1 This license of HARDiNFO 2002 allows you to use maximum %d computers !\nFor More Information on how to get a license for more computers, please look in help.
123 Test File Size must be at least twice the size of your Memory (maximum 4GB).
124 Error: Not Enough Disk Space to perform the Harddisk Benchmark!
125 Warning: You cann't benchmark the CD-ROM with this option.\nUse the CD-ROM Benchmark option in order to test the DVD/CD-ROM performance.
631 \nCREDITS...\n\n\nHARDINFO« 2002 was created by:\n\nMario M. Mercea \n\n\n\nCREDITS: \n\nStefan Koronka\n\n\n\nThanks to:\n\nSmolik Solutions, Inc.\n\nRegSoft, Inc.\n\nMicrosoft Corp.\n\nCHIP.de\n\ncodeguru.com\n\ncodeproject.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n⌐2000-2001 by Ultimate Systems Inc.\nP.O. BOX 1367\nTimisoara 1900\nROMANIA\n\nhttp://www.usro.net\n\nE-Mail: hardinfo@us.dnttm.ro\n\n\n\n
632 Warning:\nThis computer application is protected by copyright law and international treaties.\nUnauthorized reproduction or distribution of the application, or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
633 Warning:\nThis Version of HARDiNFO 2002 is a trial version, the trial time is 30-days.\nAfter 30-days if you want to continue to use this program you must register it, please look in Help for more details on on how to register.\n
1016 BenchMarking CPU, MotherBoard & Memory
1020 CPU & Motherboard Overclock Stability Burn-in Test
1021 Warning:\nThis Version of HARDiNFO 2002 is FREE for personal use.\nDistribution of this program by OEM on new computers is PROHIBITED !\nFor commercial use you need to register the Professional version.\nPlease look in Help for more details on on how to buy the Professional version.\n
1044 BenchMark was Finished...\nNow You Can Load other BenchMark Results and Compare with Your System.
1070 Name
1071 Size
1079 Type
1081 Modified
1083 This motherboard does not support DMI or the Windows DMI drivers are not compatible with your motherboard. The motherboard information cannot be detected by HARDiNFO.\n\nTry to install the latest BIOS update for your motherboard and install the latest drivers.
1084 Error: Cannot open DispDrvURL.dat file.\nYou will not be able to download the latest Display Driver.\nTry to re-install HARDiNFO 2002.
1085 CPU BenchMark was aborted by User.
1094 Network Run Operation has Finished.
1095 There are no Selected Computers for Network Operations.\nIn order to run this network operation you need to select computers by pressing the Select Computers Button.
5000 Hide docked window
5001 Do you want to reinstall %s ?\nAre you sure ?
5002 Expand docked window
5004 Contract docked window
5005 Click here to start the CPU && Motherboard Overclocking Stability Burn-in Test.
5007 Software\%s\%s\Settings
5008 Warning: This program requires comctl32.dll version 4.71 or greater.
5009 %u,%u,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d
5010 Automatic
5011 Customize...
5012 Settings
5013 Column Info
5014 Re&move from Outlook Bar
5015 &Rename Shortcut
5016 The CPU & Motherboard Overclocking Stability Burn-in Test has Finished Successful.\nYour computer works well with the current settings.
5017 Display large icons
5018 Display small icons
5019 Click Here to download the latest driver for this adapter.
5020 The Overclock Stability test was aborted by user.
5021 Finished Successful.
5022 Pass %d of %d
5023 Do you want to Uninstall %s ?\nAre you sure ?
5024 Error: Cannot uninstall the selected Software Product.
5025 Settings
5026 Toolbar %d Settings
5027 Allows the customization of the toolbar\nCustomize toolbar
5028 Window Pos
5029 Error: Cannot open SndDrvURL.dat file.\nYou will not be able to download the latest Driver for this Audio Adapter.\nTry to re-install HARDiNFO 2002.
5030 %s has been Successfuly uninstalled.
5031 Cannot reinstall the selected Software Product.\nPlease make sure that the setup files of the selected Software Product are available in the same location from where it was installed.\nIf you have installed it from a CD then please insert the original CD in drive.
5032 No benchmark result was selected for Visual Comparation.\nPlease select at least two items then click the Visual Compare button.\n\nNOTE: To select/deselect more items, please hold down CTRL while clicking with the left mouse button on the desired item.
