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- * English language
- 000=106
- 001=English
- [About]
- 002=Version
- 003=Author
- 004=Description
- 005=Program for creating an autorun application on Your CD root. Including setup, profiles, language, modifications, fully graphical etc.
- 006=Homepage
- 007=Contact
- 008=Translation
- 009=Pavel Vraj
- 010=swapper@volny.cz
- 011=Close
- 012=About
- [CDSList]
- 013=Run
- 014=Close
- [CDStart]
- 015=Run
- 016=Show the file
- 017=Close CDStart
- 018=Error
- 019=Application
- 020=can not be found!
- 021=Document
- 022=INFO
- 023=This button will run application named:
- [CreateFolder]
- 024=Create folder
- 025=Folder doesn't exist. Do You want to create it?
- 026=OK
- 027=Cancel
- [ErrorFile]
- 028=File doesn't exist
- 029=This file doesn't exist. The information will be cleared!
- 030=OK
- [ErrorList]
- 031=List of Errors
- 032=Here are listed all validation rutines
- 033=Close
- 034=Folder for CD
- 035=Name of INI file
- 036=CDStart background picture requirement
- 037=CDStart background picture validation
- 038=Icon picture requirement
- 039=Icon picture validation
- 040=1.Button picture requirement
- 041=1.Button picture validation
- 042=Command line requirement
- 043=2.Button picture requirement
- 044=2.Button picture validation
- 045=Document requirement
- 046=Document validation
- 047=3.Button picture requirement
- 048=3.Button picture validation
- 115=Check list
- [InputFile]
- 049=Choose file
- 050=Choose file
- 051=Cancel
- 052=Extensions
- 053=Image information
- 054=Required size of an image
- 055=Current size of an image
- 056=Optimal image
- 057=You haven't choose a file! Click cancel or choose one.
- [InputFolder]
- 058=Choose folder
- 059=Choose folder
- 060=Cancel
- 061=Create folder
- 062=Unacceptable character
- [InputName]
- 063=Type a name
- 064=Type name of new folder
- 065=OK
- 066=Cancel
- [ViewerRTF]
- 067=File
- 068=Close it
- [SetINI]
- 071=Choose default language
- 072=Save language
- 073=About (F1)
- 074=New CD Profile
- 075=<Type a new name>
- 076=Choose folder
- 077=Profile name
- 078=Background
- 079=Additional text
- 080=Language
- 081=Autorun.inf
- 082=Create autorun.inf file
- 083=Choose CDStart icon
- 084=Choose Command line icon
- 085=Choose different icon
- 086=Buttons
- 087=1. Install button
- 088=Choose image file
- 089=1. Type the command line
- 090=Normal
- 091=Minimized
- 092=Maximized
- 093=2. Readme button
- 094=2. Choose the document file
- 095=3. Close button
- 096=Generate (F9)
- 097=New (F4)
- 098=Load (F3)
- 099=Save (F2)
- 100=Validate (F5)
- 101=Validate && Preview (F6)
- 102=Close (F10)
- [SetINIMsg]
- 069=Attention
- 070=Before using Save INI, You have to type a Profile name!
- 103=Do You want to close the program without saving changes?
- 104=Close the program?
- 105=CD root has been created.
- 106=Generation done
- 107=<Type a new name>
- 108=Do You really want clear all settings?
- 109=New Profile
- 110=Choose, where to save the file (
- 112=File
- 113=already exist! Do You want to replace it?
- 114=Confirmation
- 116=File read error!
- [StartupErrors]
- 130=Startup Errors
- 131=Here are listed all occured errors:
- 132=Close
- 133=File
- 134=is not compatible or is corrupt.
- 136=is not compatible CDStart INI file.
- [TIPS]
- 200=Bold items are required to make a CD root!
- 201=Choose default language for CDStart.
- 202=Save the default chosen language to INI file.
- 203=Show About dialog.
- 204=Type a folder, where You want to generate the CD root.
- 205=List the folder, where You want to generate the CD root.
- 206=Type a Profile name, which is used for identification.
- 207=Image file, You want to use as a background (445x250).
- 208=List the background image file (445x250).
- 209=Type an additional text (Example: Version 5.02).
- 210=Choose the default language for generated CD root.
- 211=Choose, if You want to generate autorun.in as well.
- 212=The generated CD root will use standard CDStart icon.
- 213=The generated CD root will use icon from program, used under Install button.
- 214=Here You can list different icon file.
- 215=Type a name of icon file.
- 216=List the icon file.
- 217=Image file, You want to use for Install button (100x32).
- 218=List the image file for Install button (100x32).
- 219=Type the command line (Example: testapp\setup.exe).
- 220=Choose the status of executed application.
- 221=Image file, You want to use for Readme button (100x32).
- 222=List the image file for Readme button (100x32).
- 223=Document file, which You want to show under Readme button.
- 224=List the document for Readme button.
- 225=Image file, You want to use for Close button (100x32).
- 226=List the image file for Close button (100x32).
- 227=Create the CD root on disk.
- 228=Create new profile (clear all fields).
- 229=Load an old Profile INI file.
- 230=Save current Profile to INI file.
- 231=Validate current Profile for errors.
- 232=Validate and preview current Profile.
- 233=Close CDStart.
- 234=If this button is active, some errors occures in the start.