home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #define DEBUG 0
- #define CHECK 0 /* don't bother checking bin for validity... */
- //----------------Wave Stuff---------------------/
- typedef unsigned char BYTE1 ;
- typedef unsigned short int BYTE2 ;
- typedef unsigned long int BYTE4 ;
- typedef struct wavHdr {
- BYTE1 riff[4];
- BYTE4 bytestoend;
- BYTE1 wavetxt[4];
- BYTE1 fmttxt[4];
- BYTE4 formatsize; // 16 byte format specifier
- BYTE2 format; // Windows PCM
- BYTE2 channels; // 2 channels
- BYTE4 samplerate; // 44,100 Samples/sec
- BYTE4 avgbyterate; // 176,400 Bytes/sec
- BYTE2 samplebytes; // 4 bytes/sample
- BYTE2 channelbits; // 16 bits/channel
- BYTE1 datatxt[4];
- BYTE4 blocksize;
- } tWavHead;
- #define HEADBYTES 36
- #define WINDOWS_PCM 0x0001
- //-------------------------------------------------/
- /* G L O B A L D E F I N E S */
- #define byte unsigned char
- #define SIZERAW 2352
- #define SIZEISO_MODE1 2048
- #define SIZEISO_MODE2_RAW 2352
- #define SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM1 2048
- #define SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2 2336
- #define AUDIO 0
- #define MODE1 1
- #define MODE2 2
- #define MODE1_2352 10
- #define MODE2_2352 20
- #define MODE1_2048 30
- #define MODE2_2336 40
- #define RAWDATA FF // using this for leftover data when truncating for non-overburn
- #define PROG_INTERVAL 1024
- #define UNKNOWN -1
- #define OFFSET 150
- // got this from easycd pro by looking at a blank disk so it may be off...
- #define CD74_MAX_SECTORS 334873 // 653.75 Mb
- unsigned long int Index(char m, char s, char f)
- {
- unsigned long int temp;
- temp = (((m>>4)*10) + (m&0xf)) * 60;
- temp = ( temp + (((s>>4)*10) + (s&0xf))) * 75;
- temp = temp + (((f>>4)*10) + (f&0xf));
- // printf("\n%d%d %d%d %d%d = %06d", m>>4, m&f, s>>4, s&f, f>>4, f&f, temp);
- return temp;
- }
- void unIndex(unsigned long int index, char *ptr)
- {
- char m, s, f;
- f = (char) (index % 75);
- s = (char) ((index/75) % 60);
- m = (char) (index/(75*60));
- sprintf(ptr, "%d%d:%d%d:%d%d", m/10, m%10, s/10, s%10, f/10, f%10);
- }
- // global variables
- FILE* fdBinFile;
- FILE* fdCueFile;
- FILE* fdOutFile;
- char sBinFilename[256];
- char sOutFilename[256];
- unsigned long int writepos = 0; // for inplace conversions...
- #define OUTBUF_SIZE 4*1024*1024
- #define INBUF_SIZE 4*1024*1024
- unsigned char OUTBUF[OUTBUF_SIZE];
- unsigned int OUTBUF_IDX = 0;
- unsigned char INBUF[INBUF_SIZE];
- unsigned int INBUF_RIDX = 0;
- unsigned int INBUF_WIDX = 0;
- int mode2to1 = 0;
- typedef struct track
- {
- unsigned short mode;
- unsigned long idx0;
- unsigned long idx1;
- unsigned char num[3];
- unsigned char name[80];
- unsigned long offset0;
- unsigned long offset1;
- unsigned long size; /* track size in bytes */
- } tTrack;
- buffered_fread(unsigned char *array, unsigned int size) {
- unsigned int i;
- if(INBUF_WIDX == 0) {
- INBUF_WIDX += fread( INBUF, 1, (INBUF_SIZE/size)*size, fdBinFile );
- }
- if(INBUF_WIDX == 0) return 0; // read failed.
