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- WebWasher 3.3 for Windows Readme - December 10th, 2002
- ======================================================
- Version history
- ===============
- 3.3
- - Fixed: Much better Popup Filter with new options.
- - Fixed: Further improved compatibility of "Configuration Free"
- mode.
- - Changed: "Configuration Free" mode does not require administrator
- priviliges anymore under Windows XP/2000.
- 3.2 beta 5
- - Fixed: Improved Windows XP/general compatibility of
- "Configuration Free" mode.
- 3.2 beta 4
- - Fixed: Memory leak fixed.
- - Fixed: Improved compatibility of "Configuration Free" mode.
- 3.2 beta 3
- - Fixed: Made "Configuration Free" mode more compatible with a
- variety of different applications.
- - Fixed: Now the "Browser Configuration" dialog remembers correctly
- when set to "don't ask again".
- 3.2 beta 2
- - New: Now even more Cookies are filtered.
- From this version on also Cookies are filtered that are set within
- a HTML page using meta-tags.
- - Fixed: Enhanced compatibility with non-standard HTTP servers.
- (f.e. eBay now also functions together with WebWasher)
- - Fixed: The "Configuration Free" mode now also works reliably on
- slower systems.
- - Fixed: "Check for update" doesn't crash anymore when used within
- "Configuration Free" mode.
- - Changed: After an update the browser configuration dialog is now
- always shown at first to point out the new "Configuration Free"
- mode.
- 3.2 beta 1
- - New: "Configuration Free" mode for browser configuration.
- Now WebWasher is totally configuration free and requires no
- changes to your browsers' configuration.
- Another advantage is that now also many connections made using
- proprietary ISPs like f.e. AOL can be filtered by WebWasher!
- - Changed: Improved filtering of JavaScript.
- - Changed: Several bugs in the filter system have been fixed.
- 3.0
- - New: Automatic Browser configuration is now available for Netscape
- 6 and Opera 5.
- - Changed: The Dimension filter already contains the new standard
- banner sizes proposed by the Internet Advertising Bureau.
- Administration of the image sizes has been simplified by separating
- internal and user-defined dimension lists.
- - New: Local Access Control
- The configuration dialog can now be password protected. The
- configuration file can also be saved in encrypted form to protect
- your settings against unauthorized changes.
- - New: External Access Control
- To control access to the WebWasher proxy engine, you can now edit
- a list of IP number ranges on those computers that are allowed to
- use WebWasher as a proxy server.
- - New: You can configure WebWasher to be launched immediately when
- Windows is started.
- - New: WebWasher can now filter scripts that change the size or
- position of Browser windows, as well as those scripts that retain
- the use of the right mouse button.
- - Changed: Enhanced Privacy Protection
- The Cookie filter can now forbid JavaScripts from accessing cookies.
- A new Prefix filter removes the part of URLs that are used by
- certain servers to analyse your surfing behavior.
- - Changed: User Agent
- Until now a WebWasher identifier could be added to the Browser's
- user agent field in an URL request. The new version lets you also
- exchange the user agent by any string.
- - Changed: Access Control
- Lists for regular expressions of URLs in the URL filter and the
- access control have been separated. This makes access control even
- more effective.
- - Fixed: Several bugs in the Web Bugs and URL filter have been fixed.
- 2.2.1
- - Fixed: The WebBugs Filter caused an internal error on some
- webpages.
- - Changed: Warning message is shown when the server functionality
- is being enabled.
- - Changed: Some minor changes were made in the online help.
- 2.2
- - New: WebBugs Filter
- This new filter increases your privacy protection. Small images,
- often invisible, only used to log your surfing behavior are
- removed from web pages. The URL filter increases the efficiency
- of this filter.
- - Changed: Deactivation of standard filters
- By deactivating WebWasher in the task bar not all filter functions
- are switched off as before but only the standard filters. Privacy
- protection remains unchanged.
