105 In order to continue the installation you need to exit applications.
106 In order to remove the integration the Opera Browser must be closed. Please close the Opera and try again.
107 Your computer must be restarted in order to complete the update process.\nWould you like to restart your computer now?
108 Are you sure you want to cancel the \nupdate process?
109 Initialization of the Update application has failes.
110 The update process could not be completed due to lack of Internet connection.\nPlease make sure you are connected to the Internet.\n\nPress OK to retry now.
111 The update process could not be completed due to lack of Internet connection with SpeedBit update Server. \nPlease try again in few minutes, or email Support@speedbit.com for more help.\n\nPress OK to retry now.
112 There is not enough free disk space available for the Update process.
113 DAP Update could not locate the components list, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
114 DAP Update has detected an error in the component list format.
115 DAP Update could not locate a critical component for the update operation, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
116 DAP Update has encountered a critical error and will be terminated, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
117 DAP Update could not complete the installation, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
118 You have choosen no special offers for the update process.\nWould you like to continue without any updates?