- for(i = 0; i< size; i++)
- {
- array[i] = INBUF[INBUF_RIDX++];
- if((INBUF_RIDX == INBUF_WIDX) && (i < (size -1))) {
- printf(" Warning: Premature EOF\n");
- while(i++ < size) { array[i] == 0; }/* zero fill the rest */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1; // read passed
- }
- void buffered_fwrite(unsigned char *array, unsigned int size) {
- unsigned int idx;
- unsigned long int readpos;
- if(OUTBUF_IDX+size >= OUTBUF_SIZE) {
- if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
- readpos = ftell(fdOutFile);
- if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, writepos, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- }
- // printf("\nWriting \n");
- if( 1 != fwrite( OUTBUF, OUTBUF_IDX, 1, fdOutFile )) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fwrite)");
- fclose(fdOutFile);
- // remove(sOutFilename);
- exit(1);
- }
- if( 1 != fwrite( array, size, 1, fdOutFile )) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fwrite)");
- fclose(fdOutFile);
- // remove(sOutFilename);
- exit(1);
- }
- // printf("\nWrote %d bytes \n", OUTBUF_IDX+size);
- if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
- writepos = ftell(fdOutFile);
- if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, readpos, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- for(idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
- OUTBUF[OUTBUF_IDX + idx] = array[idx];
- }
- OUTBUF_IDX+=size;
- }
- }
- void flush_buffers(void)
- {
- unsigned long int readpos;
- if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
- readpos = ftell(fdOutFile);
- if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, writepos, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- }
- if( 1 != fwrite( OUTBUF, OUTBUF_IDX, 1, fdOutFile )) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fwrite)");
- fclose(fdOutFile);
- // remove(sOutFilename);
- exit(1);
- }
- // printf("\nWrote %d bytes \n", OUTBUF_IDX);
- if(fdOutFile == fdBinFile) {
- writepos = ftell(fdOutFile);
- if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, readpos, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- // presumes Line is preloaded with the "current" line of the file
- int getTrackinfo(char *Line, tTrack *track)
- {
- // char tnum[3];
- char inum[3];
- char min;
- char sec;
- char block;
- track->idx0 = -1;
- track->idx1 = -1;
- // Get the 'mode'
- if (strncmp(&Line[2], "TRACK ", 6)==0)
- {
- strncpy(track->num, &Line[8], 2); track->num[2] = '\0';
- track->mode = UNKNOWN;
- if(strncmp(&Line[11], "AUDIO", 5)==0) track->mode = AUDIO;
- if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE1/2352", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE1_2352;
- if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE1/2048", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE1_2048;
- if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE2/2352", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE2_2352;
- if(strncmp(&Line[11], "MODE2/2336", 10)==0) track->mode = MODE2_2336;
- }
- else return(1);
- // Set the name
- strcpy(track->name, sBinFilename);
- track->name[strlen(sBinFilename)-4] = '\0';
- strcat(track->name, "-");
- strcat(track->name, track->num);
- if( (track->mode == MODE1_2352) ||
- (track->mode == MODE1_2048) ||
- (track->mode == MODE2_2352) ||
- (track->mode == MODE2_2336) )
- {
- strcat(track->name, ".iso");
- } else if(track->mode == AUDIO) {
- strcat(track->name, ".wav");
- } else {
- printf("Track %d Unsupported mode\n", track->num);
- return(1);
- }
- // Get the track indexes
- while(1) {
- if(! fgets( Line, 256, fdCueFile ) ) { break; }
- if (strncmp(&Line[2], "TRACK ", 6)==0)
- {
- break; // next track starting
- }
- if (strncmp(&Line[4], "INDEX ", 6)==0)
- {
- strncpy(inum, &Line[10], 2); inum[2] = '\0';
- min = ((Line[13]-'0')<<4) | Line[14]-'0';
- sec = ((Line[16]-'0')<<4) | Line[17]-'0';
- block = ((Line[19]-'0')<<4) | Line[20]-'0';
- if(strcmp(inum, "00")==0) track->idx0 = Index(min, sec, block);
- else if(strcmp(inum, "01")==0) track->idx1 = Index(min, sec, block);
- else { printf("Unexpected Index number: %s\n", inum); exit(1); }
- }
- else if (strncmp(&Line[4], "PREGAP ", 7)==0) { ; /* ignore, handled below */ }
- else if (strncmp(&Line[4], "FLAGS ", 6)==0) { ; /* ignore */ }
- else { printf("Unexpected cuefile line: %s\n", Line); }
- }
- if(track->idx0 == -1) track->idx0 = track->idx1;
- if(track->idx1 == -1) track->idx1 = track->idx0;
- return(0);
- }
- void dotrack(short mode, long preidx, long startidx, long endidx, unsigned long offset)
- {
- unsigned char buf[SIZERAW+100];
- unsigned long blockswritten = 0;
- unsigned int uiLastIndex;
- #if CHECK
- unsigned int uiCurrentIndex;
- #endif
- unsigned int write = 1;
- tWavHead wavhead = { "RIFF",
- 0,
- "WAVE",
- "fmt ",
- 16, // 16 byte format specifier
- WINDOWS_PCM, // format
- 2, // 2 Channels
- 44100, // 44,100 Samples/sec
- 176400, // 176,400 Bytes/sec
- 4, // 4 bytes/sample
- 16, // 16 bits/channel
- "data",
- 0 };
- uiLastIndex = startidx-1;
- // Input -- process -- Output
- if(startidx != 0) printf("\nNote: PreGap = %d frames\n", startidx-preidx);
- else printf("\nNote: PreGap = %d frames\n", OFFSET); // cd standard: starting offset
- // - of course this isn't true for bootable cd's...
