"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=The Acrobat Forms plug-in allows users to work with electronic forms using Acrobat."
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: EScript\r\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=Plug-ins required for full functionality: WebLink, IA32, WebPDF, SendMail, Spelling, DigSig"
"IDS_OF=of %ld pages."
"IDS_ERROR_PAGE_RANGE=Please enter a valid page range."
"IDS_OUTOF=%ld out of %ld"
"IDS_BROWSE_APPEARANCE=Choose a New Appearance File"
"IDS_BROWSE_PDF=Acrobat Files"
"IDS_TRIGGER_KEYSTROKE=Validate Keystroke"
"IDS_ERROR_LACKS_F_KEY=Unable to locate the form, because the FDF lacks an /F key. If the FDF came back as a result of a submit from a PDF form, then the URL is probably missing \"#FDF\" at the end."
"IDS_ERROR_EXPORT_FDF=Error during export of FDF"
"IDS_ERROR_SUBMIT_FDF=Error opening URL to submit this form"
"IDS_ERROR_SUBM_FROM_BROWSER=You need to be running inside a web browser in order to submit this form"
"IDS_ERROR_SUBM_FROM_ACROBAT=The document needs to be opened inside the Acrobat window (as opposed to the web browser) in order to submit this form"
"IDS_ERROR_FDF_FORM_NF=The FDF specifies a bad URL for the form: \"%s\""
"IDS_ERROR_FDF_FORM_NF_BROWSE=The form \"%s\", specified within FDF, was not found. Would you like to browse for it?"
"IDS_ERROR_FDF_NF=FDF \"%s\" was not found. Would you like to browse for it?"
"IDS_ERROR_REQD_FLD=The required field, \"%s\", was found empty during export."
"IDS_ERROR_SUBMIT_FAILED=Submission of the form failed."
"IDS_ENTER_PASSWORD=Please enter the password for the encrypted FDF"
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_SERROR=JavaScript error in %s script of field \"%s\" at line %d:\n\t%s\n"
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_FERROR=JavaScript error in file %s at line %d:\n\t%s\n"
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_GERROR=JavaScript Error at line %d:\n\t%s\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDARGS=Invalid arguments for function: %s.%s.\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_NOBROWSER=You need to be running inside a web browser in order to submit this form."
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDTYPE=Failed to convert parameter %d to type %s.\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDPROPERTYSET=Invalid or unknown property, set not possible.\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_INVALIDPROPERTYGET=Invalid or unknown property, get not possible.\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_SENDMAILFAILLOAD=SendMail plug_in failed to load.\n"
"IDS_JSERROR_SENDMAILNOTSUPPORT=%s.%s is not supported for this configuration, including Reader and Unix.\n"
"IDS_JSWARNING_CANCELSCRIPTEXECUTION=You are in the middle of loading plugin or document scripts.\nStopping this operation may lead to JavaScript errors.\nWould you like to continue loading the JavaScripts?"
"IDS_UNDO_VALUE_CHANGE=%s %s field value change"
"IDS_UNDO_PROPERTY_CHANGE=%s %s field property change"
"IDS_UNDO_FIELD_CREATION=%s %s field creation"
"IDS_UNDO_FIELD_DELETION=%s %s field deletion"
"IDS_UNDO_FIELD_RESIZE=%s %s field resize"
"IDS_UNDO_FIELD_MOVE=%s %s field move"
"IDS_UNDO_TEXT_EDIT=Undo text edit"
"IDS_REDO_TEXT_EDIT=Redo text edit"
"IDS_IMPORT_DATA=Import Form Data"
"IDS_SELECT_FILE=Select File Containing Form"
"IDS_SELECT_FDF=Select File Containing Form Data"
"IDS_EXPORT_FILE=Export Form Data As:"
"IDS_PDF_FILES=Acrobat PDF Files"
"IDS_FDF_FILES=Acrobat FDF Files"
"IDS_ERROR_CANNOTCREATETABLE=You cannot create a table if your initial selection includes a field that has duplicates on this form."
"IDS_MULTIPLE_SEL=Since you have selected more than one field, only the following properties can be changed:"
"IDS_ERROR_NULLNAME=You must define a name for a field."
"IDS_ERROR_NAMETYPECLASH=You have chosen a name for your field that conflicts with an existing field. Either choose a new name or change the type of your field to match the existing field."
"IDS_ERROR_NAMENONROMAN=Your field name must contain only Roman characters."
