<text id="strResetDefault" value="Are you sure you want to reset all Windows Media Player settings (including settings not available in this PowerToy, such as Color Chooser, Audio Quality, and Privacy settings) to the defaults?" />
<text id="strOverwritingMessage" value="When you reset the Windows Media Player settings, your current settings are saved to a backup file. If you reset the Player settings again, the previous backup file is replaced with a new backup file. Are you sure you want to reset the Player settings and overwrite your previous backup file?" />
<text id="strRestoreSettings" value="If you restore the saved Windows Media Player settings, your current Windows Media Player settings will be lost. Are you sure you want to restore the saved settings?" />
<text id="strSpace" value="(Space)" />
<text id="strChooseSeparator" value="File Name Separator" />
<text id="strConfirmSeparator" value="Type the separator characters that the Player should use between file name details (such as song title and artist) when naming files copied from CDs." />
<text id="strConfirmSeparatorLine2" value="The file name separator can be up to five characters long. Separators cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * " ? < > |" />
<text id="strResetWarning" value="Note: If you click Yes, the PowerToy will save your current settings to a backup file, reset all current Player settings to the defaults, and then quit the Player. You can restore your saved settings by using the Restore Saved Settings option in this PowerToy." />
<text id="strOverwriteWarning" value="Note: If you click Yes, the PowerToy will save your current settings to a backup file, reset all current Player settings to the defaults, and then quit the Player. You can restore your saved settings by using the Restore Saved Settings option in this PowerToy." />
<text id="strRestoreWarning" value="Note: Windows Media Player will quit after restoring the saved settings." />
<text id="strNormalizeExtraText" value="*This option is only available if you have a CD recorder drive installed and you have used Windows Media Player to copy files to an audio CD" />
<text fontsize="8" id="NormalizeExtraText" toolTip="" wordwrap="true" width="340" height="120" foregroundColor="white" top="JScript:NormalizeAudio.top+19" left="63" visible="JScript:fsplugin.isWindowsXP" value="*If you clear this check box and then attach another CD recorder drive later, you must clear this check box again for your change to apply to the new drive." />
<text fontsize="8" foregroundColor="white" top="JScript:g_CDTopBase+7" left="38" value="Copy from CD" />