- if(sOutFilename[0] != '\0') {
- printf("Creating %s (%06d,%06d) ", sOutFilename, startidx, endidx-1);
- } else {
- printf("Converting (%06d,%06d) ", startidx, endidx-1);
- }
- switch(mode)
- {
- case AUDIO:
- printf("Audio");
- break;
- case MODE1_2352:
- printf("Mode1/2048");
- break;
- case MODE2_2336:
- printf("Mode2/2352");
- break;
- case MODE2_2352:
- if(mode2to1 != 1)
- printf("Mode2/2352");
- else
- printf("Mode1/2048");
- break;
- case MODE1_2048:
- printf("Mode1/2048");
- break;
- default:
- printf("Huh? What's going on?");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf(" : ");
- if(sOutFilename[0] != '\0') {
- if(NULL == (fdOutFile = fopen (sOutFilename, "wb"))) {
- perror("bin2iso(fopen)");
- }
- // printf("\nOpened File %s: %d\n", sOutFilename, fdOutFile);
- } else {
- fdOutFile = fdBinFile;
- }
- if (fdOutFile == NULL) { printf (" Unable to create %s\n", sOutFilename); exit (1); }
- if(0 != fseek(fdBinFile, offset, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- #if (DEBUG == 0)
- if(mode == AUDIO) {
- if( 1 != fwrite( &wavhead, sizeof(wavhead), 1, fdOutFile ) ) { // write placeholder
- perror("\nbin2iso(fwrite)");
- fclose(fdOutFile);
- // remove(sOutFilename);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- #endif
- memset( &buf[0], '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
- if(mode == MODE2_2336) {
- unsigned int M = 0, S = 2, F = 0;
- while( buffered_fread( &buf[16], SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2) ) {
- //setup headed area (probably not necessary though...
- //buf[0] = 0;
- memset( &buf[1], 0xFF, sizeof(buf[0])*10 );
- //buf[11] = 0;
- buf[12] = M;
- buf[13] = S;
- buf[14] = F;
- buf[15] = MODE2;
- if((++F&0xF) == 0xA) F += 6;
- if(F == 0x75) { S++; F = 0; }
- if((S&0xF) == 0xA) S += 6;
- if(S == 0x60) { M++; S = 0; }
- if((M&0xF) == 0xA) M += 6;
- // printf("\n%x:%x:%x", M, S, F);
- buffered_fwrite( buf, SIZERAW );
- uiLastIndex++;
- memset( &buf[0], '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
- if (startidx%PROG_INTERVAL == 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%06d", startidx); }
- if (++startidx == endidx) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\bComplete\n"); break; }
- }
- } else if (mode == MODE1_2048) {
- while( buffered_fread( buf, SIZEISO_MODE1) ) {
- buffered_fwrite( buf, SIZEISO_MODE1 );
- uiLastIndex++;
- if (startidx%PROG_INTERVAL == 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%06d", startidx); }
- if (++startidx == endidx) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\bComplete\n"); break; }
- }
- } else {
- while( buffered_fread( buf, SIZERAW) ) {
- switch(mode) {
- case AUDIO:
- #if (DEBUG == 0)
- buffered_fwrite( buf, SIZERAW );
- #endif
- uiLastIndex++;
- blockswritten++;
- break;
- case MODE1_2352:
- // should put a crc check in here...
