104 No photos\nfor printing 1 photo\nfor printing %d photos\nfor printing
105 preclick.thumbs
106 Software\%1
107 preclick.db
108 Your registration could not be completed.\n\nEither you are not connected to the Internet, or the %3 registration service is currently unavailable.\n\nPlease try again later.
109 Order Prints
110 %B %#d, %Y
111 You could not be logged into dotPhoto, for one of the following reasons:\n\n* Your user name and password are not correct\n\n* You are not connected to the Internet\n\n* The dotPhoto service is currently unavailable.
112 One or more photos could not be processed by the dotPhoto service.\n\nPlease try again later.
113 Your photos have been uploaded to album "%s".
114 %d photos
115 prefs.ini
116 My Pictures
117 %1 cannot find your photo collection.\n\nA folder called My Pictures has been created for you in the My Documents folder. Move your photos and photo folders into My Pictures and run this program again.
118 The disk cannot be written to. Check to see if it is write-protected and try again.
119 %s (%s)
120 Active Disk Photos
128 Preclick Photo Organizer
133 A serious problem has occurred. %1 will now exit.
134 The following problem has occurred:\n\n %s\n\n%1 will now exit.
135 %1 could not access your entire photo collection, probably because there is not enough memory available.
136 The Adorama Digital "Print Wizard" is not installed on this machine.\n\nTo be able to order prints, you must first download and install the Print Wizard software.\nTo do this, please follow these steps:\n\n1. Visit the Adorama website at www.adorama.com (or click on Website on the Info tab).\n2. Click on the Digital Prints choice on the right side of the page.\n3. Download and install the proper version of the Adorama Digital "Print Wizard".\n4. Close and Re-run the Adorama Viewer (this program).\n\nOnce you have completed these steps, the Order Prints button will properly launch\nthe Print Wizard, which will then guide you through the ordering process.
137 %dK
138 %d x %d
143 %b %#d, %Y
146 folder
151 ,;
152 (No %s)
221 Rating
222 Caption\nEnter a caption\nShortcut key: C
224 Subjects\nChoose a subject\nShortcut key: S
225 Event\nChoose an Event\nShortcut key: E
226 Date\nSet the photo date
230 Place\nChoose a place\nShortcut key: P
232 Folder
233 Title
235 Unable to display photo.
236 %a, %b %#d, %Y
237 %d of %d
238 Sorted by
239 Sort by
240 %s
250 Month
251 Rating
252 Folder
253 Title
254 Roll
260 Show
261 Rated
262 Sort by
263 Find
264 Series
270 Search for photos again
271 All photo folders
272 My Pictures
274 Anything
275 %s
306 Play\nStart slideshow\nShortcut key: F5
307 Stop\nStop slideshow\nShortcut key: F5
308 View Normal\nGo back to normal view\nShortcut key: F11
309 View Full Screen\nShow the current photo so it fills the screen\nShortcut key: F11
310 \nRoll down the photo back
311 \nRoll up the photo back
313 \nRate photo\nShortcut key: 0-4
314 \nRate photo\nShortcut key: 0-4
327 Rotate Right\nRotate the photo to the right\nShortcut key: R
328 Rotate Left\nRotate the photo to the left\nShortcut key: L
329 \nHelp
331 View the photo under the lens
333 View the photos selected for emailing, and then send them
334 Camera date
340 View the photos selected for dotPhoto, and then print or upload them
343 Clear All\nTake all photos out of this tab
344 View deleted photos
345 Empty Trash
346 Restore
353 \nGo to next photo\nShortcut key: Right Arrow
354 \nGo to previous photo\nShortcut key: Left Arrow
360 Print/Upload Photo\nPut photo in Print/Upload tab\nShortcut key: U
500 No photos\nto email 1 photo\nto email %d photos\nto email
501 No photos\ndeleted 1 photo\ndeleted %d photos\ndeleted
502 Current\nphoto Current\nphoto Current\nphoto
600 This photo is marked read-only, and cannot be edited.
601 This photo contains additional information which will be lost if it is rotated.\n\nClick OK to rotate the photo anyway, or Cancel to stop.
1000 Previous Photo\nShortcut key: Left Arrow
1001 Next Photo\nShortcut key: Right Arrow
1007 Delete\nMove photo to the Deleted Photos tab\nand take it out of the strip\nShortcut key: Delete
1009 Send Photos\nSend all photos in this tab via email
1012 Email Photo\nPut photo in Email tab\nShortcut key: M
1015 Clear All\nTake all photos out of this tab
1016 Clear One\nTake selected photo out of this tab
1017 Don't Print/Upload Photo\nTake photo out of Print/Upload tab
2000 %1
2001 Version %2
2002 Copyright ⌐ 2002-3 Preclick Corporation. Preclick and the stylized
2003 Star and Preclick Photo logo are trademarks of Preclick Corporation.
2007 Please wait while %1 searches for new photos...
2008 %d photos found. Please wait while photo information is updated...