- - Changed: Settings dialog
- Now the settings dialog deactivates all panels of a main filter
- when the filter is deactivated to clarify the hierachical
- structure of the filters. The sub items of privacy protection
- were rearranged due to the new WebBugs filter.
- - Changed: NTLM authentification
- The NTLM challenge/response authentification was changed to work
- with multi domain environments found in many companies.
- - Changed: URL filter
- The URL filter was significantly improved.
- - Fixed: IE Context menu
- The context menu enhancement for adding images to the URL filter
- list now also works within Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- - Fixed: Browser Configuration
- Some older Netscape installations that weren't supported until now
- can now be automatically configured. In addition the configuration
- dialog was made more user friendly.
- - Fixed: 100% CPU load
- An error that occured in some very special cases and would lead to
- 100% CPU load was fixed.
- 2.1.1
- - Changed: Bug when loading cookie settings fixed
- 2.1
- - New: Cookie-Filter
- WebWasher filters incoming cookies from the Web server and
- outgoing cookies that are sent by the browser to the server.
- Useful cookies continue to work, Cookies violating the user's
- privacy are disarmed or deleted. This feature can be activated
- with a single click.
- - New: WebWasher is able to authenticate the user who is logged
- into the workstation at MS Proxy servers which require NTLM
- challenge/response authentification. Through WebWasher it is
- possible now to use Netscape Browsers with these proxy servers.
- - New: Prepared for Seclude-It (TM)
- - Changed: Improved Automatic Proxy Configuration support
- - Changed: Improved filtering
- - Changed: The automatic browser configuration supports an even
- bigger number of browser version.
- 2.0.1
- - Changed: Several bug fixes regarding browser and proxy configuration
- - Changed: Improved user interface for the URL filterlist
- 2.0
- - New: The user interface is completly redesigned to present
- all filter options simultaneously and to make setting of
- the WebWasher properties easier and intuitive.
- - New: Includes a comfortable automatic configuration of browser
- and WebWasher. It provides all correct network settings during
- runtime of WebWasher. Shutting down of WebWasher resets all
- modifications to the previous values. The automatic configuration
- supports computers that are used by several users and systems
- with more than one browser installed. The first start of WebWasher
- opens a dialogue window which allows to choose browser and user.
- These settings can be changed later in the menu 'extras',
- 'browser configuration' as well.
- - Changed: Enhanced filter functionality.
- 1.2.2
- - Changed: Improved filtering
- - Changed: Improved Automatic Proxy Configuration support
- - Fixed: Some little bugs fixed
- 1.2
- - Fixed: The "Number of retries" settings of the Proxy Engine
- did not work most of the times
- - Fixed: Images that were located on the same server were
- still filtered only because of their image size, also the
- option "Also filter images which ..." was not enabled
- - Fixed: Some little bugs in the mini JavaScript interpreter
- that processes Automatic Proxy Configuration files
- - Fixed: Some websites caused WebWasher to crash because
- of syntactical errors in the links on these pages
- - Fixed: Mice with wheels don't cause a crash anymore when the
- wheel is used
- 1.1
- - Added: The user can define how often WebWasher should try to
- load a page if it fails the first time
- - Added: Option to not filter images by their size if they
- are stored on the same server as the webpage
- - Added: Website and table background images can be filtered
- - Added: Animated images can be removed completely
- - Added: The filterlist does now support shell expressions
- (see the online help for more information)
- - Added: Support for automatic proxy configuration
- (see jscript.txt in this directory for more information)
- - Added: Additional HTTP proxies can be defined
- - Added: Filtered images can be replaced by a user defined
- image
- - Changed: Improved Java-/VB-Script filtering through double
- checking filter
- - Changed: Online help revised and completed
- - Fixed: Many little bugs fixed
- - Added: Filtering doesn't affect a Web page anymore if