- #if CHECK
- if( buf[15] != MODE1)
- {
- printf("\nWarning: Mode Error in bin file!\n");
- printf(" %02x:%02x:%02x : mode %02x\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15] );
- //exit(1);
- }
- uiCurrentIndex = Index(buf[12], buf[13], buf[14]) - OFFSET;
- if(uiCurrentIndex != uiLastIndex+1)
- {
- printf("\nWarning: Frame Error in bin file!\n");
- printf("Last %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET)%75, uiLastIndex );
- printf("Current %02x:%02x:%02x (%d)\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], uiCurrentIndex );
- printf("Expecting %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)%75, uiLastIndex+1 );
- }
- #endif
- #if (DEBUG == 0)
- buffered_fwrite( &buf[16], SIZEISO_MODE1 );
- #endif
- #if CHECK
- uiLastIndex = uiCurrentIndex;
- #endif
- break;
- case MODE2_2352:
- #if CHECK
- if( (buf[15]&0xf) != MODE2)
- {
- printf("\nWarning: Mode Error in bin file!\n");
- printf(" %02x:%02x:%02x : mode %02x\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15] );
- //exit(1);
- }
- uiCurrentIndex = Index(buf[12], buf[13], buf[14]) - OFFSET;
- if(uiCurrentIndex != uiLastIndex+1)
- {
- printf("\nWarning: Frame Error in bin file!\n");
- printf("Last %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET)%75, uiLastIndex );
- printf("Current %02x:%02x:%02x (%d)\n", buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], uiCurrentIndex );
- printf("Expecting %02d:%02d:%02d (%d)\n", ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)/60, ((uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)/75)%60, (uiLastIndex+OFFSET+1)%75, uiLastIndex+1 );
- }
- #endif
- #if (DEBUG == 0)
- if(mode2to1) buffered_fwrite( &buf[16+8], SIZEISO_MODE1 );
- else if(write) buffered_fwrite( &buf[0], SIZEISO_MODE2_RAW );
- #endif
- #if CHECK
- uiLastIndex = uiCurrentIndex;
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- printf("Unkown Mode\n"); exit(1);
- break;
- }
- memset( &buf[0], '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
- if (startidx%PROG_INTERVAL == 0) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%06d", startidx); }
- if (++startidx == endidx) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\bComplete\n"); break; }
- }
- }
- flush_buffers(); // flushes write buffer
- // and clears read buffer.
- if(mode == AUDIO) {
- wavhead.blocksize = blockswritten*SIZERAW;
- wavhead.bytestoend = wavhead.blocksize + HEADBYTES;
- // rewind to the beginning
- if(0 != fseek(fdOutFile, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- #if (DEBUG == 0)
- fwrite( &wavhead, sizeof(wavhead), 1, fdOutFile );
- #endif
- }
- fclose(fdOutFile);
- }
- void doCueFile(void) {
- int track = 1;
- unsigned long int binIndex = 0;
- unsigned long int trackIndex = 0;
- const int gapThreshold = 20; // look for 0.266 sec gap
- const int valueThreshold = 800; // look for samples < 700
- int count = 0;
- int i, blank;
- int gapon = 0;
- short value;
- char mode[12] = "AUDIO";
- char index0[9] = "00:00:00";
- char index1[9] = "00:00:00";
- unsigned char buf[SIZERAW+100];
- printf( "FILE %s BINARY\n", sBinFilename);
- fprintf(fdCueFile, "FILE %s BINARY\n", sBinFilename);
- memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
- while( fread( buf, 1, SIZERAW, fdBinFile ) ) {
- if(trackIndex == 0) {
- if ( (buf[0] == 0x00) &&
- (buf[1] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[2] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[3] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[4] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[5] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[6] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[7] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[8] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[9] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[10] == 0xFF) &&
- (buf[11] == 0x00)
- ) {
- sprintf(mode, "MODE%d/2352", buf[15]);
- } else {
- sprintf(mode, "AUDIO");
- }
- }
- if(binIndex == 0) {
- printf( " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
- fprintf(fdCueFile, " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
- printf( " INDEX 01 %s\n", index0);
- fprintf(fdCueFile, " INDEX 01 %s\n", index0);
- }
- blank = 1;
- for(i = 0; i < SIZERAW; i+=2) {
- value = buf[i+1];
- value = ((value << 8) | buf[i]);
- // printf("%f %i\n",(1.0/75)*binIndex, value);
- if(abs(value) > valueThreshold) {
- blank = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- // if(i == SIZERAW) printf("%f ~blank~\n", (1.0/75)*binIndex);
- if(blank == 1) count++;
- else if (gapon == 1) {
- gapon = 0;
- unIndex(binIndex-count, index0);
- count = 0;
- unIndex(binIndex, index1);
- printf( " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
- fprintf(fdCueFile, " TRACK %02d %s\n", track, mode);
- printf( " INDEX 00 %s\n", index0);
- fprintf(fdCueFile, " INDEX 00 %s\n", index0);
- printf( " INDEX 01 %s\n", index1);
- fprintf(fdCueFile, " INDEX 01 %s\n", index1);
- }
- if((count > gapThreshold) && (gapon == 0)) {
- gapon = 1; track++;
- trackIndex = -1;
- }
- memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf ) );
- binIndex++;
- trackIndex++;
- }
- }
- // return 0 to when no data found, 1 when there is.
