Labels:book | bulletin board | grass | hakham | house | lodestone | sky OCR: King Arthur he is a that legendary he King was Arthur hero. brought The never up stories bu lived Merlin, about him je to vychovan hrdina Kral Merlinem, legend Artus Pribehy slavmijm nikdy nem nezil keltskym rikaji, Ze kouzel byl say he famous was celtic bunoh magician because He he became pulled 0 king out the when nikem. protote Stal se vytahil kralem Kouzelnij kays byl mec velmi Excalibur mladyj, magic sword Excalibur froma rock He lived 32 skaly. Zil na hrade Kamelot ozenil the brave Guniverre castle He Camelot was for and example surrounded married Lancelot bya the company beautiful Galahad 0 spolecnosti se Lancelot, krasnou statecniich Galahad a Guniverre jini. ryeiri, Byl mezi 1 Lobklopen ktere velkeho patril knights, and others They ADS at abig round table, made kruhoveho stolu tak ...