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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,867 lines
unit DAO36Api;
{ This file contains pascal declarations imported from a type library.
This file will be written during each import or refresh of the type
library editor. Changes to this file will be discarded during the
refresh process. }
{ Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library }
{ Version 5.0 }
{ Conversion log:
Warning: 'Property' is a reserved word. Property changed to Property_
Warning: LanguageConstants: Modules are not supported.
Warning: 'Object' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Object' in _DynaCollection.Append changed to 'Object_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Property_.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Inherited' is a reserved word. Property_.Inherited changed to Inherited_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Workspace.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in Database._30_OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in Database.CreateProperty changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in Database.OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _TableDef.OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _TableDef.CreateField changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _TableDef.CreateProperty changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. _Field.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _Field.CreateProperty changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _Index.CreateField changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _Index.CreateProperty changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Recordset.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in Recordset.OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. _QueryDef.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _QueryDef._30_OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _QueryDef._30__OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _QueryDef.CreateProperty changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _QueryDef.OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _QueryDef._OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in Connection.OpenRecordset changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in _Relation.CreateField changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in Document.CreateProperty changed to 'Type_'
Warning: Recordset.Bookmark return parameter of type PSafeArray was written as OleVariant
Warning: Recordset.LastModified return parameter of type PSafeArray was written as OleVariant
Warning: Recordset.CacheStart return parameter of type PSafeArray was written as OleVariant
uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleCtrls, StdVCL;
LIBID_DAO: TGUID = '{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}';
{ RecordsetTypeEnum }
dbOpenTable = 1;
dbOpenDynaset = 2;
dbOpenSnapshot = 4;
dbOpenForwardOnly = 8;
dbOpenDynamic = 16;
{ EditModeEnum }
dbEditNone = 0;
dbEditInProgress = 1;
dbEditAdd = 2;
{ RecordsetOptionEnum }
dbDenyWrite = 1;
dbDenyRead = 2;
dbReadOnly = 4;
dbAppendOnly = 8;
dbInconsistent = 16;
dbConsistent = 32;
dbSQLPassThrough = 64;
dbFailOnError = 128;
dbForwardOnly = 256;
dbSeeChanges = 512;
dbRunAsync = 1024;
dbExecDirect = 2048;
{ LockTypeEnum }
dbPessimistic = 2;
dbOptimistic = 3;
dbOptimisticValue = 1;
dbOptimisticBatch = 5;
{ UpdateCriteriaEnum }
dbCriteriaKey = 1;
dbCriteriaModValues = 2;
dbCriteriaAllCols = 4;
dbCriteriaTimestamp = 8;
dbCriteriaDeleteInsert = 16;
dbCriteriaUpdate = 32;
{ FieldAttributeEnum }
dbFixedField = 1;
dbVariableField = 2;
dbAutoIncrField = 16;
dbUpdatableField = 32;
dbSystemField = 8192;
dbHyperlinkField = 32768;
dbDescending = 1;
{ DataTypeEnum }
dbBoolean = 1;
dbByte = 2;
dbInteger = 3;
dbLong = 4;
dbCurrency = 5;
dbSingle = 6;
dbDouble = 7;
dbDate = 8;
dbBinary = 9;
dbText = 10;
dbLongBinary = 11;
dbMemo = 12;
dbGUID = 15;
dbBigInt = 16;
dbVarBinary = 17;
dbChar = 18;
dbNumeric = 19;
dbDecimal = 20;
dbFloat = 21;
dbTime = 22;
dbTimeStamp = 23;
{ RelationAttributeEnum }
dbRelationUnique = 1;
dbRelationDontEnforce = 2;
dbRelationInherited = 4;
dbRelationUpdateCascade = 256;
dbRelationDeleteCascade = 4096;
dbRelationLeft = 16777216;
dbRelationRight = 33554432;
{ TableDefAttributeEnum }
dbAttachExclusive = 65536;
dbAttachSavePWD = 131072;
dbSystemObject = -2147483646;
dbAttachedTable = 1073741824;
dbAttachedODBC = 536870912;
dbHiddenObject = 1;
{ QueryDefTypeEnum }
dbQSelect = 0;
dbQProcedure = 224;
dbQAction = 240;
dbQCrosstab = 16;
dbQDelete = 32;
dbQUpdate = 48;
dbQAppend = 64;
dbQMakeTable = 80;
dbQDDL = 96;
dbQSQLPassThrough = 112;
dbQSetOperation = 128;
dbQSPTBulk = 144;
dbQCompound = 160;
{ QueryDefStateEnum }
dbQPrepare = 1;
dbQUnprepare = 2;
{ DatabaseTypeEnum }
dbVersion10 = 1;
dbEncrypt = 2;
dbDecrypt = 4;
dbVersion11 = 8;
dbVersion20 = 16;
dbVersion30 = 32;
dbVersion40 = 64;
{ CollatingOrderEnum }
dbSortNeutral = 1024;
dbSortArabic = 1025;
dbSortCyrillic = 1049;
dbSortCzech = 1029;
dbSortDutch = 1043;
dbSortGeneral = 1033;
dbSortGreek = 1032;
dbSortHebrew = 1037;
dbSortHungarian = 1038;
dbSortIcelandic = 1039;
dbSortNorwdan = 1030;
dbSortPDXIntl = 1033;
dbSortPDXNor = 1030;
dbSortPDXSwe = 1053;
dbSortPolish = 1045;
dbSortSpanish = 1034;
dbSortSwedFin = 1053;
dbSortTurkish = 1055;
dbSortJapanese = 1041;
dbSortChineseSimplified = 2052;
dbSortChineseTraditional = 1028;
dbSortKorean = 1042;
dbSortThai = 1054;
dbSortSlovenian = 1060;
dbSortUndefined = -1;
{ IdleEnum }
dbFreeLocks = 1;
dbRefreshCache = 8;
{ PermissionEnum }
dbSecNoAccess = 0;
dbSecFullAccess = 1048575;
dbSecDelete = 65536;
dbSecReadSec = 131072;
dbSecWriteSec = 262144;
dbSecWriteOwner = 524288;
dbSecDBCreate = 1;
dbSecDBOpen = 2;
dbSecDBExclusive = 4;
dbSecDBAdmin = 8;
dbSecCreate = 1;
dbSecReadDef = 4;
dbSecWriteDef = 65548;
dbSecRetrieveData = 20;
dbSecInsertData = 32;
dbSecReplaceData = 64;
dbSecDeleteData = 128;
{ SynchronizeTypeEnum }
dbRepExportChanges = 1;
dbRepImportChanges = 2;
dbRepImpExpChanges = 4;
dbRepSyncInternet = 16;
{ ReplicaTypeEnum }
dbRepMakeReadOnly = 2;
dbRepMakePartial = 1;
{ WorkspaceTypeEnum }
dbUseODBC = 1;
dbUseJet = 2;
{ CursorDriverEnum }
dbUseDefaultCursor = -1;
dbUseODBCCursor = 1;
dbUseServerCursor = 2;
dbUseClientBatchCursor = 3;
dbUseNoCursor = 4;
{ DriverPromptEnum }
dbDriverPrompt = 2;
dbDriverNoPrompt = 1;
dbDriverComplete = 0;
dbDriverCompleteRequired = 3;
{ SetOptionEnum }
dbPageTimeout = 6;
dbLockRetry = 57;
dbMaxBufferSize = 8;
dbUserCommitSync = 58;
dbImplicitCommitSync = 59;
dbExclusiveAsyncDelay = 60;
dbSharedAsyncDelay = 61;
dbMaxLocksPerFile = 62;
dbLockDelay = 63;
dbRecycleLVs = 65;
dbFlushTransactionTimeout = 66;
{ ParameterDirectionEnum }
dbParamInput = 1;
dbParamOutput = 2;
dbParamInputOutput = 3;
dbParamReturnValue = 4;
{ UpdateTypeEnum }
dbUpdateBatch = 4;
dbUpdateRegular = 1;
dbUpdateCurrentRecord = 2;
{ RecordStatusEnum }
dbRecordUnmodified = 0;
dbRecordModified = 1;
dbRecordNew = 2;
dbRecordDeleted = 3;
dbRecordDBDeleted = 4;
{ CommitTransOptionsEnum }
dbForceOSFlush = 1;
{ _DAOSuppHelp }
LogMessages = 0;
KeepLocal = 0;
Replicable = 0;
ReplicableBool = 0;
V1xNullBehavior = 0;
{ Component class GUIDs }
Class_TableDef: TGUID = '{00000103-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_Field: TGUID = '{00000104-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_Index: TGUID = '{00000105-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_QueryDef: TGUID = '{00000108-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_Relation: TGUID = '{00000109-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_User: TGUID = '{00000107-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_Group: TGUID = '{00000106-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_DBEngine: TGUID = '{00000100-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
Class_PrivDBEngine: TGUID = '{00000101-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}';
{ Forward declarations: Interfaces }
_DBEngine = interface;
_DBEngineDisp = dispinterface;
_DAO = interface;
_DAODisp = dispinterface;
Properties = interface;
PropertiesDisp = dispinterface;
_DynaCollection = interface;
_DynaCollectionDisp = dispinterface;
_Collection = interface;
_CollectionDisp = dispinterface;
Property_ = interface;
Property_Disp = dispinterface;
Workspaces = interface;
WorkspacesDisp = dispinterface;
Workspace = interface;
WorkspaceDisp = dispinterface;
Databases = interface;
DatabasesDisp = dispinterface;
Database = interface;
DatabaseDisp = dispinterface;
TableDefs = interface;
TableDefsDisp = dispinterface;
_TableDef = interface;
_TableDefDisp = dispinterface;
Fields = interface;
FieldsDisp = dispinterface;
_Field = interface;
_FieldDisp = dispinterface;
Indexes = interface;
IndexesDisp = dispinterface;
_Index = interface;
_IndexDisp = dispinterface;
Recordset = interface;
RecordsetDisp = dispinterface;
_QueryDef = interface;
_QueryDefDisp = dispinterface;