- int checkGaps(FILE *fdBinFile, tTrack tracks[], int nTracks) {
- int i, k;
- unsigned long int j;
- unsigned char buf[SIZERAW];
- int c = 0;
- int writegap = 0;
- short value;
- int count;
- if(nTracks == 2) { return 0; }; // don't need to bother with single track images
- printf("Checking gap data:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
- if((tracks[i].offset0 != tracks[i].offset1) && (tracks[i-1].mode == AUDIO)) {
- if(0 != fseek(fdBinFile, tracks[i].offset0, SEEK_SET)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- count = 0;
- for(j = tracks[i].idx0; j < tracks[i].idx1; j++) {
- if(0 == fread( buf, SIZERAW, 1, fdBinFile ) ) {
- perror("bin2iso(fread)");
- exit(1);
- }
- for(k = 0; k < SIZERAW; k+=2) {
- value = buf[k+1];
- value = ((value << 8) | buf[k]);
- if(value != 0) {
- count++;
- // printf("%10d: %2x\n", count ,value );
- }
- }
- }
- if(count != 0) {
- printf(" Track%02d - %d values of Non-Zero gap data encountered\n", i-1, count);
- if((count > SIZERAW/2/2) && (writegap == 0)) {
- printf(" -->Threashold reached\n"); writegap = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return writegap;
- }
- /* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- unsigned long int count = 0;
- // int printon = 0;
- char sLine[256];
- int i,j,q;
- // int writegap = -1; // auto detect pregap data action by default.
- int writegap = 1; // keep pregap data by default.
- int no_overburn = 0;
- int createCue = 0;
- char sTrack[3] = "00";
- int doOneTrack = 0;
- int doInPlace = 0;
- tTrack trackA;
- tTrack trackB;
- tTrack tracks[100];
- int nTracks = 0;
- char sOutdir[192];
- sOutFilename[0] = '\0';
- /* Tell them what I am. */
- printf ("\n%s, %s", __DATE__, __TIME__);
- printf ("\nbin2iso V1.9b - Converts RAW format (.bin) files to ISO/WAV format");
- printf ("\n Bob Doiron, ICQ#280251 \n");
- printf ("\nCheck for updates at http://users.andara.com/~doiron\n\n");
- if(argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage: bin2iso <cuefile> [<output dir>] [-[a]wg] [-t XX] [-i] [-nob]\n");
- printf("or : bin2iso <cuefile> -c <binfile>\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("Where:\n");
- printf(" <cuefile> - the .cue file that belongs to the .bin file to \n");
- printf(" be converted\n");
- printf(" <output dir> - the output directory (defaults to current dir) \n");
- printf(" -nwg - indicates that audio data found in the track \n");
- printf(" 'gaps' shouldn't be appended to the audio tracks\n");
- printf(" -awg - looks for non-zero data in the 'gaps', if found\n");
- printf(" then gaps are appended to audio tracks. Looks \n");
- printf(" for more than 1/2 of a sector of non-zero values\n");
- printf(" (%d values), \n", SIZERAW/2/2);
- printf(" -t XX - Extracts the XX'th track. \n");
- printf(" -i - Performs the conversion 'in place'. Meaning it \n");
- printf(" truncates the binfile after each track is \n");
