USGB_AudioMixerDescription=Mix it up!\r\rMix and record sounds and create your own custom dj style mix cd! Record your own sounds, layer sound effects and music tracks to create your own audio mixes for audio books to radio shows. You will find this refreshingly easy and fun to create quick sonic compositions!
; Power Pack
USGB_PPTitle=""Acoustica Power Pack""
USGB_PPDescription=Get all 4 of our products in one powerful pack!\r\r* MP3 CD Burner - Burn audio cds from MP3 files!\r* MP3 Audio Mixer - Mix and record MP3s and create your own!\r* MP3 To Wave Conveter Plus - Convert to and from mp3s!\r* CD Label Maker - Easily create CD labels and jewel case covers!
; Burner
USGB_BurnerTitle=""Acoustica MP3 CD Burner""
USGB_BurnerDescription=SEARCH...CLICK and BURN your own custom audio CDs!\r\rYou can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favorite tunes and play them back in your car or home CD player! It cross-fades tracks, auto volume normalizes, auto trims silence and even detects incomplete downloads! Features an easy find interface to find and import your downloaded and 'ripped' mp3s!
; Converter
USGB_ConverterTitle=""Acoustica MP3 To Wave Converter Plus""
USGB_ConverterDescription=Easily convert your audio files!!\r\rWith this extremely useful software you can convert your MP3 files into WAV files for creating custom CD's or for editing in your favorite editor! \r\rJust right click a file to convert it!
; Label Maker
USGB_LabelTitle=""Acoustica CD Label Maker""
USGB_LabelDescription=Making a CD label can be EASY! Create your own cd labels and jewel cases with the ultimate in ease and flexibility! Chock full of custom art for holidays and special occasions like Christmas, Valentines, birthdays, vacations, weddings and more! Automatically imports your track information from Acoustica MP3 CD Burner, WinAmp, Easy CD Creator or any other popular play list! Print on standard paper or stock sticker labels and jewel case templates.