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- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MailGate SpamWeasel Filter Rules - Version 1.002 - May 2001
- //
- // This file contains the spam filter system rules.
- // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE as updates will overwrite any changes you make.
- // Updates to these rules are available for download on our website.
- // Vist http://www.mailgate.com to check out the latest version.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 1 - Rules to positively identify Non Spam mails and
- // definite Spam using user defined lists.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Pass if From listed in 'Friendly From Addresses'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail From: address and marks the mail as
- // Not Spam if the sender is listed in the 'Friendly From Addresses'
- // pattern list. You should add your own friendly addresses to this
- // list in the patterns tab so your friends emails are always passed.
- //
- from$ = ParseAddress(HeaderFieldValue("From"))
- if MatchesListItem("Friendly From Addresses",from$) then
- IsOK()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Spam if From listed in 'Unfriendly From Addresses'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail From: address and marks the mail as
- // Spam if the sender is listed in the 'Unfriendly From Addresses'
- // pattern list.
- // If you are troubled by regular mails from known sources, like
- // unwanted lists, which you can not unsubscribe from you can add
- // these addresses to this list to block these mails.
- //
- from$ = ParseAddress(HeaderFieldValue("From"))
- if MatchesListItem("Unfriendly From Addresses",from$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Spam if To or Cc address is not found in 'My Addresses'"
- //
- // This rule checks the addresses in the To: and/or CC: fields
- // against the 'My Addresses' patterns list. Mail marked as Spam
- // if a match is NOT found otherwise the mail is passed on for
- // further checks.
- // TIP - You should enable either this rule or the similar rule
- // "Pass if To or Cc address is found in 'My Addresses'".
- // This rule can be useful to seperate out mails sent to general
- // addresses and not to your to personal addresses.
- //
- addr$ = GetFirstAddress("To")
- :loop
- if length(addr$) = 0 then loopend:
- if MatchesListItem("My Addresses",addr$) then goto notspam:
- addr$ = GetNextAddress()
- goto loop:
- :loopend
- addr$ = GetFirstAddress("Cc")
- :loop2
- if length(addr$) = 0 then loopend2:
- if MatchesListItem("My Addresses",addr$) then goto notspam:
- addr$ = GetNextAddress()
- goto loop2:
- :loopend2
- IsSpam()
- :notspam
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Pass if To or Cc address is found in 'My Addresses'"
- //
- // This rule checks the addresses in the To: and/or CC: fields
- // against the 'My Addresses' patterns list. Mail passes as NOT Spam
- // if a match IS found otherwise the mail is passed on for further
- // checks.
- // Note - If you use this rule and a match is not found the mail
- // may still pass if none of the other rules identify it as spam.
- // TIP - You should enable either this rule or the similar rule
- // "Spam if To and Cc addresses are not found in 'My Addresses'"
- // This rule can be useful to seperate mail addressed to a personal
- // address from mail using a more general address
- // like 'info@mydomain.com'.
- //
- addr$ = GetFirstAddress("To")
- :loop
- if length(addr$) = 0 then loopend:
- if MatchesListItem("My Addresses",addr$) then goto notspam:
- addr$ = GetNextAddress()
- goto loop:
- :loopend
- addr$ = GetFirstAddress("Cc")
- :loop2
- if length(addr$) = 0 then loopend2:
- if MatchesListItem("My Addresses",addr$) then goto notspam:
- addr$ = GetNextAddress()
- goto loop2:
- :loopend2
- goto end:
- :notspam
- IsOK()
- :end
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Pass if Subject listed in 'Friendly Subjects'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail Subject: field and marks the mail as
- // Not Spam if the subject is listed in the 'Friendly Subject'
- // pattern list.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Subject")
- if MatchesListItem("Friendly Subjects",field$) then
- IsOk()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 2 - Rules to check mail header integrity.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check for valid Message-Id:"
- //
- // This rule checks that the Message-Id: field follows the RFC standards
- // guidelines. Spam mail with a fake mail header may have a false
- // Message-Id.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if the check fails.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Message-Id")
- if not WildcardMatch(field$,"<*@*>*") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check for blank or missing From: field"
- //
- // This rule checks that the From field both exists and is not blank.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if the check fails.
- //
- if not HeaderFieldExists("From") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- if HeaderFieldValue("From") = "" then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check for blank or missing To: field"
- //
- // This rule checks that the To: field both exists and is not blank.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if the check fails.