- it's URL was added to the filterlist and marked with
- "do not filter"
- - Added: Forms are filtered now
- - Added: Changing of the browser's status bar by a Web page
- can be prohibited now
- - Added: Filtered frames can now be reduced in size
- - Added: Scripts that are called by a Web page on it's load
- or close can be filtered now
- - Changed: Improved Java-/VB-Script filtering
- - Fixed: Animated GIFs are correctly 'deanimated'
- - Added: Support for HTTPMail (accessing a Hotmail account
- using Microsoft Outlook)
- - Added: The option "Don't use any proxy" is now available
- through the context menu
- - Added: 'Default' button to reset the image dimensionslist
- - Changed: Improved filtering
- - Changed: Improved compatibility with different Web servers
- and proxies
- - Added: Can't crash anymore, a warning message is shown
- on malfunction
- - Fixed: "Check for update" feature was broken in the last
- version
- - Fixed: Many little bugs fixed
- - Fixed: Problem with 100% CPU load on some Web pages
- - Fixed: Problem with 100% CPU load on some Web pages (almost)
- 1.0.3
- - Added: Now animated GIFs can be 'deanimated' (you can choose
- to show only the first image of the sequence or show a user
- definable number of animation cycles)
- - Added: Netscape users can simply add links or images to the
- filterlist by clicking on the object using the right mouse
- button and choosing 'Add to filterlist (WebWasher)'
- - Added: More options to define filtering of the 'Referer'
- field
- - Added: Offline-Option for offline browsing and faster
- printing (hold down the Ctrl-Key while clicking on the
- WebWasher tray icon)
- - Fixed: Completely rewritten Proxy Engine - faster, more
- compatible with other proxies
- - Fixed: URLs are now correctly expanded for filtering
- (entries in the filterlist now work the way they should)
- - Added: Image sizes for filtering are retrieved from GIFs
- while loading
- - Fixed: Deactivating 'Text-Links' under 'Filtered items' now
- does what it should
- - Fixed: HTML Parser bug that caused Web pages to not load
- completely and/or caused WebWasher to crash
- - Changed: Renamed internal WebWasher 'domain' for better
- browser compatibility (prevents crashing of Opera)
- - Fixed: Improved filtering
- - Fixed: Send feedbacks does not block WebWasher any more
- - Changed: Renamed 'Image filter' to 'Standard filter'
- - Added: Option to block resp. redirect URLs using the
- filterlist
- - Added: Option to deactivate the built-in filterlist
- - Changed: Size of installation file was reduced by 13KB
- - Fixed: Doesn't crash anymore when 'Filter advertising
- images' is deactivated (occured in 1.0.2)
- - Fixed: If the item 'Text-Links' is deselected links that
- only include images are also removed
- - Fixed: The border is always properly removed if ad images
- are replaced with transparent images
- 1.0.2
- - Added: The user can define which items should be filtered
- - Added: Option to replace ad images with transparent images
- instead of completely removing them
- - Added: Entries in the user defined image dimension list can
- be deactivated
- - Added: Option to animate the WebWasher tray icon while data
- is exchanged with the Internet
- - Added: Statistics about currently open connections
- - Added: The 'Referer' HTTP header field can be filtered
- - Added: Changing the 'User Agent' HTTP header field can be
- disabled
- - Added: Java-/VB-Script that changes the location/URL of a
- Web page can be filtered
- - Changed: Size of installation file was reduced by 8KB
- - Changed: Revised and improved help file
- - Changed: The internal image dimensions are now also included
- in the user definable list
- - Changed: Default 'Local Proxy Engine' port is now '8080'
- because some systems do not allow local servers to listen on
- ports smaller than '1000' for security reasons
- - Fixed: The user defined filterlist is always properly
- saved and loaded
- - Fixed: The problem some users encountered with pages that
- did not finish to load or loaded only very slow
- - Fixed: Transmission of authentication information within an
- URL (http://usr:pwd@site) works now
- - Fixed: Improved Java-/VB-Script filtering
- - Fixed: Filtering also works with 'bogus' HTTP-Proxies that
- do not strictly conform to standards
- - Fixed: HTTPS requests are properly formatted
- 1.0.1
- - Fixed several minor bugs
- 1.0
- - First public release