home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 101 &About DupeMaker...
- 20526 You must select a shortcut before clicking Remove.
- 20527 You must select a macro before clicking Create.
- 20528 Reset All will set all shortcuts back to their defaults. Any shortcuts you have created will be forgotten. Are you sure you want to do this?
- 20529 (Unassigned)
- 20530 That key combination is reserved and may not be reassigned.
- 20531 New (Insert)
- 20532 Delete (Delete)
- 20533 Move Up (Alt+Up Arrow)
- 20534 Move Down (Alt+Down Arrow)
- 20535 Press the Ctrl key to prevent docking.
- 20536 &Reset
- 20537 &Delete
- 20538 Customize
- 20617 Enter
- 20618 Error
- 20619 Menu bar
- 20621 [Design]
- 20622 TabStop
- 20623 Visible
- 20624 noclose
- 20625 Select Directory
- 20626 Select File
- 20627 .%if
- 20628 &Undo Ctrl+Z
- 20629 Cu&t Ctrl+X
- 20630 &Copy Ctrl+C
- 20631 &Paste Ctrl+V
- 20632 &Delete Delete
- 20633 Select &All
- 20634 Select Directory
- 20635 T
- 20636 C
- 20637 CE
- 20638 <-
- 20639 %
- 20640 7
- 20641 8
- 20642 9
- 20643 /
- 20644 4
- 20645 5
- 20646 6
- 20647 *
- 20648 1
- 20649 2
- 20650 3
- 20651 -
- 20652 0
- 20653 +
- 20654 0
- 20655 Hide docked window
- 20656 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 20657 Expand docked window
- 20658 Contract docked window
- 20659 About
- 20660 &Windows...
- 20661 SECSplashWnd
- 20662 SECSplashWndParent
- 20663 Did you know...
- 20664 &Workspaces...
- 20665 Workspace Manager
- 20666 Invalid workspace name.
- 20667 Workspace '%s' already exists. Please enter a unique workspace name.
- 20668 Invalid workspace name.
- 20669 Workspace '%s' already exists. Please enter a unique workspace name.
- 20670 Save new workspace '%s'?\n
- 20671 Workspaces
- 20672 <None>
- 20673 You must select an item for this operation
- 20674 ToolBar%d
- 20675 SECCryptoFile cannot be opened in both Output Feedback (OFB) mode and CFile::modeReadWrite.
- 20676 Overview Window
- 20677 Alt +
- 20678 (No description available)
- 20679 No Preview...
- 20680 Select Program
- 20681 Programs|*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*||
- 20682 Select Initial Directory
- 20683 (new tool)
- 20684 The menu text cannot be blank
- 20685 (none)
- 20686 Open Workspace
- 20687 Workspaces
- 20688 All Files
- 20689 Save Workspace
- 20690 Invalid workspace. Operation has been cancelled.
- 20695 Arial
- 20698 Select an Alternate Character Folder
- 20699 Select the Default Character Folder
- 20700 Cannot find the default Agent Characters directory. Manually select the directory where the *.acs character files are stored
- 20701 Name:
- 20702 Description:
- 20703 No Description Available
- 20704 Characters Directory Selection
- 20705 Show Next Tip
- 20706 Next Tip
- 20707 Change Default Character
- 20708 Change Default Character
- 21000 Control item
- 21001 is not able to serialize itself properly using IPersistStorage.\nA corruption of whole document may follow.
- 21002 is not handled. Do you want to add a handler ?
- 21003 ActiveX Script
- 21004 *.bmp
- 21005 *.ico
- 21006 Could not load Icon !
- 21007 Could not load the Bitmap!
- 21008 *.cur
- 21009 &Docked
- 21010 Unable to create one or more controls.
- 21011 \n\nIt is possible you have not called AfxEnableControlContainer in your app's InitInstance.
- 21012 &Edit Ctrl+E
- 21013 &Run F5
- 21014 &Active Scr&ipt Ctrl+M
- 21015 &Active &Objects Ctrl+M
- 21016 Unable to host this control because type information can not be obtained.
- 21017 Unable to host this control because it failed to paint itself properly.
- 21018 Failed to create control.
- 21019 \n\nMake sure your application has initialized the OLE libraries.
- 21020 via AfxOleInit() or equivalent.
- 21021 &Properties
- 21022 Untitled
- 21023 AAAAAAA
- 21024 ID
- 21025 AAAAAAB
- 21026 ActiveEngine
- 21027 Color
- 21028 Width
- 21029 Height
- 21030 Title
- 21031 BorderStyle
- 21032 Yes
- 21033 No
- 21034 Minimize
- 21035 Maximize
- 21036 DefaultPos
- 21037 WindowPlacement
- 21039 Resizable
- 21040 Thin
- 21041 RestorePos
- 21042 Could not load Image !
- 21043 Unable to initialize control's properties.