- //
- if not HeaderFieldExists("To") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- if HeaderFieldValue("To") = "" then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Date: field is present and valid"
- //
- // This rule checks the Date: field both exists and is valid.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if the check fails.
- //
- if not IsValidDate(HeaderFieldValue("Date")) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check for all zero IP address"
- //
- // This rule checks for an all zero IP address appearing in the mail
- // header Received ... for... section.
- // This section of the mail header records the path a mail has taken
- // through the Internet and will normally record the IP addresses of
- // the servers used. All zero IP addresses indicates the header data
- // is fake.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if WildcardMatchHeader("*^Received:**") then goto spam:
- if WildcardMatchHeader("*^Received:**") then goto spam:
- goto notspam:
- :spam
- IsSpam()
- :notspam
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 3 - Rules to check if typical Spam mail header fields
- // exist or contain known Spam markers.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check X-Mailer: field for bulk emailer programs"
- //
- // This rule checks the X-mailer: field for a match against known
- // bulk email programs in the 'Bulk Emailer Programs' list.
- // X-Mailer: generally contains a reference to the email software
- // used to create the mail so this rule can identify mail sent
- // by Bulk or Spam mail creation programs.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- Field$ = HeaderFieldValue("X-mailer")
- if MatchesListItem("Bulk Emailer Programs",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check header for matches listed in 'Definite Spam Markers'"
- //
- // This rule checks the header generally for the existence of
- // matches with the contents of the list 'Definite Spam Markers'.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- // This list contain pattern matches for known spam mail and this
- // rule should normally be given a high priority setting.
- //
- if HeaderMatchesListItem("Definite Spam Markers") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check header for matches listed in 'Likely Spam Markers'"
- //
- // This rule checks the header generally for the existence of
- // matches with the contents of the list 'Likely Spam Markers'.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- // This list contain pattern matches for probable spam mail and
- // this rule should normally be given a lower priority setting.
- //
- if HeaderMatchesListItem("Likely Spam Markers") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check if X-BulkEmail: header field exists"
- //
- // This rule checks to see if the header field BulkEmail: exists.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if it is found.
- // Note - There is more than one way for doing this type of check.
- // See "Check if X-Advertisement: header field exists" for an
- // alternative scripting method.
- //
- if HeaderFieldExists("X-BulkEmail") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check if X-Authentication-Warning: header field exists"
- //
- // This rule checks to see if the header field
- // X-Authentication-Warning: exists. Mail is marked as Spam if it
- // is found.
- // Note - There is more than one way for doing this type of check.
- // See "Check if X-Advertisement: header field exists" for an
- // alternative scripting method.
- //
- if HeaderFieldExists("X-Authentication-Warning") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check if X-Advertisement: header field exists"
- //
- // This rule checks to see if the header field X-Advetisement: exists.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if it is found.
- // Note - There is more than one way for doing this type of check.
- // See "Check if X-Authentication-Warning: header field exists" for an
- // alternative scripting method. Note the use of ^ to define the
- // start of a new line in the data in this rule.
- //
- if WildcardMatchHeader("*^X-Adverti[zs]e*") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Header for 'Likely Spam Words'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail header for any of the words in the
- // 'Likely Spam Words' word list.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if FindWordInHeader("Likely Spam Words") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 4 - Rules for more general checks on the mail
- // addresses used.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check To/Cc addresses against 'Spam Domain Patterns'"
- //
- // This rule checks the To/Cc fields for a match against the
- // 'Spam domain patterns' list. These domains are typically found in
- // the addresses used in false mail headers.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if MatchesListItem("Spam domain patterns",HeaderFieldValue("To")) then goto spam:
- if MatchesListItem("Spam domain patterns",HeaderFieldValue("Cc")) then goto spam:
- goto notspam:
- :spam
- IsSpam()
- :notspam
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check From: against valid 'Root domains'"
- //
- // This rule checks the address in the From: field against the
- // valid 'Root domains' patterns list. This will identify if a false
- // From address has been used.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a valid domain match is not found.
- //
- field$ = ParseAddress(HeaderFieldValue("From"))
- if not MatchesListItem("Root domains",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check From: against 'Known Spammer From addresses'"
- //
- // This rule checks the From: address against the list of
- // 'Known Spammer From addresses'.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- field$ = ParseAddress(HeaderFieldValue("From"))
- if MatchesListItem("Known Spammer From addresses",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check all addresses for 'friend@public'"
- //
- // This rule checks for 'friend@public' appearing in any of the addressing
- // fields. Existence of this indicates a false mail header.
