ckShortCut = Prefix "Shortcut to" on new shortcuts
ckSaveSettings = Save Explorer window settings
ckNotePad = Add "Open with Notepad" in context menu
ckCopyTo = Add "Copy to .." in context menu
ckMoveTo = Add "Move to .." in context menu
ckCMDprompt = Add "Command Prompt" in context menu
ckShortArrow = Remove arrow on shortcuts
tMenuDelay = Start Menu open delay (ms) :
tWheelLines = Mouse wheel scroll lines :
tSizeIcon = Icon Size :
tHttpSession = Simultaneous HTTP sessions :
ckAutoPlay = Autorun CD-ROM
ckOutlook = Disable Outlook Express Splash Screen
ckClearDocs = Clear Recent docs on exit
ckNumlock = Numlock on startup (NT/2K/XP)
ckTabCommand = Use Tab for command line completion
ckCursorShadow = Dropshadow under mouse cursor (2K/XP)
ckMenuAnim = Menu Animation
ckMenuFade = Menu Fading
ckMenuSelFade = Menu Selection Fading
ckTooltipAnim = Tooltip Animation
ckTooltipFade = Tooltip Fading
ckDropShadowXP = Dropshadow on menus (XP)
btRebuildIcon = Rebuild icon cache
btApplyChanges = Apply changes !
[History Menu]
mnURL = Internet Explorer URLs
mnINDEXDAT = IE History Cache Cookies (Index.dat)
mnExecute = Execute
mnMapDrive = Map a network drive
mnFindFiles = Find files/computers
mnOpenFiles = Open files
mnStartMenu = Old Start Menu items
[Favorites Menu]
mnManage = Manage favorites
mnClear = Clear favorites
mnRebuild = Rebuild favorites
mnFav = Favorites
[Listbox Menu]
mnOpen = Open in Regedit (or double-click)
mnExport = Export selected items
mnAddFav = Add to favorites
mnEnableStartup = Enable selected entries
mnDisableStartup = Disable selected entries
mnDelete = Delete selected items
[Listbox messages]
lbTooLong = (string too long)
lbDefault = (default)
lbRefresh = F5 refresh
lbDLL = DLL file does not exist
lbFILE = File or Path does not exist
lbHELP = Helpfile does not exist
lbSTARTMENU = Obsolete Start Menu item
lbEXTENSION = Extension not used
lbFILETYPE = Filetype not used
lbEMPTY = Obsolete entry
lbAPPPATH = Invalid application path
lbOPENWITH = Unused "Open with" entry
lbACTIVEX = Invalid ActiveX/COM entry (CLSID)
lbDate = Date :
lbTime = Time :
lbAccess = Last access :
lbExpire = Expire on :
lbCookie = Cookie keeped ! (see mycookies.ini file)
dbClearHistory = Clear all favorites ?
dbRebuildHistory = Attention : this is going to rebuild your favorites with default entries<br>Do you want to proceed ?
dbExportDone = Export done !
dbConfirmDelete = Delete all selected items ?
dbConfirmUninstall = Uninstall the selected applications ?
dbRegCleaner = RegSeeker will scan your registry in order to find invalid entries :<br>unused extensions, missing files, bad references ...<br><br>You should backup any valued data on your computer before making<br>changes in your registry (wrong deletions may damage your system) !<br><br>Be sure to tick the option 'Backup before deletion'<br>To undo your deletions, double-click on the last .reg file<br><br>Click OK to proceed (use at your own risk)