"IDS_ERROR_FONT_LOAD_SIZE_BIG=Font size set externally too big, reset to 144 points."
"IDS_ERROR_FONT_LOAD_SIZE_SMALL=Font size set externally too small, reset to 2 points."
"IDS_ERROR_FONT_SIZE_BIG=Font size too big, reset to 144 points."
"IDS_ERROR_FONT_SIZE_SMALL=Font size too small, reset to 2 points."
"IDS_WARNING_FONT_CONFLICT=The font you've chosen conflicts with other fields that share the same name. Do you wish to continue?"
"IDS_DISPLAY_NOPRINT=Visible but doesn't print"
"IDS_DISPLAY_NOVIEW=Hidden but printable"
"IDS_FONTLICENSE_CANT_EMBED=The selected font cannot be embedded in the PDF file due to licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have this font installed, Acrobat will simulate the appearance of the font. To preview the simulated font appearance, turn off View > Use Local Fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use a font which can be embedded in the file or a font known to be installed on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"IDS_FONT_CANTEMBED_CUSTOM_ENCODE=The selected font has a custom encoding and cannot be embedded in the PDF file due to licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have this font installed, Acrobat may not display the text correctly. To preview this appearance turn off View > Use Local Fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use a font which can be embedded in the PDF file, a font which does not have a custom encoding or a font which is known to be on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"IDS_ERROR_SIG_NO_FIELD=Please enter one or more field names to mark as read-only."
"IDS_STATUS_LOCK_FIELDS=Select a field in the document to mark as read-only."
"IDS_ICON_OVER_TEXT=Icon top, text bottom"
"IDS_TEXT_OVER_ICON=Text top, icon bottom"
"IDS_ICON_THEN_TEXT=Icon left, text right"
"IDS_TEXT_THEN_ICON=Text left, icon right"
"IDS_ICON_ONLY=Icon only"
"IDS_TEXT_ONLY=Text only"
"IDS_TEXT_ON_ICON=Text over icon"
"IDS_ERROR_BADEXPORT=The export value \"%s\" is a reserved keyword, please choose another export value."
"IDS_ERROR_INVALID_FIELD=The %s field does not exist, please re-enter."
"IDS_ERROR_NO_FIELD=Please enter one or more field names for this calculation."
"IDS_SUBM_INSTR=Submit all form fields to a URL"
"IDS_SUBM_STRING1=Select the URL, export format and fields"
"IDS_SUBM_DATEFORMAT=Dates are submitted in D:YYYYMMDD format instead of passing the user typed values through unchanged."
"IDS_RESET_INSTR=Reset all form fields to their initial values."
"IDS_RESET_STRING1=Use this button to select which fields to reset."
"IDS_IMPORT_INSTR=Import form data from a specified file."
"IDS_IMPORT_STRING1=Use this button to select the file to import data from."
"IDS_ACTION_ADD=Add an Action"
"IDS_ACTION_EDIT=Edit an Action"
"IDS_ACTION_SHOWHIDE_INSTRUCTIONS=Show or hide a particular form field."
"IDS_ACTION_SHOWHIDE_STRING1=%s the \"%s\" field."
"IDS_ACTION_SHOWHIDE_STRING2=Use this button to show or hide the form field."
"IDS_ACTION_JAVASCRIPT_STRING2=Use this button to create/edit a JavaScript action."
"IDS_DUPLICATE_QUESTION=Duplicate this field on which pages?"
"IDS_TITLE_JAVASCRIPT=JavaScript Functions"
"IDS_STATUS_JAVASCRIPT=Use this dialog to manage document-level JavaScripts that can be referenced by all fields."
"IDS_JSACTION_TITLE=Use this dialog to create and edit your JavaScript"
"IDS_LINE_STR=Ln %d, "
"IDS_CALCORDER_STR=The list below specifies the order in which calculations will be performed on individual fields. You may move items in the list to change this calculation order."
"IDS_CALCORDER_TITLE=Calculated Fields"
"IDS_WARN_DELETE_FIELD=Are you sure you want to delete this field from the document?"
"IDS_WARN_DELETE_FIELDS=Are you sure you want to delete these fields from the document?"
"IDS_QUESTION_DELETE_SAME=This field exists at more than one location or page in the document. Do you wish to delete all fields with the same name?"
"IDS_QUESTION_DELETE_SAMES=Some of these fields exist at more than one location or page in the document. Do you wish to delete all fields with the same name?"
