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- Version 1.618 - LNX-BBC project
- -------------------------------
- Version 1.618 is the first forked release of the independent LNX-BBC project.
- added bvi (binary editor that feels like vi)
- added md5tee (in-line MD5 checksum a pipe without saving to disk)
- added chntpw (change Windows NT passwords -- though we still can't write
- ntfs)
- added zless (view compressed text files)
- added xxd (hex dump and undump)
- added tracesroute (can display ASN in traceroute)
- added xauth
- stripped .note and .comment sections from ELF binaries per Juraj's suggestion
- added fgrep and egrep, which hadn't worked (needed new binaries)
- reworked root filesystem image (no user-visible changes, except programs in
- /bin.defunct will work now if you happen to want to run them)
- added memtest86 in boot image (test system RAM)
- added smbmount and new smbclient from Ian (mount Windows-style SMB/CIFS shares)
- removed Mozilla (replaced with BrowseX)
- added dsniff and related software and libraries (use with caution)
- added openssl default configuration file
- upgraded glibc to 2.2
- upgraded lde (disk editor like Norton's)
- added robotfindskitten
- added ncp, npush, npoll (convenient unauthenticated file transfer over LANs)
- upgraded cloop driver to cloop 0.61 from Klaus Knopper
- added ttcp and nttcp (test network bandwidth)
- added fb (file browser/binary editor)
- upgraded e2fsprogs to 1.22
- added dialog (display dialog boxes from shell scripts)
- added tftp client
- disabled bash completions ("source /etc/bash_completion" to get them back)
- added ext2end (ext2 filesystem extender, somewhat like other resizers)
- upgraded reiserfsprogs to current (3.x.0j)
- upgraded modutils
- upgraded ipsec utilities
- upgraded kernel to 2.2.19 (with associated changes)
- added bmap (blockmap, forensics utility)
- added nbd (network block device client and server)
- added xt (UnixTree, file browser, etc., like xtree)
- added lsof (try "lsof -i" for active network connections)
- added firehose (firepipe, firerecv, firesend, fireload_file, fireload_cpu),
- which does high-level network device load-balancing/striping for high-speed
- transfers over several network links
- added dbootstrap, a Debian installer. Other installers may allow you to
- play Tetris. With ours, you can run the installer under X, and thereby browse
- the web, read mail, etc., during installation.
- added debootstrap, another attempt at a Debian installer (still experimental)
- added crashme
- added xkobo (arcade game like Apple II "bolo")
- updated trivial-net-setup to use dialog (pretty!) -- old version is "old-tns"
- upgraded openssh to 2.9p2
- removed irc
- added list-packages and get-package to download software from lnxbbc.org into
- RAM disk
- Version 1.6.0
- -------------
- read
- Version 1.6.0 is the first major production release since 1.2.
- It encompasses these edits, along with a few other various bug fixes, tweaks
- and hacks.
- Donald Becker's network drivers are available in /lib/modules/2.2.18-becker
- screen is fixed and working
- vncviewer from http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc added
- locate added
- trivial-net-setup edits
- 2.2.18 kernel with reiserfs and ipsec support and modular PCI network drivers
- documentation updated (a little bit; needs more)
- wipe added (secured deletion)
- init now mounts drive partitions from /proc/partitions
- smbclient added
- fbset added
- newer reiserfs tools added (mkreiserfs, reiserfsck, resize_reiserfs,
- unpackreiserfs, debugreiserfs)
- newer mtools added (mdoctorfat, mcat are added)
- thttpd (webserver) added
- 3c5x9setup added
- usleep added
- Version 1.5.9
- -------------
- Version 1.5.9 is a big bug fix release to 1.5 with some nice additions. It was
- never officially released.
- It contains the following fixes and enhancements (as well as things
- we neglected to mention about 1.5):
- Two Kernel Monte now has the kernel module to allow it to run (kmonte.o);
- this package is very keen for flexible netbooting, recovery, or
- showing off ("you mean _your_ operating system can't boot kernel images
- over the Internet via HTTPS? how tragic!"); there is also a sample
- shell script "boot-alternate-kernel" as a wrapper for monte.
