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- //**************************************
- //
- // Name: Number Converter
- // Description:This utility shows how to
- // convert numbers to different types (i.e.
- // hex, decimal, binary, octal).
- // By: Josh Sherman
- //
- // Assumes:The code converts the current
- // value to a decimal, and then from decima
- // l to the selected type. I do this becaus
- // e PHP has built in functions to convert
- // hexadecimal, octal, or binary to decimal
- // , and decimal to hexadecimal, octal, or
- // binary, but doesn't including functions
- // to convert octal to hexadecimal, binary
- // to octal, or anything fancy like that. T
- // he code also makes use of the eval state
- // ment which helped reduce the length of t
- // he code considerably.
- //
- //This code is copyrighted and has // limited warranties.Please see http://
- // www.Planet-Source-Code.com/xq/ASP/txtCod
- // eId.582/lngWId.8/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.
- // htm //for details.
- //
- <?
- /*
- * convert.php - Number conversion in PHP-GTK.
- *
- * Author: Josh Sherman
- * Purpose: Converts a number to a different type.
- * Usage: php -q conversion.php
- *
- */
- // Check to see if the PHP-GTK extension
- // is available.
- dl( 'php_gtk.' . (strstr( PHP_OS, 'WIN') ? 'dll' : 'so'));
- // Called when delete-event takes place,
- // tells it to proceed.
- function delete_event()
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Called when the window is being destr
- // oyed, tells it to quit the main loop.
- function destroy()
- {
- Gtk::main_quit();
- }
- // Called when a radio button is clicked
- // , converts the number to that format.
- function convert($widget, $which)
- {
- global $current_type;
- global $entry;
- // Get the value from the entry field
- $number = $entry->get_text();
- // Make sure they aren't clicking on an already active radio.
- if ($current_type != $which) {
- // Converts the number to decimal if it isn't already.
- if ($current_type != "dec") {
- eval ("\$number = " . $current_type . "dec(\"$number\");");
- }
- // Converts the number to the desired format.
- if ($which != "dec") {
- eval ("\$number = strtoupper(dec" . $which . "(\"$number\"));");
- }
- // Sets the entry box to the new value.
- $entry->set_text($number);
- }
- // Set the new type as the current type.
- $current_type = $which;
- }
- // Creates a new top-level window and co
- // nnect the signals to the appropriate fun
- // ctions.
- $window = &new GtkWindow();
- $window->connect('destroy', 'destroy');
- $window->connect('delete-event', 'delete_event');
- $window->set_title("Conversion Utility");
- $window->set_border_width(5);
- $window->set_policy(false, false, false);
- // Creates a table to place our widgets,
- // and adds it to the table.
- $table = &new GtkTable(2, 1);
- $window->add($table);
- // Creates an entry field, and places it
- // on our table.
- $entry = &new GtkEntry();
- $table->attach($entry, 0, 1, 0, 1);
- // Creates another table, and places it
- // on the existing table.
- $types = &new GtkTable(1, 4);
- $table->attach($types, 0, 1, 1, 2);
- // Creates and groups radio buttons.
- $hex = &new GtkRadioButton(null, 'Hex');
- $dec = &new GtkRadioButton($hex, 'Dec');
- $oct = &new GtkRadioButton($hex, 'Oct');
- $bin = &new GtkRadioButton($hex, 'Bin');
- // Set the 'Decimal' radio as active, an
- // d set the current type to decimal.
- $dec->set_active(TRUE);
- $current_type = "dec";
- // Connect the radios to the convert fun
- // ction, and feeds the value to it.
- $hex->connect('pressed', 'convert', 'hex');
- $dec->connect('pressed', 'convert', 'dec');
- $oct->connect('pressed', 'convert', 'oct');
- $bin->connect('pressed', 'convert', 'bin');
- // Place the radios on the table.
- $types->attach($hex, 0, 1, 0, 1);
- $types->attach($dec, 1, 2, 0, 1);
- $types->attach($oct, 2, 3, 0, 1);
- $types->attach($bin, 3, 4, 0, 1);
- // Create tool tips for the widgets and
- // enabled them.
- $tthex = &new GtkTooltips();
- $tthex->set_delay(200);
- $tthex->set_tip($hex, 'Convert the number to Hexadecimal.', '');
- $tthex->enable();
- $ttdec = &new GtkTooltips();
- $ttdec->set_delay(200);
- $ttdec->set_tip($dec, 'Convert the number to Decimal.', '');
- $ttdec->enable();
- $ttoct = &new GtkTooltips();
- $ttoct->set_delay(200);
- $ttoct->set_tip($oct, 'Convert the number to Octal.', '');
- $ttoct->enable();
- $ttbin = &new GtkTooltips();
- $ttbin->set_delay(200);
- $ttbin->set_tip($bin, 'Convert the number to Binary.', '');
- $ttbin->enable();
- $ttentry = &new GtkTooltips();
- $ttentry->set_delay(200);
- $ttentry->set_tip($entry, 'Type the number you want to convert here.', '');
- $ttentry->enable();
- // Show the window and all of it's child
- // widgets.
- $window->show_all();
- // Run the main loop.
- Gtk::main();
- ?>