Parameters = interface;
ParametersDisp = dispinterface;
Parameter = interface;
ParameterDisp = dispinterface;
Connection = interface;
ConnectionDisp = dispinterface;
QueryDefs = interface;
QueryDefsDisp = dispinterface;
Recordsets = interface;
RecordsetsDisp = dispinterface;
Relations = interface;
RelationsDisp = dispinterface;
_Relation = interface;
_RelationDisp = dispinterface;
Containers = interface;
ContainersDisp = dispinterface;
Container = interface;
ContainerDisp = dispinterface;
Documents = interface;
DocumentsDisp = dispinterface;
Document = interface;
DocumentDisp = dispinterface;
Users = interface;
UsersDisp = dispinterface;
_User = interface;
_UserDisp = dispinterface;
Groups = interface;
GroupsDisp = dispinterface;
_Group = interface;
_GroupDisp = dispinterface;
Connections = interface;
ConnectionsDisp = dispinterface;
Errors = interface;
ErrorsDisp = dispinterface;
Error = interface;
ErrorDisp = dispinterface;
IndexFields = interface;
IndexFieldsDisp = dispinterface;
{ Forward declarations: CoClasses }
TableDef = _TableDef;
Field = _Field;
Index = _Index;
QueryDef = _QueryDef;
Relation = _Relation;
User = _User;
Group = _Group;
DBEngine = _DBEngine;
PrivDBEngine = _DBEngine;
{ Forward declarations: Enums }
RecordsetTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
EditModeEnum = TOleEnum;
RecordsetOptionEnum = TOleEnum;
LockTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
UpdateCriteriaEnum = TOleEnum;
FieldAttributeEnum = TOleEnum;
DataTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
RelationAttributeEnum = TOleEnum;
TableDefAttributeEnum = TOleEnum;
QueryDefTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
QueryDefStateEnum = TOleEnum;
DatabaseTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
CollatingOrderEnum = TOleEnum;
IdleEnum = TOleEnum;
PermissionEnum = TOleEnum;
SynchronizeTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
ReplicaTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
WorkspaceTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
CursorDriverEnum = TOleEnum;
DriverPromptEnum = TOleEnum;
SetOptionEnum = TOleEnum;
ParameterDirectionEnum = TOleEnum;
UpdateTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
RecordStatusEnum = TOleEnum;
CommitTransOptionsEnum = TOleEnum;
_DAOSuppHelp = TOleEnum;
_DAO = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_Properties: Properties; safecall;
property Properties: Properties read Get_Properties;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _DAO }
_DAODisp = dispinterface
property Properties: Properties readonly dispid 10;
_DBEngine = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Version: WideString; safecall;
function Get_IniPath: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_IniPath(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Set_DefaultUser(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Set_DefaultPassword(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_LoginTimeout: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_LoginTimeout(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Workspaces: Workspaces; safecall;
function Get_Errors: Errors; safecall;
procedure Idle(Action: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure CompactDatabase(const SrcName, DstName: WideString; DstLocale, Options, SrcLocale: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure RepairDatabase(const Name: WideString); safecall;
procedure RegisterDatabase(const Dsn, Driver: WideString; Silent: WordBool; const Attributes: WideString); safecall;
function _30_CreateWorkspace(const Name, UserName, Password: WideString): Workspace; safecall;
function OpenDatabase(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Database; safecall;
function CreateDatabase(const Name, Locale: WideString; Option: OleVariant): Database; safecall;
procedure FreeLocks; safecall;
procedure BeginTrans; safecall;
procedure CommitTrans(Option: Integer); safecall;
procedure Rollback; safecall;
procedure SetDefaultWorkspace(const Name, Password: WideString); safecall;
procedure SetDataAccessOption(Option: Smallint; Value: OleVariant); safecall;
function ISAMStats(StatNum: Integer; Reset: OleVariant): Integer; safecall;
function Get_SystemDB: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_SystemDB(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function CreateWorkspace(const Name, UserName, Password: WideString; UseType: OleVariant): Workspace; safecall;
function OpenConnection(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Connection; safecall;
function Get_DefaultType: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_DefaultType(Value: Integer); safecall;
procedure SetOption(Option: Integer; Value: OleVariant); safecall;
property Version: WideString read Get_Version;
property IniPath: WideString read Get_IniPath write Set_IniPath;
property DefaultUser: WideString write Set_DefaultUser;
property DefaultPassword: WideString write Set_DefaultPassword;
property LoginTimeout: Smallint read Get_LoginTimeout write Set_LoginTimeout;
property Workspaces: Workspaces read Get_Workspaces;
property Errors: Errors read Get_Errors;
property SystemDB: WideString read Get_SystemDB write Set_SystemDB;
property DefaultType: Integer read Get_DefaultType write Set_DefaultType;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _DBEngine }
_DBEngineDisp = dispinterface
property Version: WideString readonly dispid 1610809344;
property IniPath: WideString dispid 1610809345;
property DefaultUser: WideString writeonly dispid 1610809347;
property DefaultPassword: WideString writeonly dispid 1610809348;
property LoginTimeout: Smallint dispid 1610809349;
property Workspaces: Workspaces readonly dispid 0;
property Errors: Errors readonly dispid 1610809352;
procedure Idle(Action: OleVariant); dispid 1610809353;
procedure CompactDatabase(const SrcName, DstName: WideString; DstLocale, Options, SrcLocale: OleVariant); dispid 1610809354;
procedure RepairDatabase(const Name: WideString); dispid 1610809355;
procedure RegisterDatabase(const Dsn, Driver: WideString; Silent: WordBool; const Attributes: WideString); dispid 1610809356;
function OpenDatabase(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Database; dispid 1610809358;
function CreateDatabase(const Name, Locale: WideString; Option: OleVariant): Database; dispid 1610809359;
procedure BeginTrans; dispid 1610809361;
procedure CommitTrans(Option: Integer); dispid 1610809362;
procedure Rollback; dispid 1610809363;
function ISAMStats(StatNum: Integer; Reset: OleVariant): Integer; dispid 1610809366;
property SystemDB: WideString dispid 1610809367;
function CreateWorkspace(const Name, UserName, Password: WideString; UseType: OleVariant): Workspace; dispid 1610809369;
function OpenConnection(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Connection; dispid 1610809370;
property DefaultType: Integer dispid 1610809371;
procedure SetOption(Option: Integer; Value: OleVariant); dispid 1610809373;
_Collection = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_Count: Smallint; safecall;
function _NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
procedure Refresh; safecall;
property Count: Smallint read Get_Count;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _Collection }
_CollectionDisp = dispinterface
property Count: Smallint readonly dispid 1610743808;
procedure Refresh; dispid 1610743810;
_DynaCollection = interface(_Collection)
procedure Append(Object_: IDispatch); safecall;
procedure Delete(const Name: WideString); safecall;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _DynaCollection }
_DynaCollectionDisp = dispinterface
procedure Append(Object_: IDispatch); dispid 1610809344;
procedure Delete(const Name: WideString); dispid 1610809345;
Properties = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Property_ read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Properties }
PropertiesDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Property_ readonly dispid 0; default;
Property_ = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Value: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_Value(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Type_: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_Type_(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Inherited_: WordBool; safecall;
property Value: OleVariant read Get_Value write Set_Value;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property Type_: Smallint read Get_Type_ write Set_Type_;
property Inherited_: WordBool read Get_Inherited_;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Property_ }
Property_Disp = dispinterface
property Value: OleVariant dispid 0;
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809346;
property Type_: Smallint dispid 1610809348;
property Inherited_: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809350;
Workspaces = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Workspace; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Workspace read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Workspaces }
WorkspacesDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Workspace readonly dispid 0; default;
Workspace = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_UserName: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set__30_UserName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Set__30_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_IsolateODBCTrans: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_IsolateODBCTrans(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Databases: Databases; safecall;
function Get_Users: Users; safecall;
function Get_Groups: Groups; safecall;
procedure BeginTrans; safecall;
procedure CommitTrans(Options: Integer); safecall;
procedure Close; safecall;
procedure Rollback; safecall;
function OpenDatabase(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Database; safecall;
function CreateDatabase(const Name, Connect: WideString; Option: OleVariant): Database; safecall;
function CreateUser(Name, PID, Password: OleVariant): User; safecall;
function CreateGroup(Name, PID: OleVariant): Group; safecall;
function OpenConnection(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Connection; safecall;
function Get_LoginTimeout: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_LoginTimeout(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_DefaultCursorDriver: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_DefaultCursorDriver(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_hEnv: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Type_: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Connections: Connections; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property UserName: WideString read Get_UserName;
property _30_UserName: WideString write Set__30_UserName;
property _30_Password: WideString write Set__30_Password;
property IsolateODBCTrans: Smallint read Get_IsolateODBCTrans write Set_IsolateODBCTrans;
property Databases: Databases read Get_Databases;
property Users: Users read Get_Users;
property Groups: Groups read Get_Groups;
property LoginTimeout: Integer read Get_LoginTimeout write Set_LoginTimeout;
property DefaultCursorDriver: Integer read Get_DefaultCursorDriver write Set_DefaultCursorDriver;
property hEnv: Integer read Get_hEnv;
property Type_: Integer read Get_Type_;
property Connections: Connections read Get_Connections;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Workspace }
WorkspaceDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809344;
property UserName: WideString readonly dispid 1610809346;
property IsolateODBCTrans: Smallint dispid 1610809349;
property Databases: Databases readonly dispid 0;
property Users: Users readonly dispid 1610809352;
property Groups: Groups readonly dispid 1610809353;
procedure BeginTrans; dispid 1610809354;
procedure CommitTrans(Options: Integer); dispid 1610809355;
procedure Close; dispid 1610809356;
procedure Rollback; dispid 1610809357;
function OpenDatabase(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Database; dispid 1610809358;
function CreateDatabase(const Name, Connect: WideString; Option: OleVariant): Database; dispid 1610809359;
function CreateUser(Name, PID, Password: OleVariant): User; dispid 1610809360;
function CreateGroup(Name, PID: OleVariant): Group; dispid 1610809361;
function OpenConnection(const Name: WideString; Options, ReadOnly, Connect: OleVariant): Connection; dispid 1610809362;
property LoginTimeout: Integer dispid 1610809363;
property DefaultCursorDriver: Integer dispid 1610809365;
property hEnv: Integer readonly dispid 1610809367;
property Type_: Integer readonly dispid 1610809368;
property Connections: Connections readonly dispid 1610809369;
Databases = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Database; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Database read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Databases }
DatabasesDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Database readonly dispid 0; default;
Database = interface(_DAO)
function Get_CollatingOrder: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Connect: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
function Get_QueryTimeout: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_QueryTimeout(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Transactions: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Updatable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Version: WideString; safecall;
function Get_RecordsAffected: Integer; safecall;
function Get_TableDefs: TableDefs; safecall;
function Get_QueryDefs: QueryDefs; safecall;
function Get_Relations: Relations; safecall;
function Get_Containers: Containers; safecall;
function Get_Recordsets: Recordsets; safecall;
procedure Close; safecall;
procedure Execute(const Query: WideString; Options: OleVariant); safecall;
function _30_OpenRecordset(const Name: WideString; Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
function CreateRelation(Name, Table, ForeignTable, Attributes: OleVariant): Relation; safecall;
function CreateTableDef(Name, Attributes, SourceTableName, Connect: OleVariant): TableDef; safecall;
procedure BeginTrans; safecall;
procedure CommitTrans(Options: Integer); safecall;
procedure Rollback; safecall;
function CreateDynaset(const Name: WideString; Options, Inconsistent: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function CreateQueryDef(Name, SQLText: OleVariant): QueryDef; safecall;
function CreateSnapshot(const Source: WideString; Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
procedure DeleteQueryDef(const Name: WideString); safecall;
function ExecuteSQL(const SQL: WideString): Integer; safecall;
function ListFields(const Name: WideString): Recordset; safecall;
function ListTables: Recordset; safecall;
function OpenQueryDef(const Name: WideString): QueryDef; safecall;
function OpenTable(const Name: WideString; Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function Get_ReplicaID: WideString; safecall;
function Get_DesignMasterID: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_DesignMasterID(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Synchronize(const DbPathName: WideString; ExchangeType: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure MakeReplica(const PathName, Description: WideString; Options: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure Set_Connect(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure NewPassword(const bstrOld, bstrNew: WideString); safecall;
function OpenRecordset(const Name: WideString; Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function Get_Connection: Connection; safecall;
procedure PopulatePartial(const DbPathName: WideString); safecall;
property CollatingOrder: Integer read Get_CollatingOrder;
property Connect: WideString read Get_Connect write Set_Connect;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
property QueryTimeout: Smallint read Get_QueryTimeout write Set_QueryTimeout;
property Transactions: WordBool read Get_Transactions;
property Updatable: WordBool read Get_Updatable;
property Version: WideString read Get_Version;
property RecordsAffected: Integer read Get_RecordsAffected;
property TableDefs: TableDefs read Get_TableDefs;
property QueryDefs: QueryDefs read Get_QueryDefs;
property Relations: Relations read Get_Relations;
property Containers: Containers read Get_Containers;
property Recordsets: Recordsets read Get_Recordsets;
property ReplicaID: WideString read Get_ReplicaID;
property DesignMasterID: WideString read Get_DesignMasterID write Set_DesignMasterID;
property Connection: Connection read Get_Connection;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Database }
DatabaseDisp = dispinterface
property CollatingOrder: Integer readonly dispid 1610809344;
property Connect: WideString dispid 1610809345;
property Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610809346;
property QueryTimeout: Smallint dispid 1610809347;
property Transactions: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809349;
property Updatable: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809350;
property Version: WideString readonly dispid 1610809351;
property RecordsAffected: Integer readonly dispid 1610809352;
property TableDefs: TableDefs readonly dispid 0;
property QueryDefs: QueryDefs readonly dispid 1610809354;
property Relations: Relations readonly dispid 1610809355;
property Containers: Containers readonly dispid 1610809356;
property Recordsets: Recordsets readonly dispid 1610809357;
procedure Close; dispid 1610809358;
procedure Execute(const Query: WideString; Options: OleVariant); dispid 1610809359;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; dispid 1610809361;
function CreateRelation(Name, Table, ForeignTable, Attributes: OleVariant): Relation; dispid 1610809362;
function CreateTableDef(Name, Attributes, SourceTableName, Connect: OleVariant): TableDef; dispid 1610809363;
function CreateQueryDef(Name, SQLText: OleVariant): QueryDef; dispid 1610809368;
