FindCBS=Open a previous MP3 CD Burner song list...
AddSound=Add sounds to the song list....
SaveCBS=Save the current MP3 CD Burner song list...
CreatedByCDB=Created by CDBurner (
DoNotAsk=Do not ask this again.
RegisteredTo= - Registered to %s
CrashRecovery=Acoustica MP3 CD Burner did not exit properly the last time it was run.\nA log file has been saved as '%s'.\n\nPlease send us the log file so that we can fix the problem. \n\n[Zip up your log file, attach it to an e-mail, and send it to]
CrashRecoveryTitle=Log file was saved due to improper shutdown!
; =============================================
; Playback stuff
PEM_CouldNotPlayTitle=Playback problem!
PEM_CouldNotPlay=There was a problem trying to play the sound!\r\rIf another program is playing audio, go to that program and turn it off and then try again!
PEM_NoValidSoundcard=A sound device could not be found!\r\rPlease make sure that you have the latest sound drivers installed for your sound card!
FindTab_ImportInProgress=CD Burner is already in the process of importing new songs.\n\nAs new songs are found that match your search,\nthey will be added to the results list.
FindTab_Empty2=Please be patient while we search
FindTab_Empty3=your computer for new songs.
FindTab_Empty4=** This could take several minutes **
FoundSome=Found %d matching files.
FoundOne=Found 1 matching file.
FoundNone=0 matches found.
Searching=Searching library
SearchingImport=Searching computer for new songs
Step1=Find songs
; Find columns
; Type dropdown
WavFiles=Wav Files
MP3Files=MP3 Files
; Find column -> File type
NumSongs=%d songs
; CD Tab Interface
CDTab_Title=CD Drive %s
CDTab_AddSelected=Add ripped songs to song list
CDTab_NoConnectRDB=CD Burner could not connect to the remote database to retrieve track information.\nYou might not be connected to the internet, or the remote database might be down.\nMake sure you have a connection to the internet and then click the Look Up button to try again.
CDTab_BadDataRDB=CD Burner connected to the remote database to retrieve track information,\nbut the information received contains an error and cannot be used.\n\nWould you like to enter the track information yourself?
CDTab_OtherRDB=CD Burner received an error while attempting to connect to the remote database and retrieve track information.\nYou might not be connected to the internet, the remote database might be down, or the data requested is invalid.\nMake sure you have a connection to the internet and then click the Look Up button to try again.
CDTab_NoRDB=This CD cannot be found in the remote database.\n\nWould you like to edit the tracks yourself?
CDTab_MissingRDB=CD Burner retrieved album information from the internet,\nbut some of the information is missing.\n\nWould you like to enter the missing information yourself?
CDTab_MissingRDBTitle=Missing Tag Information
CDTab_NoSpace=There is not enough space on your hard drives\nto rip all the selected tracks.\n\nYou need %d Meg more of free space,\nor select fewer tracks to rip.
CDTab_RipError1=We were unable to rip track %d! Please make sure that the CD is not scratched and that it is clean of dust and other debris.
CDTab_RipError2=The ASPI driver reported the following error:
CDTab_LookupFailedTitle=Disc Lookup Failed
CDTab_RetrieveFailedTitle=Track Info Retrieval Failed
CDTab_EmptyCD2=To rip songs from a CD,
CDTab_EmptyCD3=insert an audio CD
CDTab_EmptyCD4=into the CD drive.
CDTab_DataCD2=The CD in the drive
CDTab_DataCD3=appears to be a data CD.
CDTab_DataCD4=To rip songs from a CD,
CDTab_DataCD5=insert an audio CD
CDTab_DataCD6=into the CD drive.
CDTab_BlankCD2=The CD in the drive
CDTab_BlankCD3=appears to be a blank CD,
CDTab_BlankCD4=ready for burning.
CDTab_InsertCD=To rip music, insert a music CD.
CDTab_DataTrack2000Title=Windows 2000 Data Track Problem
CDTab_DataTrack2000=The CD you have in the drive contains a data track.\n\nThere is a known problem with CDs that contain data tracks on Windows 2000 systems\nwith auto-insert notification (AIN) turned off that causes the time of the last audio track\nto be incorrect.\n\nTo fix this problem you have 2 options (A or B)\n\nA. Shut down MP3 CD Burner, eject the CD, put the CD back in the drive, and restart MP3 CD Burner \n (If you have already done this, go ahead and rip the cd!)\n\n or\n\nB. Turn on auto-insert notification via the Preferences (click "Creating CDs" and then check "Auto Insert Notification")
CDTab_Nero=You appear to have Nero Imagedrive installed.\nThis device has known compatability problems with Windows XP.\nIf you notice problems running CD Burner, try uninstalling Nero Imagedrive:\n\n 1. Go to your control panel\n 2. Click on Add/Remove Programs\n 3. Click on "Imagedrive (Ahead)"\n 4. Click Remove
; Track list columns
; Library Tab Interface
LibTab_Title=Music Library
LibTab_ConfirmDeleteArtist=Delete the artist "%s" from the library?\nThis will move all its songs to the trash folder.
LibTab_ConfirmDeleteAlbum=Delete the album "%s" from the library?\nThis will move all its songs to the trash folder.
LibTab_ConfirmDeleteGenre=Delete the genre "%s" from the library?\nThis will move all its songs to the trash folder.
