--------------------------------------------------We've all seen this message before, "Sorry, the application that created that document could not be found." FileGeek has the ability to assign a file type and creator and will allow you to associate a file, or entire folder, with the application of your choice.Modify several features, hidden by the Finder such as visibility, custom icon, bundle bit and more. The ability to toggle invisibility is excellent in the case that you need to hide a file in a hurry or place it out of reach for safe keeping.With over 150 different file presets built-in to FileGeek you won't have to worry about memorising different file/creator codes. It covers everything from Apple's iTunes to Microsoft's MS-Word 2001. Just two clicks and the file of choice has been properly associated!
Minimum Requirements
--------------------------------------------------Mac OS 8 through 9Contact Info
Be sure to read the following agreement before using the Software.
Paying the shareware fee allows you the right to use a certain number of copies of the Software depending on the license you purchased. The Software and its related documentation are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind and Koingo Software expressly disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of usability for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall Koingo Software be liable for any incidental or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the Software or related documentation.