property ReplicaID: WideString readonly dispid 1610809376;
property DesignMasterID: WideString dispid 1610809377;
procedure Synchronize(const DbPathName: WideString; ExchangeType: OleVariant); dispid 1610809379;
procedure MakeReplica(const PathName, Description: WideString; Options: OleVariant); dispid 1610809380;
procedure NewPassword(const bstrOld, bstrNew: WideString); dispid 1610809382;
function OpenRecordset(const Name: WideString; Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; dispid 1610809383;
property Connection: Connection readonly dispid 1610809384;
procedure PopulatePartial(const DbPathName: WideString); dispid 1610809385;
TableDefs = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): TableDef; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: TableDef read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface TableDefs }
TableDefsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: TableDef readonly dispid 0; default;
_TableDef = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Attributes: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_Attributes(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_Connect: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Connect(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_DateCreated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_LastUpdated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_SourceTableName: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_SourceTableName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Updatable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_ValidationText: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_ValidationText(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_ValidationRule: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_ValidationRule(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_RecordCount: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Fields: Fields; safecall;
function Get_Indexes: Indexes; safecall;
function OpenRecordset(Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
procedure RefreshLink; safecall;
function CreateField(Name, Type_, Size: OleVariant): Field; safecall;
function CreateIndex(Name: OleVariant): Index; safecall;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
function Get_ConflictTable: WideString; safecall;
function Get_ReplicaFilter: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_ReplicaFilter(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
property Attributes: Integer read Get_Attributes write Set_Attributes;
property Connect: WideString read Get_Connect write Set_Connect;
property DateCreated: OleVariant read Get_DateCreated;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant read Get_LastUpdated;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property SourceTableName: WideString read Get_SourceTableName write Set_SourceTableName;
property Updatable: WordBool read Get_Updatable;
property ValidationText: WideString read Get_ValidationText write Set_ValidationText;
property ValidationRule: WideString read Get_ValidationRule write Set_ValidationRule;
property RecordCount: Integer read Get_RecordCount;
property Fields: Fields read Get_Fields;
property Indexes: Indexes read Get_Indexes;
property ConflictTable: WideString read Get_ConflictTable;
property ReplicaFilter: OleVariant read Get_ReplicaFilter write Set_ReplicaFilter;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _TableDef }
_TableDefDisp = dispinterface
property Attributes: Integer dispid 1610809344;
property Connect: WideString dispid 1610809346;
property DateCreated: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809348;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809349;
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809350;
property SourceTableName: WideString dispid 1610809352;
property Updatable: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809354;
property ValidationText: WideString dispid 1610809355;
property ValidationRule: WideString dispid 1610809357;
property RecordCount: Integer readonly dispid 1610809359;
property Fields: Fields readonly dispid 0;
property Indexes: Indexes readonly dispid 1610809361;
function OpenRecordset(Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; dispid 1610809362;
procedure RefreshLink; dispid 1610809363;
function CreateField(Name, Type_, Size: OleVariant): Field; dispid 1610809364;
function CreateIndex(Name: OleVariant): Index; dispid 1610809365;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; dispid 1610809366;
property ConflictTable: WideString readonly dispid 1610809367;
property ReplicaFilter: OleVariant dispid 1610809368;
Fields = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Field; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Field read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Fields }
FieldsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Field readonly dispid 0; default;
_Field = interface(_DAO)
function Get_CollatingOrder: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Type_: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_Type_(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Size: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_Size(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_SourceField: WideString; safecall;
function Get_SourceTable: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Value: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_Value(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
function Get_Attributes: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_Attributes(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_OrdinalPosition: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_OrdinalPosition(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_ValidationText: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_ValidationText(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_ValidateOnSet: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_ValidateOnSet(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_ValidationRule: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_ValidationRule(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_DefaultValue: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_DefaultValue(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
function Get_Required: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Required(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_AllowZeroLength: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_AllowZeroLength(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_DataUpdatable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_ForeignName: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_ForeignName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure AppendChunk(Val: OleVariant); safecall;
function GetChunk(Offset, Bytes: Integer): OleVariant; safecall;
function _30_FieldSize: Integer; safecall;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
function Get_CollectionIndex: Smallint; safecall;
function Get_OriginalValue: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_VisibleValue: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_FieldSize: Integer; safecall;
property CollatingOrder: Integer read Get_CollatingOrder;
property Type_: Smallint read Get_Type_ write Set_Type_;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property Size: Integer read Get_Size write Set_Size;
property SourceField: WideString read Get_SourceField;
property SourceTable: WideString read Get_SourceTable;
property Value: OleVariant read Get_Value write Set_Value;
property Attributes: Integer read Get_Attributes write Set_Attributes;
property OrdinalPosition: Smallint read Get_OrdinalPosition write Set_OrdinalPosition;
property ValidationText: WideString read Get_ValidationText write Set_ValidationText;
property ValidateOnSet: WordBool read Get_ValidateOnSet write Set_ValidateOnSet;
property ValidationRule: WideString read Get_ValidationRule write Set_ValidationRule;
property DefaultValue: OleVariant read Get_DefaultValue write Set_DefaultValue;
property Required: WordBool read Get_Required write Set_Required;
property AllowZeroLength: WordBool read Get_AllowZeroLength write Set_AllowZeroLength;
property DataUpdatable: WordBool read Get_DataUpdatable;
property ForeignName: WideString read Get_ForeignName write Set_ForeignName;
property CollectionIndex: Smallint read Get_CollectionIndex;
property OriginalValue: OleVariant read Get_OriginalValue;
property VisibleValue: OleVariant read Get_VisibleValue;
property FieldSize: Integer read Get_FieldSize;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _Field }
_FieldDisp = dispinterface
property CollatingOrder: Integer readonly dispid 1610809344;
property Type_: Smallint dispid 1610809345;
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809347;
property Size: Integer dispid 1610809349;
property SourceField: WideString readonly dispid 1610809351;