LibTab_ConfirmDeleteSong=Delete the song "%s" from the library?\nThis will move the song to the trash folder.
LibTab_ConfirmEmptyTrash1=You are about to empty the trash folder. All the deleted songs in the trash will be permanently removed from your library.
LibTab_ConfirmEmptyTrash2=What would you like to do with the accompanying song files?
LibTab_ConfirmEmptyTrash3=Delete the song files from my computer and put them in the Recycle Bin. WARNING! If another program uses these song files, it may not function correctly if you chose this option.
LibTab_ConfirmEmptyTrash4=Leave the song files on my computer, but show me how to keep them from being imported into my library again.
LibTab_ConfirmEmptyTrash5=Just remove the songs from my library and leave the song files alone. They may show up in my library again when I do another import.
LibTab_CantDelete=One or more songs in the Trash folder could not be deleted from your hard drive.\nThey may be currently in use by another application.\nThese files have been left in your Trash folder.
LibTab_CantDeleteTitle=Empty Trash
LibTab_MissingSong=This song file is missing!\n\n%s\n\nThe song file has either been moved, deleted, renamed,\nis on a network drive that you're not currently connected to,\nor is on a CD that isn't currently in the drive.\n\nWould you like to clean your library of all missing songs?
LibTab_CorruptLabel1=Your music library did not load successfully last time. It is possible that your library has become corrupted.
LibTab_CorruptLabel2=What do you want to do now?
LibTab_CorruptLabel3=If CD Burner crashed last time during the load, it could be because your library has become corrupted and cannot be repaired. Selecting this option will delete the library without affecting the song files on your computer.
LibTab_CorruptLabel4=If CD Burner shut down last time due to a power failure, Windows error, or because you terminated the program yourself, your library is probably fine. Selecting this option should cause your library to load normally.
LibTab_CorruptOption1=Delete the library and start over.
LibTab_CorruptOption2=Try loading the library again.
LibTab_CorruptWarning=CD Burner has detected anomalies in your library that could indicate it has been corrupted.\nThe offending records have been deleted.
LibTab_SaveDBLabel1=There is not enough space on the current drive to save your music library! You can either:
LibTab_SaveDBLabel2=1. Free up some space on your hard drive by deleting temporary files or moving files, and then click 'Retry' below, or...
LibTab_SaveDBLabel3=2. Click on 'New Drive' below to select a new drive to save the library to.
LibTab_SaveDBMsg=Select a drive to save your music library to:
; Edit Tag Dialogs
VerifyField=The %s field cannot be blank. Please fix and try again.
VerifyField_Title=Fields cannot be blank
EditCDTag_Title=Edit CD Track (%d of %d)
EditCDTag_UseArtist=Use for all tracks.
EditCDTag_UseAlbum=Use for all tracks.
EditCDTag_UseYear=Use for all tracks.
EditCDTag_UseGenre=Use for all tracks.
EditCDTag_NextTrack=&Next >>
EditCDTag_PrevTrack=<< &Previous
EditCDTag_Copy=The CD in drive %s has changed. Do you want to apply \n%s
EditCDTag_CopyEven=your edited track information to the new CD?
EditCDTag_CopyMore=the first %d tracks of your edited information to the new CD?
EditCDTag_CopyLess=your edited information to the first %d tracks of the new CD?
; Initial Import Dialog
InitImport_Title=Search for new songs with %s?
InitImport_Label1=We recommend that you search your computer for new songs to add to your library.
InitImport_Label2=This import process may take several minutes and while it's working your computer might run slower. You can also do this import at any time by clicking the Import button on the Library tab, and you can change these settings in the Preferences.
InitImport_Label3=1. Select the kinds of songs that will be imported into your library:
InitImport_Label7=2. Use the 'Add' button below to add folders that you want the import process to skip. This is helpful to keep sound effects from games, for example, from being added to your library:
InitImport_Label8=3. Do you want to search for new songs?
InitImport_Label9=Do not import songs from these folders:
Ses_Dirty=Would you like to save the current song list?
Ses_DirtyLabel=Would you like to save the current song list before running the CD Label Maker?
Ses_UnrippedSongs=The song list contains one or more songs that have not yet been copied from CD. Remove these songs and save the song list?
Ses_FailedToSave=Failed to save MP3 CD Burner song list! You may be running very low on hard drive space! Free up some space on your hard drive and try again.
Ses_FailedToLoad=Failed to load the MP3 CD Burner song list! The file may have become corrupt.
Ses_FileNotFound=The file cannot be found. It may have been moved or deleted.
Ses_FileNotFound_Title=File Not Found!
Ses_ClickExplanation=Click for more links related to this track!
Ses_AdTitle=Important! Free days used up!
Ses_Ad=Your free days have been used up! From now on a track of our choice will be placed on track 1.\r\rTo remove this track and receive unlimited use, register the software today!
Ses_AdDel=You cannot delete that track. To remove that particular track please register this software!
Ses_AdMove=You cannot move that track. To remove that particular track please register this software!
SesErr_FailedToLoadPlaylist=Failed to load any songs within the playlist! The songs on the playlist may not exist on your computer's hard drive or may be on the Internet!
SesErr_FailedToLoadSomeSongsInPlaylist=Failed to load some songs within the playlist! Some of the songs on the playlist may not exist on your computer's hard drive or may be on the Internet!
SesErr_FailedToLoadSong=Failed to load the song "%s" !
