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- WhereIsIt? version 3.26
- Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Robert Galle
- All Rights Reserved
- =======================
- By installing WhereIsIt? on your system you indicate your agreement to
- the following terms:
- You may give individual copies of the unregistered shareware version to your
- friends. You must preserve original .ZIP file and distribute it only by
- giving away this file. You may NOT in any way modify or disassemble this
- program, nor distribute such versions. Under no circumstances may this
- program be sold or lend by any other person as author himself.
- WhereIsIt? is a shareware program. You may test the program out at no charge
- for an initial trial period of 14 days since the day of installation. If you
- want to continue using WhereIsIt? shareware edition after that period you
- must register. The registration fee is set to $39.95 USD and is payable in
- US dollars, or the equivalent in other accepted currency. You will receive
- the registration details that allow you to unlock the shareware version by
- e-mail - if you would like to receive the program and registration data by
- regular mail on a CD-ROM, please add $6.00 USD for shipping and handling to
- the price.
- You can register the program and send your registration fee in more than one
- way. Most often used are credit card orders, but you can also order with a
- corporate purchase order, wire the registration fee via bank transfer, or
- send cash or personal check via regular mail. Please see below for details.
- When your registration form and fee have been received, you will get your
- own personalized registration data to register the shareware version and
- unlock it to its full capabilities. Unless requested otherwise in your order,
- this data will be sent to you by e-mail.
- =====================
- After receiving the license fee, each registered user is entitled to:
- - A personal registration code, to unlock current and all future releases of
- shareware version, available on the Internet. This way, you can always use
- the latest version of this program, and enjoy all new features.
- - Optional program delivery on a CD-ROM, including all add-ons such as
- plugins, translations, help files, etc. for additional payment of $6.00 USD
- shipping and handling.
- - Access to a free mailing list to be notified about program's latest news and
- current development.
- - Free priority technical support via e-mail for a period of six months.
- Registration benefits can be suspended if registered user had violated
- license agreement, for example by distributing his personal registration
- data to other unlicensed users. Registering WhereIsIt does not remove or
- cancel the consequences of previous illegal usage, i.e. if using fake
- license files.
- The latest version of WhereIsIt? can be found on program's WWW Home Page
- ( http://www.whereisit-soft.com ). As a registered user, your license will
- be valid for all new versions of this software, allowing you to unlock new
- shareware releases and use them to their full potential. If registration
- details are changed between major versions, all registered users will
- receive registration updates via e-mail, allowing them a free upgrade to
- the new major version as well.
- ==========================================
- If you already have WhereIsIt? 2.00 or newer installed, you may want to try
- the built-in "How to Order" wizard to help you decide which is the best way
- for you to register this program. The wizard will present and describe all
- available options to you, let you choose the best options for your specific
- case, and help you to either place the order online or to print out the
- already filled order form based on your selections. Using this wizard does
- not force you into any commitments until you actually place the order - you
- can just run the wizard to learn about possible options, or print an order
- form to send in later.
- The How to Order Wizard is available in program's Help menu.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ======================
- The base price for WhereIsIt? is set in $US, and is $39.95 USD. Whenever
- possible, please use the USD currency when registering. Other currencies
- may also be acceptable, as follows:
- - if registering through ShareIt!, in any way of payment supported by
- ShareIt! (credit card, bank/wire transfer, check or cash) you can also
- place an order in Euro. While placing an order with ShareIt!, you will
- be able to choose between USD and Euro currencies, and ShareIt! will
- calculate the equivalent amount Euro based on the USD price for you.
- - if sending a personal check or cash directly to the author, you can use
- any currency used in the European Union, or the USD. If sending in
- currency other than USD, set the amount as equivalent to the USD price
- at current exchange rates.
- ====================================
- When ordering multiple licenses or a site license, the following
- discounts are available:
- 1 - 4 licenses = base price = $39.95 USD per license
- 5 - 10 licenses = 10 % discount = $35.95 USD per license
- 11 - 50 licenses = 15 % discount = $33.95 USD per license
- 51 - 100 licenses = 25 % discount = $29.95 USD per license
- more than 100 licenses = 40 % discount = $23.95 USD per license
- Discounts for non-licensed resellers are also available on cumulative
- quantity bases. Please contact the author for more details.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- =================================
- There are two vendors available where you place your order for WhereIsIt,
- usually - but not necessarily - using your credit card. This is by far the
- fastest and most often used way to register WhereIsIt, and is recommended to
- all customers as the first choice.
- Using ShareIt! is especially recommended to the European customers as they
- have an European office based in Germany as well as USA-based one, and can
- accept payments in both USD and Euro. ShareIt can accept all major CREDIT
- CARDS used these days, including Eurocard/MasterCard, Visa, American
- Express, and Diners Club - credit card orders can be placed online through a
- secure, VeriSign certified site, or, if you prefer, sent by fax using a
- special form. Also available are other forms of payment, such as BANK / WIRE
- TRANSFERS, or sending CHECKS or CASH to the ShareIt! office.