6000 System Overview
6001 Operating System
6002 CPU
6003 Motherboard
6004 Memory (RAM)
6005 Controllers
6006 Resources
6007 Display / Monitor
6008 DiskDrive(s)
6009 DVD/CD-ROM Drive(s)
6010 Network Adapter(s)
6011 Audio Adapter(s)
6012 Keyboard && Mouse
6013 Printer(s)
6014 Fax/Modem
6015 Battery Information
6016 Services
6017 Processes
6018 Drivers
6019 Cooling System
6020 Processor (CPU)
6021 Harddisk
6023 Network
6024 Display
6025 Make Reports
6026 Run Application
6027 System - Operating System
6028 System - CPU
6029 System - Motherboard
6030 System - Memory (RAM)
6031 System - Controllers
6032 System - Resources
6033 Devices - Display / Monitor
6034 Devices - DiskDrive(s)
6035 Devices - DVD / CD-ROM Drive(s)
6036 Devices - Network Adapter(s)
6037 Devices - Audio Adapter(s)
6038 Peripherals - Keyboard && Mouse
6039 Peripherals - Printer(s)
6040 Peripherals - Fax/Modem
6041 Mobile PC Information - PCMCIA Controller
6042 Mobile PC - Battery Information
6043 System Monitor - Services
6044 System Monitor - Processes
6045 System Monitor - System Drivers
6046 System Monitor - Cooling System
6047 Benchmark - CPU (Processor)
6048 Benchmark - HDD (Harddisk)
6049 Benchmark - CD/DVD-ROM
6050 Benchmark - Network
6051 Benchmark - Display
6052 Network Management - Make Reports
6053 Network Management - Run an Application
6054 Network Management - Shutdown Computers
6055 System - System Overview
6100 Device
6101 Manufacturer
6102 Product Name
6103 Vendor
6104 Install Date
6105 Memory Bank Label
6106 Memory Size
6107 Memory Type
6108 Detected Memory Speed
6109 Manufacturer
6110 Socket Label
6111 Chip Implementation
6112 Manufacturer
6113 Attached Device
6114 Supported Protocol
6115 IRQ Number
6116 DMA Channel
6117 Allocated to
6118 Codec Description
6119 Manufacturer
6120 Creation Date
6121 Drive Name/Model
6122 Media Type
6123 Interface
6124 Size
6125 Partitions
6126 Drive Name/Model
6127 Description
6128 Manufacturer
6129 Drive
6130 Transfer Rate for current disc
6131 Adapter Name/Model
6132 Adapter Type
6133 Manufacturer
6134 MAC Address
6135 Protocol Name
6136 Description
6137 Guarantees Delivery
6138 Adapter Name/Model
6139 Codec Description
6140 Manufacturer
6141 Creation Date
6142 PCMCIA Controller Name/Model
6143 Manufacturer
6144 Battery Type/Model
6145 Manufacturer
6146 Design Voltage
6147 Chemistry
6148 Service Name
6149 Description
6150 Service Type
6151 State
6152 Start Mode
6153 Process ID
6154 Process Name
6155 Executable Path
6156 Creation Date
6157 Process ID
6158 Driver Name
6159 Description
6160 Driver Path
6161 State
6162 Start Mode
6163 Type & Model
6164 Transfer Rate
6165 CPU Usage
6166 Interface
6167 Media
6168 Processor
6169 Test File Size
6170 Total Memory
6171 Comment
6172 HARDiNFO DiskDrive Benchmark Results...
6173 Drive
6174 Volume Name
6175 Drive Type
6176 Is Compressed
6177 Supports File Based Compression
6178 File System
6179 Size
6180 Free Space
32773 Show Information about Operating System.
32774 Create / Export HARDiNFO 2002 Reports.
32776 Start &Dr. Watson
32777 &Displays the table of Contents for the online documentation.
32778 Start Registry Editor.
32784 Start DirectX Diagnostic Tool
32791 HARDiNFO on the Web.
32792 HARDiNFO Online Support.
32793 Go to Ultimate Systems Home Page.
32794 HARDiNFO Product News.
32804 &Select Computers.
32805 &Make Reports from the Selected Computers.
32806 &Change Registry on the Selected Computers.
32807 Too many items selected !\nYou can select max. 6 items for Visual Comparation.
32808 &Analyse the Selected Computers.
32809 Change Login Information for the Selected Computers.
32810 &Run an Application on the Selected Computers.
32811 &Shutdown Network Computers.
40001 Connect HARDiNFO 2002 to other Computer...
40003 System Overview.
40006 &Tools
57344 HARDiNFO 2002
57345 Ready
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57608 Please select the Reports Output Folder.
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57638 In order to run HARDiNFO you need to change the Video Mode to 1024x768 with Small Fonts.\n\nDo you want HARDiNFO to change it for you ?
57639 Network Computers Shutdown process finished.
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57645 This option is available only in the Professional version of HARDiNFO 2002.\n\nIn order to download the Professional version of HARDiNFO 2002, please go to http://www.usro.net/downloads
57646 Error: Cannot open ReportTemplate.htm file.
57647 Sorry, this feature is not available in the Standard Edition. \nIf you want to use this feature then please go to http://www.usro.net and get HARDiNFO 2002 Professional.
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57670 HARDiNFO 2002 Help.
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
57683 This is an UNREGISTERED 30-days Evaluation Copy of HARDiNFO 2002!\nIf you want to use this program for more than 30 days, then you must REGISTER it!, the use of this program after 30 days is under VIOLATION of the COPYRIGHT LAW!\n\nDO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?
57684 ERROR!!: Invalid Serial Number!\nYou must Re-Install HARDiNFO 2002 !
57685 This Version of HARDiNFO 2002 is Not Registered!\nPlease Re-Install it From Your Original Copy!\n
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61204 HARDiNFO has detected a lower display resolution.\n1024x768-16bit Resolution with Small Fonts is Recommended.