SesErr_SmallSong=The song "%s" is empty or incomplete! It will not be added to the MP3 CD Burner song list!
SesErr_Empty=After analysis, track #%d '%s' turns out to be totally silent! Would you like to remove it?
SesErr_EmptyTitle=Track Is Totally Silent!
SesErr_TooSmall2=After analysis, track #%d '%s' turns out to be less than 4 seconds! Would you like to remove it?
SesErr_Incomplete=After analysis, track #%d '%s' may not be complete!\r\rIf you choose to not remove it, you should listen to the track to make sure it is complete.\r\rWould you like to remove it?
SesErr_IncompleteTitle=Possible incomplete song!
; Playback Interface
songby="%s" by %s
; Sound Details Interface
SD_TrackNum=Track# :
SD_Title=Title :
SD_Artist=Artist :
SD_Year=Year :
SD_Genre=Genre :
SD_Comment=Comment :
SD_Location=Location :
SD_FileType=File Type :
SD_Length=Length :
SD_Size=Size :
SD_PreviousTrack=<< Previous Track
SD_NextTrack=Next Track >>
SD_DialogTitle=Track Details...
SD_WaveNotLoadedYet=Loading...Please wait...
; Logo display
LD_BurnBufferText=Burn-buffer meter
; Fader Dialog Interface
FD_NoSilence=No silence between tracks.
FD_SepTracks=Separate tracks by
FD_MixTracks=Mix tracks.
FD_Overlap=Overlap by
FD_SecsSilence=second(s) of silence.
FD_FadeBetween=Fade between tracks by
FD_Title=Fader Settings
; Errors
FDE_GapError=Invalid track separation! You must specify a time from 0.1 to 120 seconds!
FDE_OverlapError=Invalid overlap time! You must specify an overlap time from 0.1 to 120 seconds!
FDE_FadeError=Invalid fade time! You must specify a fade time from 0.1 to 120 seconds!
; Menus
MU_Session=&Song List
; File menu
MUF_NewSession=&New Song List Ctrl+N
MUF_OpenSession=&Open Song List... Ctrl+O
MUF_Save=&Save Song List Ctrl+S
MUF_SaveAs=Save Song List &As...
MUF_RecentSessions=Recent Song Lists
MUF_RecentFiles=Recent Files
MUF_Exit=E&xit Ctrl+Q
; Edit menu
MUE_Cut= Cu&t Ctrl+X
MUE_Copy= &Copy Ctrl+C
MUE_Paste= &Paste Ctrl+V
MUE_Delete= &Delete Del
MUE_SelectAll=Select &All Ctrl+A
MUE_CopyTrackInfo=Copy Track In&formation To Clipboard
MUE_ShowToolbar=Show Toolbar
MUE_ShowFind=Show Find Window
MUE_Undo= &Undo Ctrl+Z
MUE_Redo= &Redo Ctrl+Y
; Find Tab menu
MUFT_Show=Show Find Tab
MUFT_Hide=Hide Find Tab
MUFT_Find=&Start Search
MUFT_AdvFind=Start &Advanced Search...
MUFT_AddAll=Add All &Found Songs to Song List Ctrl+i
AD_CopyrightCompanies=MP3 CD Burner ⌐ 2002 Acoustica. All Rights Reserved.\nCD burning powered by GEAR Software copyright 1998-2002, GEAR Software, Inc.\nIncludes Xaudio software Copyright ⌐ 1996-2002 Xaudio Corporation. All Rights Reserved. \nBig thanks to the LAME project @
AD_ThanksWho=*Beta Team*, Russ Cary, Ronnie Nijmeh, Donda Bird, John Busher, Greg Birkel, Gabe Nijmeh, Rich Powell, Ramona, Lois, Peter, and Ronda Clarke, and the many suggestions received from Acoustica supporters.
; Burner states (one or two word states...)
BS_NoCDBurner=No recorder!
BS_NoCDInDrive=To burn a CD, please insert a blank disc
BS_UnknownCDInDrive=Unknown CD in drive. To burn a CD, please insert a blank disc
BS_UnwritableCDInDrive=Unwritable CD in drive. To burn a CD, please insert a blank disc
BS_BurntCDInDrive=CD Burnt! Please insert another blank disc
BS_BlankCDInDrive=Blank disc in drive is ready to burn
BS_WaitingToBurn=Waiting for files to be ready
BS_CompilingCueSheet=Double checking that audio will fit on CD
BS_CreatingWavFiles=Creating compatible wav files
BS_Burning=Burning audio CD
BS_Burnt=CD is finished
; Burner Sub-stages
BSS_WritingLeadout=Writing Leadout
BSS_WritingGap=Writing Gap
BSS_WritingTracks=Writing Tracks
BSS_FinalizingDisc=Finalizing Disc
; gen
; Burner related errors
BE_NeedBlankCD=Please insert a blank cdr into the CD recorder
BE_NoSongs=You do not have any songs selected to be burnt! Please select some songs via the Find window, Music Library or rip some tracks from a music CD via the Rip CD button.
BE_MissingSongs=Some songs are missing and cannot be found!\r\rPlease remove the tracks with missing songs.\r\rIf the songs are on a network, you should remap the network drive and try again.\r\rIf the songs are on a data cd, you should put the data cd in the cd drive and try again.
BE_MemError=Acoustica MP3 CD Burner is running low on RAM. Please close any other programs running.
