Thank you for choosing ZoneAlarm, the easy-to-use Internet security product that detects and controls both inbound and outbound Internet traffic on your computer, protecting you from known and unknown threats.
Please read the What's New section for complete details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials provided in this version are copyright (C) 1999 - 2002 by Zone Labs, Inc.
Zone Labs, Inc.,
San Francisco, 3 September, 2002
Table of Contents
1. How to get help
2. Minimum system requirements
3. How to access the latest information about ZoneAlarm
4. Installation/Uninstallation
5. Running ZoneAlarm
6. What's New in This Release
7. Licensing: License Keys and Subscriptions
8. Known problems
9. Documentation errata
1. How to get help
For immediate help, please see our in-product Help files. To access them, just click the Help button in the top right corner of the interface. You'll get help that's specific to the panel that is open. You can also access Help from the Windows Start menu in the Zone Labs folder.
If you're curious about what a firewall alert or program alert means, click the "More Info" button to send the alert to our AlertAdvisor Web site and receive advice from the experts at Zone Labs.
2. System Requirements
MINIMUM system requirements are as follows:
IBM PC or 100% compatible
Pentium processor 233 MHz
Windows 98/ME/NT*/2000/XP, 32MB RAM
10MB hard disk space.
RECOMMENDED system requirements are as follows:
IBM PC or 100% compatible
Pentium II processor 450 MHz or higher
Windows 98/ME/NT*/2000/XP, 128 MB RAM
10MB hard disk space.
ZoneAlarm works with most types of TCP/IP connections including Ethernet LAN, wireless LAN, DSL, cable modem and dial-up connections.
*Windows NT4 or higher with SP6 or higher
3. How to access the latest information about ZoneAlarm
To install ZoneAlarm, run the installation executable. The setup program will prompt you for all additional steps.
The installation procedure records the changes made to your system to a file called INSTALL.LOG in the installation directory (by default, C:\program files\zone labs\zonealarm).
To install on a Windows NT, 2000 or XP machine, you will need administrator privileges.
You must first uninstall previous Zone Labs products before installing ZoneAlarm. This ensures a proper upgrade. When you downgrade from ZoneAlarm Plus or ZoneAlarm Pro to ZoneAlarm, your previous settings will not be remembered. When you go from a previous version of ZoneAlarm, you have the option to save your previous settings.
Upgrading from an existing installation of ZoneAlarm, ZoneAlarm Plus or ZoneAlarm Pro requires that you reboot the system before running the newly installed version. This is particularly important for Windows 2000 and XP users, to ensure the system does not restore the previous TrueVector device driver.
To uninstall a Zone Labs product, select the Start | Programs | Zone Labs | Uninstall product (ZoneAlarm, ZoneAlarm Plus, ZoneAlarm Pro) item on the main Windows menu. Note that your system administrator may prohibit you from unininstalling ZoneAlarm.
When you install ZoneAlarm over an existing copy of ZoneAlarm, the installer will ask if youÆd like to do a "clean install" to delete your previous settings and start with default settings. Choosing "clean install" is highly recommended if you have been experiencing problems with a previous version. However, if you delete the previous settings, you will lose all program settings and other configurations and you will revert to the default settings that come standard with the product when freshly installed.
5. Running ZoneAlarm
You can start ZoneAlarm by choosing the Start | Programs | Zone Labs | ZoneAlarm item on the main Windows menu. By default, ZoneAlarm will also start automatically each time you start the computer.
6. What's New in This Release
3.1.392 is a maintenance update release of ZoneAlarm and includes the following changes and improvements:
- Fixed issues in relation to proxy server applications like Webwasher and Proximitron
- Improved UI max/min button display
- Fixed issue regarding display of the MailSafe warning dialog
3.1.291 Was the first public release of ZoneAlarm 3.1.
7. Licensing: License Keys and Subscriptions
ZoneAlarm requires no license key.
8. Known problems
a. BSOD and ZoneAlarm crashes caused by old graphics drivers. Solution is to either update the driver or try changing the driver settings to slow down the hardware acceleration for that driver. To do this, go to Windows display properties, settings, Advanced, Performance. Then set hardware acceleration to the second notch from the left.
b. Starting the ZoneAlarm uninstaller and then Pressing cancel on the first uninstall dialogue confirmation message may erroneously bring up an installation dialogue box. Click "Exit Setup" to get rid of this dialogue and resume normal ZoneAlarm operation, or click "Resume" to return to the uninstaller.
c. Program Control failures with Windows NT4 SP 6. To avoid this problem, be sure you have installed all available updates to NT4.[5317]