property SourceTable: WideString readonly dispid 1610809352;
property Value: OleVariant dispid 0;
property Attributes: Integer dispid 1610809355;
property OrdinalPosition: Smallint dispid 1610809357;
property ValidationText: WideString dispid 1610809359;
property ValidateOnSet: WordBool dispid 1610809361;
property ValidationRule: WideString dispid 1610809363;
property DefaultValue: OleVariant dispid 1610809365;
property Required: WordBool dispid 1610809367;
property AllowZeroLength: WordBool dispid 1610809369;
property DataUpdatable: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809371;
property ForeignName: WideString dispid 1610809372;
procedure AppendChunk(Val: OleVariant); dispid 1610809374;
function GetChunk(Offset, Bytes: Integer): OleVariant; dispid 1610809375;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; dispid 1610809377;
property CollectionIndex: Smallint readonly dispid 1610809378;
property OriginalValue: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809379;
property VisibleValue: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809380;
property FieldSize: Integer readonly dispid 1610809381;
Indexes = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Index; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Index read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Indexes }
IndexesDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Index readonly dispid 0; default;
_Index = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Foreign: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Unique: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Unique(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Clustered: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Clustered(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Required: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Required(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_IgnoreNulls: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_IgnoreNulls(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Primary: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Primary(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_DistinctCount: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Fields: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_Fields(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
function CreateField(Name, Type_, Size: OleVariant): Field; safecall;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property Foreign: WordBool read Get_Foreign;
property Unique: WordBool read Get_Unique write Set_Unique;
property Clustered: WordBool read Get_Clustered write Set_Clustered;
property Required: WordBool read Get_Required write Set_Required;
property IgnoreNulls: WordBool read Get_IgnoreNulls write Set_IgnoreNulls;
property Primary: WordBool read Get_Primary write Set_Primary;
property DistinctCount: Integer read Get_DistinctCount;
property Fields: OleVariant read Get_Fields write Set_Fields;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _Index }
_IndexDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809344;
property Foreign: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809346;
property Unique: WordBool dispid 1610809347;
property Clustered: WordBool dispid 1610809349;
property Required: WordBool dispid 1610809351;
property IgnoreNulls: WordBool dispid 1610809353;
property Primary: WordBool dispid 1610809355;
property DistinctCount: Integer readonly dispid 1610809357;
property Fields: OleVariant dispid 1610809358;
function CreateField(Name, Type_, Size: OleVariant): Field; dispid 1610809360;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; dispid 1610809361;
Recordset = interface(_DAO)
function Get_BOF: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Bookmark: PSafeArray; safecall;
procedure Set_Bookmark(Value: PSafeArray); safecall;
function Get_Bookmarkable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_DateCreated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_EOF: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Filter: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Filter(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Index: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Index(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_LastModified: PSafeArray; safecall;
function Get_LastUpdated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_LockEdits: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_LockEdits(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
function Get_NoMatch: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Sort: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Sort(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Transactions: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Type_: Smallint; safecall;
function Get_RecordCount: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Updatable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Restartable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_ValidationText: WideString; safecall;
function Get_ValidationRule: WideString; safecall;
function Get_CacheStart: PSafeArray; safecall;
procedure Set_CacheStart(Value: PSafeArray); safecall;
function Get_CacheSize: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_CacheSize(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_PercentPosition: Single; safecall;
procedure Set_PercentPosition(Value: Single); safecall;
function Get_AbsolutePosition: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_AbsolutePosition(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_EditMode: Smallint; safecall;
function Get_ODBCFetchCount: Integer; safecall;
function Get_ODBCFetchDelay: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Parent: Database; safecall;
function Get_Fields: Fields; safecall;
function Get_Indexes: Indexes; safecall;
procedure _30_CancelUpdate; safecall;
procedure AddNew; safecall;
procedure Close; safecall;
function OpenRecordset(Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
procedure Delete; safecall;
procedure Edit; safecall;
procedure FindFirst(const Criteria: WideString); safecall;
procedure FindLast(const Criteria: WideString); safecall;
procedure FindNext(const Criteria: WideString); safecall;
procedure FindPrevious(const Criteria: WideString); safecall;
procedure MoveFirst; safecall;
procedure _30_MoveLast; safecall;
procedure MoveNext; safecall;
procedure MovePrevious; safecall;
procedure Seek(const Comparison: WideString; Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key10, Key11, Key12, Key13: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure _30_Update; safecall;
function Clone: Recordset; safecall;
procedure Requery(NewQueryDef: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure Move(Rows: Integer; StartBookmark: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure FillCache(Rows, StartBookmark: OleVariant); safecall;
function CreateDynaset(Options, Inconsistent: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function CreateSnapshot(Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function CopyQueryDef: QueryDef; safecall;
function ListFields: Recordset; safecall;
function ListIndexes: Recordset; safecall;
function GetRows(NumRows: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_Collect(Item: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_Collect(Item: OleVariant; Value: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure Cancel; safecall;
function NextRecordset: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_hStmt: Integer; safecall;
function Get_StillExecuting: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_BatchSize: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_BatchSize(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_BatchCollisionCount: Integer; safecall;
function Get_BatchCollisions: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_Connection: Connection; safecall;
procedure Set_Connection(Value: Connection); safecall;
function Get_RecordStatus: Smallint; safecall;
function Get_UpdateOptions: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_UpdateOptions(Value: Integer); safecall;
procedure CancelUpdate(UpdateType: Integer); safecall;
procedure Update(UpdateType: Integer; Force: WordBool); safecall;
procedure MoveLast(Options: Integer); safecall;
property BOF: WordBool read Get_BOF;
property Bookmark: PSafeArray read Get_Bookmark write Set_Bookmark;
property Bookmarkable: WordBool read Get_Bookmarkable;
property DateCreated: OleVariant read Get_DateCreated;
property EOF: WordBool read Get_EOF;
property Filter: WideString read Get_Filter write Set_Filter;
property Index: WideString read Get_Index write Set_Index;
property LastModified: PSafeArray read Get_LastModified;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant read Get_LastUpdated;
property LockEdits: WordBool read Get_LockEdits write Set_LockEdits;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
