ocr: vybér tématu / - 2 - - Porozuméni ctenemu textu vyberte tema: 1. Nursery rhymes /F Rikadla 10. Monsters Prisery (colours (barvy and a parts castitéla) oft the body)/ 2. Instructions / Pokyny 11. Flags /Vlajky 3. Instructions for a robot / Pokyny pro robota 12. Animals /Zvirata 4. Description of object / Popis predmetu 13. Food. /F Potraviny 5.0 Description predmetu of object (hadanky) (riddles). / Popis 14. Sport / Sportovani 6. Toys /H Hracky 15. Daily activities / Denni cinnosti 7. Family / Rodina 16.1 Little Red Riding Hood/Cervena Karkulka 8E Brothers and sisters / Sourozenci 17.Jack and t ...