- eepro100 is an autoloaded loadable kernel module (you can rmmod it and
- insmod to pass parameters)
- Venema/Farmer's Coroner's Toolkit (tct) is now operational, with the
- exception of the lazarus Perl script
- lynx-ssl added
- links added
- w3m added
- Ethereal added
- openssl added
- openssh (including sshd and ssh-agent) added
- generated host keys for sshd
- gpg added
- Tetris for your console (tt)
- bc for command line calculations (try "echo 'scale=100; 4*a(1)' | bc -l")
- cvs added
- autorun.inf removed
- LSB tool added. The goal of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) is to
- develop and promote a set of standards that will
- increase compatibility among Linux distributions
- and enable software applications to run on any
- compliant Linux system.
- rsh is now included for much faster rsyncing over trusted networks.
- insmod/modprobe bash completion enhanced.
- bad formatting in ERRATA corrected.
- FreeS/WAN IPSec now works. The support files are in /lib/ipsec,
- /dev/{,u}random are now included, along with libgmp.
- GNU parted, powerful and somewhat scary partition editor/copier/resizer
- (and don't forget lde, the low-level disk editor)
- loadkeys and console keymaps now available (no X keymaps, but we have
- xmodmap available); try "loadkeys dvorak" if and only if you know the
- Dvorak keyboard layout
- autorun.inf removed
- LOADLIN.EXE is available, along with a kernel image and ramdisk image, to
- boot into the BBC from under Windows
- Python and Ruby (hope we have the disk space to keep them!)
- vast makedev script added
- auto/config and auto/init at top-level will be automatically run if they exist
- curl (with SSL) added
- wvdial fixed (thanks, Niall and Duncan)
- fvwm2 removed (in favor of BlackBox)
- rlogin added
- TERM type in rxvt-xterm fixed
- sash re-added
- Version 1.5
- -----------
- Version 1.5 is a developer snapshot release. See the ERRATA file for
- the list of improvements but some are up to you to discover. (Hint if
- you are connected to the Internet type "news" from the command line.
- It contains the following fixes and enhancements:
- Mozilla is a nice friendly browser and replaces Amaya
- Frame buffer for a nice X and much more hardware support.
- bunny: a troublesome bunny overwrites your screen.
- Bash completion added
- pilot-link added to rescue your Palm(R).
- bash updated
- autorun.inf added
- cmostool access the cmos of a running system
- Reiser file system support added.
- Perl added
- gpart added
- ipchains added
- wireless 802.11 support added
- iptraf for network trafic
- Black Box window manager
- Version 1.2
- -----------
- Main new features: trivial-net-setup, PCMCIA support, X11, new
- kernel, more modules, RAWRITE, and 143 new tools. You can now
- install Debian Linux with a 2.2.13 kernel by typing debinst at
- boot prompt.
- NEW: cc see gcc
- NEW: /etc/group now has tty group (5)
- NEW: IP address calculation utilities, to do math with subnets and
- stuff
- NEW: PCMCIA and other bus diagnostic utilities
- NEW: PCMCIA card services: including "pcmcia start" script for simple
- config
- NEW: RAWRITE.EXE, DOS program to write floppy images onto floppies
- NEW: SVGATextMode (get higher resolution for text display)
- NEW: X11 windowing system, for all that weird "graphics" stuff
- NEW: X11 windowing system screen saver: Linuxcare of course
- NEW: cloop compressed loopback block device driver provides more disk
- space
- NEW: conf.modules, modprobe, modules.dep, kmod: autoloading of kernel
- modules
- NEW: egrep and fgrep links: search through files
- NEW: file and magic: figure out what kind of data is in a file or
- device
- NEW: filesystems: better autoprobe of filesystem type upon mount
- NEW: finger: interrogate remote users and systems, view .plans
- NEW: gawk also called awk, just like you would expect
- NEW: gcc yes, You mean you put a compiler in here!
- NEW: hping2 ping with Pazazz and verbose detailed out put
- NEW: install-ssh now gets ssh by HTTP rather than FTP, supports HTTP
- proxies
- NEW: jpico (pico key bindings), jstar (WordStar(tm) key bindings)
- NEW: minicom: serial I/O, telecommunications, use your PC as a
- terminal
- NEW: more and better documentation
- NEW: new Linux kernel, more device drivers included
- NEW: nmap: network mapper/port scanner, see what services are provided
- NEW: mk_compaq_raid_dev, working example that can help you set up
- hardware raid.
- NEW: pciutils: PCI diagnostic utilities
- NEW: plip: parallel-line IP networking, connect two machines via
- parport
- NEW: ppp support, pppd, chat: make point-to-point serial net conns,
- tunnel
- NEW: ptys, sshd works and screen almost works
- NEW: reboot actually reboots system!
