152 Please wait while the wizard extracts the files needed to install $(AppName.Title) on your system. This may take a few moments.
153 Status:
154 Extracting: %s
160 Location to Save Files
161 Where would you like to save your files?
162 The files required for setup will be saved in the following folder. To specify a different folder, click Change and browse to a different location. If the folder does not exist, it will be created for you.
512 The following file is already on your computer:\n\n%s
513 The following file is already on your computer and is marked Read-Only:\n\n%s
514 Do you wish to overwrite this file?
515 Cancel?
516 Do you wish to cancel the installation?
517 An occurred while trying to launch the installer:\n\n%s\n\n%s
518 Launch Error
519 The file was not found.
520 The path was not found.
521 Access denied.
522 Out of memory.
523 Sharing violation.
524 Unknown error: %d
550 Unable to write to the temp directory in %s.\nCheck that you have write access to this directory.
551 There was an error reading this install package\nThe install package is either corrupt or your temporary folder is out of disk space.
552 Out of disk space on %s.
553 Unrecoverable error loading banner image.
554 Invalid directory! Please enter a valid path.
555 The files cannot be extracted to the root directory. Please enter a different path.
556 Unable to create the specified directory.\nCheck that you have write access to this location.
557 The system cannot find the drive specified.\nPlease enter a new path on a valid drive.
558 The destination folder is full. Installation cannot continue. Please choose a new location.
559 Unable to create the specified directory because the path is too long.\nPlease enter a shorter parth.
600 $(AppName.Title) - Help
601 Command-line usage:\n\n \n-run <path> Run the application and skip the wizard. \n-nosetup Skip the setup program. \n-? or -help Display this help dialog.\n\n \nAll pathnames must be complete (not relative).