2009 Can't save edited photo
2150 \nView the Quick Start guide
2151 \nVisit the %3 web site
2152 \nEmail your feedback to %3
2200 QuickStart.htm
2201 www.preclick.com/support/feedback.php
2202 Feedback about %1 %2
5005 Don't Email Photo\nTake photo out of Email tab
5006 %d
5008 No photos have been deleted.
5015 File date
5017 Edited date
5019 To email photos, simply click the envelope under each thumbnail or click the Email Photo button in the Current Photo tab.\n\nNo photos are selected for emailing.
5020 Preclick Photo Organizer supports Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, and other standard email programs. If you use a proprietary email service such as AOL, or web-based email such as Hotmail, this version of Photo Organizer will not be able to email photos. Feel free to write us at feedback@preclick.com to suggest email clients or features you would like to see in your free updates. Be sure to visit our website and update your software monthly to ensure you have the latest features.
5021 To have dotPhoto professionally print your photos or to upload your photos to a shareable web-album at dotPhoto, simply click on the photo stack icon under each thumbnail in the filmstrip or click on the Print/Upload Photo button in the Current Photo tab.\n\nNo photos are selected for uploading or printing.
5022 Preclick Photo Organizer supports dotPhoto professional printing on Kodak paper for 29 cents per 4x6 print. dotPhoto is rated a "Best Buy" by PC Magazine, PCWorld, and Wired Magazine.
5023 Invalid set
5025 Available photos
5026 All photos
5032 Photos to email
5033 Missing photos
5034 Deleted photos
5035 Unknown set of photos
5036 Photos to print to %3
5037 \nGo to next group\nShortcut key: Down Arrow
5038 \nGo to previous group\nShortcut key: Up Arrow
5040 Undo AutoFix\nUndo the adjustment\nShortcut key: F
5041 Unnamed set
5046 PicturificWiz.exe
5051 %s.old[%d]
5053 \nTake a Preclick survey
5054 Not rated
5055 1 star
5056 Roll %d - %d of %d
5057 %d stars
5058 .orig
5060 Cannot make copy of original photo.
5062 No thumbnail for
5064 Info
5066 WebSharing\ndisabled WebSharing\nenabled
5067 www.preclick.com/promotions
5072 Add folder to list...
5073 No photos found.
5074 No photo.
5075 Order Prints\nOrder prints of all the photos in this tab from dotPhoto
5076 Upload Photos\nUpload all the photos in this tab to a dotPhoto online album
5077 Clear One\nTake selected photo out of this tab
5078 (read-only)
5079 Clear One\nTake selected photo out of this tab
5080 View the photos selected for Adorama and order prints
5081 Don't Print Photo
5082 Clear All\nTake all photos out of this tab
5083 No photos are selected for Adorama.\n\nTo select photos for Adorama, click the To Adorama button in the Current Photo tab, or click the "A" under a thumbnail.
5084 No photos\nfor Adorama 1 photo\nfor Adorama %d photos\nfor Adorama
5085 Print Photo
5087 Order Prints
5089 %1 - Searching for new photos
5090 In order to register, you need to provide your full name and email address.
5091 In order to login, you need to provide your user name and password.
5092 http://www.dotphoto.com/Join.asp
5093 %1
5094 Order Prints\nOrder prints of all the photos in this tab from dotPhoto
5097 The trial period for %1 has ended. In order to continue using this program, please register with %3:
5098 In order to use Direct Print, you must register %1 first:
5100 (%s Build %d)
5102 %1 - Uploading photos
5104 %#m/%#d/%y
5106 Are you sure you want to search for all the photos on this disk? This is not recommended.\n\nInstead, you should choose the folder where you normally save your photos to.\n\nSelect OK to search the whole disk, or Cancel to stop the search.
5108 You have %d photos in %s and its subfolders.\n\nAre you sure you want to bring all of them into %1?\n\nSelect OK to continue the search, or Cancel to stop the search.
5110 www.pb0.com
5111 The dotPhoto service cannot be reached.\n\nMake sure that you are connected to the Internet before you use this service.
5112 The Adorama service cannot be reached.\n\nMake sure that you are connected to the Internet before you use this service.
5113 www.dotphoto.com
5117 Please register %1:
5119 Before using the %3 service, please register %1:
5120 The photo cannot be read. The photo file is either missing or not accessible.
5121 The photo is read-only. Would you like to make it editable?
5122 The update could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.
5123 This version of %1 is up to date. There are no updates currently available.
5124 The updater for %s has been downloaded.\n\nClick OK to exit %1 and start the installation process.
5125 %1 Updater (%s).exe
5130 More folders...
5131 Remove folder from list...
5133 Remove Folder From List
5135 &Remove
5137 You have not added any additional photo folders.\n\nChoose "Add folder to list..." to add a photo folder.
5139 This is an older version of %1 that cannot read your photo information.\n\nPlease upgrade to the latest version.
5140 Are you sure you want to add all of your photos to this tab?
10030 www.preclick.com
10034 \n\n\nI use Preclick Photo Organizer to find, print, and share my photos.\nYou can too because it's free and installs in under a minute:\nwww.preclick.com/download
10035 \nCheck to see if there is an update available for %1
10036 pr2
10038 www.preclick.com/dl/act_preclick.jsp
10040 Uploading photo...
10041 Overall progress...
10042 %d photos to upload
10043 Photo %d of %d
10046 AutoFix\nAutomatically adjust brightness\nand color balance\nShortcut key: F