- NEW: restore-config, save-config: save BBC config info across sessions
- NEW: revised easter egg: check it out
- NEW: revised rc5des: participate in distributed collaborative code
- cracking
- NEW: screen: tty multiplexing, text-mode cut and paste, macros
- NEW: sniffit: ncurses network sniffer, diagnostic, test or monitor
- network
- NEW: strace and ltrace: system call and library function call trace
- for debug
- NEW: symlinks: fix broken and dangling symbolic links on a filesystem
- NEW: tomsrtbt: popular single-floppy distribution, amazing
- quantity/quality
- NEW: trivial-net-setup, a user-friendly Ethernet networking config
- script
- NEW: vim is now also called vim, explains how to ":help uganda" plus
- copyright
- NEW: whois: query NIC for database records about DNS domains, IP
- alloc, etc.
- NEW: wvdial for easier connection to your ISP.
- REMOVED: updated (obsoleted by integrated kernel thread "kupdate")
- Just wait till you see what we have planned for the next release!
- Ok, here is the full list of what here. Counts to around 458
- executables with about 144 of them new. We've been too busy adding
- them to count.
- List of added utils in version 1.2:
- SVGATextMode*
- X*
- XF86_SVGA*
- XF86_VGA16*
- and*
- arena*
- as*
- awk*
- bounce*
- bunzip2*
- cardctl*
- cardmgr*
- cc*
- chat*
- cpp*
- csh*
- csh@
- dotquad*
- dump_cis*
- egg*
- egrep*
- emacs*
- emacs@
- fgrep*
- file*
- finger*
- fsck.ext2*
- fsck.ext2@
- fsck.msdos*
- fsck.msdos@
- fsck.vfat*
- fsck.vfat@
- ftl_check*
- ftl_format*
- fvwm2*
- gcc*
- ide_info*
- ifuser*
- ipcalc*
- jpico*
- jstar*
- ld*
- lspci*
- lspnp*
- ltrace*
- make*
- mattrib*
- mattrib@
- mbadblocks*
- mbadblocks@
- mcd*
- mcd@
- mcopy*
- mcopy@
- mdel*
- mdel@
- mdeltree*
- mdeltree@
- mdir*
- mdir@
- mdu*
- mdu@
- mformat*
- mformat@
- minfo*
- minfo@
- minicom*
- mkfs.ext2*
- mkfs.ext2@
- mkfs.msdos*
- mkfs.msdos@
- mkfs.vfat*
- mkfs.vfat@
- mlabel*
- mlabel@
- mmd*
- mmd@
- mmount*
- mmount@
- mmove*
- mmove@
- mpartition*
- mpartition@
- mrd*
- mrd@
- mread*
- mread@
- mren*
- mren@
- mshowfat*
- mshowfat@
- mtoolstest*
- mtoolstest@
- mtype*
- mtype@
- mwrite*
- mwrite@
- mzip*
- mzip@
- nmap*
- or*
- pack_cis*
- pcinitrd*
- pcmcia*
- plipconfig*
- pppd*
- probe*
- rc5des*
- reboot*
- restore-config*
- rsync*
- rxvt-xterm*
- save-config*
- scp1@
- scp@
- screen*
- scsi_info*
- setfont*
- setpci*
- setpnp*
- sh*
- sh@
- shutdown*
- sleep3*
- sniffit*
- ssh*
- ssh-keygen@
- ssh1@
- ssh@
- sshd@
- strace*
- symlinks*
- trivial-net-setup*
- uncompress*
- uncompress@
- updated*
- vim*
- whois*
- xauth*
- xdpyinfo*
- xf86config*
- xhost*
- xset*
- xterm*
- xvidtune*
- List of bin on V 1.0 also on V 1.2
- 3c515-diag*
- addr*
- addr2line*
- agetty*
- ansi2knr*
- ar*
- arch*
- arp*
- ash*
- atlantic*
- badblocks*
- basename*
- bash*
- bzip2*
- cat*
- cfdisk*
- chattr*
- chgrp*
- chmod*
- chown*
- chroot*
- cksum*