- 21044 - True
- 21045 - False
- 21046 OLE_COLOR
- 21047 {Unknown}
- 21048 0 - False
- 21049 1 - True
- 21050 -1 - True
- 21051 Failed to set property
- 21052 Toolbox
- 21053 &Refresh
- 21054 &Customize
- 21055 Select Tool
- 21056 Not Enough Memory
- 21057 Sub
- 21058 End
- 21059 Dim
- 21060 ReDim
- 21061 Function
- 21062 Exit
- 21063 End
- 21064 Then
- 21065 Else
- 21066 Next
- 21067 For
- 21068 Do
- 21069 If
- 21070 Step
- 21071 Explicit
- 21072 true
- 21073 false
- 21074 null
- 21075 Rasing Exception...
- 21076 &Floating
- 21077 &MDI Child
- 21078 &Top
- 21079 &Left
- 21080 &Bottom
- 21081 &Right
- 21082 D&ocked to
- 21083 Mi&nimized
- 21084 Ma&ximized
- 21085 &Restored
- 21086 MD&I Child as
- 21087 Properties...
- 21088 Splitter
- 21089 Untitled
- 21200 Form
- 21201 Form Page
- 21203 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
- 21205 General
- 21208 ActiveHost\n\nScript\n\n\nScriptHost.Document\nScript Document
- 21219 Control with this name already exists on the form
- 21221 Properties are not available for this control
- 23075 All files (*.*)\n*.*
- 23100 &Other...
- 23101 Rotate90: Error, unsupported format.
- 23102 &Window
- 23103 XML Files (.xml)
- 43004 Show all windows in a dialog
- 43005 Load a previously saved workspace
- 43006 Save the open windows and their position on the desktop
- 43007 Create a new workspace
- 43008 Open an existing workspace
- 43009 Save the active workspace
- 43010 Save your desktop to the named workspace
- 43011 Close the active workspace
- 43012 Close the active workspace
- 43013 Saves the currently open windows to the selected workspace
- 43014 Delete the selected workspace
- 43015 Activate selected window
- 43016 Activate selected window
- 43017 Activate selected window
- 43018 Activate selected window
- 43019 Activate selected window
- 43020 Activate selected window
- 43021 Activate selected window
- 43022 Activate selected window
- 43023 Activate selected window
- 43024 Activate selected window
- 43025 Activate selected window
- 43026 Activate selected window
- 43027 Activate selected window
- 43028 Activate selected window
- 43029 Activate selected window
- 43030 Activate selected window
- 43031 Open the selected workspace
- 43032 Open the selected workspace
- 43033 Open the selected workspace
- 43034 Open the selected workspace
- 43035 Open the selected workspace
- 43036 Open the selected workspace
- 43037 Open the selected workspace
- 43038 Open the selected workspace
- 43039 Open the Workspace Manager
- 43040 Allow Docking
- 43041 Hide
- 43042 Float In Main Window
- 43044 Activates user-defined tool 1\nUser-Tool 1
- 43045 Activates user-defined tool 2\nUser-Tool 2
- 43046 Activates user-defined tool 3\nUser-Tool 3
- 43047 Activates user-defined tool 4\nUser-Tool 4
- 43048 Activates user-defined tool 5\nUser-Tool 5
- 43049 Activates user-defined tool 6\nUser-Tool 6
- 43050 Activates user-defined tool 7\nUser-Tool 7
- 43051 Activates user-defined tool 8\nUser-Tool 8
- 43052 Activates user-defined tool 9\nUser-Tool 9
- 43054 Large Icon\nLarge Icon
- 43055 Small Icon\nSmall Icon
- 43707 Toggle between Object View / Script View\nObject View / Script View
- 43708 Run Script\nRun Script (F5)
- 43709 Event bar
- 43711 Delete Item(s)\nDelete Item(s) (Del)
- 43712 Layout bar
- 43714 Edit OLE Objects\nEdit OLE Objects (Ctrl+E)
- 43715 Align Left\nAlign Left
- 43716 Align Right\nAlign Right
- 43717 Align Top\nAlign Top
- 43718 Align Bottom\nAlign Bottom
- 43719 Space Across\nSpace Across
- 43720 Space Down\nSpace Down
- 43721 Center Horizontal\nCenter Horizontal
- 43722 Center Vertical\nCenter Vertical
- 43725 Make Same Width\nMake Same Width
- 43726 Make Same Height\nMake Same Height
- 43727 Make Same Size\nMake Same Size
- 43728 Toggle Grid [on/off]\nToggle Grid
- 43729 Bring to Front\nBring to Front
- 43730 Send to Back\nSend to Back
- 43739 Controls In the Form
- 43740 Events
- 45660 Arranges the windows as overlapping tiles
- 45661 Arranges the windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles
- 45662 Arranges the windows as horizontal, non-overlapping tiles
- 45663 Arrange minimized icons