"IDS_QUESTION_DELETE_LOCK_FIELD=This field is locked. Are you sure you want to delete this locked field?"
"IDS_QUESTION_DELETE_LOCK_FIELDS=Some of the fields you selected are locked. Are you sure you want to delete those locked fields?"
"IDS_QUESTION_SHOW_LOCK_PROPERTY=This field is locked. Any property change you make will not be saved. Continue?"
"IDS_QUESTION_SHOW_LOCK_PROPERTIES=Some of the fields you selected are locked. Any property change to those locked fields will not be saved. Continue?"
"IDS_QUESTION_TEMPLATE_ADD=Create a new template using the current page?"
"IDS_QUESTION_TEMPLATE_RENAME=Change the template name for the current page?"
"IDS_QUESTION_TEMPLATE_CHANGE=Change this template to look like the current page?"
"IDS_QUESTION_TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE=Change this template to look like the current page?"
"IDS_QUESTION_TEMPLATE_DELETE=Are you sure you want to delete this template and its associated page permanently from the document?"
"IDS_STATUS_TEMPLATE=Click in the area to the left of the template name to make a template visible or invisible."
"IDS_ERROR_NONROMAN_NAME=Your name must contain only Roman characters."
"IDS_ERROR_INVALID_RANGE=Please enter a valid range."
"IDS_FORMAT_GENERAL_DESC=No modification to the field value."
"IDS_FORMAT_CUSTOM_DESC=The custom format allows you to define custom JavaScripts for formatting and keystroke validation."
"IDS_FORMAT_NUMBER_DESC=The number format is used for the display of numbers, including currency."
"IDS_FORMAT_PERCENT_DESC=The percentage format multiplies the field value by 100 and displays it with a percent sign."
"IDS_FORMAT_DATE_DESC=Date formats display date values. Use the Time formats to display just the time portion."
"IDS_FORMAT_TIME_DESC=Time formats display time values. Use the Date formats to display just the date portion."
"IDS_FORMAT_SPECIAL_DESC=Special formats are useful for list and database values."
"IDS_PDF_MMM_D_YYYY=Jan 3, 1981"
"IDS_PDF_MMMM_D_YYYY=January 3, 1981"
"IDS_PDF_M_D_YY_12HR=1/3/81 2:30 pm"
"IDS_PDF_M_D_YYYY_12HR=1/3/1981 2:30 pm"
"IDS_PDF_M_D_YY_24HR=1/3/81 14:30"
"IDS_PDF_M_D_YYYY_24HR=1/3/1981 14:30"
"IDS_PTF_12HR_MM=2:30 pm"
"IDS_PTF_12HR_MM_SS=2:30:15 pm"
"IDS_PSF_ZIP=Zip Code"
"IDS_PSF_ZIP_PLUS_4=Zip Code + 4"
"IDS_PSF_PHONE=Phone Number"
"IDS_PSF_SSN=Social Security Number"
"IDS_STATUS_SELECT_FIELDS=Select a field in the document to be used for the calculation."
"IDS_MENU_FILE_CLIPBOARD=Copy File To Clipboard..."
"IDS_ACTION_FILEEMBED_INSTRUCTIONS=Click the Embed File Button to choose the file to embed in this document."
"IDS_TITLE_FILEEMBED_OPEN=Select a file to embed in this document"
"IDS_TITLE_FILEEMBED_SAVE=Save this embedded file"
"IDS_AUTERC_NO_DOC=No document is currently open in the Acrobat Viewer"
"IDS_AUTERC_NOT_TERMINAL=This property or method applies to terminal fields, or their annotations"
"IDS_AUTERC_NOT_TO_THIS_FIELD_TYPE=This property or method is not applicable to this type of field"
"IDS_MENU_PAGE_ACTIONS=Set Page &Action..."
"IDS_MENU_FDF=&Form Data..."
"IDS_IMPORT_BUTTON=Select &file..."
"IDS_RESET_BUTTON=Select &fields..."
"IDS_MENU_JS_SCRIPTS=&Document JavaScripts..."
"IDS_MENU_JS_CONSOLE=&JavaScript Console..."
"IDS_MENU_JS_CALCORDER=&Set Field Calculation Order..."
"IDS_MENU_JS_AUTOCALC=&Auto Calculate Field Values"
"IDS_WEBSEARCH_UNKNOWN_WIDGET=The plug-in required by this '%s' field is unavailable."