- printf(" created to minimize diskspace requirements. \n");
- printf(" [not valid with -t] \n");
- printf(" -nob - Doesn't use overburn data past %ld sectors. \n", CD74_MAX_SECTORS);
- printf(" This of course presumes that the data is not \n");
- printf(" useful. \n");
- printf(" -c - Attempts to create a <cuefile> from an existing\n");
- printf(" <binfile> \n");
- exit (1);
- }
- strcpy(sOutdir, ".\\"); // default path
- printf("\n");
- for (i=2; i < argc; i++) {
- if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
- /* if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "wg", 2)==0) {
- writegap = 1;
- } else */
- if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "awg", 3)==0) {
- writegap = -1;
- printf("Note: Auto-detecting pregap data\n");
- } else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "nwg", 3)==0) {
- writegap = 0;
- } else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "m2to1", 5)==0) {
- mode2to1 = 1;
- printf("Note: Converting Mode2 ISO to Mode1\n");
- } else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "t", 1)==0) {
- strcpy(sTrack, argv[i+1]);
- doOneTrack = 1;
- i++;
- } else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "i", 1)==0) {
- if(doOneTrack == 1) { printf("Invalid combination of options...\n"); exit(1); }
- printf("Bin file will be truncated after each track created\n");
- doInPlace = 1;
- } else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "c", 1)==0) {
- createCue = 1;
- strcpy(sBinFilename, argv[i+1]);
- i++;
- } else if (strncmp(&(argv[i][1]), "nob", 3)==0) {
- no_overburn = 1;
- }
- } else {
- strcpy(sOutdir, argv[2]);
- }
- }
- if(createCue == 1) {
- fdBinFile = fopen (sBinFilename, "rb");
- if (fdBinFile == NULL) {
- printf ("Unable to open %s\n", sBinFilename);
- exit (1);
- }
- fdCueFile = fopen (argv[1], "w");
- if (fdCueFile == NULL) {
- printf ("Unable to create %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit (1);
- }
- if((strcmp(&sBinFilename[strlen(sBinFilename)-4], ".wav")==0) ||
- (strcmp(&sBinFilename[strlen(sBinFilename)-4], ".WAV")==0) ) {
- printf(".wav binfile - Skipping wav header\n");
- fread( sLine, 1, sizeof(tWavHead), fdBinFile );
- }
- doCueFile();
- } else {
- fdCueFile = fopen (argv[1], "r");
- if (fdCueFile == NULL) {
- printf ("Unable to open %s\n", argv[1]);
- exit (1);
- }
- // get bin filename from cuefile... why? why not.
- if(! fgets( sLine, 256, fdCueFile ) ) {
- printf ("Error Reading Cuefile\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (strncmp(sLine, "FILE ", 5)==0) {
- i = 0;
- j = 0;
- q = 0; // track open and closed quotes
- do {
- sBinFilename[j] = sLine[5+i];
- i++;
- j++;
- if ((sBinFilename[j-1] == '\\') || (sBinFilename[j-1] == '/')) { j = 0; } //strip out path info
- if (sBinFilename[j-1] == '"') { j--; q++;} // strip out quotes
- } while ((sLine[5+i-1] != ' ') || (q == 1));
- sBinFilename[j] = '\0';
- //bug?? Why did a trailing space show up??
