ocr: ) Easy album mdnager 0.90a D-Dewwurkleasyamvyemimp3inal.eam) File Edt List Abum Tools Hep Es Guckprel Custom - Aroist Abum Year Genre A Marillion Anorak n The UK Live 2002 Progessive Rock + Marillion Ancraknophobis 2001 Progessive Rock + Marillion Manton.com 1999 Progessive Rock * Marillion Radiation 1998 Progessive Rock + Marillion Tales from the engne oom 1998 Progessive Rock * Marillion This Strangel Engine 1997 Progessive Rock * Marillion Seacon's end disc 2) 1997 Progessive Rock * Marillion Made Again 1996 Progessivel Rock - Marillion Afraidof: Sunight 1995 Progessive Rock, * Marillion Br ...