- // Mail is marked as spam if it is found.
- //
- if WildcardMatch(HeaderFieldValue("To"),"*friend@public.*") then goto spam:
- if WildcardMatch(HeaderFieldValue("From"),"*friend@public.*") then goto spam:
- if WildcardMatch(HeaderFieldValue("Reply-To"),"*friend@public.*") then goto spam:
- if WildcardMatch(HeaderFieldValue("X-Reply-To"),"*friend@public.*") then goto spam:
- goto notspam:
- :spam
- IsSpam()
- :notspam
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check From: for an account ending in a number"
- //
- // This rule checks the From: field for an email address user part that
- // ends with a number. Spam quite often originates from mail accounts
- // with the large portals which use this style of account name.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- field$ = ParseAddress(HeaderFieldValue("From"))
- if WildcardMatch(field$,"*[0-9]@*") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 5 - Subject analysis rules to check for typical
- // Spam characteristics. These rules are the least accurate method of
- // identifying Spam and should be used with care.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check if Subject: is all uppercase"
- //
- // This rules checks the Subject: field for all uppercase characters.
- // This is typical of Spam mail. Mail is marked as Spam if all uppercase
- // characters are found.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Subject")
- if (field$ = Upper(field$)) and (Length(field$) > 0) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check that the Subject: is not a question"
- //
- // This rule checks the Subject for a '?' character.
- // Marks the mail as spam if it is found.
- //
- if WildcardMatch(HeaderFieldValue("Subject"),"*\?") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check the Subject: against 'Money Patterns'"
- //
- // This rule checks the Subject against the 'Money patterns' list.
- // Money patterns are typical of commercial advert mails.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- // NOTE - Some mail clients convert international 'Money' characters
- // into encoded phrases to resolve issues with differing character
- // sets. This can lead to matches not being made when expected.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Subject")
- if MatchesListItem("Money patterns",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check the Subject: against 'Usual Spam Subject Phrases'"
- //
- // This rule checks the Subject for a match against the
- // 'Usual Spam Subject Phrases' list. Mail is marked as Spam if
- // a match is found.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Subject")
- if MatchesListItem("Usual spam subject phrases",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check the Subject: against 'Usual Spam Subject Words'"
- //
- // This rule checks the Subject for a match against the
- // 'Usual Spam Subject Words' list. Mail is marked as Spam if
- // a match is found.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Subject")
- if FindWordInString("Usual Spam Subject Words",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check the Subject: against 'Adult Words'"
- //
- // This rule checks the Subject for a match against the 'Adult words'
- // list. Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- field$ = HeaderFieldValue("Subject")
- if FindWordInString("Adult Words",field$) then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 6 - Mail Body analysis rules to check for typical
- // Spam characteristics. These rules are the least accurate method of
- // identifying Spam and should be used with care.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Body for 'Usual Spam Message Phrases'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail body for any of the phrases in the
- // 'Usual spam message phrases' list. Mail is marked as Spam if
- // a match is found.
- //
- if BodyMatchesListItem("Usual spam message phrases") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Body for 'Adult Words'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail body for any of the words in the
- // 'Adult Words' word list. Mail is marked as Spam if
- // a match is found.
- //
- if FindWordInBody("Adult Words") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Body GUARANTEE in capitals"
- //
- // This rule check the mail body for the word GUARANTEE (in uppercase).
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if WildcardMatchBody("*[G][U][A][R][A][N][T][E][E]*") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Body for BILLION/MILLION in capitals"
- //
- // This rule check the mail body for the words BILLION or MILLION
- // (in uppercase). Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if WildcardMatchBody("*[BM][I][L][L][I][O][N]*") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Body for FREE in capitals"
- //
- // This rule check the mail body for the word FREE (in uppercase).
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if WildcardMatchBody("*[F][R][E][E]*") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Section 7 - Using Mail Body analysis rules to check for undesirable
- // attachments. Note this should be used in conjunction with other
- // Anti-Virus measures.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- #rule "Check Mail Body for 'Undesirable Attachment Marks'"
- //
- // This rule checks the mail body for a match with patterns in the
- // 'Undesirable Attachment Marks' list. This method should not be
- // treated as your primary defence against viruses, but can assist
- // in an overall strategy.
- // Mail is marked as Spam if a match is found.
- //
- if BodyMatchesListItem("Undesirable Attachment Marks") then
- IsSpam()
- endif
- #endrule