- while(sBinFilename[--j] == ' ') sBinFilename[j] = '\0';
- strlwr(sBinFilename);
- } else {
- printf ("Error: Filename not found on first line of cuefile.\n", argv[1]);
- exit (1);
- }
- // Open the bin file
- if(doInPlace == 1) {
- fdBinFile = fopen (sBinFilename, "rb+");
- } else {
- fdBinFile = fopen (sBinFilename, "rb");
- }
- if (fdBinFile == NULL) {
- printf ("Unable to open %s\n", sBinFilename);
- perror("\nbin2iso(fopen)");
- exit(1);
- }
- // Get next line
- if(! fgets( sLine, 256, fdCueFile ) ) {
- printf ("Error Reading Cuefile\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- if(strlen(sOutdir) > 0) {
- if((sOutdir[strlen(sOutdir)-1] != '\\' ) && (sOutdir[strlen(sOutdir)-1] != ':' ) ) {
- strcat(sOutdir, "\\");
- }
- }
- while(!feof(fdCueFile)) {
- getTrackinfo(sLine, &tracks[nTracks++]);
- }
- tracks[nTracks].idx0 = tracks[nTracks].idx1 = -1;
- switch (tracks[0].mode) {
- case MODE1_2048:
- tracks[0].offset0 = tracks[0].idx0*SIZEISO_MODE1;
- break;
- case MODE2_2336:
- tracks[0].offset0 = tracks[0].idx0*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
- break;
- default: // AUDIO, MODE1_2352, MODE2_2352:
- tracks[0].offset0 = tracks[0].idx0*SIZERAW;
- break;
- }
- /* set offsets */
- if(0 != fseek(fdBinFile, 0, SEEK_END)) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(fseek)"); exit(1);
- }
- tracks[nTracks].offset0 = tracks[nTracks].offset1 = ftell(fdBinFile);
- for(i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
- switch (tracks[i].mode) {
- case MODE1_2048:
- tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0 + (tracks[i].idx1-tracks[i].idx0)*SIZEISO_MODE1;
- if(tracks[i+1].idx0 != -1)
- tracks[i+1].offset0 = tracks[i].offset1 + (tracks[i+1].idx0 - tracks[i].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE1;
- else {
- tracks[i+1].idx0 = tracks[i+1].idx1 = (tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)/SIZEISO_MODE1 + tracks[i].idx1;
- if(((tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)%SIZEISO_MODE1) != 0) printf("Warning: Bin file has invalid byte count for cuefile.\n");
- }
- break;
- case MODE2_2336:
- tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0 + (tracks[i].idx1-tracks[i].idx0)*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
- if(tracks[i+1].idx0 != -1)
- tracks[i+1].offset0 = tracks[i].offset1 + (tracks[i+1].idx0 - tracks[i].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
- else {
- tracks[i+1].idx0 = tracks[i+1].idx1 = (tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)/SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2 + tracks[i].idx1;
- if(((tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)%SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2) != 0) printf("Warning: Bin file has invalid byte count for cuefile.\n");
- }
- break;
- default: // AUDIO, MODE1_2352, MODE2_2352:
- tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0 + (tracks[i].idx1-tracks[i].idx0)*SIZERAW;
- if(tracks[i+1].idx0 != -1)
- tracks[i+1].offset0 = tracks[i].offset1 + (tracks[i+1].idx0 - tracks[i].idx1)*SIZERAW;
- else {
- tracks[i+1].idx0 = tracks[i+1].idx1 = (tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)/SIZERAW + tracks[i].idx1;
- if(((tracks[i+1].offset0 - tracks[i].offset1)%SIZERAW) != 0) printf("Warning: Bin file has invalid byte count for cuefile.\n");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- // if not allowing overburn, then create a new track to hold extra data...
- if(no_overburn == 1) {
- i = nTracks;
- if(tracks[i].idx0 > CD74_MAX_SECTORS) {
- tracks[i+1] = tracks[nTracks];
- strcpy(tracks[i].name, "obdatatemp.bin");
- tracks[i].idx0 = CD74_MAX_SECTORS;
- tracks[i].idx1 = CD74_MAX_SECTORS;
- switch (tracks[i-1].mode) {
- case MODE1_2048:
- tracks[i].offset0 = tracks[i-1].offset1 + (tracks[i].idx0 - tracks[i-1].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE1;
- break;
- case MODE2_2336:
- tracks[i].offset0 = tracks[i-1].offset1 + (tracks[i].idx0 - tracks[i-1].idx1)*SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2;
- break;
- default: // AUDIO, MODE1_2352, MODE2_2352:
