ocr: 6 VirtualDrive Command Program V7.0 Virtual Drve(s) Found: H: Virtual Drive Command Syntax: VDrive <drive:> <VCD tilename> I Qcmd]IM] INAJ ==> Insert VCD. Ifs successiul returns the drive letter, otherwise 1 VDrive <drve:> E [MJ ==> Eject VCD.Ifsucesstul returns 0, otherwise 1 VDrive Idrives => Returns the number of Virtual Drives created. IfO then Virtual Drive is not installed Qcmd - Optional, full path, drive can be 1.9(see below) or A.Z, execute the program at last drive: The Virtual drive letter (D: ... Z:) or the number of a Virtual Drive (1: first 9:9th Virtual Drive) VCD filename - The ...