property NoMatch: WordBool read Get_NoMatch;
property Sort: WideString read Get_Sort write Set_Sort;
property Transactions: WordBool read Get_Transactions;
property Type_: Smallint read Get_Type_;
property RecordCount: Integer read Get_RecordCount;
property Updatable: WordBool read Get_Updatable;
property Restartable: WordBool read Get_Restartable;
property ValidationText: WideString read Get_ValidationText;
property ValidationRule: WideString read Get_ValidationRule;
property CacheStart: PSafeArray read Get_CacheStart write Set_CacheStart;
property CacheSize: Integer read Get_CacheSize write Set_CacheSize;
property PercentPosition: Single read Get_PercentPosition write Set_PercentPosition;
property AbsolutePosition: Integer read Get_AbsolutePosition write Set_AbsolutePosition;
property EditMode: Smallint read Get_EditMode;
property ODBCFetchCount: Integer read Get_ODBCFetchCount;
property ODBCFetchDelay: Integer read Get_ODBCFetchDelay;
property Parent: Database read Get_Parent;
property Fields: Fields read Get_Fields;
property Indexes: Indexes read Get_Indexes;
property Collect[Item: OleVariant]: OleVariant read Get_Collect write Set_Collect;
property hStmt: Integer read Get_hStmt;
property StillExecuting: WordBool read Get_StillExecuting;
property BatchSize: Integer read Get_BatchSize write Set_BatchSize;
property BatchCollisionCount: Integer read Get_BatchCollisionCount;
property BatchCollisions: OleVariant read Get_BatchCollisions;
property Connection: Connection read Get_Connection write Set_Connection;
property RecordStatus: Smallint read Get_RecordStatus;
property UpdateOptions: Integer read Get_UpdateOptions write Set_UpdateOptions;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Recordset }
RecordsetDisp = dispinterface
property BOF: WordBool readonly dispid 101;
property Bookmark: OleVariant dispid 102;
property Bookmarkable: WordBool readonly dispid 103;
property DateCreated: OleVariant readonly dispid 104;
property EOF: WordBool readonly dispid 105;
property Filter: WideString dispid 106;
property Index: WideString dispid 107;
property LastModified: OleVariant readonly dispid 108;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant readonly dispid 109;
property LockEdits: WordBool dispid 110;
property Name: WideString readonly dispid 111;
property NoMatch: WordBool readonly dispid 112;
property Sort: WideString dispid 113;
property Transactions: WordBool readonly dispid 114;
property Type_: Smallint readonly dispid 115;
property RecordCount: Integer readonly dispid 116;
property Updatable: WordBool readonly dispid 117;
property Restartable: WordBool readonly dispid 118;
property ValidationText: WideString readonly dispid 119;
property ValidationRule: WideString readonly dispid 120;
property CacheStart: OleVariant dispid 121;
property CacheSize: Integer dispid 122;
property PercentPosition: Single dispid 123;
property AbsolutePosition: Integer dispid 124;
property EditMode: Smallint readonly dispid 125;
property ODBCFetchCount: Integer readonly dispid 126;
property ODBCFetchDelay: Integer readonly dispid 127;
property Parent: Database readonly dispid 128;
property Fields: Fields readonly dispid 0;
procedure AddNew; dispid 132;
procedure Close; dispid 133;
function OpenRecordset(Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; dispid 134;
procedure Delete; dispid 135;
procedure Edit; dispid 136;
procedure FindFirst(const Criteria: WideString); dispid 137;
procedure FindLast(const Criteria: WideString); dispid 138;
procedure FindNext(const Criteria: WideString); dispid 139;
procedure FindPrevious(const Criteria: WideString); dispid 140;
procedure MoveFirst; dispid 141;
procedure MoveNext; dispid 143;
procedure MovePrevious; dispid 144;
procedure Seek(const Comparison: WideString; Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key10, Key11, Key12, Key13: OleVariant); dispid 145;
function Clone: Recordset; dispid 147;
procedure Requery(NewQueryDef: OleVariant); dispid 148;
procedure Move(Rows: Integer; StartBookmark: OleVariant); dispid 149;
procedure FillCache(Rows, StartBookmark: OleVariant); dispid 150;
function CopyQueryDef: QueryDef; dispid 153;
function GetRows(NumRows: OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 156;
property Collect[Item: OleVariant]: OleVariant dispid -8;
procedure Cancel; dispid 157;
function NextRecordset: WordBool; dispid 158;
property hStmt: Integer readonly dispid 159;
property StillExecuting: WordBool readonly dispid 160;
property BatchSize: Integer dispid 161;
property BatchCollisionCount: Integer readonly dispid 162;
property BatchCollisions: OleVariant readonly dispid 163;
property Connection: Connection dispid 164;
property RecordStatus: Smallint readonly dispid 165;
property UpdateOptions: Integer dispid 166;
procedure CancelUpdate(UpdateType: Integer); dispid 167;
procedure Update(UpdateType: Integer; Force: WordBool); dispid 168;
procedure MoveLast(Options: Integer); dispid 169;
_QueryDef = interface(_DAO)
function Get_DateCreated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_LastUpdated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_ODBCTimeout: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_ODBCTimeout(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Type_: Smallint; safecall;
function Get_SQL: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_SQL(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Updatable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Connect: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Connect(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_ReturnsRecords: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_ReturnsRecords(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_RecordsAffected: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Fields: Fields; safecall;
function Get_Parameters: Parameters; safecall;
procedure Close; safecall;
function _30_OpenRecordset(Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function _30__OpenRecordset(Type_, Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function _Copy: QueryDef; safecall;
procedure Execute(Options: OleVariant); safecall;
procedure Compare(const pQdef: QueryDef; var lps: Smallint); safecall;
function CreateDynaset(Options, Inconsistent: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function CreateSnapshot(Options: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function ListParameters: Recordset; safecall;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
function OpenRecordset(Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
function _OpenRecordset(Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
procedure Cancel; safecall;
function Get_hStmt: Integer; safecall;
function Get_MaxRecords: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_MaxRecords(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_StillExecuting: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_CacheSize: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_CacheSize(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_Prepare: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_Prepare(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
property DateCreated: OleVariant read Get_DateCreated;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant read Get_LastUpdated;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property ODBCTimeout: Smallint read Get_ODBCTimeout write Set_ODBCTimeout;
property Type_: Smallint read Get_Type_;
property SQL: WideString read Get_SQL write Set_SQL;
property Updatable: WordBool read Get_Updatable;
property Connect: WideString read Get_Connect write Set_Connect;
property ReturnsRecords: WordBool read Get_ReturnsRecords write Set_ReturnsRecords;
property RecordsAffected: Integer read Get_RecordsAffected;
property Fields: Fields read Get_Fields;
property Parameters: Parameters read Get_Parameters;
property hStmt: Integer read Get_hStmt;
property MaxRecords: Integer read Get_MaxRecords write Set_MaxRecords;
property StillExecuting: WordBool read Get_StillExecuting;
property CacheSize: Integer read Get_CacheSize write Set_CacheSize;
property Prepare: OleVariant read Get_Prepare write Set_Prepare;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _QueryDef }
_QueryDefDisp = dispinterface
property DateCreated: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809344;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809345;
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809346;
property ODBCTimeout: Smallint dispid 1610809348;
property Type_: Smallint readonly dispid 1610809350;
property SQL: WideString dispid 1610809351;
property Updatable: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809353;
property Connect: WideString dispid 1610809354;
property ReturnsRecords: WordBool dispid 1610809356;
property RecordsAffected: Integer readonly dispid 1610809358;
property Fields: Fields readonly dispid 1610809359;
property Parameters: Parameters readonly dispid 0;
procedure Close; dispid 1610809361;