BE_GenError=A general error has occurred. Have you considered a life in the monastery? :)
BE_CDRecorderNotFound=A CD recording device could not be found or it is not a supported CD recorder! CDs cannot be created. If its an external, make sure its plugged in or turned on and then restart!
BE_NoDiscAtOnce=The required mode "Disc-At-Once" is not supported on this CD recorder and, thus, you will not be able to record audio cds with Acoustica MP3 CD Burner.
BE_NoDiscTransporter=Disc Transported not found!
BE_FailedToParseCueSheet=Failed to parse cue sheet! This should not happen in the release version. (This is all Jeff's fault.)
BE_FailedToReloadSound=Failed to load a track into memory. Please refrain from using or modifying any tracks during the burn and burn-prep process.
BE_OutOfHardDriveSpace=It appears that you do not have enough hard drive space on your computer. Please free up hard drive space and try again.
BE_UserAborted=The operation was successfully aborted.
BE_UserAbortedBadCD=The operation was successfully aborted. The CDR in the drive is unusable!
BE_ASPIInitializationError=Failed to initialize the ASPI layer!\r\rYou may need to install ASPI drivers on your computer.\r\rThis condition is common on Win2K and WinNT machines.\r\rFor more support, please see the documentation or website.
BE_80MinuteCDError=The number of minutes available to burn was found to be smaller than the capacity on the blank cdr. The burn or test was aborted.\r\rYour cdr is still usable.\r\rMake sure to not select more than 74 minutes of audio!
BE_CommandFailed=A command failed during the burn/test. You might try disabling CD-Text or Burn-Proof. The blank CD in the drive is still usable.\r\r[CD Text has been automatically disabled.] \r\rPush the 'Burn CD' button to try again!
BE_ASPINotFound_Help=It appears that you do you not have an ASPI layer installed. Please visit the Acoustica website for help (
BE_ASPINotFound_HelpTitle=Missing ASPI layer!
BE_ASPIGearNotFound_Help=It appears that the Gear ASPI drivers are not correctly set up on your computer!\r\rIf you have recently installed another CD ripping/burning product, it could have caused our software to stop functioning correctly. To repair this, simply rerun the Acoustica MP3 CD Burner installation and restart your computer.\r\rIf you would like to go to the internet and download the latest installer, click Yes.
BE_ASPINotFoundGear_HelpTitle=ASPI driver issue!
BE_ASPIFoundButNoCDDevices_Title=No CD devices found!
BE_ASPIFoundButNoCDDevices=It appears that you have an ASPI layer installed, but no CD devices can be found! There may be a problem with your ASPI layer (assuming you have a CD device.)\r\rFor more help, would you like to go to the Acoustica support website for help (
BE_RecorderNotFound_Help=It appears that you may not have a supported CD-recorder. You should be able to rip CDs, organize your library and play songs though... you just won't be able to burn CDs.\r\rWould you like to go to the Acoustica support website to get your CD recorder supported and more help (
BE_RecorderNotFound_HelpTitle=CD recorder not found!
; Misc burn messages
;BKH BEMT_BurnFailed=CD Burn Failed! CD is unusable!
;BKH BEMT_TestFailed=CD Burn Test Failed!
;BKH BEM_MayNotSupportCDText=Your CD Recorder may not support CD-Text! The blank CD in the drive is still usable.\r\r[CD Text has been automatically disabled.] \r\rPush the 'Burn CD' button to try again!
;BKH BEM_NiceBufUnderrunTest=The CD writer needs a continuous stream of data from the computer during a burn. Your computer was not able to fill the data quickly.\r\rIf you were doing an actual burn this would have resulted in an unusable CD.\r\rThe CDR is still usable.
;BKH BEM_NiceBufUnderrun=The CD writer needs a continuous stream of data during a burn from the computer. Your computer was not able to fill the data quickly enough which resulted in an unusable CD.
BEM_AbortWarning=Aborting now will result in an un-susable cd. Are you sure you want to do this?
BEM_AbortTestWarning=Are you sure you want to abort the test? Your blank cd will still be usable!
;BKH BEM_TestFailed=The test failed due to the following error:\r\r"%s"\r\rMake sure to not use any other programs at the same time. Disable screen savers, virus checkers or any other program that may start up during the cd burning process.\r\rTry lowering the burn speed or checking "Convert to wav first" option.
;BKH BEM_BurnFailed=The burn was not successful due to the following error:\r\r"%s"\r\r
;BKH BEM_BurnFailedAndCoaster=The burn was not successful due to the following error:\r\r"%s"\r\rTry doing a test burn before burning again.\r\rMake sure to not use any other programs at the same time. Disable screen savers, virus checkers or any other program that may start up during the cd burning process.\r\rTry lowering the burn speed or checking "Convert to wav first" option.
BEM_FirstBurnTitle=A test is recommended!
BEM_FirstBurn=It is recommended that you do a test burn before doing an actual burn. Are you sure you want to skip the test?
BEM_ConvertWavWarning1=You have set Acoustica MP3 CD Burner to fade between tracks.\r\rFading between tracks requires that you check the "Convert all tracks to wav files first" option!\r\rWould you like to automatically convert to wav files first?\r\r(If you select "Yes", the tracks will be mixed && faded.)\r(If you select "No", the tracks will NOT be mixed && faded.)
BEM_ConvertWavWarning3Title=Some tracks won't be normalized!