- tracks[i].offset0 = tracks[i-1].offset1 + (tracks[i].idx0 - tracks[i-1].idx1)*SIZERAW;
- break;
- }
- tracks[i].offset1 = tracks[i].offset0;
- tracks[i].mode = tracks[i-1].mode;
- nTracks++;
- }
- }
- /* set sizes */
- for(i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
- switch (tracks[i].mode) {
- case MODE1_2352:
- tracks[i].size = ((tracks[i+1].offset1 - tracks[i].offset1) / SIZERAW ) * SIZEISO_MODE1;
- break;
- case MODE2_2336:
- tracks[i].size = ((tracks[i+1].offset1 - tracks[i].offset1) / SIZEISO_MODE2_FORM2 ) * SIZERAW;
- break;
- default: // MODE1_2048, MODE2_2352, AUDIO
- tracks[i].size = tracks[i+1].offset1 - tracks[i].offset1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(writegap == -1) { writegap = checkGaps(fdBinFile, tracks, nTracks); }
- if(writegap == 1)
- printf("Note: Appending pregap data to end of audio tracks\n");
- else
- printf("Note: Discarding pregap data\n");
- printf("\n");
- for(i = 0; i <= nTracks-1; i++) {
- printf("%s (%3d Mb) - sectors %06ld:%06ld (offset %09ld:%09ld)\n",
- tracks[i].name,
- tracks[i].size/(1024*1024),
- tracks[i].idx1,
- ( ((writegap == 0) || (tracks[i].mode != AUDIO)) ? tracks[i+1].idx0 : tracks[i+1].idx1)-1,
- tracks[i].offset1,
- ( ((writegap == 0) || (tracks[i].mode != AUDIO)) ? tracks[i+1].offset0 : tracks[i+1].offset1)-1
- );
- }
- printf("\n");
- if( (((mode2to1 != 1) && (tracks[0].mode == MODE2_2352)) || (tracks[0].mode == MODE1_2048)) && (nTracks == 1) ) {
- if(tracks[0].mode == MODE2_2352) { printf("Mode2/2352"); }
- if(tracks[0].mode == MODE1_2048) { printf("Mode1/2048"); }
- printf(" single track bin file indicated by cue file\n");
- fclose(fdBinFile);
- if( 0 != rename(sBinFilename, tracks[0].name) ) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(rename)");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("%s renamed to %s\n", sBinFilename, tracks[0].name);
- fclose(fdCueFile);
- return(0);
- }
- for(i=nTracks-1; i>=0; i--) {
- trackA = tracks[i];
- trackB = tracks[i+1];
- // audio can't be done in the bin file due to header.
- // 2336 can't either because it's expanded to 2352
- if((doInPlace == 1) && (i == 0) && (trackA.mode != AUDIO) && (trackA.mode != MODE2_2336) ) {
- sOutFilename[0] = '\0';
- } else {
- strcpy(sOutFilename, sOutdir);
- strcat(sOutFilename, trackA.name);
- }
- if ( ((doOneTrack == 1) && strcmp(trackA.num, sTrack)==0) || (doOneTrack == 0) ) {
- if(!((i == 0) && ((trackA.mode == MODE2_2352)||(trackA.mode == MODE1_2048)) && (doInPlace == 1) )){
- if (!writegap || (trackA.mode != AUDIO)) { // when not Audio, don't append.
- dotrack(trackA.mode, trackA.idx0, trackA.idx1, trackB.idx0, trackA.offset1);
- } else {
- /* if(trackA.idx0 == 0) // handles first track with pregap.
- dotrack(trackA.mode, 0, trackA.idx1, trackB.idx1, trackA.offset1);
- else
- */
- dotrack(trackA.mode, trackA.idx1, trackA.idx1, trackB.idx1, trackA.offset1);
- }
- }
- } /*else {
- fclose(fdBinFile); // just close bin file. Already MODE1_2048 or MODE2_2352
- }*/
- if( (doOneTrack == 0) && (doInPlace == 1) ) {
- if( (i != 0) || ( (i == 0) && ((trackA.mode == AUDIO)||(trackA.mode == MODE2_2336)) ) ) {
- printf("Truncating bin file to %ld bytes\n", trackA.offset1);
- if( -1 == _chsize(_fileno(fdBinFile), trackA.offset1) ) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(_chsize)");
- exit(1);
- }
- } else {
- printf("Renaming %s to %s\n", sBinFilename, trackA.name);
- fclose(fdBinFile);
- if( 0 != rename(sBinFilename, trackA.name) ) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(rename)");
- exit(1);
- }
- // fix writepos for case when simply truncating...
- if((trackA.mode == MODE2_2352) || (trackA.mode == MODE1_2048)){ writepos = trackB.offset0; }
- printf("Truncating to %ld bytes\n", writepos);
- fdBinFile = fopen(trackA.name, "rb+"); // gets closed in doTrack...
- if(fdBinFile == NULL) { perror("bin2iso(fopen)"); exit(1); }
- if( -1 == _chsize(_fileno(fdBinFile), writepos) ) {
- perror("\nbin2iso(_chsize)");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fdCueFile);
- fclose(fdBinFile);
- return(0);
- }