procedure Execute(Options: OleVariant); dispid 1610809365;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; dispid 1610809370;
function OpenRecordset(Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; dispid 1610809371;
procedure Cancel; dispid 1610809373;
property hStmt: Integer readonly dispid 1610809374;
property MaxRecords: Integer dispid 1610809375;
property StillExecuting: WordBool readonly dispid 1610809377;
property CacheSize: Integer dispid 1610809378;
property Prepare: OleVariant dispid 1610809380;
Parameters = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Parameter; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Parameter read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Parameters }
ParametersDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Parameter readonly dispid 0; default;
Parameter = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Value: OleVariant; safecall;
procedure Set_Value(Value: OleVariant); safecall;
function Get_Type_: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_Type_(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Direction: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_Direction(Value: Smallint); safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
property Value: OleVariant read Get_Value write Set_Value;
property Type_: Smallint read Get_Type_ write Set_Type_;
property Direction: Smallint read Get_Direction write Set_Direction;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Parameter }
ParameterDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610809344;
property Value: OleVariant dispid 0;
property Type_: Smallint dispid 1610809347;
property Direction: Smallint dispid 1610809349;
Connection = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Connect: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Database: Database; safecall;
function Get_hDbc: Integer; safecall;
function Get_QueryTimeout: Smallint; safecall;
procedure Set_QueryTimeout(Value: Smallint); safecall;
function Get_Transactions: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_RecordsAffected: Integer; safecall;
function Get_StillExecuting: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_Updatable: WordBool; safecall;
function Get_QueryDefs: QueryDefs; safecall;
function Get_Recordsets: Recordsets; safecall;
procedure Cancel; safecall;
procedure Close; safecall;
function CreateQueryDef(Name, SQLText: OleVariant): QueryDef; safecall;
procedure Execute(const Query: WideString; Options: OleVariant); safecall;
function OpenRecordset(const Name: WideString; Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
property Connect: WideString read Get_Connect;
property Database: Database read Get_Database;
property hDbc: Integer read Get_hDbc;
property QueryTimeout: Smallint read Get_QueryTimeout write Set_QueryTimeout;
property Transactions: WordBool read Get_Transactions;
property RecordsAffected: Integer read Get_RecordsAffected;
property StillExecuting: WordBool read Get_StillExecuting;
property Updatable: WordBool read Get_Updatable;
property QueryDefs: QueryDefs read Get_QueryDefs;
property Recordsets: Recordsets read Get_Recordsets;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Connection }
ConnectionDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610743808;
property Connect: WideString readonly dispid 1610743809;
property Database: Database readonly dispid 1610743810;
property hDbc: Integer readonly dispid 1610743811;
property QueryTimeout: Smallint dispid 1610743812;
property Transactions: WordBool readonly dispid 1610743814;
property RecordsAffected: Integer readonly dispid 1610743815;
property StillExecuting: WordBool readonly dispid 1610743816;
property Updatable: WordBool readonly dispid 1610743817;
property QueryDefs: QueryDefs readonly dispid 0;
property Recordsets: Recordsets readonly dispid 1610743819;
procedure Cancel; dispid 1610743820;
procedure Close; dispid 1610743821;
function CreateQueryDef(Name, SQLText: OleVariant): QueryDef; dispid 1610743822;
procedure Execute(const Query: WideString; Options: OleVariant); dispid 1610743823;
function OpenRecordset(const Name: WideString; Type_, Options, LockEdit: OleVariant): Recordset; dispid 1610743824;
QueryDefs = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): QueryDef; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: QueryDef read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface QueryDefs }
QueryDefsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: QueryDef readonly dispid 0; default;
Recordsets = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Recordset; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Recordset read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Recordsets }
RecordsetsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Recordset readonly dispid 0; default;
Relations = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Relation; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Relation read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Relations }
RelationsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Relation readonly dispid 0; default;
_Relation = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Table: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Table(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_ForeignTable: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_ForeignTable(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Attributes: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_Attributes(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_Fields: Fields; safecall;
function CreateField(Name, Type_, Size: OleVariant): Field; safecall;
function Get_PartialReplica: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_PartialReplica(Value: WordBool); safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property Table: WideString read Get_Table write Set_Table;
property ForeignTable: WideString read Get_ForeignTable write Set_ForeignTable;
property Attributes: Integer read Get_Attributes write Set_Attributes;
property Fields: Fields read Get_Fields;
property PartialReplica: WordBool read Get_PartialReplica write Set_PartialReplica;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _Relation }
_RelationDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809344;
property Table: WideString dispid 1610809346;
property ForeignTable: WideString dispid 1610809348;
property Attributes: Integer dispid 1610809350;
property Fields: Fields readonly dispid 0;
function CreateField(Name, Type_, Size: OleVariant): Field; dispid 1610809353;
property PartialReplica: WordBool dispid 1610809354;
Containers = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Container; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Container read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Containers }
ContainersDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Container readonly dispid 0; default;
Container = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Owner: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Owner(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_UserName: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_UserName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Permissions: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_Permissions(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_Inherit: WordBool; safecall;
procedure Set_Inherit(Value: WordBool); safecall;
function Get_Documents: Documents; safecall;
function Get_AllPermissions: Integer; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
property Owner: WideString read Get_Owner write Set_Owner;
property UserName: WideString read Get_UserName write Set_UserName;
property Permissions: Integer read Get_Permissions write Set_Permissions;
property Inherit: WordBool read Get_Inherit write Set_Inherit;
property Documents: Documents read Get_Documents;
property AllPermissions: Integer read Get_AllPermissions;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Container }
ContainerDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610809344;
property Owner: WideString dispid 1610809345;
property UserName: WideString dispid 1610809347;
property Permissions: Integer dispid 1610809349;
property Inherit: WordBool dispid 1610809351;
property Documents: Documents readonly dispid 0;
property AllPermissions: Integer readonly dispid 1610809354;
Documents = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Document; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Document read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Documents }
DocumentsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Document readonly dispid 0; default;
Document = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Owner: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Owner(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Container: WideString; safecall;
function Get_UserName: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_UserName(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Permissions: Integer; safecall;