BEM_ConvertWavWarning3=Some files would have been converted to wav files!\r\rYou are seeing this warning because you have set the option "to only convert to wav files if absolutely necessary" via the Preferences window.\r\rSome files are low in volume or have extra silence and would have been converted to wav first before burning.\r\rIf you proceed, some tracks may not be normalized to sound consistent with the other tracks.\r\rWould you like to continue with the burn anyhow?
BEM_SilentTrackTitle=Track is totally silent!
BEM_TrackSilent=Track #%d '%s' was found to be totally silent!\r\rWould you like to burn the silent track anyhow?
BEM_MissingFileTitle=File cannot be found!
BEM_MissingFile=The file for track #%d '%s' cannot be found!\r\rThe cd burn/test will be aborted but the cdr will still be usable. Remove the track and try again.
BEM_NotInitialized=A CD recorder was not found. If you have an external recorder make sure it is plugged in and turned on. You may have to re-boot or re-start this program.
BEM_NotInitializedTitle=CD Recorder not found!
BEM_Incomplete=After analysis, track #%d '%s' may not be complete!\r\rDo you still want to continue with the test/burn?
BEM_IncompleteTitle=Possible incomplete song!
BEM_AutoInsertWarnTitle=Important CD Burning issue!!!
BEM_AutoInsertWarn=In order to complete a successful burn, it may be necessary to turn off a feature called "Auto insert notification" (AIN).\r\rIf this option is left enabled, the CD burn may fail on some systems.\r\rNote: By disabling AIN, CDs that you put in this CD-recorder will not be automatically detected. (You can always re-enable AIN if this does not solve your burning problem by selecting "Preferences" from the "File" menu)\r\rWould you like to turn off "Auto insert notification" for the CD-recorder? (Requires a reboot)
BEM_AutoInsertWarn2=When your computer restarts, DirectCD may ask you re-enable "Auto insert notification".\r\rMake sure to click "No".\r\rIf you want to use DirectCD, you'll have to re-enable "Auto insert notification. (You can re-enable AIN by selecting "Preferences" from the "File" menu and then checking "Auto insert notification")
BEM_RebootTitle=Need to reboot computer!
BEM_RebootMessage=In order for the changes to take affect, you must reboot your computer.\r\rWould you like to reboot your computer now?
BEM_WinOnCDTitle=Incompatibility with WinOnCD!
BEM_WinOnCD=We have detected that you have WinOnCD installed on your computer.\r\rThere is a known incompatibility between our software and WinOnCD! If you want to continue to use our software, you will need to uninstall WinOnCD and then reboot.\r\rYou can uninstall WinOnCD from the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.\r\rClick the Window's Start button, followed by clicking "Settings", followed by clicking "Control Panels". Double click "Add/Remove Programs" and locate WinOnCD. Select it and click the "Add/Remove" button to start the uninstall.
BEM_SuggestBurnSolution=Suggestions for a successful burn/test include\r\r*Close all programs prior to burning.\r*Defragment your hard drive(s).\r*Free up space on your main drive.\r (At least 600 MB is recommended).\r*Turn off Disc Compression (Such as Double Space).\r*Disable old 16 bit DOS CD drivers.\r*LOWER YOUR RECORDING SPEED!
BEM_SuggestBurnSolutionTitle=Tips for success!
; Wont Fit Dialog
WFD_Title=Selected Audio Will Not Fit!
WFD_NotFit=The audio selected will not fit on one cd!
WFD_Text=You have %d minutes and %d seconds selected. The maximum allowed time is %d minutes. You are over by %d minutes and %d seconds. What would you like to do?
WFD_FadeOut=Automatically fade out the excess audio over
WFD_ChopOff=Just chop off the excess audio
; Reg Dialog
RD_Mess1=You have %d free days left!
RD_MessSingA=You have 1 free days left!
RD_MessNone=You have used up all of your free days.
RD_Step1=1. Connect to the Internet in your usual method.
RD_Step2=2. Purchase a registration code from %s
RD_Step3=4. Enter your registration code :
RD_Step4=5. Press the "Register!" button!
RD_StepName=3. Enter the name you registered under :
RD_Title=Acoustica MP3 CD Burner Registration!
RD_ExtensionCode=Congratulations! You have received 3 extra unrestricted days!
RD_GiveMeMore=I'm not ready! Give me 3 extra days!
RD_DefSrc=the Internet!
RD_DefButText=Buy Code...
RD_DaysLeftLots=%d days left
RD_DaysLeftFew=Only %d days left!
RD_DaysLeft1=Only 1 day left!!
RD_DaysLeft0=Time's Up!
RD_UrgeText1=Thank you for trying out our program! You'll be able to 'rip' and burn your own custom music CDs with this software. Once you see the value and quality in our program, I am sure you will help support Acoustica by clicking the 'Buy Now!' button below! [ Don't let the above happen to our programmers! :( ] - The Acoustica Team
RD_UrgeText2=Ready for some more rippin' and burnin'! :) Did you know that you can easily edit and re-arrange your music via drag and drop? For example, if you have 2 albums and one is incorrectly titled, just drag the wrong one onto the correct one and voila! Click the 'Library' tab for more...If you are ready to purchase the software, click "Buy Now!"