- To place an order for WhereIsIt through ShareIt!, please point your web
- browser to the following address:
- http://shareit1.element5.com/programs.html?productid=135712&language=English
- ShareIt! will guide you through the ordering process in a few easy steps.
- All necessary information and instructions will be provided to you from
- there, as needed.
- ================================
- You can order WhereIsIt with your credit card through alternative vendor as
- well. DigiBuy can accept all major CREDIT CARDS in use today, including
- MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discovery, as well as some other forms of
- payment, such as CORPORATE PURCHASE ORDERS, or CHECKS. If you will be
- ordering online using your credit card, DigiBuy provides a secure connection
- to transfer your credit card details, as well as some other ways like
- phoning or faxing in your credit card data if you are not comfortable with
- sending it over the Internet. Online credit card processing is done in real-
- time and you will immediately receive the feedback, as well as your order
- receipt by e-mail. After your order is placed and processed, DigiBuy will
- notify me within one business day of your order and I will ship the product
- directly to you (sending you registration details by e-mail, or the whole
- software package on a CD-ROM by regular mail, if so requested).
- To place an order with DigiBuy, either online or by phone or fax, please
- point your web browser to the following address:
- http://www.digibuy.com/cgi-bin/order.html?304295
- You will get the DigiBuy's online order form for WhereIsIt, where you will
- be able to place your order in a few easy, guided steps. All necessary
- information will be provided to you as needed during the process.
- =====================================================
- Placing and order through ShareIt! or DigiBuy is the preferred, often the
- fastest way, and not necessarily reserved for online credit card orders only.
- If you don't have a credit card, you don't want to use it on the Internet, or
- you would prefer to place an order directly with the author, you can do so by
- sending a personal check ("cheque" in some countries) or cash by mail, in an
- envelope, to the author's address:
- Robert Galle
- Pavsiceva 36
- SI-1370 Logatec
- Slovenia, Europe
- In case of sending a check, please make sure your check is made payable to
- "Robert Galle". Please note that personal checks are always issued by your
- bank - the author can not accept similar payment orders issued by post
- offices in some countries.
- The author can no longer accept Eurocheques at this time. Please use a
- personal check instead. If you have no other option but to use Eurocheque,
- you can still place your order through ShareIt!. Just start their online
- order form, and select "check" as a payment option.
- Please always include the Order Form together with your payment. You can
- either print the order form as stated below and fill it up, or - better -
- you can print the appropriate Order Form directly from the program. Just
- start WhereIsIt, select the Help / How to Order Wizard menu option, and
- follow the wizard. The How to Order Wizard will print the Order Form for
- you, based on your selections and data, including all price calculations.
- --------CUT HERE---------------CUT HERE---------------CUT HERE-----------
- O R D E R F O R M
- WhereIsIt? (current version)
- Name ___________________________________________________
- Company ___________________________________________________
- Address ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- Phone ___________________________________________________
- E-Mail ___________________________________________________
- Where did you first hear about WhereIsIt?
- ___________________________________________________________
- [ ] Send me my registrations details by e-mail
- [ ] I would like to receive the program and registration data
- by regular mail, on a CD-ROM (add $6.00 USD for shipping
- and handling).
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Registration fee calculation:
- Quantity _______ x $39.95 USD = _________ USD
- If ordering more than one license:
- [ ] Issue one site license for specified number of users
- [ ] Issue individual licenses for specific users. Please
- include a list of "User Name" / "Company" pairs for
- each ordered license.
- Available quantity discounts and site licenses:
- [ ] 5 - 10 licenses = -10% ($35.95 USD / license)
- [ ] 11 - 50 licenses = -15% ($33.95 USD / license)
- [ ] 51 - 100 licenses = -25% ($29.95 USD / license)
- [ ] more than 100 licenses = -40% ($23.95 USD / license)
- Special discount for registered users of Floppy Master:
- (applies only to registrations received before 1.1.1998)
- [ ] Floppy Master upgrade = -50% ($19.95 USD / license)
- + $6.00 USD shipping and handling per issued license if set
- to receive on a CD-ROM by regular mail
- ==============================
- TOTAL = __________ USD
- If currency other than USD is used:
- Currency used: _____
- Exchange rate: $1.00 USD = __________ _____
- Total for payment: __________ _____
- Registration fee is:
- [ ] included in this mail as cash
- [ ] included in this mail as personal check
- [ ] Other: _____________________________________________
- Date: Signature:
- --------CUT HERE---------------CUT HERE---------------CUT HERE-----------
- =====================
- Author's address: Robert Galle
- Pavsiceva 36
- SI-1370 Logatec
- Slovenia, Europe
- E-Mail: robert.galle@whereisit-soft.com
- support@whereisit-soft.com
- Main WWW Page: http://www.whereisit-soft.com
- Mirrors: http://members.tripod.com/~WhereIsIt
- http://www.nettally.com/moribus/whereisit
- http://members.tripod.de/WhereIsIt
- http://www.s-sser.lj.edus.si/robert/WhereIsIt