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- UniView HOW-TO:
- Create Language files
- By: Andrej Krutak
- email: krutak@gymrk.sk
- Revision: 1.0
- View with :-) UniView 1.73 or newer
- License:
- You can distribute this file freely, but you MUST NOT distribute it
- changed without my permission!
- Contents:
- If you want to create language file, the first step is to download latest
- file language_us.lng from UniView download site. You can use also old files,
- but they won't work properly with newer versions of UniView.
- Then you have to rename this file to form of language_id.lng, where 'id'
- should be code of country for which you are about to make language file (eg.
- uk for United Kingdom, Fr for France and so on). Of course, file can be also
- named other (like my_favourite_lanugage.lng), but this kind of names may confuse
- users, because they don't know, which language is in the file (until they open
- that file).
- Second, very important step is to translate all texts in that renamed
- template file to your language. Please remember you have to NOT remove any
- tabs or spaces. Otherwise there's a possibility that language file will make
- UniView interface faked. In language file there may be a few interesting
- character combinations (like %s, %.0g). If you are a C/C++ programmer, you
- should know, what they are for. Otherwise you should know, that they are used
- to format output string (or add a number, string etc. into it). Please don't
- change any of these items to other form! Change just words, sentences etc.
- There is a also part of laguage file, where lines are beginning with numbers
- bigger or equal to 10000. These strings are in format "ITEM_ID name [shortcut]"
- or "MENU ID name" You have to change just 'name' deal in both cases!!!
- Finally, if file is translated, you can put it into language directory of
- UniView and TEST IT! Then you can send it to author of UniView (me :), who will
- put it on his web page, if there isn't already any previous translation complete.
- If you wish to make language files for UniView regulary for every new version of
- UniView, please contact me. Remember that there is not much time to make
- translation of new UniView language file. It's about 3-4 days. But there's a
- trick! Every new version of UniView contains a just few new strings. This means
- you don't have to translate whole language file for new version. Just last added
- items... If we arrange co-operation (this means You will translate language file
- for some language), I can send you just new strings to translate. But all those
- details will we arrange when you contact me :-D.
- Here is the table of currently supported languages:
- Language Number ID Native name
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- English (US) 0 ENG English
- Slovak 1 SVK Slovensk²
- German 2 GER Deutsch
- Spanish 3 SPA Espa±ol
- French 4 FRN Franτis
- Russian 5 RUS Russkij
- Italian 6 ITA Italiano
- Finnish 7 FIN
- Swedish 8 SWE
- Czech 9 CZE ╚esk²
- Danish 10 DAN Dansk
- Dutch 11 DUT
- Slovenian 12 SLV Slovenski
- Polish 13 POL Polski
- Hungarian 14 HUN Magyar
- Norwegian 15 NOR Norsk
- Japanese 16 JAP
- You can use this table as following:
- Let's assume you want to create French language file. First, you have to
- copy template file and name it language_frn.lng (language_ID.lng) (this is
- the name convention for UniView language files). Then, you change first line
- of language file for example to 'French (Espa±ol)'. Note that first deal of
- name must be the english name of language, otherwise there would be problems to
- recognise this language by plugins and language will be proclaimed as English.
- Then you have to translate file contents and send translated file to me :)
- That's all folks!
- And! If you encouter any problems with making language files, let me know...