RD_UrgeText3=Glad you are still chugging with Acoustica! We aim to please...and it would please us to continue paying our programmers to make top-notch software. Don't let the above happen to them!!! You know the program is good quality, click the "Buy Now!" button and cast your vote of confidence today! this thing on? Uh...yes, hello MP3 people out there. We hope that you are ripping and burning to your hearts content. As you know the Internet is less and less free...See that button below this text.... Please make our programmers happy! Click "Buy Now!" and get your code emailed to you 24/7. (Even if it's 2 am in the morning!) that all you ever do? :) Seriously, we hope you are enjoying our software. If you are having support issues, please point your browser to . If you need to purchase the software, please click the "Buy Now!" button below. Click "Buy Now!" and get your code emailed to you 24/7. (Even if it's 2 am in the morning!)
RD_UrgeText6=You are getting very close to the end of your FREE trial. We strongly advise you to purchase the now so that you won't be shut out all of a sudden. Click the "Buy Now!" button, purchase the software on the Internet and get a code emailed to you 24/7. (Even if it's 2 am in the morning! :))
RD_UrgeText7=The software is now LOCKED! To unlock the software and have unlimited RIPS and BURNS, please buy a code by clicking the "Buy Now!" button at any time of the day. After connecting to the Internet and entering in your credit card or purchasing information, your code will be delivered to you by email in only a few minutes so that you can get back to what's important: rippin' and burnin'!!!
; Reg Thanks
RT_Thanks="Congratulations! \r\rYou have finished the registration process and now are entitled to unlimited use.\r\r Happy burning!"
RT_Title=Thank You!
RT_Back=Back to burning cds!
; Reg Wrong
RT_WrongCodeTitle=Invalid registration code!
RT_WrongCode=That is not a valid registration code. Please verify the number and try again!
RT_NoNameTitle=You forgot to enter the name you registered under.
RT_NoName=You need to enter the name you purchased the registration code under in Step 3.
UHOH_Message=Your free cd burns are all used up! \r\rIn order to receive an unlimited number of cd burns, please register! \r\rYour support will go towards helping to make even better, easier to use, get the job done kind of software which we love to build!
PREFB_Mand=Only convert to wav files if absolutely necessary
PREFB_Norm=Normalize track volume if volume level is
PREFB_Norm1=different than
PREFB_NormOpt1=loudest track
PREFB_NormOpt2=maximum level
PREFB_Trim=Automatically remove silence at start and end of songs
PREFB_Trim1=if there is more than
PREFB_Trim2=seconds of silence combined
PREFD_Auto=Automatically get album information
PREFD_List=Use this freedb site:
PREFC_Title=When copying track information to the clipboard:
PREFC_Num=Copy track number
PREFC_Length=Copy track length
PREFC_Name=Copy track name
PREFC_Artist=Copy artist
PREFMP3_LameThanks=LAME encoder brought to you by the hard work of
PREFMP3_VarBitRate=Use variable bit rate
PREFWAV_UseTags=Use tags on WAV files
PREFWMA_UseTags=Use tags on WMA files
PREFG_Small=Use small toolbar
PREFG_Log=Create a log file
PREFG_Aspi=Use Acoustica's ASPI driver
PREFG_Engine=CD Rip/Burn Engine:
PREFI_Title=What types of songs should be imported?
PREFI_Title2=Where should the import look for new songs?
PREFI_LengthAny=of any length
PREFI_Length15=at least 15 seconds long
PREFI_Length30=at least 30 seconds long
PREFI_Length60=at least 1 minute long
PREFI_ViewFavorites=View Favorites
PREFI_Favorites=Search in my favorite folders
PREFI_Desktop=Search on my desktop
PREFI_Rest=Search the rest of my computer
PREFI_Network=Search network drives
PREFI_ExclListTitle=Never search in these folders:
PREFI_RemoveExcl=The favorites list contains folders that are the same as, or subfolders of,\nthe directory you wish to add to the exclude list.\n\nDo you want to remove these favorites from the list so that they are not searched?
PREFI_RemoveExclTitle=Exclude favorites
PREFI_IncList=Always search in my favorite folders:
PREFI_SelectFolder=Select a folder to add to the list:
PREFI_NoFormats=You must select at least one file format,\nor the Import won't find any songs on your computer.
PREFI2_Favorites=The import will always search the these folders in the following order:
PREFI2_FavoritesDesc=These folders are where the import has found songs before. You can add your own special folders to this list to make sure the import finds songs there quickly.
PREFI_Tutorial=Use the 'Add' button above to add folders that you do not want the import to search when looking for new songs.
PREFI_TutorialEmptyTrash=To keep songs you've just deleted from your library from being found again by the import, click on the 'Add' button above and add the folder in which those songs were found.
PREFR_PageTitle=Ripping Tracks Preferences
PREFR_PageName=Ripping Tracks
PREFR_Folder=Rip songs into folder:
PREFR_UseFolder=Store songs in folder with artist's name
PREFR_UseArtist=Use artist in song's file name
PREFR_UseAlbum=Use album in song's file name
PREFR_UseTrack=Use track number in song's file name
PREFR_Play=Play sound when done ripping
PREFR_NoLib=Rip tracks to temporary wave files only
PREFR_Jitter0=Use jitter correction?