procedure Set_Permissions(Value: Integer); safecall;
function Get_DateCreated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_LastUpdated: OleVariant; safecall;
function Get_AllPermissions: Integer; safecall;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
property Owner: WideString read Get_Owner write Set_Owner;
property Container: WideString read Get_Container;
property UserName: WideString read Get_UserName write Set_UserName;
property Permissions: Integer read Get_Permissions write Set_Permissions;
property DateCreated: OleVariant read Get_DateCreated;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant read Get_LastUpdated;
property AllPermissions: Integer read Get_AllPermissions;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Document }
DocumentDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610809344;
property Owner: WideString dispid 1610809345;
property Container: WideString readonly dispid 1610809347;
property UserName: WideString dispid 1610809348;
property Permissions: Integer dispid 1610809350;
property DateCreated: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809352;
property LastUpdated: OleVariant readonly dispid 1610809353;
property AllPermissions: Integer readonly dispid 1610809354;
function CreateProperty(Name, Type_, Value, DDL: OleVariant): Property_; dispid 1610809355;
Users = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): User; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: User read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Users }
UsersDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: User readonly dispid 0; default;
_User = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Set_PID(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Set_Password(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Groups: Groups; safecall;
procedure NewPassword(const bstrOld, bstrNew: WideString); safecall;
function CreateGroup(Name, PID: OleVariant): Group; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property PID: WideString write Set_PID;
property Password: WideString write Set_Password;
property Groups: Groups read Get_Groups;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _User }
_UserDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809344;
property PID: WideString writeonly dispid 1610809346;
property Password: WideString writeonly dispid 1610809347;
property Groups: Groups readonly dispid 0;
procedure NewPassword(const bstrOld, bstrNew: WideString); dispid 1610809349;
function CreateGroup(Name, PID: OleVariant): Group; dispid 1610809350;
Groups = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Group; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Group read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Groups }
GroupsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Group readonly dispid 0; default;
_Group = interface(_DAO)
function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
procedure Set_Name(const Value: WideString); safecall;
procedure Set_PID(const Value: WideString); safecall;
function Get_Users: Users; safecall;
function CreateUser(Name, PID, Password: OleVariant): User; safecall;
property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
property PID: WideString write Set_PID;
property Users: Users read Get_Users;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface _Group }
_GroupDisp = dispinterface
property Name: WideString dispid 1610809344;
property PID: WideString writeonly dispid 1610809346;
property Users: Users readonly dispid 0;
function CreateUser(Name, PID, Password: OleVariant): User; dispid 1610809348;
Connections = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Connection; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Connection read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Connections }
ConnectionsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Connection readonly dispid 0; default;
Errors = interface(_Collection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): Error; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Error read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Errors }
ErrorsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: Error readonly dispid 0; default;
Error = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_Number: Integer; safecall;
function Get_Source: WideString; safecall;
function Get_Description: WideString; safecall;
function Get_HelpFile: WideString; safecall;
function Get_HelpContext: Integer; safecall;
property Number: Integer read Get_Number;
property Source: WideString read Get_Source;
property Description: WideString read Get_Description;
property HelpFile: WideString read Get_HelpFile;
property HelpContext: Integer read Get_HelpContext;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface Error }
ErrorDisp = dispinterface
property Number: Integer readonly dispid 1610743808;
property Source: WideString readonly dispid 1610743809;
property Description: WideString readonly dispid 0;
property HelpFile: WideString readonly dispid 1610743811;
property HelpContext: Integer readonly dispid 1610743812;
IndexFields = interface(_DynaCollection)
function Get_Item(Item: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: OleVariant read Get_Item; default;
{ DispInterface declaration for Dual Interface IndexFields }
IndexFieldsDisp = dispinterface
property Item[Item: OleVariant]: OleVariant readonly dispid 0; default;
CoTableDef = class
class function Create: _TableDef;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _TableDef;
CoField = class
class function Create: _Field;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Field;
CoIndex = class
class function Create: _Index;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Index;
CoQueryDef = class
class function Create: _QueryDef;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _QueryDef;
CoRelation = class
class function Create: _Relation;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Relation;
CoUser = class
class function Create: _User;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _User;
CoGroup = class
class function Create: _Group;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Group;
CoDBEngine = class
class function Create: _DBEngine;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _DBEngine;
{ DAO 3.0 DBEngine (private) }
CoPrivDBEngine = class
class function Create: _DBEngine;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _DBEngine;
uses ComObj;
class function CoTableDef.Create: _TableDef;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_TableDef) as _TableDef;
class function CoTableDef.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _TableDef;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_TableDef) as _TableDef;
class function CoField.Create: _Field;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_Field) as _Field;
class function CoField.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Field;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_Field) as _Field;
class function CoIndex.Create: _Index;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_Index) as _Index;
class function CoIndex.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Index;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_Index) as _Index;
class function CoQueryDef.Create: _QueryDef;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_QueryDef) as _QueryDef;
class function CoQueryDef.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _QueryDef;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_QueryDef) as _QueryDef;
class function CoRelation.Create: _Relation;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_Relation) as _Relation;
class function CoRelation.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Relation;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_Relation) as _Relation;
class function CoUser.Create: _User;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_User) as _User;
class function CoUser.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _User;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_User) as _User;
class function CoGroup.Create: _Group;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_Group) as _Group;
class function CoGroup.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _Group;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_Group) as _Group;
class function CoDBEngine.Create: _DBEngine;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_DBEngine) as _DBEngine;
class function CoDBEngine.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _DBEngine;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_DBEngine) as _DBEngine;
class function CoPrivDBEngine.Create: _DBEngine;
Result := CreateComObject(Class_PrivDBEngine) as _DBEngine;
class function CoPrivDBEngine.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): _DBEngine;
Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, Class_PrivDBEngine) as _DBEngine;