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Windows Setup Table File | 1997-06-18 | 7.3 KB | 124 lines |
- App Name Microsoft Excel Viewer 97
- App Version (1033)
- Frame Bitmap "viewer.dll, 122"
- Frame Caption Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 Setup
- Dialog Caption Base Microsoft Excel Viewer 97
- Usage String Usage: Setup\n
- About Box String Microsoft Excel Viewer 97\n\nCopyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
- MSAPPS Mode local
- Inf File Name xlview97.inf
- Maximum Object ID 1000
- Floppy Mode Root Object ID 11 : 1
- Batch Mode Root Object ID 12: 1
- Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 13 : 1
- Suppress Copy Disincentive Dialogs
- Suppress Serial Number Dialog
- Setup Version
- ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data BMP Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Us Install Data Install Dest Dir
- 1 yes Microsoft Excel Viewer AppSearch """%p\XLView"",""XLView.exe"","""","" 200"",""Yes"",""Yes"",2"
- 2 yes Search_Drives SearchReg """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"",""InstalledTo"""
- 11 yes Floppy Installation AppMainDlg 16 : 15
- 12 yes Batch Mode Installation Group 16
- 13 yes Maintenance installation Group 17
- 15 yes Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 Setup Are you sure you want to exit Setup? CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""DisplayEULAList"",""license.txt"""
- 16 yes &Install Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 will be installed with all options. Group 17 "viewer.dll, 111"
- 17 yes Main Group Group 40 50 60 140 150 240
- === Detection CustomActions ===
- 20 yes --- On 3.51 --- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""OnWindowsNT"", ""3.51"""
- 21 yes --- netscape -- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""CheckReg"", ""netscape"""
- 40 Viewer Files Group 41 42 43
- 41 CopySection """viewer"""
- 42 CopyFile """Exe"", ""XLView_exe"""
- 43 CopySection """Readme"""
- 50 yes Shortcuts/Icons Group 51 52 53
- 51 yes Depend 20 ? 55 : 54
- 52 yes CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders,Programs"""
- 53 yes CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders,Desktop"""
- 54 yes InstallShortcut """%42\%F42"", ""Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer""" %52
- 55 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Office"", ""Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer"", ""%42\%F42"""
- 60 yes System Files Group 61 62 63 64 65 71 72 73 74 90 400 %M
- 61 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""hlink_dll""" %M
- 62 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""docobj_dll""" %M
- 63 yes InstallShared """System"",""msv7enu_dll"",""msv7enu.dll"",,42" %M
- 64 yes InstallShared """System"",""MSO97v_DLL"",""mso97v.dll"",,42" %M
- 65 yes InstallShared """System"",""msorfs_dll"",""MSORFS.DLL"",,42" %M
- 71 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""urlmon_dll""" %M
- 72 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""wininet_dll""" %M
- 73 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""hlinkprx_dll""" %M
- 74 InstallShared """System"",""hlp95en_dll"",""HLP95EN.DLL"",,42" %M
- 90 Font File Group 91
- 91 InstallTTFFile """System"", ""tahoma_ttf"", ""Tahoma (TrueType)""" %m\fonts
- 139 Is netscape installed 2.X
- 140 yes Depend 21 ? 141 200
- 141 yes ---Install Netscape--- Group 142 %p
- 142 yes Group 143 %d\Netscape
- 143 yes Group 144 145 %d\Navigator
- 144 yes CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Main,Install Directory"""
- 145 yes Group 146 147 148 149 %144\Program
- 146 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""npdoc_dll"",""NPDOC.DLL"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
- 147 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""oleplug_dll"",""OLEPLUG.DLL"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
- 148 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""errormsg_dll"",""ERRORMSG.DLL"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
- 149 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""oleplug_ini"",""OLEPLUG.INI"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
- 150 yes Uninstall Support Group 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 %D\setup
- 151 yes CopySection """Setup""" %D
- 152 yes WriteTableFile """setup.stf""" %D
- 153 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\XLViewer97"", ""DisplayName"", ""Microsoft Excel Viewer 97"", """"" %150
- 154 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\XLViewer97"", ""UninstallString"", ""%s\setup.exe"", """"" %150
- 155 yes RemoveRegEntry """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Xlviewer"""
- 156 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"", ""Version"", ""8.0"", """""
- 157 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"", ""InstalledTo"", ""%s"", """"" %40
- 158 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"", ""Path"", ""%42\%F42"", """""
- 200 yes ---Netscape Installed--- Group 201 202 203
- 201 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\NCompass\ActiveX Plug-In"", ""Edition"", ""Full"", """""
- 202 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\NCompass\ActiveX Plug-In"", ""OCX Storage"", ""%s\ActiveX Control Cache"", """"" %w
- 203 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\NCompass\ActiveX Plug-In"", ""Root"", ""%s\Plugins"", """"" %145
- 204 yes Depend 21 ? 205 206 207 208 209 210
- 205 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Suffixes"", ""application/msword"", ""doc"", """""
- 206 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Suffixes"", ""application/rtf"", ""rtf"", """""
- 207 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""application/msword"", ""%s\wordview.exe"", """"" %42
- 208 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""application/rtf"", ""%s\wordview.exe"", """"" %42
- 209 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""TYPE0"", ""application/msword"", """"" %42
- 210 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""TYPE1"", ""application/rtf"", """"" %42
- 230 yes --- excel 8--- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""CheckReg"", ""excel8"""
- 231 yes --- excel 5 or 7--- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""CheckReg"", ""excel5or7"""
- 240 === RegKeys === Group 245 260 270
- --- SRG files ---
- 245 Group 246 247
- 246 CopyFile """Exe"",""excel8_srg"""
- 247 CopyFile """Exe"",""settings_srg"""
- --- All installs---
- 260 Group 262
- 262 Help AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help"",""xlview.hlp"",""%s""" %40
- --- Now Check Excel Install Status ---
- 270 ? Excel 8 installed ? Depend 230 ? : 280 300
- 280 --- No Excel 8 installed --- Group 281
- 281 CustomAction """viewer.dll"",""RegFile"",""247,,XLVIEW.EXE"""
- 300 --- No Excel 8 and No Excel 5/7 --- Depend 231 ? : 301
- 301 CustomAction """viewer.dll"",""RegFile"",""246,,XLVIEW.EXE"""
- 400 yes "Error Title" "Error Description" CustomAction """viewer.dll"",""NeverRemoveGroup"",""401 402 403 405"""
- 401 hlink.dll SelfReg """System"",""hlink_dll""" %M
- 402 docobj.dll SelfReg """System"",""docobj_dll""" %M
- 403 urlmon.dll SelfReg """System"",""urlmon_dll""" %M
- 405 hlinkprx.dll SelfReg """System"",""hlinkprx_dll""" %M