PREFR_Jitter1=If needed
PREFR_Error0=If errors occur during the rip:
PREFR_Error1=Ignore them
PREFR_Error2=Try re-reading
PREFR_Error3=Stop ripping
PREFR_Retries=# Retries:
PREFR_RipOnFly=No intermediate files
PREFR_Speed=Rip speed:
PREFR_DestFrame=Rip files to:
PREFR_DestTemp=Temporary wave files only (faster)
PREFR_DestPerm=Permanent song files that are added to the library
PREFR_Format=Store in song format:
PFD_RecFrame=CD Recorder
PFD_Eject=Eject disc when done
PFD_AIN=Auto insert notification
PFD_Sync=Sync Data Transfer
PFD_ASPI=Use Acoustica ASPI
PFD_CopyFrame=When Copying Track Information To The Clipboard
PFD_CopyTrack=Copy track #
PFD_CopyArtist=Copy artist
PFD_CopyLen=Copy track length
PFD_CopyName=Copy track name
PFD_PlaySound=Play sound when cd is finished
PFD_SmallToolbar=Use small toolbar
PFD_Normalize=Normalize track volume if volume level is
PFD_Autotrim=Automatically remove silence at start and end of songs
PFD_FastBurnWarn=Display "Fast Burn Mode" Warning when appropriate
PFD_Norm_Diff=different than the
PFD_Norm_Loudest=loudest track
PFD_Norm_Max=maximum level.
PFD_Trim_More=if there is more than
PFD_Trim_Secs=seconds of silence combined
PFD_Manda=Only convert to wav files if absolutely necessary
PFD_WarnInc=Warn about incomplete songs
PFD_WarnThresh=Threshold is
PFD_ASPIChanged=You have switched the ASPI layer. You will need to restart the program before doing anything else. (You do not need to restart the computer, though.) If you have not saved your song list, please do so before restarting Acoustica MP3 CD Burner. Click Cancel if you do not want to change the ASPI layer.
PFD_ASPIChangedRem=Important! Do not forget to quit and restart MP3 CD Burner! You will be prompted to save your song list if necessary.
PFD_EngineChanged=You have switched the burning engine. You will need to restart the program before doing anything else. (You do not need to restart the computer, though.) If you have not saved your song list, please do so before restarting Acoustica MP3 CD Burner. Click Cancel if you do not want to change the burning engine.
PFD_EngineChangedRem=Important! Do not forget to quit and restart MP3 CD Burner! You will be prompted to save your song list if necessary.
BGD_Message=In order to ensure successful audio cd creations, please do not use any other programs at the same time. Also, please do not let virus checkers or background programs start up.
BGD_Step0=1. Preparing...
BGD_Step1=2. Converting to wav...
BGD_Step2=3. Preparing disc...
BGD_Step3=4. Writing audio...
BGD_Step3B=4. Testing audio...
BGD_Step4=5. Finishing disc...
BGD_TotalProgress=Total Progress
BGD_Actual=(Actual burn speed is about %0.1f X speed.)
BGD_Step0Desc=Acoustica MP3 CD Burner is waiting for some tracks to be copied and/or analyzing tracks to determine if they need to be converted to wav before burning.
BGD_Step1Desc=Acoustica MP3 CD Burner is copying some or all of the tracks to temporary wav files.\r\rYour original files will be left intact.
BGD_Step2aDesc=The testing process is starting...\r\rDO NOT USE ANY OTHER PROGRAMS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL TEST!
BGD_Step2bDesc=The burning process is starting...\r\rDO NOT USE ANY OTHER PROGRAMS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL BURN!
BGD_Step2aDescBurnProof=The testing process is starting...
BGD_Step2bDescBurnProof=The burning process is starting...
BGD_Step3aDesc=Your selected tracks are being test-burnt to the cd.\r\rDO NOT USE ANY OTHER PROGRAMS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL TEST!
BGD_Step3aDescBurnProof=Your selected tracks are being test-burnt to the cd.
BGD_Step3bDesc=Your selected tracks are being burnt onto the cd.\r\rDO NOT USE ANY OTHER PROGRAMS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL BURN!
BGD_Step3bDescBurnProof=Your selected tracks are being burnt onto the cd.
BGD_Step4aDesc=The testing process is finishing...\r\rDO NOT USE ANY OTHER PROGRAMS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL TEST!
BGD_Step4bDesc=The burning process is finishing...\r\rDO NOT USE ANY OTHER PROGRAMS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL BURN!
BGD_Step4aDescBurnProof=The testing process is finishing...
BGD_Step4bDescBurnProof=The burning process is finishing...
BFD_BufUnderrun=Your CD writer needs a continuous stream of data from the computer during a burn. Your computer was not able to fill the data quickly enough.
BFD_MayNotSupportCDText=Your CD Recorder may not support CD-Text!\r\rCD Text has been automatically disabled.
BFD_TestFailed=The test failed!\r\rMake sure to not use any other programs at the same time. Disable screen savers, virus checkers or any other program that may start up during the CD burning process.\r\rTry lowering the burn speed or checking "Convert to wav files first" option.\r\rThe burner returned the following error:
BFD_BurnPartialSuccess=%d out of %d CDs were created successfully.\r\rThe last CD failed due the following error:
BFD_BurnFailed=The burn was not successful!\r\rTry doing a test burn before burning again.\r\rMake sure to not use any other programs at the same time. Disable screen savers, virus checkers or any other program that may start up during the cd burning process.\r\rTry lowering the burn speed or checking "Convert to wav files first" option.\r\rThe burner returned the following error:
BFD_CDUsable=The CD in the drive is still blank and usable.