- clear*
- col*
- colcrt*
- colrm*
- column*
- comm*
- compress*
- cp*
- cpio*
- csh@
- csplit*
- ctrlaltdel*
- cut*
- cytune*
- date*
- dd*
- debugfs*
- depmod*
- df*
- dhcpcd*
- diff*
- dig*
- dir*
- dircolors*
- dirname*
- dmesg*
- dnsquery*
- dosfsck*
- du*
- dump*
- dumpe2fs*
- e2fsck*
- e2label*
- echo*
- ed*
- eepro100-diag*
- eexpress*
- el3*
- emacs@
- encapsulate*
- env*
- epic-diag*
- expand*
- expr*
- factor*
- false*
- faucet*
- fdformat*
- fdisk*
- find*
- fixdisktable*
- fiz*
- fmt*
- fold*
- free*
- fsck*
- fsck.ext2@
- fsck.minix*
- fsck.msdos@
- fsck.vfat@
- ftp*
- fuser*
- gawk*
- genksyms*
- getpeername*
- getty*
- ginstall*
- gpart*
- grep*
- groups*
- gzip*
- hdparm*
- head*
- hexdump*
- hose*
- host*
- hostname*
- hwclock*
- id*
- ifconfig*
- ifport*
- insmod*
- install-ssh*
- ipcrm*
- ipcs*
- isapnp*
- jmacs*
- joe*
- join*
- kbdrate*
- kerneld*
- kill*
- killall*
- ksyms*
- last*
- ldconfig*
- ldd*
- lde*
- less*
- lessecho*
- lha*
- lilo*
- ln*
- logger*
- login*
- logname*
- losetup*
- lrz*
- ls*
- lsattr*
- lsmod*
- lsz*
- lynx*
- mattrib@
- mbadblocks@
- mcd@
- mcopy@
- md5sum*
- mdel@
- mdeltree@
- mdir@
- mdu@
- mesg*
- mformat@
- mii-diag*
- minfo@
- mingetty*
- mkdir*
- mkdosfs*
- mke2fs*
- mkfifo*
- mkfs*
- mkfs.ext2@
- mkfs.minix*
- mkfs.msdos@
- mkfs.vfat@
- mklost+found*
- mknod*
- mkswap*
- mlabel@
- mmd@
- mmount@
- mmove@
- modinfo*
- modprobe*
- more*
- mount*
- mpartition@
- mrd@
- mread@
- mren@
- mshowfat@
- mt*
- mtools*
- mtoolstest@
- mtype@
- mv*
- mwrite@
- mzip@
- namei*
- nc*
- ncftp*
- ne2k*
- ne2k-diag*
- ne2k-pci-diag*
- netstat*
- newgrp*
- nice*
- nl*
- nm*
- nohup*
- nslookup*
- objcopy*
- objdump*
- od*
- oldps*
- paste*
- patch*
- pathchk*
- pax*
- pci-config*
- pcnet-diag*
- pico*
- pidof*
- ping*
- pnpdump*
- pr*
- printenv*
- printf*
- ps*
- pstree*
- pwd*
- ranlib*
- rdate*
- rdev*
- readprofile*
- renice*
- rescuept*
- reset*
- restore*
- rev*
- rm*
- rmdir*
- rmmod*
- rmt*
- route*
- sash*
- scp1@
- scp@
- script*
- sed*
- seq*
- setfdprm*
- setserial*
- setsid*
- setterm*
- sfdisk*
- sh@
- size*
- skill*
- sleep*
- sln*
- snice*
- sockdown*
- sort*
- split*
- ssh-keygen@
- ssh1@
- ssh@
- sshd@
- stinit*
- strings*
- strip*
- stty*
- su*
- sum*
- swapoff*
- swapon*
- sync*
- tac*
- tail*
- tar*
- tcpdump*
- tcsh*
- tee*
- telnet*
- test*
- timelimit*
- tload*
- top*
- touch*
- tput*
- tr*
- traceroute*
- true*
- tty*
- tulip-diag*
- tune2fs*
- tunelp*
- ul*
- umount*
- uname*
- uncompress@
- unexpand*
- uniq*
- unzip*
- updated*
- uptime*
- users*
- uuidgen*
- vdir*
- vi*
- vmstat*
- vortex-diag*
- w*
- wall*
- watch*
- wc*
- wget*
- whereis*
- which*
- who*
- whoami*
- winbond-diag*
- write*
- xargs*
- yes*
- zip*
- zoo*
- Version 1.0
- Initial release
- Version 1.1 was used extensively in house only.
- We have gotten to rely on the BBC so much that we can't imagine how we
- ever got along with out it.