server. By default this is 123 for NTP and 37 for TIME.
11202 Select the synchronisation protocol here. The default is SNTP version 2 which should be sufficient for most users.
11203 To change the default port uncheck this button.
11204 An optional description for the host selected above.
11205 Host name of last synchronisation.
11301 Prompt for action if time adjustment is greater than the specified limits
11302 Accept the adjustment no matter what the limits are
11303 Truncate the time adjustment if it is greater than either limit and accept the adjustment
11304 Maximum time adjustment ahead in seconds
11305 Maximun time adjustment backward in seconds
11306 Set time adjustment options
40000 Help ...
40001 About Automachron
40002 Properties ...
40003 Exit
40004 Sync Time
40005 Automachron help
40006 Once this option is set the Properties dialog box will no longer be accessible. The only way to turn this option off is to hold down the <<Ctrl>> key when Automachron starts.\n\n Are you sure you want to turn on this option?
40007 You must specify the NTP host from which to get time in the Properties dialog box.
40008 Waiting for a reply from this host. Do you want to resend the request?\n\nNote that this host may be ignoring your NTP requests. If this happens repeatedly, try another NTP server.
40009 Time requests have been sent to %s %d consecutive times without a response.