BFD_CDNotUsable=The CD in the drive is not usable!
BFD_LastBurnSpeed=The last burn speed was %d.
BFD_Choices=What would you like to do now?
BFD_ChoiceRetrySame=Try the same speed burn again
BFD_ChoiceRetrySlower=Try the burn again at a slower speed
BFD_ChoiceRetryTestSame=Try the same speed test again
BFD_ChoiceRetryTestSlower=Try the test again at a slower speed
LD_Title=Acoustica MP3 CD Burner License Agreement & Disclaimer
LD_Checkbox=Check this box if you agree to the &warning, license && disclaimer above.
LD_NoRichEdit=Failed to load the riched32.dll which is needed to for proper operation. To ensure you have this dll, you can install it by adding Wordpad to your computer via the add/remove programs interface. \r\n\r\nTo do this, click on the Window's Start button, followed by clicking "Settings", followed by clicking "Control Panels". Double click "Add/Remove Programs". Click on "Windows Setup". Click on the "Accessories" and then click the "Details" button. Scroll down to the bottom and make sure that check box next to Wordpad is checked. Click OK, followed by clicking OK again. (You may have to put your Windows CD in the CD driver and you may have to restart your computer.)
CDL_74=74 minute audio CD\r(Playable in car or home stereos)
CDL_80=80 minute audio CD\r(Playable in car or home stereos.)\r**Requires an 80 minute blank cd and your cd-recorder MUST support 80 minute cds!**
CDL_80MinWarnTitle=WARNING! Important 80 minute CDR information!
CDL_80MinWarn=In order to burn 80 minute CDRs, your CD-recorder drive must support it! Consult your CD-recorder's documentation or check the manufacturer's website to see if your CD-recorder drive supports 80 minute CDRs.\r\rIn addition, you MUST put in an 80 minute CDR or your burn may fail!\r\r**THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOUR CD-RECORDER SUPPORTS 80 Minute CDs!**
BadIntelAA_body = We've detected that you're running Intel's Application Accelerator software. It's known to cause problems with the Gear burning engine on some Windows 2000 systems. We recommend that you uninstall the Intel software before continuing.\n\nDo you want to exit the program?
BadIntelAA_info = Would you like more information on uninstalling your Intel Application Accelerator software?
BadIntelAA_GH_title = Switch Burning Engines?
BadIntelAA_GH_body = Would you like to switch to the GoldenHawk burning engine? It doesn't support as many recorders as the Gear engine, but it doesn't have the problem with Intel Application Accelerator.
CDLIB_nonBlankDisc = The disc in the CD Drive is not blank
CDLIB_needBlankDisc = There's not a blank disc in the CD drive
CDLIB_cantRead = Unable to read from the CD Drive
CDLIB_cantOpenTray = Can't open the CD Drive tray
CDLIB_underrun = The program couldn't feed data to the CD drive fast enough
CDLIB_missingGearFile = A required burning engine file is missing. Try reinstalling the program.
CDLIB_memory = There's not enough system memory available.
CDLIB_diskspace = There's not enough hard disk space available.
CDLIB_MCN = Invalid Media Catalog Number. If it's not blank, it should be exactly 13 numerical characters.
CDLIB_ISRC = Invalid track ISRC. If it's not blank, the ISRC code should be exactly 12 characters. The first five should be alphabetic and the next seven should be numeric.
CDLIB_NoFile = One of the temporary wave files could not be found.
CDLIB_ShortTrack = One of the tracks was shorter than the minimum length of 4 seconds.
CDLIB_badSCSISetting = The CD drive has an invalid SCSI setting (error %d). We suggest you reboot and try again.
CDLIB_noSCSI = Unable to detect a SCSI host adapter
CDLIB_ASPIerror = Error with ASPI layer (error code %d). You may need to reinstall.
CDLIB_NoRecordersFound = No Recordable CD Drives Found
CDLIB_nonRecordingDrive = Your chosen burning drive cannot burn CDs.
CDLIB_cantReadAudio = The selected CD Drive can't read audio tracks.
CDLIB_blankDisc = Couldn't read from the selected CD because it's a blank disc.
CDLIB_notSingleSess = Couldn't read from the selected CD because it's not a single-session disc.
CDLIB_badTOC = Can't read the disc's table of contents. The disc may be scratched, dirty, or defective.
CDLIB_generic = Generic error %d
CDLIB_badSCSIrequest = The drive has reported an illegal SCSI request, and returned error code %u
CDLIB_writeProtected = The disc is write-protected or not writable
CDLIB_copyProtected = The disc is copy-protected
CDLIB_createThread = Thread creation error; probably need to reboot
CDLIB_cantMakeTempFile = Couldn't create a temporary file to rip to; probably need to reboot
CDLIB_cantOpenTempFile = Couldn't open the intermediate file to finish the rip; you probably need to restart the program or reboot
CDLIB_badPointer = Memory addressing error. We highly recommend you restart the program or reboot.
CDLIB_emptyTempFile = The burning engine was unable to create an intermediate wave file.
CDLIB_NoDriversLoaded = The Gear drivers do not appear to be installed correctly. Try rebooting or reinstalling.
CDLIB_cdTooBig = Your CD song list is too big to fit on the blank CD in your CD drive.
CDLIB_DiscIsCDRW = The blank disc in your CD drive is a CD-RW disc.